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Sexy Secret Santa

Page 4

by Liz Andrews

  The blush she thought she had under control crept back over her face. “Um, yeah.”

  Tanya stared at her intently. “Oh. My. God. You had phone sex, didn’t you?”

  Molly cringed and glanced around, mindful of the busy office, something Tanya obviously wasn’t. “Could you say that a little louder and let the people in the next block hear you?”

  Tanya dismissed her apprehension with a wave of her hand. “Please, no one heard me. But this, this is news.”

  “No, it’s not. This is my life.”

  Her friend sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry. But…it’s something significant in your life, right? Something you’re going to discuss with your best friend?”

  “It’s just so embarrassing. I can’t believe I did something like that. And with a complete stranger.”

  “Come on, it’s about time you let loose and had some fun. The question is, was it any good?”

  Damn her pale skin. She might as well take a red marker and color her face. “Yes, it was better than anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  “Anything? Even better than…” Tanya made an obscene gesture with her hand and finger, simulating intercourse.

  Molly nodded, unable to put into words her lack of experience. She’d had orgasms through masturbation before, but never during intercourse. Technically she still hadn’t. But last night was closer.

  “Wow. Okay. Well, we need to figure out who this guy is because you need to get together with him in real life. I have a feeling he’d blow your socks off.”

  “I’ve been trying to figure out who he is without any luck. The only thing I can think of is that we possibly try to catch him if he gives me another gift.”

  “If? Do you really have any doubt?”

  Molly shrugged her shoulders. “Who knows? Sure, I’ve received two so far, but it’s no guarantee there’ll be more coming. And I’m no closer to discovering his identity than he seems to be in revealing it.”

  Tanya furrowed her brow. “So what’s your plan to catch him?”

  “Never leave my desk?” she offered halfheartedly.

  “That’s realistic,” Tanya said, with a twist of her mouth. “He won’t bring over the gift if you never move.”

  “Fine, what’s your suggestion?”

  Tanya scrunched her face in doubt. “I don’t know.”

  “Fat lot of help you are.” Molly couldn’t fault her, though, as she had few ideas herself.

  “Maybe you should just let this play out. I’ll bet he plans to surprise you Friday at the party.”

  “But that still leaves one more gift today.”

  Tanya flashed a wicked smile. “What’s wrong with that? It’s not as if these gifts have been the usual Christmas mugs and goofy ornaments. They’ve been useful, and fun.”

  “You are such a pervert.”

  “I’m not the one wearing nipple rings and having phone sex, freakola.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Are you picking on Molly?” The deep voice caused Molly to freeze and glance up into Josh’s smiling face. She wondered with a growing sense of dread if he’d overheard any of their conversation.

  “Me, picking on sweet little innocent Molly?” Tanya smirked. “Never.”

  Josh shifted his gaze between the two women and cocked his brow. “Okay, if that’s the story you’re going with.”

  “It is,” Tanya replied. “Now, I need to discuss some party plans with you.”

  Molly watched as Tanya practically dragged Josh from her cubicle. She shook her head and turned back to her computer. Thinking Josh might be her mystery gift giver was ridiculous. Why would he be interested in her when he could have any woman in the office?

  The very disheartening thought stayed with Molly for the entire day. Try as she might, she couldn’t figure out who had sent her the gifts. Even her very lame attempt at sitting at her desk all day resulted in nothing more than a very irritated bladder. At the rate she was going, not only was she going to need Depends very soon, she was also never going to figure out who her mysterious caller was.

  Fed up with guessing, Molly went to the workroom for the daily gift exchange, unsurprised to receive yet another gift she wouldn’t use, this time flavored cocoas. Since she had decided to give up sugar, this gift was going to be added to the re-gift pile she was accumulating. Frustrated, she attempted to slip out before everyone had finished but was stopped by Tanya, who caught her arm.

  “Hold on, I’m coming with you. We’re almost done here.”

  Molly sighed, but nodded and stood there tapping her foot. She wanted to hurry back to her desk to see if another gift was waiting, but she stuck around knowing she’d have hell to pay if she tried to ditch Tanya. Five minutes later, her friend was finished and the two women arrived at Molly’s cubicle to find another wrapped package, this time in silver and purple paper.

  “Oh my God, open it, quick.”

  Tanya seemed more anxious than she did. Instead of ripping into the paper she slipped the card from the envelope, expecting another cryptic note. She wasn’t disappointed.

  This is a gift for the both of us. I get half and so do you, but you’re not allowed to use it until tomorrow. Think of it as the gift that keeps on giving. Until then, dream of me. I know I’ll dream of you. Molly reread the note, confused at the puzzling message. What good would a gift be if she only had half of it?

  “Hurry up already. I want to know what it is.”

  “Jeeze, give me a minute.” Tearing the paper off, Molly opened the box to find another sex toy. At least that’s what she thought it was.

  “It’s a butterfly.” Tanya’s vast knowledge of sex toys and accoutrements seemed to be never ending.

  “Explain, please.”

  Tanya picked it up and held it in front of her. “This part goes against your clit and these straps wrap around your thighs. You can wear it under your clothing.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Molly pulled the toy away from her friend to examine it closer. “These things wouldn’t fit around my thighs in a million years.”

  “You can put it in your panties if you fit it just right.”

  Molly was dubious, but nodded. “I suppose.”

  “Where’s the controller?”

  “I don’t know.” Molly searched the box, but it was empty. Then it hit her. He must have the controller. “I guess that’s what the note meant.”

  “Are you going to do it?”

  Could she? Wearing the butterfly would mean allowing her body to be subjected to sexual stimulation at his every whim. The thought should terrify her, but she was excited instead.

  “I’m going to do it.”


  When Friday finally arrived, Josh was more than ready to reveal his status as Molly’s naughty gift giver. The party wasn’t until later that afternoon, however. The one saving grace was Molly’s final gift. She had been more than willing to play along with the two earlier gifts, and he was certain she had worn the toy as soon as he saw her walk into the office this morning. Never tentative in the past, today she walked oh-so-gingerly through the aisle and to her cubicle.

  He wanted to turn the butterfly on to see if she reacted, but he wasn’t sure of the range of the remote-control device. Besides, from this angle he wouldn’t be able to observe much. He needed to be closer, much closer.

  Before he could reach her though, Tanya and another coworker, Bob, waylaid her. Even though Josh was convinced Bob was no real competition, he didn’t like the way Molly’s face lit up when she talked to the other man. As barbaric as it was, he didn’t want any other man to make her smile but him.

  Josh stopped where he was and stared at the pretty woman. She was dressed up for the party, wearing another sexy skirt, this time black velvet. Her top was an emerald green and crisscrossed over her breasts, ending in a deep V that showcased her bountifulness. He was close enough to see her better, but not close enough to hear her speak clearly. The distance was fine though. He didn’t need to hear he
r talk, just watch her come.

  As subtly as possible, Josh slipped his hand into his pants pocket and switched on the remote control to the lowest setting. The change in Molly’s demeanor was instantaneous. Her pretty eyes widened and her mouth opened, her lips forming the cutest O shape.

  Oh yeah, she was wearing the toy.

  Her gaze swept the room in an attempt to discern the source, but with so many people around he knew it would be impossible for her to pin him down as the culprit, something she soon discovered as well. Turning to her friend, he could see her eyes widen as she silently communicated her distress. It took Tanya a few seconds to catch on, but he watched as she hustled Bob from Molly’s cubicle.

  All the better for me. Bob was gone and now no one was there to witness her coming, except for him. The thought that he was able to control her orgasm, especially surrounded by so many others, had his cock rising. She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  She’d finally been able to adjust to the involuntary reactions of her body and was once again turning to look around the room. Thankfully, he was out of her direct line of sight for the moment. Slipping his hand over the controller, he moved the switch up another notch. Molly’s body jerked in response to the added stimulation, her hands curving around the edge of her desk.

  He wished he could be closer, to see the sweat he was sure must be gathering on her upper lip. To watch her nipples peak as the vibrations continued to tease her swollen clit. To hear the breathy little moans she would make as she fought to hold back.

  What he could see was good though too. She’d moved her hands from the desk to clutch at the arms of the chair. He watched as her eyes closed and she puffed out short little breaths. She wasn’t even attempting to look around anymore, concentrating instead on her own body and the reactions he was causing. His cock jerked in need as her tongue peeked out to lick over her ruby-tinted lips.

  Just that sight had him wondering what it would be like to have her mouth on him, licking and sucking at his cock. He watched as she shifted in her chair. Was she trying to fight the sensations coursing through her body or welcoming them? He would have to ask her tonight. Maybe while he was licking the sweet cream from between her thighs.

  Damn it, he needed to see her come, right now. Flipping the power switch to full, he gazed at her with rapt attention. Molly’s back bowed sharply gripping the chair arms tight as she fought off the oncoming climax. But her body wouldn’t allow her to run from the inevitable. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she rocked forward with the force of her orgasm.

  Beautiful at any other time, when she was in the throes of passion she was exquisite.

  He reached in his pocket and switched the remote off. He wanted to walk over to her and gather her in his arms. Instead he watched from afar, frustration bitter in his mouth. Fuck his plan, he was going to tell her now.

  Fate had other ideas, however. Two steps later he was halted by his partners, who needed his help with a high-profile client. As much as he wanted to blow them off, he knew he needed to take care of business. He glanced back at Molly with longing as they dragged him away.

  Although he intended to return to Molly as soon as possible, it was as if the universe conspired against him. Work kept him busy right up until the time the party started. As the entire office shut down, the drinks began to flow. He watched with interest as Molly accepted a glass of wine and drank it in two gulps. Although he didn’t care if she wanted to relax, he didn’t want her drunk.

  Just as he began to head in her direction, Tanya climbed on a chair. Stymied again. He leaned back against the wall as he waited for her announcement.

  “Settle down,” she called out, hands on her hips. “I’d like to start by thanking the partners for their generosity this year in allowing us to begin our Secret Santa gift exchange extravaganza, which I hope will become an annual tradition.”

  Josh just rolled his eyes at her subtleness. They had discussed it today and agreed to acquiesce to her pleas.

  “Anyway, it’s time for the final gift and the big reveal. So, if you think you know who your Secret Santa is, go ask them. And enjoy the party.”

  The crowd erupted into applause and everyone began to figure out who had their presents. Josh watched as Molly looked around the room as if she was searching for something. Or someone, as the case was. She looked up at him in that moment and their gazes locked. Pushing away from the wall he headed in her direction, the entire time keeping his gaze on her.

  Before he reached her, however, he was stopped by Bob, in a surprising twist of fate.

  “Hey Josh, I was your Secret Santa.” The other man handed him a box. Glancing back at Molly, he noticed she had moved away from her previous spot and was talking to Greta, handing her a present. He turned back to Bob and smiled, quickly opening his gift, a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “Thanks, these will come in handy.” He hadn’t planned it, but a bottle of wine might just make tonight even more romantic.

  “Glad you like it. I know the other gifts were kind of lame.”

  “No, not at all.” Josh was stuck being polite and had to talk to Bob for a few more minutes before he could escape. Making a quick survey of the room he found Molly was once again alone. He tucked his gift under his arm and headed for his prize, not allowing anyone else to stop him in his quest.

  When he finally stood next to her, he watched as her hand fluttered up to play with the silver necklace she wore. “Hi.”

  He was amused by her nervousness. “Hi there, yourself.”

  “Thanks. For the party I mean.”


  She licked her lips. “Yes?”

  “I’m your Secret Santa.”

  Her eyes widened for a moment and then she nodded. “Oh, well, thank you for the chocolates, ornament, and cocoa.”

  He took a step forward, trapping her between his body and the counter behind her. “I gave you some other gifts as well.”

  “Oh.” She swallowed hard, her eyes blinking. “Oh.”

  “Is that all you have to say?”

  “I…I need to get out of here.”

  Molly bolted around him and ran from the room, leaving him staring after her with his mouth agape in surprise. Of all the reactions he’d expected her to have, that wasn’t one of them.

  Sexy Secret Santa

  Chapter Five

  After running from the workroom, Molly headed back to her cubicle. She hoped that with the rest of the staff in full-blown party mode no one would notice she was leaving early. Her computer was already shut down so all she had to do was grab her purse and she could bail. As she reached her desk, her face flushed in remembrance of what had happened there earlier in the day.

  At that time she thought that being brought to orgasm by a stranger was the most exciting part of her day. Josh’s announcement soon changed that idea. When he revealed he’d been her Secret Santa, she tried to tell herself it didn’t mean he’d given her the naughty gifts as well. Until he blew that theory out of the water.

  She should be happy. Instead she was running scared, like a rabbit. Why? Because I got what I wanted and now I don’t know how to deal with it.

  Shaking her head in disgust at her own illogic, she grabbed her purse from the desk and headed toward the door.

  “Molly, wait.”

  She stopped and turned to see Josh bearing down on her. His face was a mixture of concern and frustration. When he finally arrived at her side, he reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind an ear, causing a shiver to race up her spine.

  “Is everything okay? You rushed out of there pretty quick.”

  She nodded, unable to speak for a moment. His touch ignited all the pleasure sensors in her body. She wanted to just lean into him, but at the same time she felt as if she were in a dream and any minute she’d wake up to find it was all just a cruel joke. “Sorry I took off like that. I just needed…some air.” Some time to come to terms with the fact she’d been fooling aro
und with her boss was more like it.

  “Come here.” Josh grabbed her hand and pulled her the few feet until they were in his office. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you something to drink.”

  Molly sank into the couch, grateful to be able to relax, if only for a minute. She needed to get her bearings and figure this out, if only so she could explain it to him. Because she knew without a doubt he’d want to hear why she’d run. Closing her eyes, she felt the tension slowly seep from her body. Until she heard the sound of a cork pop. She opened her eyes to look around the room and realized he’d closed the door behind them so no one knew they were there. And he was, at this very moment, pouring them each a glass of wine. As if her mind wasn’t fuzzy enough already.

  He handed her a half-full wineglass. “Here. Just a sip, to calm your nerves a bit.”

  She did as he suggested and to her surprise he was right. As the warmth from the wine seeped into her blood stream, she could feel herself beginning to return to a normal keel. “Thank you.”

  He joined her on the couch, taking a sip of his own wine before asking, “So do you want to tell me why you ran away?”

  She decided to try and turn the tables on him and asked, “No, but why don’t you tell me why the big charade?”

  Instead of chagrin, however, Josh just smiled. “I had no hidden agenda, other than to tease and tantalize you all week. Did it work?”

  She could feel her face flame as she remembered all the things she’d said and done. “Yes, you know it did.”

  “Good.” He set his glass down on the table and moved closer to her, taking her own glass from her nerveless fingers and placing it on the table next to his. “Are you ready to explain your running out of there?”

  “I didn’t run, I ‑‑”

  “Yes, that’s right, you needed some air.”

  “Exactly.” Why she felt the need to hide her cowardice she had no idea.

  “So why did the knowledge that I’d been the one giving you the gifts suddenly have you looking for air?”

  “I…ah…” Damn him and his logical brain. She couldn’t think of an argument fast enough.


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