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Sweetest Salvation

Page 9

by Kacey Hammell

  Chapter Seven

  Five months later…

  Andy rolled over and cracked one eye open. Groaning, she quickly shut out the harsh light and buried her head back in the pillow.

  She’d been up late the night before, going over the new architectural plans she had for her house, reorganizing her schedule for upcoming charity events and had a bit too much wine with a couple of friends. She hadn’t seen them in ages and loved reconnecting. It was difficult to convince herself that it was okay to spend an evening out, laughing and enjoying life again. Thanks to Hunter, she was making the slow progression back to what she loved to do and not feel guilty doing so.


  She burrowed beneath the blankets and smiled. He really made her feel good about where she was heading, and treasured her completely, always looking after her while also giving her space to find solid footing again.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, rise and shine,” the voice cooed, jarring her from her thoughts.

  She lifted her head and raised an arm to block out the sunshine pouring in from the bay window of his bedroom.

  “Oh, sorry, let me get that.” The room darkened after he pulled the curtains closed and turned back to her.

  Her gaze clear, it zeroed in on him and ran the length of his body. She never grew tired of seeing him. His strong arms, long fingers, solid chest—she savored being cocooned against him whenever he pulled her near, or if he could see the doubts shadowing her eyes.

  “You’re awfully cheery this morning.”

  “Of course I am.” He moved to the end of the bed and lifted a tray she hadn’t noticed, and sat down. Once he set it down between them, she was surprised to see chocolate covered strawberries and two flutes of what might be apple cider on top.

  “What’s all this?”

  “Don’t you know what today is?” he questioned, eyes twinkling.

  God she could drown in their depths and never come out. He was spectacular.

  “Umm, Friday?” she frowned, totally at a loss.

  He chuckled and handed her a glass. “Yes, it’s Friday, but even better, it’s our fifth month together.” Grinning, he clinked his glass with hers and took a sip.

  Eyes wide, she pondered. An anniversary, so to speak. It seemed surreal. When she’d decided to pull herself up by her boot straps and learn to live again, she’d taken each day as it came. And never planned too far ahead.

  To know the time had flown by without her being aware felt strange, considering she’d once wallowed in grief so heavy she barely made it through a day without hiding.

  But it was also exciting.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t—” He laid his fingers over her lips to silence her.

  Hunter gazed into her eyes, lowered his hand, then lightly brushed her lips with his. “Don’t worry about it. I figured you’d forgotten but that didn’t mean I had to.” He winked and picked up a strawberry.

  He placed it against her lips. Her mouth opened and she bit into the sweet morsel. Tangy, sweet nectar and the richness of chocolate coated her tongue. She moaned and her eyes nearly rolled back in her head.

  She stared at the man beside her and palmed his cheek. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. And I told you, don’t worry about it. I simply wanted to enjoy the morning with you and see how you’re doing.”

  “I’m fine.” She set the glass on the bedside table and reclined against the headboard, pillows behind her back.

  “I know you’re doing fine, but you’ve been very busy lately. I want to be sure you’re not doing more than you feel comfortable with because you think it’s expected of you.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m doing just fine. I enjoy organizing the charity events again. You know I’ve always loved doing those.”

  He shifted, and moved the tray to the floor, then settled on his side facing her.

  He always made her feel special, and she needed to plan something in return. Every day with him was amazing. They were inseparable for the most part.

  They hadn’t told the Sheavers about their relationship yet. Fast-talking, keeping things quiet and controlling themselves whenever the older couple was around, was taking its toll.

  Though Andy desperately wanted to tell her ex in-laws about her relationship with Hunter, she was worried how they might react.

  They had been there for her since his death, even when she tried to push them away. To know she’d moved on, and with his best friend, might not go over so well with either of them. Their allegiance would always be to their son’s memory. She only hoped they would understand.

  “Hey, where’d you go?” Hunter pulled her from her thoughts.

  “I’m right here.” She lifted a hand to his chest and absorbed the feel of him against her skin. Warm, hard, tight…damn she loved touching him.

  Pulling her closer, his lips captured hers, sliding and caressing. The taste of strawberries was rich on his tongue. It slid along hers, his teeth biting at her bottom lip. Her toes curled, and her fingers tightened around his ears.

  He eased back, panting, and cuddled her close. “Damn, you’re potent.”

  She chuckled and tried to get closer still. No matter how close he lay against her, sometimes she needed to feel him against her even more. He was so much more to her than she ever thought she’d find again.

  His love was amazing.

  Thanks to the man in her arms, she understood that in loving someone again, and opening herself was the best thing she could ever do for either of them.

  There would come a time when she’d walk alongside the two loves she’d lost again. But for now, she found a love she couldn’t live without.

  “This probably isn’t the best time to bring this up since you’re lying in bed with me and we could be all kinds of naughty,” She giggled and brushed her lips over his then pulled back. “But how about in a few weeks we talk to Tony and Jeanine, and tell them we’re together?”

  “Are you sure?” He slid a finger down her nose, making her heart skip a beat. She’d come to love the small quirky gesture of his.

  “Yes. I think it’s time. They’ll be back from their vacation in about three to four weeks. We’ll tell them as soon as possible once they’re back. Maybe Thanksgiving.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened but he nodded. “Deal.” Lowering his head, his lips claimed hers again. He tugged the sheet away from her body.

  His gaze roamed her near-naked form, hands following. She purred, easing back, an arm lifted over her head as he explored.

  Each bit of flesh he touched caused sparks to flare to life, making her skin heat. Fingers like magic, he’d learned every inch of her quickly during their time together. Now a master at making her body, heart and soul sing for him, she was helpless to resist him.

  “You’re exquisite,” he whispered, his lips pecking a line across her stomach.

  Her muscles quivered as juices pooled between her thighs. Pushing a hand through his spiky, jet-black hair, she watched as he lavished her body with attention.

  “I will never, ever get enough of you.” He looked up at her, the truth of his words conveyed in the depths of his eyes.

  She loved him for always being honest with her. Always being who he was—her friend and lover—never rushing her.

  How’d she’d gotten so lucky twice in one lifetime, she’d never understand.

  But she’d definitely hang on with both hands and enjoy him to the fullest.

  “Make love to me, Hunter. Show me how much you love me.”

  Fire sparked and lit up within his eyes, his fingers tightened on her hips and he smiled. “With pleasure. But first,” he pushed back off the bed and stood. Holding a hand out to her, he wiggled his fingers. “Come on, I have one more surprise for you.”

  “But—” She waved her hand out. “Show me later. Get back in this bed, mister.”

  His head fell back, his laughter echoing around the room. “Tsk, tsk, what a monster I’ve made. No, this sur
prise won’t wait. And trust me, you’ll want me to make love to you once you see it.”

  With a playful snarl, she slid from the bed and into his open arms.

  His arms wrapped around her, nearly crushing her ribs as he devoured her mouth again.

  Hands palming her ass, he lifted her, aligning her lace-covered pussy with his stiff shaft. She moved against him, desperate to have him inside her.

  She nearly wept when he pulled back, breath rushing out of him. “Damn. Mmm, okay, let’s go.”

  Hurrying after him, Andy roared with laughter, enjoying the morning. He made every day with him a new adventure.

  Stopping short when he led her into the bathroom, she gasped. “Oh my God.”

  Dim light from the candles covering every surface cast an orange-yellow glow around the room. Rose petals littered the floor leading to the hot tub in the corner, and a vase of roses in all colors sat on the corner of the long vanity.

  It was so romantic and touching, her heart melted. Tears pricked behind her eyes. He showed her in so many ways just how much he loved her.

  She watched him turn on the faucets then he came back to her and lightly kissed her forehead. Looking down into her watery eyes, he smiled, and wiped away a tear with his thumb.

  “Today is all for you, my love. I’m going to pamper you like you deserve and enjoy every minute with you.”

  “This is all too much. Dammit, Hunter.” She sniffled. “You do so much for me. I don’t deserve you.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “Nonsense. I love to please you.”

  Crouching, he pulled her panties down. He lifted one foot and then the other, and tossed the lacy undergarment into the corner.

  His lips brushed over the bare flesh of her folds, his tongue sneaking out and lightly brushing her clit. With her hands tight in his hair, her head fell back as he made love to her center. She’d stand there forever if he just kept doing that.

  “Mmm,” he murmured when he pulled back. “Not just yet. Bath first.”

  She groaned but allowed him to lead her to the hot tub. Holding her hand, he helped her step in.

  She leaned back. The heat of the water seeped into her bones, making her tingle.

  “Hmm, this feels amazing.” She gushed.

  “I thought you might like it.”

  “Oh, yes. Definitely.”

  Andy looked up at him, and wiggled a finger at him, beckoning him closer. “Come here.”

  Propping himself on the side of the tub with his hands, he leaned over, bringing his face closer to hers. “What?” Their gazes connected.

  She hoped he could see everything—the passion and the love she had for him.

  “Thank you.” She palmed the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss.

  Their tongues tangled and she heard him moan. She pulled back an inch and whispered, “I don’t want to bathe alone.”

  He grinned down at her, stood and made quick work of getting out of his clothes. She threw her head back and laughed, feeling more carefree and at ease than she had in a long time.

  He stepped into the tub and down onto his knees. His warm body slid along hers. Mischief and pleasure lit his eyes as he came closer.

  When his mouth met hers, her last thought was that bathing alone was highly overrated.

  Chapter Eight

  “When do you think the remodel of the house will be finished, Andy?” Jeanine asked.

  Hunter looked across the table at Andy. She never looked more beautiful than she did today. She’d been nervous cooking the meal for Thanksgiving, the first time they’d all sat down for a special occasion like this in ages. She’d put a lot of time into how she looked as well.

  He’d been surprised when she’d mentioned inviting Tony and Jeanine for Thanksgiving, and even more shocked when she’d said she’d like to cook it at his place.

  The house she had shared with Patrick was being remodeled room by room—except Peter’s. Andy planned to leave it and remodel it herself when the rest was finished. She’d claimed she wanted a fresh start and since she hadn’t felt comfortable spending any of Patrick’s life insurance, there was more than enough to do so now.

  Hunter was so proud of her.

  In the six months they’d dated, she found herself again. Pride filled him that she’d done what she’d set out to do—push aside the guilt and live again.

  “The contractor said it will be another couple of months. The master bedroom is the last room. I confess,” she chuckled and looked at Jeanine, “I’ll be glad to have some normalcy again. Waking up to the mess every day is getting old.”

  They all laughed.

  Hunter kept the grin from spreading across his face, thinking about the mornings she hadn’t woken up to the mess—nights she’d spent with him.

  They hadn’t hidden how much time they spent together—except for the evenings—from Tony or Jeanine. But out of respect, and because they were all still healing, they’d kept public displays of affection to a minimum.

  Hunter gave his honorary parents a lot more credit, though.

  Andy had fooled herself into thinking they weren’t completely aware of their relationship since neither of them asked. But from the occasional glance from one or the other when he and Andy stood too close or shared a look of their own, Hunter was sure they’d caught on to how serious they were about each other by now. It was just like the older couple to not to pry into their lives, though.

  “You could have stayed at our house, love,” Tony reminded her.

  Andy took a sip of her white wine then smiled. “I know, Dad. But I wanted to do this on my own. Everything has gone well.” She gave his hand a pat. “If it gets too crazy in the next couple of months, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

  Hunter smiled as their gazes connected. She wouldn’t do that, but it was just like her to make Tony feel as if he could take care of her.

  “So, Hunter, you’ve been awfully quiet. What’s on your mind, son?” Jeanine questioned.

  He looked at her, grabbed her hand and gently squeezed. His heart always warmed when she called him “son”.

  “Just sitting back after that great meal Andy slaved over. Great job, by the way.” He winked at Andy, smiling when she blushed.

  He found it funny that she could still blush after everything they’d done together in bed.

  “Oh, yes, Andy. It was delicious, honey. Do you need help with dessert?” Jeanine offered.

  “I thought we’d sit out on the balcony off Hunter’s den and have our strawberry rhubarb…” Andy paused and looked at Tony. “…pie with whipped cream.”

  Tony scooted his chair back and let out a whoop. They all laughed as he gathered dishes and carried them to the sink. He was obviously in a hurry for some of his favorite dessert.

  “Andy, you spoil him,” Jeanine admonished, a wide smile on her face.

  Tony wrapped his arms around Andy as she laid the dishes on the counter. “I love to be spoiled,” he boasted and bussed Andy’s cheek with a kiss.

  Andy giggled. “You’re incorrigible.”

  Hunter set the wineglasses on the counter and grabbed the white wine from the fridge. He refilled everyone’s glass, his heart full at the noise filling his home. They should have done this before—his family at his place for a holiday meal. In years past, they always got together at the Sheavers or Patrick’s. He vowed to make a point of having everyone over more often.

  “She’s a good daughter. Now, wife,” Tony pulled Jeanine into his arms. “You spoil me on occasion, too, remember?” Tony waggled his eyebrows at her causing her to blush crimson.

  Hunter nearly spit the wine he’d just taken a sip of back into his glass. He swallowed and turned to look at Andy.

  She stood against the counter, her hands clasped in front of her, eyes watery. She met his gaze, shook her head, then turned to the counter and sliced into the pie.

  Hunter glanced quickly at the lovebirds whispering to one another and sidled up beside her. “You okay, sweet
heart?” he asked gently.

  Andy nodded. “It’s just so wonderful to see them happy.”

  He rubbed her shoulder. “They love how happy you are too, you know.”

  She looked up at him and grinned. “Thanks to you,” she whispered.

  Hunter wanted to lean down and kiss her. But until they’d told them, he’d wait. His gaze held hers, hoping she’d see the look of promise for later.

  When she blushed and licked her lips, Hunter knew she understood.

  She turned back to the plates on the counter, hands shaky. Hunter grabbed the silver serving tray from the counter and added the plates. He turned and chuckled at his parents.

  “All right, you two. That’s enough.” He pushed open the kitchen door and held it open for his family. “Let’s eat.”

  Tony laughed and slung an arm over Jeanine and Andy’s shoulders. “Good idea.”

  Andy passed everyone a plate. Hunter relaxed in chair on one side of the table, and eyed the blue sky.

  The evening was beginning to cool. The October weather was crisp but the evenings were still clear. He was glad the rain that had been almost a daily occurrence over the last week had stopped. Andy had hoped to have their dessert out on the balcony tonight.

  He wasn’t looking forward to the late November, early December snowfalls. He loved this time of year and wished winter never had to arrive. Maybe this year he and Andy could escape for a few weeks when the cold, snowy weather really descended on the city. Somewhere he could see her in a bikini every day and not a parka, scarf and mittens.

  “Hunter,” Andy demanded.

  Pulled out of his decadent thoughts, he looked around the table. Three sets of gazes were on him. Andy and Jeanine looked concerned. Tony’s look was sly as he smirked. Hunter felt the warmth in his cheeks at being the center of attention.

  “Sorry, my mind wandered. I was appreciating the weather.”

  “Appreciating something all right,” Tony said softly.

  Hunter shook his head and pushed his fork into his pie. “Sorry, what were we discussing?”

  “Andy was just telling me that she was hosting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation event next week.” Jeanine said. “I’m so thrilled.”


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