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Six Guns: Volume One

Page 18

by Sara V. Zook

  A little over an hour later, I pulled the car into Carmine’s lane and drove up to his house.

  “Where are we going?” Lilah asked, sitting up straight so she could get a better view of the mansion. Her lips were colored in a deep red color, her blonde hair half pulled back and clipped into place. She looked fantastic.

  I shut the engine off. “I don’t feel like going home yet, and you’re looking too damn good not to take somewhere.”

  She rolled her eyes, but she wasn’t fooling me. She was eating up that compliment and loving every second of my buttering her up.

  “It’s time you met the boys.”

  “Boys?” She arched a brow my way as she pulled down the sun visor and opened up the mirror on the back to check herself out.

  I chuckled. “Well, they pretty much act like boys in men’s bodies.” I waited until she was satisfied with her appearance before getting out. I offered her my arm as she wrapped hers in mine and we headed to the door.

  “So these are guys you work with or your friends?”

  I ran a hand through my hair. Damn, it was cold out. I could see our breath as we walked. “Work, friends, they’re one in the same with me.”


  Lilah seemed a little nervous. I liked it. She wasn’t cocky at all, and I loved that about her. I opened the front door and let her go in first. I watched her expression go to awe as she checked out the awesome room Carmine had set up for all of us. Seton and two of the Triplets were standing over by the pool table. They stopped what they were doing and came over to us.

  “This is Lilah,” I introduced her. “This is Seton and the Triplets, though they’re missing a brother right now.”

  “He’s in the pisser,” one of the Triplets answered.

  Lilah grinned and shook their hands.

  Seton pulled me in for a hug. “Sorry to hear about your mother, Cain.”

  I patted him on the back. “Thanks, man.”

  “You sure you don’t need some more time?” he asked, his eyes shifting to Lilah briefly before returning back to me.

  I shook my head. “Nah. I’m good.”

  “Let’s get this man a drink!” Hagan bellowed out, coming into the room with Remmy and Lola. Augie was behind him. “How about you, sweetheart?” Hagan came up behind Lilah and was almost resting his head on her shoulder. She backed away from how close he was. It made me laugh. “What do you like to drink?”

  Lilah shrugged as she glanced my way. “Whiskey?”

  Hagan slammed his hand down on the bar, laughing loudly as if he had already had one too many. “Whiskey? I like this girl already, Cain. Get this girl a shot!”

  I gave her an apologetic look. She only smiled. I knew she’d fit right in. I planned on drinking and laughing and doing a hell of a lot of forgetting about what had happened in the last few days in relation to Mom. Every time I thought about her, my chest hurt, and I didn’t want to feel like shit anymore. If only for a few hours, I wanted to bring on the numbness and push all the bad to the back of my brain.

  “That’s Hagan, Remmy, and his wife, Lola,” I whispered in her ear. “That’s Augie.” The missing Triplet entered the room. “That’s the other Triplet.”

  Her eyes moved from guy to guy. I doubted she’d remember all their names now, but in time, she’d know them and they’d know her.

  “Who’s this hot little thing?” Lola asked, coming up behind me and rubbing my back. “She’s not with you, is she, Nicky?”

  I cocked half of my mouth up into a smirk. “This is Lilah.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Lola.” She held up her hand for Lilah to shake.

  “Here ya go,” Hagan said, coming up behind her and giving her a shot of whiskey. He handed me one, too.

  “Thanks.” Lilah held up her glass, uncertainty in her eyes, but she entertained Hagan just the same as he made some speech about the life and brotherhood. Even I couldn’t understand what the hell he was talking about. I swallowed the liquor down and watched as Lilah did, too.

  The door swung open and in came the groupies as they piled over to the bar, their eyes on all of us guys like predators looking for the perfect prey. No matter how cold it was outside, they were always dressed the same in skirts up to their butt cheeks and low cut shirts, high heeled boots and as much makeup as they could pile onto their faces. They looked hot, don’t get me wrong, but Lilah, she looked classy hot, and that wasn’t something every woman could pull off. I doubted any of these groupies could. One of the girls came up to me and offered me a beer. She smiled as she handed it to me. I saw Lilah’s face fall a little. She didn’t want me to know she was bothered by it, but she had been. She just didn’t understand what happened here, how it was with these girls always wanting to be around to get their piece of fame.

  I moved past the groupie and over to Lilah’s side. I draped my arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. I could smell the whiskey on her breath as I leaned in to her face and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She seemed relaxed by the gesture. Some of the groupies were already gawking and giving a death stare to Lilah. They’d learn their place. If Lilah wanted to stick around, she’d soon know hers, too.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” I whispered in Lilah’s ear. “You’re the hottest, best looking chick in this entire room, and I’d take you right here if it weren’t for all these people…unless you’re into that kind of thing.”

  Lilah elbowed me in the ribcage, a smile lighting up her face.

  Tonight Lilah Cross was the only one I wanted.



  “You ready?”

  I looked at Nicky and took a deep breath as I glanced up at the sign above the bank door.

  “Don’t be nervous, babe. You look amazing,” Nicky reassured me.

  My confidence wasn’t fully back yet. It was getting there, but Mark had torn me down so much. I was wearing a tight silver dress that went midway down my thighs and elegant black heels. I had decided to pull my hair up on top of my head and had diamond studs in both ears. My makeup was a little on the heavy side for this early in the morning, but I wanted to make an impression. I wanted to knock the very breath out of Rich when he saw me. This had all been Nicky’s idea. I had thought it sounded like a good plan as he was explaining it to me, but now, physically standing here, I wasn’t so sure. I swallowed hard the lump growing in my throat.

  “Let’s go see this douchebag boss of yours.”

  Nicky was holding my hand as we entered the bank. I had expected the immediate stares that were occurring this very moment as every head turned and stared. I knew the last time they’d seen me, I was a mess. I knew I looked healthier, happier and more put together, because I was all those things. I held my head high as I headed for Rich’s office, Nicky by my side the entire time.

  Rich’s mouth dropped as he saw me enter. He rushed around the other side of the desk like he was going to hug me, but then stopped when he saw Nicky follow in behind. With Rich and Nicky almost face to face, Nicky had almost a foot of height on Rich. He was broader, more muscular, and made Rich look like the old creep he was. I wondered what Nicky would think if I told him Rich had purposely gotten me drunk just to try and get on me. Nicky would almost certainly kill him, I decided.

  “Lilah,” Rich sputtered, his eyes going down my dress and then back up. “I’ve been worried about you. How are you? You look…different.”

  I saw Nicky smirk out of the corner of my eye. It probably took a great deal of him biting his tongue so he wouldn’t say something smartass right now.

  “Yeah, I’m feeling much better, Rich. I just stopped by to tell you in person that I’m done.”

  “Done?” he asked, confusion evident in his eyes.

  I nodded. “Done as in with this job. I quit, Rich.”

  His eyes shifted to Nicky and then back to me. “Why? What’s going on with you, Lilah?”

  “I don’t need this job anymore. I’m moving onto other opportunities, things I’ve always
wanted to do. It’s time I focused on myself.” I made direct eye contact with him. He didn’t know what to say. He was in obvious shock that I had waltzed in here looking this good with an intimidating hot man on my arm. “Okay, well, that’s it then.” I turned to leave.

  “Wait.” Rich reached out and touched my arm. Nicky gave him a hard stare which sent Rich taking a few steps back. “What happened to Mark?”

  I gave him a puzzled look. “Mark who?”

  A chuckle escaped Nicky’s throat as I continued to finish turning around and make my grand exit out of Rich’s office. I was tempted to glance back and see if Rich’s mouth was still hanging open, but it would ruin the effect if I did, so I held it together until we got outside. It felt like even more bricks had been removed from my chest.

  “Did you see the look on his face?” I asked.

  Nicky grinned. “I told you, didn’t I?”

  I nodded.

  “Felt good, didn’t it?”

  “Oh, yeah.” And it did. I felt completely empowered and revived. I didn’t have to face him ever again. It was another place of discomfort I could check off the list as never having to return to. I still hadn’t been back to my house and wondered if I ever would need to. I was staying at Nicky’s, and where Nicky was felt like home, so that’s where I wanted to be.

  Nicky pulled out his phone from his pocket and began scrolling down through some messages. “I have some things I need to take care of,” he told me as he removed his heavy coat and draped it around my bare shoulders.

  “Can you still drop me off at the restaurant?” I asked.

  “Yeah, of course.” He put his phone away and led me back to the direction of his sports car.

  He drove me to the seafood place where I was meeting up with Shayna. He pulled up near the door.

  “Do you need your coat?” I asked, my hand on the handle of the door.

  He shook his head. “You take it. I’ll be fine. Do you have to wait for her, your friend?”

  “No, she’s already inside. She just texted me.”

  “Okay. I’ll text you when I’m on my way back to pick you up. I won’t be real long,” Nicky promised, reaching over to give me a kiss. I reached back over to get another one. I wiped my lipstick from his face before giving him a cheesy grin and getting out of the car.

  Shayna stood up and came over and embraced me as she saw me walking over to her in the restaurant. She had already reserved a table for us for lunch.

  “Wow, Lilah.” Shayna grinned approvingly as she looked me over. “You look so good!”

  “Thanks.” I sat down across from her and picked up the menu.

  “And you got your nails done?” She grabbed my hand to examine my fingers. “Something’s happened to you—something very, very good.”

  I laughed.

  “Are you going to spill your guts or what?” she questioned me, the curiosity eating her up.

  I smirked. “Not before I decide on what I’m drinking.”

  Shayna batted down the menu so I was now making eye contact with her. “I already ordered you a drink.”


  She nodded. “Now spill. What’s been going on with you? I haven’t been able to get a hold of you for a few days.”

  “Sorry about that.” I smiled.

  “Are you going to make me beg?” Shayna pushed out her bottom lip.

  “Okay,” I whispered. “I met someone.”

  “What?” Shayna squealed, throwing her arms up in the air. I was sure the entire restaurant was now aware of our existence at my best friend’s outburst. I chuckled. “Who is he? How’d you meet? Where’s Mark?”

  A million questions I hadn’t taken the time to make up stories for. Never had I needed to lie to my best friend before, but this—this was the exception. Murder crossed the best friend boundary. She’d tell her husband and he’d tell god-knows-who, and it was just a very bad idea. More than anything, I wanted to protect Nicky. A stupid mistake such as telling Shayna the truth about Mark wouldn’t be the reason he was taken from me. I had to play this smart. Nicky and I hadn’t even discussed Mark since that night. He didn’t mention what or who cleaned up the mess, although now that I met the guys, I figured they had something to do with it. It didn’t matter. What mattered is that Mark was gone and Nicky had the resources to cover it up for good.

  “One question at a time, Shayna.” I laughed as the waitress set down my drink. “Margarita?” I raised my eyebrows at her.

  “Bad choice?” Shayna asked.

  I shook my head. “It works.” I flashed her a grin.

  “Are you ladies ready to order?” the waitress questioned us, a paper pad and pen in her hands.

  “Not yet,” Shayna answered her.

  “Take your time,” the waitress said, walking away.

  I took a sip of my drink. It was strong. “Okay, so where to start? His name is Nicky Cain.” She was watching me intently, her hands folded together, her chin resting on them. “I met him at work. He was a client who came in.” I thought some more about the lie. I should be as vague as she’d allow me to be. I’d just tell her what she really wanted to know—how hot he was. “Shayna, I can’t wait for you to meet him. He’s gorgeous.”


  “Tall, broad, muscular, dark eyes and hair. He’s sweet, the opposite of Mark.” I let my eyes float to the menu. “Mark took off.” I saw Shayna’s eyes fill with pity. “He left with some Spanish woman he’d been seeing behind my back.”

  “Oh, Lilah, I’m so sorry.” Shayna chewed on the end of her nail.

  “They even had a baby together.”

  “What? That dick!” she sputtered off.

  I pressed my lips together and gave her a soft smile. “It’s fine, really. He has her, I have him out of my life, and now I have Nicky. It’s better for us all.”

  “I can’t believe he had a baby with someone else. I mean, I never got why Mark even wanted a baby to begin with. He was always on your case about it, but he’s so irresponsible. He would never be able to take care of one, so I never got his obsession with it.”

  “Mark reproducing is a scary thought for sure.” My eyes wandered to the sandwich section on the menu. “I think I’m going to have the BLT. What are you having?”

  Shayna hadn’t even glanced at her menu once. She was staring at me in shock from all the stuff I had just fed to her. I couldn’t tell if she was happy for me or sympathetic about Mark. Most of what I’d told her was true, so it didn’t make me feel quite as bad about being dishonest with her.

  “How old is he, this Nicky Cain?” she asked.

  “That’s a good question.”

  “You don’t know?”

  I smirked. “Well, we haven’t been doing a whole lot of talking these past few days…”

  Shayna smacked my arm. “You dirty whore.”

  I laughed. “Early twenties.”

  “You’re going younger this time…”

  “Shayna, we’re middle twenties. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  She shrugged. “I have to admit, I’m jealous.”

  “Why?” I saw our waitress starting to head in our direction out of the corner of my eye.

  Shayna shook her head and leaned back in her chair. “You look amazing, you seem like you’re on top of the world, and you’re sleeping with a younger man who, from what you’ve been saying, is incredibly hot. How could I not be jealous? My life is full of sippy cups and dirty diapers.”

  “You have the perfect life, Shayna, just remember that. I’m jealous of you.”

  The waitress stepped up to the table. “Ready, ladies?”

  I nodded as I watched Shayna reach for her menu and start scrambling for something quick she could order since she wasn’t ready at all.

  The rest of the lunch went on as always. I enjoyed listening to Shayna ramble on about her two young boys and nuisance of a husband, but today was different than the last few times I’d gotten together to chat with my best friend. Now I
was happy, and there wasn’t much of anything that could ruin the contentment that now filled me. Besides, the more I let Shayna talk, the less I had to talk about myself and risk messing up on a lie. I had thought about telling her I quit my job and that I was going to start my own clothes shop, but that would require more details about Nicky I wasn’t ready to reveal yet, because honestly, I wasn’t sure myself what was going to happen with that whole thing. All I knew is that he promised to help, and that I was truly excited about this new path opening up in my life.

  “Thanks for meeting me, girl,” Shayna blurted out, giving me a hug as we waited outside for Nicky to pull up. I had just received a text saying he was on his way. “I hadn’t heard from you in a few days, and I was about to call the police.”

  I chuckled.

  “Now I know you were just rendezvousing with your new lover.” She gave me a quick wink just as the shiny black sports car pulled up. Nicky put down the passenger window and pulled down his sunglasses so they rested on the edge of his nose as he looked out at us. “Holy hell,” Shayna whispered. “Is that him?”

  I couldn’t help but beam at the pride filling me. This was the kind of man I belonged with, the kind of man I deserved. “Shayna, this is Nicky.”

  Nicky put up his hand in a quick wave.

  “Hey,” Shayna mumbled awkwardly. She pulled me in for a hug. “What does he do for a living?” she whispered in my ear.

  I hugged her tightly as I thought for a moment. What exactly did Nicky do? Again, serious questions hadn’t been approached quite yet with us. We were merely enjoying each other’s company. Besides, seeing what I’d already seen, I wasn’t sure I was ready to handle the truth of what Nicky Cain did during the day to earn his money, although even if he told me, no matter how shocking, I didn’t think it’d ruin how I felt about him. I had my suspicions. I wasn’t stupid. Nicky Cain and the guys definitely had some sort of organized crime thing going on. I just wasn’t ready to officially ask about it yet.


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