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Best Friend Billionaire

Page 21

by Lexi Banks

  She nodded slowly, smiling at me as she did. “Yeah, I think that’s why I’ve held back, because I was so freaked out. But I don’t want to hold back anymore; I want to dive into it, to see where it can go.”

  We held each other’s gaze for a while, looking at each other with love. The sheer magnitude of the revelation that we’d just shared with one another weighed heavily, but in a really good way. I liked the way it made me feel.

  “So, where do we go from here?” she asked with a shrug. “What do we do now?”

  That question was so loaded, so full of meaning. We could discuss what we wanted to do right at that moment or for the rest of our lives. The future felt a bit too overwhelming right now, so I decided to sit on what we were going to do right now instead. “What do you want to do right now? You want to go out?”

  She shook her head and smirked at me. “No way; out is the last place I want to be right now.”

  There was a sparkle in her eyes, one I recognized well, not that I was expecting it. I wasn’t quite sure what to do about it, but I didn’t want to leave this brand new atmosphere just clinging to the air. I leaned in, trying to see how she would react and she immediately hooked her arms around my neck, dragging me the rest of the way to her. Our lips connected and I was filled with fireworks. They all but consumed me, and I loved it. This kiss felt better than anything which had come before it, and that was because of those magical three words. It was crazy what an effect ‘I love you’ could have on me. Maddie too, but the feel of it. She had well and truly sunk into the kiss and was darting her tongue gently between my lips, sparking a fire in my belly.

  “Oh wow,” I gasped as I pulled back from her. “That really was something else.”

  I watched her fingers reach up to her mouth, and she brushed the area that I’d been only moments before. That made me smile because it showed that she could feel the same tingling as me. I hoped the emotions buzzed and zigzagged through her body like they were doing to me, I wished I could climb inside her body to find out.

  “I want you to take me up to bed,” she practically growled at me. “Can we do that already?”

  Relief flooded me. It felt good to hear her say those words. After I acted in a way that she didn’t like during the most crucial dark period of her life it could have easily been the end of us. Thank goodness, it wasn’t. To celebrate, I scooped her up in my arms and grinned down at her while I carried her through my home to the bedroom. She kept her arms around my neck and smiled up at me, the love shining in her expression.

  Once inside my room, I dropped her down onto the sheets, and I carried the kiss on there. it got hotter and hotter by the moment, swirling around inside of me until I damn near exploded.

  This woman will be the death of me, I thought happily, and I might just let her...

  Chapter 36 – Madison


  Parker’s hands slid under my butt, and he lifted me lightly from the sheets. I loved being closer to him, and I rolled my hips into his, grinding with him to prove as much. Setting my feelings free was the biggest turn on of them all... something which I found very surprising. There was a pulsing in my core that needed sating.

  “Oh, Parker,” I gushed while running my hands all over his face. “You have no idea how good you feel.”

  He slipped my trousers down tantalizingly slowly, brushing his thumb all over my hypersensitive thighs as he went. My skin tingled as if there were electrical shocks going on underneath; I even shuddered violently under the delicate touch he gave me. It was so damn good. I adored it; I found it intoxicating.

  On top of how on fire I felt, the concept that I didn’t have to let this wonderful man go, the idea that I could have a real future with him was everything. I was so glad that we’d progressed past being just friends. It was the scariest but best decision that we had ever made in our lives. Only made better as I unbuttoned his shirt.

  I ran my hands all over those delicious abs of his, groaning desperately as I went. I loved feeling his strength, his power. It might have been surprising to some since he didn’t necessarily look his muscular in his clothing but that made it even better. It was a secret that I got to keep, one just for me. Then I slid my hands lower, hooking my fingers around the waistband of his trousers and I slowly slid them down, I was sure to grab onto his ass as I went, gripping tightly to that sexy butt that I would hopefully get to keep forever more.

  God, I wanted this man to belong to me forever. I really wanted this relationship to last.

  With that one thought in mind, I rolled him onto his back so I sat straddling him and I tugged my top up over my head. The sheen of sweat already shimmering on the top of my skin showed how needy I felt. There was also a red flush darting all over me, crying out for Parker. I needed my deep satisfaction.

  Parker fixed his eyes on me, giving me a dark, heady lust as I slid my arms behind my back and I unhooked my bra. I slid it off my arms and flung it from my body, catching it on the light as it went.

  “Oops,” I giggled playfully, shrugging my shoulders as I did. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  But Parker wasn’t laughing. He gripped onto my shoulders with both hands and dragged me to him. Only his mouth didn’t connect with mine like I expected; his lips wrapped around my left nipple instead. He tugged and teased, licking my breast all over while I made small movements up and down, grinding against him. The lace of my panties and the cotton of his boxers lay between us, but that was it. It meant I could feel everything. His cock was hard, straining under the material, he was begging to be let free and damn I, I needed that too.

  I dragged my breast away from his mouth, making Parker groan as if he was in sheer agony, and I slowly moved downwards. I kissed all over his face, his neck, his torso, further and further down. By the time I dragged his boxers down using my teeth his hands had fisted up in my hair, and he was tugging as the bliss got to him.

  “Maddie,” he gushed, the word getting stuck in his throat. “Oh, Maddie, I love you so much.”

  I took his thick cock between my fingers and took him deep into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his thick length, and I dragged him all the way to the back of my throat. I loved the taste of him, it was incredible. I wanted more of it, so I picked up the pace rapidly, and I pumped him in my warm, hot mouth. His hips bucked too, so he was meeting me in the middle, and the moans and guttural sounds coming from him were like that of an animal. His head had to have been spinning; I had a funny feeling that any minute now he would lose it...

  Which was why I had to whip my mouth away. It was hard, I didn’t really want to, but my core would never forgive me if I let him unload his salty desire into my throat. I pulsed so badly; I wanted to feel him. I needed him buried deep inside of me before the night was out. I hoped more than once, and this wasn’t the way to start that. Much as it killed me, I dragged off him and collapsed on the bed next to him. I needed him to take control.

  “You have no idea what you’ve just done to me.” Parker sat up and grabbed onto my thighs. He parted them and yanked me towards him so he was sitting in between me, right where I screamed out for him. I could almost sense his throbbing cock, and I craved it badly. “I’m going to drive you to the edge, to punish you.”

  Something about the word ‘punish’ did something to me. My heart rate kicked up a notch, and my mouth ran dry. I lifted my butt off the bed, trying to angle him towards me, but since I’d made the foolish mistake of giving him control he wasn’t about to let that happen. Instead, he slid right off the bed so his knees were on the floor and he dragged me until my core was level with his mouth, ready for him to taste me.

  Except he didn’t not at first. He remained seated where he was just breathing on me tickling my entrance and tracing patterns all over the top part of my thighs making me shudder and shiver violently. Already I couldn’t take it, and he hadn’t even drawn near to me yet. He was tantalizingly close, but I got no pleasure from it.

  “Do you want i
t?” he asked me in a coy, teasing tone of voice. “Do you need it, Maddie?”

  “I... I do,” I rasped back. “I need it. I need it bad.”

  “You’re so wet,” he replied while running a silky finger up and down my slit. “So hot.”

  “That’s all for you,” I promised him. “Everything is all for you.”

  Those words had the delightfully magic effect on him that led me to getting exactly what I wanted. He slipped two of his fingers into me, massaging and exploring my needy insides, and he clamped onto my clit with his mouth. He swirled me with his tongue, sending a deep and explosive pressure building in my system. His mouth felt phenomenal, his fingers just as good. The time away from him had served as a sort of foreplay too because I definitely felt like I was pushing too close to the edge of desire far too soon. I wanted to enjoy this moment, to savor every moment of it, but he was moving too rapidly. Too damn deliciously fast.

  I fisted the sheets beneath me as it became too much. I needed something to cling to, to keep me in place, but it didn’t seem to work too well because it wasn’t long before Parker had to use his hands to fix my legs in place instead while he consumed me with his mouth. I started to fly, it all became far too much.

  “Fuck, Parker!” I screamed. “Oh, shit, that feels...” My hips shook from side to side. “It’s amazing.”

  I was tipping, the anticipation built, I knew that it wouldn’t be long and I yearned for that moment. I pressed my core into his mouth, urging it alone, needing that release this second. I even let go of the sheets long enough to knead my own breast because it intensified the pleasure. I flicked my nipple, enjoying the way the sensations felt linked. I could feel a tug between what Parker did to me and what I was doing to myself. It drove me...

  Just at the moment I thought I might tip over that edge, Parker whipped his mouth away, leaving me breathless. I could barely speak the sensation felt so shocking. I couldn’t think never mind speak. I was a state.

  “Oh my God, Parker,” I growled, frustrated. “I can’t believe you just did that to me, you...”

  I couldn’t finish my sentence; he didn’t give me the chance to. Parker climbed back on top of me, and he crashed his mouth into mine before I could call him all the names under the sun. I didn’t need to see to know that he was rolling a condom on, I could feel the sensation of him doing so between us which immediately brought me back to a place of excitement. I knew I would get my satisfaction soon enough, thank God!

  Once he had the condom on, he slid himself into me. Thank goodness the teasing was done, I really didn’t need any more of that. I parted my thighs further, let him slide all the way in and wrapped my legs tightly around his back. That way, I could control his thrusts as he slammed his way into me.

  We moaned and groaned, crying out together as the pleasure built. I could feel him everywhere, he was all over me, and I loved it. This moment of connection was about more than just sex. It was our hearts connecting, our love depending and it felt amazing. I loved every freaking moment of it.

  As I finally tipped over the edge into oblivion, my head swam with sheer pleasure. The orgasm was more intense than anything I’d ever experienced. It swelled in my chest, it burst and exploded free, it felt phenomenal. It shattered through my system, making me buck and writhe beneath him. I clung to Parker, digging my nails into his skin, desperately trying not to completely lose myself as the pleasure swallowed me whole.

  “Oh, Parker!” I yelled as I tossed my head back. “Oh my God, Parker.”

  As we collapsed onto the bed next to one another, panting desperately, I tucked myself under his arm so I could stay connected to him. I was all in with Parker now; there was nothing holding us back. The friendship had been a little bit of an issue before, but now we were past that. Since we’d been through the worst and come out the other side, I felt confident that we could survive anything. We were the real deal.

  “I love you,” I whispered quietly to Parker. I needed to say it again. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” He dipped his head down and kissed me. “You are everything to me.”

  I felt safe and secure in his arms, happier than I had been in ages. I smiled to myself as everything came together. Only two days ago, I was damn near planning my own funeral, now I could consider other things all over again. Maybe to other people, a benign tumor wouldn’t class as a second chance, but to me it was. I intended to use this second chance well and to do something positive with it. I would live every day like my last.

  My head whirred as it darted and dipped over potential ideas for the future. None of them settled enough for me to actually work through what I was going to do, but that didn’t matter. I didn’t need to worry about it at all. I had all the time in the world to figure it out, and with Parker by my side too...

  Chapter 37 – Parker


  I whistled to myself, feeling a lot happier than the last time I was in this building, but that was because everything had changed. Maddie was back in my life now, and in a big way too. We’d now told one another that we were in love and the future looked bright. In a way, Buster was right. If I’d just waited for her to come back to me, it might well have happened anyway, but I didn’t regret pushing it. It proved how much I loved her.

  “Oh wow.” Buster’s face lit up like a Christmas tree as he saw me. “You look happy today.”

  “I am.” I slumped back into the chair and smirked at him. “Very happy, in fact.”

  “Do I take it that everything is okay now then?” Buster narrowed his eyes. “Dare I ask?”

  “You can ask. Everything is great. Really good actually; me and Maddie are back on track.”

  “You are? Oh, well that’s amazing. I couldn’t be happier for you both. Maybe we could have dinner?”

  “What, the four of us?” All of a sudden, that idea sounded amazing. I could see us all sitting around a table and having a good laugh. I imagined Lola and Maddie would get on really well. “Yeah, I love that plan. Set it up!”

  “Well, Lola’s the one who wanted to do it, so I’ll get her to do it, but sure. That sounds great.”

  He picked up his cell phone and fired off a text message, presumably to Lola. I smiled to myself as he did. Now that I’d found my own happiness, I could quite easily enjoy his happiness too. I was glad that he had such a good woman in his life and I couldn’t wait to combine the two. It was going to be great. A new phase for Buster and me, but a really good one. I wasn’t sure I’d ever see us here, but it felt great to get so far.

  “So, what happened? Are you going to tell me how everything went from terrible to awesome?”

  “I think it all starting looking up when she got the positive outcome. The lump is benign.”

  Buster breathed out a sigh of relief. Clearly, this was something that had troubled him as much as me. Or maybe not quite that much, but enough. He was friends with Maddie, he did like her, so that made sense.

  “Oh, thank goodness.” He mocked wiping sweat from his forehead. “That was a worry there. Although she’s a strong enough woman to survive anything. I think she would have been just fine. She would’ve survived it.”

  “I know.” I could nod along and agree now that it wasn’t an issue. “I agree with you, but it was worrying.”

  “Yeah, I know. But it’s over now. You can finally relax and just enjoy each other. That must feel good.”

  I smiled, thinking about all the times that we had enjoyed one another since she’d gotten the good news. We’d been at it like freaking rabbits, and the lust just kept getting stronger and stronger. The passion had only increased, and I wondered if that was something which would keep on happening forever. We had done everything backward after all. Started off as friends then the relationship just kept getting deeper and deeper. Sleeping together, then discussing what the future might hold, then suffering through an almost irrevocable argument very early on. Nothing had been the right way around for Maddie and me and I felt like
that would continue.

  “If you’re blushing like that, and you’re clearly swallowed up into Maddie, then what the hell are you doing here? Please don’t tell me you’re just passing time until Maddie gets out of work because that will drive me insane. Honestly, I’m sure you forget that I’m trying to run a business here. I do have work to do sometimes.”

  I kinda was, but only half. “Actually, I’m here for business reasons. How dare you accuse me otherwise.”

  “Well, I’m glad to hear it because I have a lot of new investment opportunities for you to take a look at, and you don’t need to worry. None of them involve disastrous ex-dates; I won’t ever make that mistake again.”

  I laughed and nodded along with him. God, that truly was a nightmare! “I know you wouldn’t. You aren’t crazy, but I’m not here to talk about any new opportunities, I actually have a plan of my own.”

  I was so excited to tell Buster my plan, but it seemed I wasn’t about to get a word in edgeways. “Before you dismiss me, just hear what I have to say because these investments are amazing. A great return. Just look at these reports and the ways the finances keep building and building. It’s really great.”

  “Oh no, I understand that, and I’m interested to hear about new businesses, but I need something new.”

  “Something new, that’s what I have here.” Buster didn’t get where I was going with this. “Just wait.”

  “I want to donate all of my money.” There, I had it out there. “I want to pull out of all my investments and put all my cash into cancer research. Also, I want to get some entertainment equipment for the children’s ward.”

  Buster looked completely blown away, my words were finally sinking in, and he didn’t quite know what to do with them. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times as if he was desperately scanning his brain for words. “Oh, wow, Parker, are you sure you want to do this? That’s huge, I mean, massive.”


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