Book Read Free

Hundred to One

Page 13

by Freya Barker

  Emma and the guys left shortly after I got down this morning so it's been the regular crew today. Well, minus Julie. Gus and Caleb are looking into that further.

  There hasn't been an opportunity to talk with Arlene, not yet at least, but I am eager to get that out of the way.

  The diner is empty except for one customer lingering over a cup of coffee in the far corner when I walk into the dining room. Both Beth and Arlene are behind the counter looking outside. All morning the sky has had the dark threat of an impending storm and with the temperature waffling around the freezing mark, it’s hard to tell whether we'll be faced with snow or just a nasty north wind, but something is coming for sure.

  Beth turns around when she hears me approach and gasps again when she sees me.

  "Good lord, Seb. You're not looking any better, my friend. Underneath all the black and blue you are turning a distinct shade of grey."

  Arlene studies me carefully as well. "You alright? Maybe you should go lie down for a bit. It's quiet now. Beth and I can whip something up for a special tonight, although I don't think we'll have to worry about a crowd, judging by the weather."

  Reluctant to leave the women alone, but virtually swaying on my feet I agree. "Maybe I will, but I'm gonna let Gus know first. Don't want you two alone."

  "You go. I'll call and I'll come and check on you in an hour or so. Try and get some sleep, but keep your cell phone with you in case you need me." Ignoring Beth and the one remaining customer, she walks up, puts her hand on my chest and gives me a sweet kiss. "Go on."

  With Beth watching on, smug grin on her face, I snag Arlene behind her neck and haul her in for another kiss, one that I pour all my feelings into and leaves her blinking her eyes and speechless by the time I release her. "Call him now," is all I say before heading out the kitchen door, not even waiting for her acknowledgement.

  "Holy spontaneous combustion!" Beth blurts out, after Seb lays one on me and exits through the side door. I'm still a little dazed by that display of raw emotion exercised by lips and tongue. Dayum. If I had any reservations left about whether his feelings for me where the genuine thing, I think this kiss just may have cleared up any remaining doubts. I felt that in my toes and I instantly crave all of him; instantly turned on as if someone threw a switch. Apparently I’m that easy, at least when it comes to Seb. It's almost funny when you think about the times in the past years that I wondered whether I might be frigid, like I was told for so long. I'm thinking… not. Seb makes me want to strip out of my skin and go wild. He makes me want to feel with every nerve ending. He also makes me care, so very, very much.

  A chuckle beside me has me turn my head.

  "That good, huh?" Beth is wearing a cheeky smile. I plant my elbow in her ribs.

  "Back to work, wench." Sending her cackling into the kitchen while I quickly dial Gus.

  By the time the last customer is gone and we have thrown together a big pot of bubbling chili, it’s 3 o'clock and it’s not looking good outside. Aside from the high winds, snow is starting to come down and I haven't seen any traffic come by in the past ten minutes. We could hear the front door when Caleb came in about ten minutes after I called Gus and is working on a laptop in a booth. I don't have any Internet, but apparently he has some do-hickey he can hook up to it for reception. Whatever. Computers are not my thing, I leave that shit to Emma. I still do my books by hand and she converts it to some program on the computer for me. I am what you call 'unkeyboardinated', even texting is a challenge. The cash register is as far as my talents go, and even when the paper runs out I have to call someone else to change it.

  Beth walks up behind me.

  "Damn that looks nasty. We'll be lucky to get anyone in."

  I agree, and I come to a decision. "Go home. Get home while it is still somewhat passable. Won't get any better with time. I'm going to close the joint."

  "But what about the chili?"

  "I'm gonna stick around upstairs with Seb. Keep an eye on him. We'll let it cool down and I'll pop it in the cooler. It'll be fine for tomorrow."

  "And what about cleanup, washrooms and all that? Shouldn't we quickly get that done?"

  "Tomorrow morning. Let's get out of here."


  "Yeah. It's no use. Hey Caleb!" He lifts his gaze from the screen.

  "I'm closing up. Look at the weather, we're not gonna draw a crowd and I'm sending Beth home."

  He throws a glance outside, then stands up, closing his laptop and gathering his things.

  "Let me drive you girls home."

  "I'm not going." I say. "I'm staying with Seb. But I'd feel better if you dropped Beth off at home."

  Ignoring Beth's sputtering, I grab her bag and coat, push it in her hands and shove her in the direction of the door. "Go. Caleb's truck is much safer on the roads than your ratty old car. Don't fight me on this."

  "Oh, alright." She gives in, grumbling.

  Caleb stops in front of me, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "You going to be alright?"

  "Yeah. Going to lock up, close the blinds and head up. I'll check in with you later, okay?"

  "Call me if you need me, Doll."

  "I will."

  As soon as they leave, I lock and flip the 'closed' sign on the front door and go to lower the blinds. In the kitchen I pull the pot of chili off the burner onto the counter to cool and shut off the gas. I quickly fill up a container with enough chili for two, grab some bread and toss it in a bag. Grabbing my purse and my coat from the office, I set it all on the kitchen counter. The light switches are all located on one panel beside the passage from the kitchen to the dining room. Standing in the door opening, I start flicking them off one by one so I can make sure I get them all. When I hit the last one, the inside of the diner is cast in gloomy shadows, despite the relatively early hour. Sure, it gets dark early nowadays, but not at three in the afternoon. Donning my coat and with my purse and the bag of food in hand, I go to step out when I hear something. I freeze in my spot, trying to place the sound. A shuffling or slight scratching sound. Letting go of the door, I walk back into the diner, my head cocked to one side trying to pick up any sounds. I stop in the doorway to the diner and let my gaze wander around. There isn't a thing out of place and now I can't hear a thing. Must have been the sleet or something. I turn around to go back outside when a loud bang has me drop everything in my hands and freeze with my heart up in my throat. It takes me a minute to identify the sounds of movement that follow as coming from above, and relief floods me. Seb. With the unsettling feeling still leaving goosebumps on my skin, I step outside, lock the door and make my way up to Seb's apartment.

  "Hi, Honey." I softly whisper against his back.

  The living room is empty when I come in. I dump the bag of food on the counter and find him sleeping in the bedroom. Pretty wiped myself, I crawl into bed behind him, snuggle up and promptly fall asleep.

  The brief nap has done me good and when I wake up I find myself in exactly the same position, curled around Seb's back, feeling a little hungry.

  Seb stirs at the sound of my voice and slowly rolls onto his back.

  "Nice surprise." His voice is gruff with sleep. "You said 'honey'." He smiles, but immediately winces when it hurts his face. "Ouch."

  "Serves you right, pointing out my slip of the tongue." I tease him.

  "Ahhh babe. You trying to kill me? I find you wrapped around me in my bed and you start talking about slipping and tongue in the same sentence." His hand starts exploring my face and slipping lower to discover I only have on a camisole. "Damn, girl." His finger strokes my skin from my shoulder down to my hand and finds my waist, where his hand slips under my top and over my skin.

  I force myself not to think about my soft stomach resting on the bed as I’m resting on my side.

  "So soft. I could touch and taste you all day."

  "I want to touch you, but I'm afraid to hurt you." I tell him, holding myself back for fear of jarring or bumping him.

  "Well… th
ere are some places that are definitely not sore. In fact, right now, they feel pretty damn good."

  I try to look stern, but I can't keep a straight face. Especially not when I see the mischievous sparkle in his eyes. A sparkle and heat. Yes, most definitely heat.

  "Is that so? Where would those be, those places?" I play along, rubbing my fingers along his lips. "Here maybe?"

  "Meh. They're ok, but not what I'm talking about."

  "Hmmmm. What about here?" With my tongue I trace the shell of his ear, earning a shiver.

  "Not bad, but no."

  Shifting down his body a little, my mouth and tongue play over his chest, tracing his ink until I find his nipple and I tug it in my mouth. A deep groan is his response.

  "Getting better, Spot. Don't stop."

  I trail openmouthed over his abs, feeling every bump and valley and slide my tongue into his belly button. Seb's stomach contracts and he hisses out his breath.

  "Am I getting warm?"

  "Woman, you don't get to the point, I'll blow just with what you're doing."

  "Such a charmer, Honey." I chuckle, carefully climbing between his legs, spreading them carefully apart. When I look at his face he has a smile on his face but there is no denying the lust I see in his eyes.

  "Let me see you, Arlene."

  I only allow myself a second's hesitation before I grab the edge of my top and pull it over my head, leaving me only in bra and panties. Serviceable, not pretty - just like me. I undo the front closure on my bra and let the straps slide off my shoulders, never losing eye contact with Seb. Slowly he lowers his gaze from my face, over my chest to my breasts and after a moment down to my stomach and back up to my face again.

  "I love your body. The feel of it, the taste of it, the smell of it and the sight of it."

  Damn that man for trying to melt my insides. I lean over and kiss his stomach, my hands finding the edge of his briefs that I carefully slide down his hips. His erection jumps free and I love the feel of it against my skin. With one hand I rub the length of him between my breasts as I lick and suck his stomach. When my mouth finally finds his cock I revel in the raw taste of him and lick my way around the flange of the tip, making sure to tease the slit that cuts across. Seb's muscles jerk at that and one of his hands finds its way to the top of my head and tangles in my short hair. There is no way I can handle the full girth of him, but with one hand for balance and the other firmly wrapped around his base, I start fucking him with my mouth, taking him deeper and deeper until my lips meet my hand. I squeeze him between my tongue and the roof of my mouth, and suck him hard as I slowly pull back. When I look up from under my eyelashes, I can see Seb's head is laying back on the pillows and his mouth has fallen open, low grunting sounds escaping him. Seeing this man undone for me, does more for my self-esteem than any pretty clothes or piles of make-up could. Even with his eyes closed, he makes me feel beautiful.

  As wet and turned on as I am myself, all I care about is bringing him to release and the next time I take his cock, I force myself to swallow around its tip as my hand finds his balls and lightly tugs. Seb's hand in my hair is now fisted and his hips jerk under my body, reaching for his release. With my eyes on his face, my mouth and hand work in tandem, I feel him swell in my mouth. His head shoots up and looking me straight in the eyes, he shouts my name as he shoots strings of his come down my throat. It takes a while for his body to still, but his eyes never leave mine. When he finally talks, his voice is hoarse.

  "Come up here, love."

  Crawling up the bed, Seb pulls me to his side, his arm tugging me close.

  "Kiss me."

  Unusually compliant for me, I tilt my head and slide my lips over his. Sweet and tender is his kiss, and full of an emotion I am afraid to identify.

  "No words. What just happened? You giving me everything? All of you? There are no words to do it justice."

  I haven't said a word. I'm just laying in Seb's arms thinking how amazing it is he knew the importance of what I was giving him, and beyond that, he didn't minimize it by offering to ‘get me off’ simply to reciprocate. Letting him back in was hands down the right decision. There is no doubt he sees me, not simply a victim. I'm almost afraid to let myself feel happy, but I am. And almost lighthearted.

  When our stomachs start rumbling simultaneously we both burst out laughing.

  "What time is it anyway?"

  Seb looks at the alarm clock beside him. "Almost six-thirty."

  "Holy crap. I didn't realize it was that late. Let me heat up some chili Beth and I had made before we shut down the diner." I get out of bed and walk over to the window to check the weather. Other than the signage lights on the diner, it is pretty dark out and I can see it is still coming down. There is a spot of the white stuff here and there but most of it is drifting with the wind. Every surface appears to be glistening.

  I turn around and find Seb looking at me from the bed, a smile on his face.

  "What are you smiling at?"

  "You." He says. When I raise my eyebrows he elaborates. "I love the way you move around, at ease in your luscious body. It makes me happy."

  It's true. I hadn't even thought about being virtually naked and walking around Seb's apartment like this. Huh.

  Walking over to the bed, I lean over and rest my forehead against his. "You did that. You gave me that. In only a few words. No one else matters. Just you."

  Seb's eyes close for a moment, and when he opens them again they shine and he whispers;

  "I fucking love you, Arlene."


  "Yes, we're fine… No Gus, don't worry, I'm not getting out on the road. I will stay put… Dad."

  Arlene snickers as she hangs up her phone.

  Interrupted by phone. Go fucking figure. Mind you, it was probably for the best. From the slightly panicked look in Arlene's eyes when I was dumb enough to lay it all out, I'm thinking she needs some time. I disappear into the bathroom to clean up a bit and just catch the end of her conversation when I return to the bedroom.

  "I'm just gonna heat up that chili now, if you're hungry?" A hint of uncertainty shows in her eyes as she quickly starts putting on her discarded clothes.

  "Sounds great, babe. I'm starving. I'll just grab a quick shower and then ice my knee while we eat."


  I'm just about to step out of the shower when the bathroom door slams open.

  "Seb, I smell smoke. Calling 911. Get the fuck out."

  Before I can even answer she’s gone. Scrambling for a towel, I quickly tie it around my waist and walk into the bedroom where I can already detect the acrid smell of burning. Without pausing to dress, I grab what I can and drag myself out the door and down the stairs, calling Arlene's name all the way. Fucking woman. Smoke is billowing from the back of the building where the trash bins are. I wish I had slipped on shoes, my feet are sliding on the slick snow and I am literally freezing my balls off, but I don't stop.

  Fumbling in the pocket of my jeans I manage to pull out my cell and speed dial Gus.

  "Get your ass over here. Fire. Arlene is out here somewhere." Without listening to what he is saying, I put the phone on speaker and head around the corner where I see both trash bins pushed up against the building, flames licking up the wooden siding. But no Arlene.

  "Arlene!! Where the fuck are you!!"

  The wind and snow feel like little razors on my bare skin. Nevertheless, I drop the pile of clothes and the phone on the ground, except a shirt, which I rip in two and wrap around my hands. I pull at the bins to try and move them away from the siding, but they are hotter than Hades. Even through the wraps on my hands, I can feel the blisters forming. No way will I be able to move these suckers. Cold is no longer an issue, though, but where the fuck is Arlene? I need to update Gus and grab my phone.

  "You still there?"

  "On my way. Five minutes. Status"

  "Trash bins were moved, on fire, siding is lit. It was set. Still outside looking for Arlene."

/>   "Keep the line open. 911 is called."

  Working my way around the other side of the diner, the opposite end of the building from the stairs to my apartment, I can see the glow of flames coming from the front. Fucking hell.


  This time I hear her.

  "Seb. Don't you fucking come out here. This illiterate ingrate is too much of a coward to handle himself without a gun. Stay where you are!"

  Like hell. When I round the corner I am only half-surprised to see the fucker whose reminders I am still wearing, with a gun pointed at Arlene's head. The idiot is wearing a stupid grin. He has no idea holding a gun to that woman's head has just painted a giant bullseye on his sorry ass, and not just for me to aim at.

  "Geeze, Seb. We've gotta work on your listening skills!" Arlene throws up her hands and rolls her eyes. Her antics fill me with pride. My girl's got some brass balls.

  Quickly finding and holding the cocksucker's gaze, I try to ignore the crackling of the flames and the pungent smell of smoke, focusing on the immediate threat in front of me. Kinda hard to do buck-naked. Only one way… bluff.

  "Kind of you to come all this way to give me an opportunity to reciprocate in kind."

  At the slightly confused look in his eyes, I add, "Sorry. I used too many big words, I see. Shall I translate to a preferred language? Ape, perhaps, Matt?" At the use of his name, he does what I had hoped. The barrel of the gun lifts up to cover me instead of Arlene, who doesn't notice and chuckles at my words, which earns her a backhand from the ape. Clenching my fists at my side, I am willing myself not to lose eye contact with him, but instead keep his attention, and the gun, drawn away from her.

  "Fucking get your ass over here. Should've finished the job the other day." He forces out between clenched teeth.

  As slow as I can I move in his general direction, but angle myself slightly away from Arlene, forcing him to turn away from her. Smart girl. From the corner of my eye I can tell that although one hand is clutching her cheek, with the other one she is carefully pulling herself in the opposite direction. Their positions are now almost reversed, with the goon intensely focused on me, he inadvertently turned his back on Arlene. Something even I know you should be careful with!


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