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Into the Fire

Page 8

by T A. McKay

  He must sense my stare and looks up, our eyes connecting across the work area. My stomach flips when I see the smile reach his lips. I swear this man could make any woman spontaneously combust with just a smile. I walk towards him as he continues watching me, making my body heat under his intense stare. Shit, does he know what he does to me? I come to a stop in front of him, trying to get my brain to function properly but there is nothing there. I have no idea what to say.

  “Well, Angel, to what do I owe this pleasure?” I feel all the muscles on the lower half of my body tighten, and I work hard to stay standing, I don’t want to be a hormonal mess at his feet. I hold up a Tupperware box that I brought with me and his eyebrows furrow in concentration as he tries to look through the plastic to see inside.

  “No way. You didn't?” He grabs the box from my hand and rips the lid off. When he didn't come home I was scared that he wasn't going to eat so I got up early and made his favourite treat, peanut butter and chocolate cookies. He moans when he grabs a cookie and takes a bite, his eyes closing in pleasure. I smile watching him enjoy them, he looks like he’s really enjoying them. He opens his eyes and smiles again.

  “These are so good, Angel. I can't believe you came all the way here with them just for me.” He takes another one from the box once he has finished talking, biting almost half of it off in one go.

  “I was worried you wouldn't eat. You’ve been here all night and you’re going out tonight, so I couldn't go to work without bringing you something. I was gonna bring a fruit smoothie, but thought you might prefer this.” The returning smile he gives me is stunning. He looks more relaxed now that he did last night and he looks happy. He stands and grabs me by the back of the neck, pulling me towards him. My stomach flips with the pressure of the hand on my neck, the feeling of being controlled by Noah is something that I have always craved. He’s always had an edge to him, even when we were younger he needed to be in control, and I loved it. He kisses the top of my head while holding me. I think his lips linger a little longer than they should, but I enjoy every second of it.

  “Thank you. I can always count on you to take care of me.” I think he might be going to say more but I feel a body pressing into my side before Noah starts shouting.

  “Mason, give me those cookies back. Now! I swear I’ll hurt you.” He takes off after Mason, who is currently stuffing his mouth with a cookie. The Tupperware box is then passed onto Ben who takes off with a rather pissed off Noah chasing him. I can't help but laugh as I watch grown men fight over a box of cookies. I feel someone come and stand next to me. I turn and smile when I see its Rocco.

  “How are things, Madison? Long time, no see.” I turn back to watch the chaos that’s happening in front of us. These guys really are acting like a bunch of four-year-old boys.

  “I'm good, working hard and keeping out of mischief.” I see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

  “I know that feeling. It’s good to see him laughing, isn't it?” I feel my throat tighten. The fact that Rocco’s noticed how down Noah has been makes me sad. Noah isn't hiding his pain as well as he thinks he is.

  “Yeah it is, now he just needs to do it more. I’ve hated seeing him so unlike himself.” I don't want to say too much. I don't know what Rocco knows, what Noah has told him so I leave it vague. Rocco smiles at me, it’s a huge smile with a twinkle in his eye, it’s like he knows something I don't.

  “Oh I think that he might smile more in the near future. Watch this space, I think big things are gonna happen.” With that very random comment Rocco walks away, snagging the cookie box from Noah’s hand as he walks past.

  “God dammit, Rocco. I just got that back.” I smile as I stand a few more minutes just watching them all before heading to work before I’m too late.

  Chapter Seven


  The music is so loud in here, so loud I can't hear what Rocco is trying to tell me. He laughs and gives up trying to talk, pointing to the back corner of the nightclub. We’re in Vertigo, our last stop on the adventure that is Rocco’s stag night. We started the night at a pub that I’ve never been to before but it looked like Mason had hired out the entire place for us. Watching Rocco’s face when the strippers had walked in had been worth every penny Mason had paid for them. Rocco has never been the kind of guy that has been comfortable with attention from women so to see him coping with three practically naked women all over him, well that just made my night.

  We make our way over to the back of the nightclub, to an area that is slightly raised. I'm thinking it’s been reserved for us because it’s decorated in balloons and streamers. I think the décor’s a bit odd until I get a little closer, it’s then I notice the balloons are actually blow up dolls and the streamers are ladies knickers. I laugh as I think about the fun Mason must have had organising this. I grab Rocco’s arm, saving him from tripping and landing on his face. I think he’s had too much to drink tonight, I need to keep an eye on him. I want him to have fun but I don't want anything to happen to him. Makenzie wouldn’t be happy if the guys did something to him and I really don't trust the guys in the slightest. If I need to collect him from somewhere they have sent him or have to deal with a shaved head, I think Makenzie might kill me. I push him in front of me, making sure he enters the area before me so he doesn't wander off.

  The guys have already filled the tables with every different bottle of alcohol you could imagine and some I haven't even heard of. Shit, I better keep more than one eye on Rocco, this night could end badly. I walk to the table and grab myself a beer from the selection that’s been put there. I turn and look for Rocco but I can't see him. I move past the group of guys waiting to get a drink but I still can't see him. What I do see is an anxious looking Mason searching about frantically. I walk over to him, worry starting to build in my body.

  “What's wrong, Mason?” He never stops looking around as he shouts at me, trying to be heard over the music.

  “Where’s Rocco?” He finally looks at me and I shake my head. He’s really starting to worry me.

  “Shit! We need to find him, now! Elle’s here.” I feel my stomach drop as I imagine Rocco running into her. The feelings she brings out in him isn't something I want him to have to go through, especially not tonight. I walk out into the crowd on the dance floor, determined to find Rocco before that bitch does.


  My head is spinning with the flashing lights of the dance floor and it’s disorientating. I know I should move, go somewhere else but this is the less of the two evils at the moment. I saw the guys lining up another row of shots and I knew I had to get out of there. I’ve already drunk more than I normally do, add onto that another dozen shots and I don't know if I would be able to stand. So here I am, hiding out in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by a group of women who are drunker than I am.

  I try to blend in, moving my body along with them so I don't stand out and I think it’s working. The night so far has been amazing, Mason has done a great job putting it on. He isn't my best man, but Noah said he could organise all this since he lives locally. He was so happy to be able to be in charge, I think part of him missed not having his last night of freedom. I tried to tell him that it’s his fault for getting married just months after becoming an item with Niamh. He laughed at me, telling me that it was totally worth it.

  I smile when I think about the two of them together, even though it was a huge shock, I couldn't imagine a better woman for Mason. She takes none of his shit and calls him out when he needs it. He follows her around like a little lost puppy, never liking to be too far away from her, especially now she’s heavily pregnant. I think it’s funny to watch, he used to take the piss out of me for losing my balls to Makenzie but now it’s his turn.

  I can’t help my mind drifting to Makenzie. My woman, my love. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Makenzie in my life, she’s my everything. She’s taken every broken part of me and mended it, her love alone has made me whole, made me the man I always want
ed to be. I never imagined I would ever get to this point in my life, taking the step to trust someone and to spend the rest of my life trusting them, loving them. Yet here I am, getting ready to do just that.

  I'm dragged from my thoughts by a pair of hands making their way around my waist, gripping on to my shirt at my abdomen. The owner of the hands moves in close behind me, their whole body pushing against my back and their breath moving the hair on my neck. I try to move away without being obvious, I don't want the person to feel awkward but they’re getting a little too close for comfort. When I move, the hands grab onto my shirt tighter, not letting me move. As gently as I can I grab her hands and remove them from my body, turning to face her. My world stops when I take her in, my whole night just going to shit. Elle. Why tonight? Why did it have to be her? She doesn't look shocked when I turn around, assuring me that she knew it was me the whole time. Fuck her.

  I turn and walk through the crowd on the dance floor, franticly pushing the crowd out of my way. I don’t want to do this tonight, I never want to see her, but tonight I need it even less. I continue walking, heading towards the toilets. I need to put distance between us and a locked door would be great as well. I can't get dragged into this again, she just needs to leave me alone once and for all.

  I’m walking down the long corridor when a hand comes out and grabs my arm. I turn and Elle’s standing there with a smug smile on her face. Her hand is still on my arm and I look down at her fingers on her arm, my skin crawling at her touch. I can't believe I ever felt anything for this woman. Her touch seems wrong, it feels cold and harsh. I'm used to Mackenzie's touch now, warm and loving, soft and gentle just like the rest of her beautiful body.

  “You’re not trying to get away from me are you, Rocco? That’s not very nice when we haven't seen each other in so long. I think the last night I saw you was at the awards dinner dance. How have you been?” She doesn't lose that smug smile as she talks, taunting me with a past I want to forget. I can feel all the old doubts work their way into my mind, all the words she spoke to me in hatred. I have spent so long running from life, letting her have control even after she left, but I did it, I found the life I wanted, one worth fighting for, and she can’t take that away from me. One word from her and the old Rocco comes rushing back out.

  “What do you want, Elle?” I hang my head, trying not to look at her. I hate that she knows she has power over me, I hate that I allow it. She moves closer to me, moving her hand from my arm to my chest.

  “Oh come on, Rocco. Can't we be friends? We were always such great friends if I remember.” We were never friends, that’s one thing I know for certain about our time together. We were lovers and eventually enemies, but there was never a friendship.

  “What. Do. You. Want?” I repeat the question hoping she will get to the point so I can leave.

  “Fine, Rocco. We can't be friends, but a little birdie tells me that you are getting married. Is that little birdie correct?” Is that what this is about? That I'm getting married? I see Mason and Noah walking down the hall behind Elle, slowing when I raise my hand to them, letting them know I'm okay.

  “Yes, you're little birdie’s right. I'm getting married soon. Is that all you needed to know?” I see her eyes darken with anger, obviously the news of my marriage isn't something she’s happy about. I have no idea why, she didn't want me, she proved that again and again by cheating on me. Who would have guessed what a blessing getting my heart broken would be. It’s clear to me that she hasn't seen the guys behind her, there’s no way the next words would come out of her mouth if she knew she had witnesses. She was evil and broke me down in the worst way, but she always did it in private, never letting anyone see the evil behind her beauty. She leans in closer, like she is about to tell me a secret.

  “Does she know that you're not a real man, Rocco? Does she know that she won't be able to be satisfied because you’re broken?” She fakes a sad little pout, like she feels sorry for me, or maybe for Makenzie.

  “I feel sorry for her, I really do. I'm saying this out of love for a fellow woman. You need to walk away, Rocco, let her down easily before you damage her beyond repair. I don't think you realise how toxic you are.” She puts her hand on my cheek like she’s telling me something out of love, not the hate I can feel oozing out of her pores. I take a good look at her, finally realising what she’s trying to do. I finally see Elle for what she truly is, a cold hearted bitch. She is alone in this life, no one willing to love her, so she thought she would make my life miserable as well. After my crash she changed, and now I see it was because she was scared. She thought I was her ticket to being the perfect wife, having the perfect life, and when I was injured I ruined that whole dream and she lashed out at me. It’s all so clear now as I stand here and look at her, feeling her hold on me slipping by the second.

  I look behind her to see Mason moving down the hall quicker as he sees her put her hand on me. He never knew how bad things were with her until recently. I remember that conversation with him. Makenzie told me I need to be completely honest with him, tell him everything that had happened during my recovery. Once I was finished I could see him physically shaking with anger, pacing the room with his fist clenched, swearing if he saw her again he would rip her limbs off. Now watching him storming down the hall with a look of pure rage on his face I have to try and not laugh. Little does he know how little her words are affecting me now. The funny thing about falling in love with the woman of your dreams, she makes you feel like you are twenty feet tall and all the man she will ever need.

  I turn and look at Elle, taking her hand off my face and letting it fall to her side.

  “Do you want to know about my relationship with Makenzie? Yeah, that’s her name. You should remember her, she’s the one who kicked your arse at the dance. Well that’s her, that’s the woman I love, the woman I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with. And does she know what kind of man I am? Yeah she does, several times a night when she is screaming my name in pleasure. Because you know one thing I’ve come to realise, Elle? It’s not that I couldn't get hard for you, it’s that my body didn't want to. One look at Makenzie and my dick is hard enough to hammer nails into a piece of wood. So it wasn't me that was the problem in our relationship, it was you. You just didn't do anything for me.” I see the colour drain from her face as I talk. I have never spoken to her like this before, I was never brave enough to speak the words that I now know are totally true. I shoulder past her, proud of myself for sobering up enough to say it all clearly. I meet Mason and Noah half way down the hall where they’re standing staring at me with huge smiles. I walk past them and they fall in step beside me. It doesn't take long before Mason has to say something to ruin the moment.

  “So… you hammer nails several times a night?” I just smile as both guys start laughing hard. It’s time to get drunk and make this a night to remember.


  I'm trying to fit the key into the lock on Madison’s front door but I'm failing miserably. I didn't mean to drink so much, but after Rocco’s run in with Elle we had to celebrate in style. It wasn't only his last night of freedom before his wedding, but after what he said to her it was also his first night of true freedom. He was finally able to exercise the demons that have followed him for so long, and to see Elle for the bitch she is and nothing more.

  I miss the lock again and nearly head-butt the door, swearing as I hold onto the wall to stop me falling on my arse. I'm getting close to giving up my fight with the lock, to just get comfortable on the front door mat for the night, when the door opens. I look up to quickly, having to hold onto the wall tighter as my balance suffers. I can’t help but smile when I look into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. She really needs to be mine, I just need to let her know, maybe tonight would be the right time to tell her. Rocco was brave so maybe it’s the night for all the Cole brothers to grow a pair?

  She leans against the doorframe and crosses her arms over her very ample breasts, making them look ev
en bigger under the short nightdress she is wearing. My focus is pulled towards then and all I can think of is I really want to touch them, feel them, kiss them. She coughs and I bring my focus back up to her face.

  “Have a drink or two, did we?” I smile at her, or I hope that it’s a smile but since I'm having problems feeling my face I can't be totally sure.

  “Hey, Angel.” Wow, even to my own ears that was slurred. This thought makes me giggle. Yes, I really did just giggle. I try to stand up straight and move forward, but I'm finding it difficult to make my legs do what I want them to.

  “Come here, big guy. Lets get you to bed.” She gets herself under my arm and eases me forward. I try not to put too much weight on her, but with my lack of balance I need her a little more than I thought. The difference in our sizes makes moving a little difficult, so we end up shuffling more than walking. We move towards the spare bedroom where I always sleep, but I really don't want to be alone tonight so I use my bigger size to lead her towards her room.

  “Noah, this isn't your room.” I move my arm from around her shoulder while she protests and I stumble towards her bed. I just manage to turn before I land in the middle of it. Looking up at the ceiling, willing it to stop turning.

  “Are you going to be able to get up and move? This is my bed, Noah. So you need to shift your arse.” I look towards my feet where she is standing with her hands on her hips, trying to look annoyed. I stick my tongue out at her and then collapse back on to the bed.

  “Fine, you can sleep in here but you need to take your clothes off. I refuse to share a bed with you if you're fully dressed.” I feel her tugging at my feet as she slips my boots off and I'm thankful that I dressed simple tonight. Black jeans, a black shirt and my boots. I feel movement on the bed next to me and then my arms are being pulled, very unsuccessfully before they’re dropped again.


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