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Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4)

Page 16

by Pj Fiala

  As Jeremiah continued scrolling, Emma quickly said, “There. He was investigated for the October thirteenth, nineteen ninety-nine murder of Sammy Duncan, one of the members of the Profaci family. But they couldn’t pin it on him or his brother, Roger Bambino, because witnesses for both me stated they were out of state and not together—Carmine in Boston and Roger in California that week.”

  Gunnar looked at his mom and dad, then around the room. Everyone stood silent, processing the information they just learned. Gunnar wrapped his arm around Emma’s shoulders and kissed her temple.

  “Dad, where was that fight held? The Lewis Holyfield fight?”

  Tapping his computer, Jeremiah scroll a bit then sat back in his chair. Gently taking Joci’s hand in his he said, “Chicago.”

  Emma stood completely straight and looked around the room. “They weren’t lying. This is proof Carmine and Roger were there that weekend.”

  Gunnar took her hand and held it. “No, they weren’t lying this time.” His throat was tight, his mind whirling. His biological father was involved with these men. Was he scared all the time? Did he enjoy it? Did he help at any time? Looking at Jeremiah, Gunnar swallowed, “What do we do now?”

  Joci popped up off the corner of the desk. “First thing is I’m making copies of these and I’m scanning them to each of us. Just for safekeeping. Then, we should call Tommy.”

  “I don’t know, Mom. I’m not sure I want to involve the police; it could make it worse.”

  JT sat forward, his arms resting on his knees. “I’ll take the pictures to the drop-off spot. You two have been through enough. But we need some assurances that these assholes will leave you alone.”

  Ryder was next to jump in. “Treklin. That’s our ace in the hole. She got involved in this bullshit, for what? Money? Fame? Whatever it is, that bitch allowed—no, actually ordered—Emma to go to that house, knowing they were going to hold her hostage. She can put all the rose color on it she wants, she knew what they planned to do and who those assholes were mixed up with.”

  Just hearing that made Emma’s blood boil. “Not to mention Greg. That son of a bitch knew all along what he was planning and he’s the one who got Treklin involved. He needs to pay too.” She looked up at Gunnar, and for the first time in several hours, she smiled at the thought of Greg getting some payback.

  Gunnar nodded at her and grinned. “We’ll get him.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips, chucked her under the chin, put his arm around her shoulders, and turned back to his family. “Okay, we need a plan.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The tan sedan slowly drove down the street, turned into the lot and parked at the local convenience mart, conveniently down the road from Rolling Thunder. As soon as Emma saw it parking, she dialed Greg’s number.

  “Emma. What do you need? I’m sort of in the middle of something.”

  “I’ll bet you are. Look, Greg, I need help. I ended up getting myself involved in something and I’m not sure what to do now.”

  Hearing his deep sigh over the line, Emma waited for Greg to grow irritated. He never did have a ton of patience with her. “What? What have you gotten involved in?” His voice was clipped and stern.

  She hurriedly said, “Greg, Gunnar had some pictures, and I knew they were important after the events of this morning, but we fought over the whole mess on the way home and, well, I took them and left the house. But now I think I’m being followed and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Where are you, Emma?”

  Looking around, Emma said, “I’m at the Convenience Mart on Grant Street.”

  “Are you in your car?”

  “Um, yes, but I was going to go inside. I’m creeped out.”

  “Emma, stay in your car. Don’t go anywhere and don’t talk to anyone.”

  Emma looked out the window and watched cars drive past. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she said, “Okay, but hurry.”

  Gunnar looked over at her from the passenger seat. “You did good, babe. Keep sucking on that energy drink, so when he gets here, you’ll be good and nervous. Kevin can’t see us from here, but we can see him from our trucks.” Looking over toward the sedan, Gunnar chuckled. “Look at that idiot sit there and bop his head to music. He can’t focus on anything.”

  Emma nodded her head and clucked her tongue, but took another sip of her drink. “How will I get rid of all of this energy when this is over with?”

  Gunnar turned the top half of his body toward her. He tucked her hair behind her ear and caressed her face with his fingers. Smirking, he said, “I’ve got a few good ideas to help you burn off that energy. More than a few.”

  Emma nodded as she looked into the blue orbs she loved. “Now that is something to look forward to.”

  Gunnar leaned forward and lightly kissed her lips. “Okay, I’m going back to my truck. I’m watching, and so are Ryder and JT. Don’t get into his car and don’t go anywhere with him. Just bitch at him if you need to, give him the pictures, and get away. If you run into any issues, we’ll be here in a heartbeat. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll be fine. The bitching part will be easy.” She smiled her brightest smile. “Are you sure this is going to work out?”

  “All we can do is try, babe. Drink up. I’ll be right there.” He pointed to his truck parked alongside of Ryder’s at the rear entrance. “And JT is right there.” He pointed to JT’s truck across the parking lot, watching the front entrance.

  “Got it. Now, go on and get out of here before Greg gets here.”

  Gunnar pecked her lips once more and hopped out of his truck, careful to stay out of sight of Kevin, who was still sitting in the tan sedan from the law office Gunnar had instructed him to bring.

  Greg pulled into the lot, right up alongside Emma’s car. He got out of his car and walked around to the front of her car. Emma slowly opened her door and stood next to it while she narrowed her eyes at Greg.

  “If I weren’t a lady I’d kick you right in the nuts for putting me in such danger, you asshole.”

  “Right, ladies always call people assholes.”

  “You put me in danger, Greg. Just a couple of weeks ago you told me how much you missed me and you wanted me back. Then you arrange to have me kidnapped? You son of a bitch, you deserve to be six feet under. Thank God Gunnar was there to save me.”

  Greg narrowed his eyes. He squared his shoulders. “Gunnar was there? Why is this the first I’m hearing of that little tidbit of news?”

  Emma looked over at the sedan where Kevin sat—still bopping his head to some song—oblivious to what is going on around him.

  “Why don’t you ask that dolt you work with?” Shaking her head, Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “Why, Greg? Why would you risk putting me in such danger?”

  “You weren’t in danger, Emma. He is an idiot.” Greg pointed to the oblivious Kevin, still moving to the music. “All they were going to do was ask you to call Gunnar and get the fucking pictures. That’s all you had to do.”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she yelled, “He pulled a fucking gun on us, Greg! Stupid fucker could have shot us.”

  Ramming his hands into his hair he let out a huff. “Jesus. What the fuck am I going to do with that stupid fucker?”

  Emma, feeling bold and a little buzzy as that energy drink kicked in, stuck a hand on her hip and pointed a finger at Greg.

  “He also told us you got that bitch Treklin to get me over there. She dummied up some documents and asked me to deliver them. He said you arranged all of that, had Kevin come to the office so I would see him and wonder and then have her send me over. What did you pay her?”

  “Okay, I’m not talking about this to you. Just give me the pictures.”

  “I want answers. I want to know how much on the take she’s in for. What’s my life worth to you?”

  “Your life wasn…Fuck it. Emma, I don’t have the patience for this shit.” Yelling now, “Give me the Goddamn pictures, Emma!”

  “A thous
and dollars? Two thousand? What was it?”

  Taking a step forward, Greg’s eyes narrowed and his shoulders took on a menacing hunch forward as he advanced. Emma placed her car door between herself and Greg. She glanced over and saw Kevin watching them, his mouth shaped into an O. Dolt.

  “Last time, Emma. Give me the fucking pictures. Right. Now.”

  Realizing her bitching wasn’t working, Emma decided to work him another way. She started crying. It was easy to do, that stupid energy drink had her emotions all over the place right now, and he did look a bit scary.

  “I’m sorry, Greg,” she sobbed. “I’m just so…hurt. I never thought you wanted to kill me.”

  Greg dropped his arms and stared in disbelief as the tears streamed down her face.

  “Jesus,” he whispered. “I never wanted you dead, Em. I didn’t know he had a gun or would point it at you. I told Treklin to talk to him and make sure he understood they were only to scare you enough to have you call Gunnar.”

  Hiccupping a bit, Emma wiped her eyes. “Gunnar was already there when I got there.”

  Greg looked over at Kevin, who was now getting out of his car and shook his head. This organization was falling apart in a New York minute.

  Softening his voice and slowly walking toward Emma, Greg said, “May I have the pictures, Em? It’s very important that I have them. My life depends on it now. I’ll make sure you’re never bothered again.”

  Emma’s lips pursed, and she bit her bottom lip as she looked into his hazel eyes. His suit was disheveled, and his eyes showed the signs of a tired man. She almost felt sorry for him. She slowly bent to reach into the passenger seat of the car and pulled out the box. She reached forward and then pulled it back.

  “Why did Dianna give them to Gunnar if those pictures were in there?”

  “Keith told her he wanted Gunnar to have them. She didn’t know he put those pictures in the box. He was probably afraid that dumbass of a son of his would get himself killed with them,” he said, nodding toward Kevin.

  Kevin’s brows furrowed as he made his way closer to them. Once he was next to Greg, he stopped and glared at Emma.

  “Just tell me which pictures they are, and I’ll pull them out. These are the only pictures Gunnar has of his dad.”

  Greg rolled his eyes as he stepped forward and grabbed at the box. Emma twisted so he couldn’t grab the box and when she did, Kevin jumped forward and pinned Emma to the car, his body pressing hers onto the hood, grinding his quickly growing erection into her behind.

  Gunnar, JT, and Ryder all jumped from their vehicles and raced toward them, but before they could get to Emma and Kevin, Emma reared her head back and smacked Kevin in the nose with the back of her head. The sickening thud and crunch of bone that followed made her stomach twist, but the wailing coming from Kevin as his nose spurted blood called an awful lot of attention to the group. Gunnar got to Kevin first and shoved him hard to the ground while JT and Ryder each stood on either side of him to make sure he didn’t get up. Both of them piercing Kevin with a death stare, Kevin’s wailing stopped as he laid back on the ground with his hands covering his nose.

  Greg had grabbed the box off the hood of the car where it fell when Emma was shoved against it. Moving the photos around a bit, he pulled the two photos out of the box, looked at them closely, then tossed the box on the car hood next to Emma, the sneer on his face grotesque.

  “Did you look at these?” He quickly tucked the pictures into his inside jacket pocket.

  “No. I just took the damn box because Gunnar was talking about it and worrying over it. I didn’t want you or Treklin or any of the goons you work for to come looking for us, so I took the box and left.”

  Greg shrugged, looked at Gunnar and said, “Your dad was an asshole. He left a trail of kids behind, always screwing around on his wife, and then he had that stupid excuse for a human as a son.” He nodded towards Kevin. “Dumb fuck tried to follow in his dad’s footsteps with the organization, but he can’t follow simple directions. As you know.”

  Emma looked over at Kevin who was still lying on the ground whimpering.

  Gunnar’s jaw tightened and his knuckles turned white from tightening his fists. He couldn’t argue, but having Greg say it out loud just pissed him off. He glared at Greg, causing Greg to swallow and step back.

  “We’re done here. I’m leaving. You all should do the same,” Greg said.

  “Yeah.” Emma grabbed the box, tossed it onto the passenger seat and looked briefly at Greg. “Thanks. For nothing.”

  Emma looked to Gunnar, “You ready?”

  Gunnar nodded once and looked at his brothers as they stepped away from Kevin and began walking towards their vehicles.

  Greg looked at Kevin and said, “Get home now. Take Treklin’s car back to your place and wait for instructions.”

  Greg stomped to his car, jumped into the driver’s seat and turned the key. He quickly peeled out of the parking lot.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “You want to tell me what the fuck happened?” Greg clipped into his Bluetooth.

  “Excuse me?” Chery Treklin said, the disdain in her voice.

  “You fucked up, Treklin. Not only was Gunnar already at the house, but you told that dolt, Kevin, all about our deal. He blabbed to Emma and Gunnar. I told you not to tell that stupid fuck anything; he has a big damn mouth.”

  “Look, Greg. I did what was asked of me. I needed to get Emma there and I did. I expect my money in my account this afternoon. If not, I’ll call Carmine myself and tell him you fucked up. Got it?”

  Greg punched the end call button on his dash with extreme force. Pushing another button, he spoke into his speakers, “Call Smith.”


  “Where are you?”

  “I’m watching the Simpson house.”

  “You’ve got a new target.”


  Emma pulled into the driveway at home with Gunnar, Ryder and JT following close behind. She got out of her car and turned to Gunnar’s truck as he jumped out. He jogged up to her and wrapped her in his arms, twirled her around a couple of times and kissed her firmly on the lips.

  “You did fantastic.” He kissed her again. “And remind me not to piss you off. Holy shit.”

  Emma giggled as she looked into his eyes.

  “Let’s go have a beer and call Mom and Dad,” JT spoke up behind Gunnar. Gunnar looked into Emma’s shiny brown eyes and grinned.

  He whispered into her ear, “Then, we’ll burn off some of your energy.”

  Ryder walked past them both, “I heard that. We won’t stay long. I think Dad expects someone to work today.”


  Hearing the door latch click into place, Emma turned from throwing the empty beer bottles into the garbage. She smiled as Gunnar slowly stalked toward her. Before he got to her, Emma reached for the hem of the black tank top she wore and pulled it over her head. She tossed it at him as he continued toward her. His eyes traveled down her body, taking in the lacy black bra she wore. The smile on his lips widened and his dimples came out to play. Yum.

  She tucked her thumbs under her straps and pulled them down, dragging the bra down with them. She reached behind and unhooked it and let it fall to the floor. She heard him suck in a breath as she wrapped her hands around her breasts and teased her nipples to hard little peaks. Giving them a slight twist, she smirked as she looked into his eyes. He reached forward and held her in place as he bent his head and sucked in a taut nipple. She drove her hands into his hair and held him in place as she huffed out a breath.

  “Now. Hard, fast, and dirty,” she growled into his hair.

  Letting out a growl of his own, Gunnar hefted her up. She quickly wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked to the bedroom, expertly navigating the furniture along the way. His lips nipped at her. Her lips ravaged him. Walking into the bedroom, he kicked the door closed with his boot and strode to the bed. Slowly letting her slide down his body, his eyes bore into
hers, not hiding any of the hunger and passion he felt for her.

  She quickly grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up over his head and tossed it aside. Each unfastened their jeans and slid them down their legs, dragging their undergarments with them. Now standing completely naked and panting furiously, Gunnar slid his hand into Emma’s hair and fisted it while pulling her forward and savagely kissing her lips. His other hand slid down her taut abs to pulse his fingers over her clit.

  A loud breath escaped her as she bucked into his hand. His finger slid into her, and then out, sliding up and around her clit only to slide back down and inside of her again. Her heart hammered in her chest and she wanted to scream when his fingers left her clit, and then scream again when his fingers pulled out of her. It was maddening. Her hands roamed everywhere on his body. She reached around and squeezed his sexy firm ass, and she tried pulling him into her so she could find her release. The thrumming of her blood through her body made her feel on fire. Only he could quench it.

  “Jeez, Gunnar. Please. I’m going crazy here,” she managed to gasp out.

  She heard him chuckle in her ear, but before she could pull back and look at him, he spun her around, bent her over the bed, slapped her ass twice, and quickly thrust himself into her.

  “Oh.” She cried out. Not in pain, but excruciating pleasure. She fisted the comforter in her hands and Gunnar thrust into her from behind like an animal in heat. He reached around her body and between Emma and the mattress and began a sweet assault on her clit—circling it in perfect rhythm to his thrusts. She was breathless and hot, her body burned with the pleasures that were raging in her. Two hard thrusts from behind and she cried out her orgasm.

  “Jesus,” Gunnar huffed, still pumping into her, then groaned out his own pleasure as he spilled into her. After several shallow pumps, he fell on top of her, breathing heavily. His sweat mingled with hers, his breaths matched hers, and his heart hammered to the same rhythm of hers.


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