Martine, Missy - Star Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Martine, Missy - Star Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Missy Martine

  “I don’t think we should be planning this out. Let’s just go about things naturally. We’ll both spend time with her and whoever is in the right place at the right time can be her first. Then, the other gets his chance at a one on one.”

  “And then we’ll spring it on her that we wanna share our life with her, make her our wife.”

  Ike smiled, and clapped Abe on the back. “I’m glad to see we’re on the same wavelength. I think she’d make a fine wife, and mother to our children.

  Abe rubbed at his chin. “Sounds fair. I thought I’d head over there this afternoon. With the cowboys heading out of town, I’m not forced to spend so much time in this office. I thought I’d get Sadie to pack me up a picnic basket, and I’ll see if I can get our little lady to take a ride with me.”

  “Where you gonna take her?”

  “To the creek, a little further down than the watering hole her boys use. You know the place, out near the south hayfield.” He sighed. “It’s quiet, and pretty secluded.”

  Ike smirked. “Yeah, and it has that nice patch of soft clover.” He chuckled and pushed Abe toward the door. “Go get our woman, my brother. I’m heading home to get some sleep. I rode all night to get back so those cowboys wouldn’t miss the stage.”

  “All right, I’ll see you tonight. Get some rest, little bro.”

  Ike walked out the door grumbling under his breath.

  * * * *

  Sarah shoved the pail under Cupcake’s udders. She giggled. “I should have never let Jonathan name the animals.” She wiped her clammy hands on her apron, and then heard a mournful moo as she wrapped her fingers around the teats. She began a steady pulling motion and listened to the sound of liquid squirting into the metal pail. Sighing, she glanced down at the dark-brown work dress she’d pieced together. Sometimes she missed being Samuel. His clothes were more comfortable for farmwork.

  She was humming a few notes off-key when a shadow fell over her stool. A smile spread across her face when she looked up and saw Abe standing in the doorway, a big smile on his own face. “Well, howdy, Mr. Sheriff. To what do we owe the honor of this visit?”

  “I came to see if I could tempt you to take another ride with me and maybe share a picnic basket.”

  Sarah felt her spirits lift, and she grinned. “Did you make this picnic lunch yourself?”

  Abe frowned. “Of course not. I was trying to impress you, not poison you.” His frown turned to a grin. “It’s one of Sadie’s specialty baskets.”

  She laughed. “Well, I definitely don’t want to miss out on that.” She nodded toward the pail. “I’ll need to finish milking first, and change my dress, but then I’d be happy to join you.”

  “That’s great.” He glanced behind him and looked around. “Where is everybody?”

  “The boys are off trying to get some fish out of the creek, and Rachel is gathering eggs next door.”

  “Do you need any help?”

  “No, I’ve got this covered. It won’t take me very long. Did Ike get back from Jefferson City?”

  “Yeah, he rode in this morning.”

  “Did he bring back money to get those poor men out of your jail?”

  “Yeah, they’re free and clear and waiting on the stage which should be coming through anytime now.” He cleared his throat. “Where’s Samuel? I haven’t seen him since you arrived.”

  Sarah looked down at the pail. “He had to go away on business. He’ll be gone for at least a few weeks, maybe longer.”

  Abe stepped further into the barn. “Where’d he go?”

  Sarah avoided his gaze. “He had to go back east because of some family trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  She thought for a moment. “A close friend of his is having trouble on his farm, and Samuel went to help him out. He told me to watch over things while he’s away.” She gazed up at him through her lashes. “He said it might be awhile.”

  “Uh-huh.” Abe shook his head and walked over to the stall that held one of the mules. “I guess it’s a good thing that you’re here to watch over the kids.”

  Sarah let out the breath she was holding and relaxed her shoulders.

  “It’s kind of warm in here. I’m going to wait outside.”

  She watched him walk away.

  * * * *

  Abe wandered over to the chicken coop. “Hello, Miss Rachel. How are things going for you here?”

  Rachel smiled. “Howdy, Sheriff. Things are going great. This is the best place I’ve ever lived.”

  “That’s good to hear. Looks like those hens are good producers. They keeping you supplied with plenty of eggs?”

  “Yes, sir. Sometimes, more than we can eat.”

  “If you ever have any extra feel free to bring them on over to our place. We don’t keep chickens of our own so we’re always grateful to have fresh eggs.” He moved closer and leaned on the fence post. “Will you be attending school in a few weeks with the boys?”

  She frowned. “Sarah and I haven’t discussed whether the boys will be coming in to town for school or not.”

  “You ever been to school, Rachel?”

  She nodded vigorously. “Yes, I’ve been through eight years of learning. I can read and cipher.”

  “That’s wonderful. Don’t you want that for the boys?”

  “Of course we do, but Sarah’s thinking about schooling them at home.”

  “It’d be good for them to go so they could make new friends. I was kind of hoping they’d go so I’d have an easier time getting Jake to go.”

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about Jake.”

  Abe turned around and looked at Sarah. “What’s he done?”

  “Nothing wrong. He’s just been hanging around a lot, and we’re worried he doesn’t have a place to stay this winter.” She glanced at Rachel and then back to Abe. “We’ve been thinking about asking him to stay here with us.” She moved closer and raised her gaze to his. “Is there any reason we shouldn’t invite him into our home?”

  Abe smiled. “Absolutely not, least ways as long as you can stand the stench. I’ve been less than successful in persuading him that taking a bath won’t kill him.”

  Sarah laughed and nodded to Rachel. “We know just what you mean. I even tried to get him to go swimming with the boys at the creek thinking water alone would be an improvement. But, apparently the boy can’t swim, and he doesn’t go near the water.” She shrugged. “I figure if we can talk him into moving in, then maybe we can bring in the tub for Saturday baths and with everyone taking one he’ll feel obliged.”

  He threw back his head and laughed heartily. “Good luck with that.”

  She chuckled. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Abe watched her walk away.

  “You could do a lot worse.” Rachel came to stand beside him. “She’s a fine woman, Sheriff.” Without another word, she turned and walked away.

  “At least the kids approve of me.” Wonder what they think about Ike? He looked up when the door to the house opened. Sarah came walking out dressed in a dark-blue dress, tying a blue bonnet on her head. “You look lovely. Did you make that outfit yourself?”

  “Yes, she surely did.” Rachel moved toward the house. “She makes most of our clothes.” The girl turned a rosy red, went inside the house, and slammed the door behind her.

  Abe turned to Sarah and saw she was already climbing into his buggy. It would have been pretty difficult for her to make most of their clothes since she’d just arrived. Another reason they needed to get to the heart of her mystery sooner rather than later. It had to be stressful on the whole family to keep up with all the lies. I’m not going to worry about it today when I’ve got a beautiful woman to enjoy a picnic with.

  Abe drove them past the boys’ swimming hole where Sarah waved to the frolicking children. They followed the creek until it started meandering up toward Abe’s property. The place he sought was cozy, nestled in a little valley-like area. The trees gave it an intimate, enc
losed feeling. The breeze was pleasant, and one could lie back on a blanket and watch the leaves quivering in the wind.

  He helped Sarah out of the buggy and spread a quilt over the clover-covered ground. He held her arm while she lowered herself to the ground and curled up with her legs under her dress. Abe went back to the buggy and came back with the basket of food.

  “It’s beautiful here.”

  Abe looked around and tried to see it from her eyes. He could hear the gurgling water as the lazy current carried it downstream. The birds were chirping, and the squirrels were chattering in the trees. There was a buzz from the insects nearby in the clover. She smiled and he felt the whole world light up.

  “Let’s see what Sadie sent for us.” Abe opened the basket and looked inside. He began pulling out dishes. “We’ve got some fried chicken, some biscuits with a little jar of some kind of jelly.”

  Sarah leaned closer and inhaled deeply. “Umm, fried chicken, my favorite.”

  “Sadie makes some of the best.”

  “What else is in there?”

  “There’s some potato salad, some cookies, and a jar of lemonade.” He looked up and smiled. “She even remembered to throw in a couple of cups.”

  Sarah pulled off her bonnet and dropped it on the quilt. “That’s an awful lot of food. Are you that hungry?”

  Abe looked at Sarah. Her face was slightly sunburned from working outside. The wind had caused her hair to pull from her braid in several places. She’d never looked more beautiful to him. He pushed the basket to the side and moved closer. His hands moved behind her head and began to unravel her braided hair.

  “Wait.” Her hands came up to cover his. “What are you doing?”

  He pulled her hands away. “Shh, I want to see your hair down.”

  Sarah relaxed and laid her hands in her lap. Abe quickly unraveled her hair, using his fingers to comb through the dark strands, letting the silky hairs flow across his fingers.

  He leaned close and breathed in the rose scent, combined with the pure female scent of his woman. “Yes, Sarah, I’m very hungry but not for fried chicken. I know I told you that you deserve a romantic setting with a nice bed and fireplace, but I have to be honest with you. I don’t think I can wait for those things.”

  Sarah looked up into his eyes, and then raised her hand and rubbed it against the bristle on his cheek. “This place looks pretty romantic to me.”

  Abe smiled and held out his hand. “Come here, Sarah.” He pulled her close, maneuvered her down onto the quilt, and kissed her on the lips. Cupping her cheek, he ran his thumb over her full lips, raising her chin so she had to look at him. “I want you, Sarah, here and now.”

  Sarah swallowed hard. She licked her lips, her pink tongue darting teasingly out of her mouth. “Oh, Abe, I want you, too.”

  He pulled her closer, pressing his erection against her hip. She surprised him when she closed the distance between them, running her hands up Abe’s chest to the top of his shoulders. His arms tightened, and he lowered his lips to hers. He nibbled all around, flicking at her skin with his tongue, murmuring her name against her mouth. He could feel her soft breasts pressed against his chest.

  When her hands gripped tightly in his hair, he licked her mouth, and then gently bit her bottom lip before pushing his tongue inside. After a minute, he lifted away from the kiss and buried his lips into the curve of her neck. Her head fell back, making it easy to explore her throat. He pressed his lips into Sarah’s skin, nibbling kisses into the crease of her neck and then making his way along her jaw. “Your skin is soft, like a newborn kitten. I wanna feel it all.” He pushed her to her back and quickly unbuttoned his own shirt, tossing it over to the grass.

  Her eyes traveled over his torso, and then her hand traveled through the thick hair spreading across his chest and narrowing down past his navel. Leaning forward, he nibbled her neck, working his way down her body as she squirmed. He pulled her to her side and reached behind her to unfasten the buttons running up the back of her dress. He quickly had it open, peeling the gingham from her shoulders. In minutes he had her dress and chemise lying on the grass beside his shirt.

  Blushing, Sarah covered her breasts with her hands.

  “No, love.” Abe pulled her hands away and crushed her to his chest, pressing his hardness against her. “I love how you feel against me.” Abe’s hand slipped under the waist of her drawers, curving over her bare flesh, stroking the sensitive skin lightly. He smiled when she pushed into his touch. With her distracted, he peeled the drawers from her hips, sliding them down her legs and off her feet.

  “Oh, dear.” Sarah’s hand flew to hide the nest of curls between her thighs.

  Abe bent forward and plucked at one of her nipples. He reached out and touched one erect pink bud, rolling it reverently between his fingertips. Her body seemed to burst into flame. She writhed, groaning and digging her fingers into his shoulders. He thumbed one nipple, his hand grazing the hypersensitive peak, while he made torturous slow circles around the tip of the other. He let his fingertips drag across the tightened nubs, and then captured the tips between his thumb and fingers, squeezing gently.

  He bowed his head to one breast and laved the nipple hungrily, while kneading the other between his fingertips. He let his teeth slide lightly over the distended tip. Opening his mouth, he sucked her nipple deep inside. Her back arched, and she nearly purred like a kitten.

  She touched his rough face, then squeezed his hard shoulders and ran her hands down his chest, tangling her fingers in the coarse black hair that tapered down his stomach. “I like the feel of your breast against my hair-roughened chest.”

  “What should I do, Abe? I don’t know what to do to make you happy.”

  “Nothing, my love. This time I just want you to feel.” He licked her nipple, driving her higher as his hands roamed her body. She groaned harshly when he lifted her breast in his hand and circled the nipple with his tongue before sucking it deep into his mouth. Moving slowly, he slid his hand around to cup her buttock.

  Sarah’s limbs trembled when Abe cupped her ass and pulled her against his hard frame. He continued to caress her as he dropped a brief kiss on her mouth. “Hold on, love.” Abe sat up and pulled off his boots, and then popped the buttons open on his pants and drug them down his legs. Before Sarah could move away, he lay down, throwing his leg over her thighs. The broad, mushroom-shaped head of his cock lay on her soft skin, slightly leaking from the tip. He took her hand and placed her palm against the veined shaft. He groaned and buried his face into the crook of her neck as she fisted his erection in her hand. Breathing deeply, he filled his senses with her essence.

  “This is so soft, and so warm.” Her hand moved tentatively up and down.

  Knowing he wouldn’t last long with her hand there, he pulled it up, kissing the palm and placing it on the quilt beside her head. “You have to wait, love. I’m not done loving on you yet.” He caressed her stomach briefly, and then let his fingers rake through her feminine curls.

  Sarah gasped, and brought her legs together tightly.

  Abe nipped her breast, causing her eyes to open wide. “Relax your legs, love. Let your knees fall apart.” Slowly she relaxed her legs, allowing his hand to slide between her thighs. “You’re already wet for me, Sarah.”

  “I’m sorry.” She turned her face away.

  “No, love, it’s not a bad thing. It’ll make things much easier and less painful for your first time.” He bent and kissed her tenderly. “You being wet means that you want me as much as I want you. It makes me happy, love.”

  Sarah ran her hand along his cheek. “I do want you, Abe. I want to be with you, like a woman.”

  Carefully, he ran his finger through her silky folds, coating his finger with her excitement. He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “I want to make you come, screaming my name.”

  Sarah swallowed hard. “I don’t understand.”

  “Shh, you will.” He let his finger slide into her moisture, seeking ou
t the little bundle of nerves hidden near the top of her slit. She gasped, and jerked, when his fingers slid over her little button.

  “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Loving you.” Abe caught Sarah’s legs and pushed them further apart, and then covered her mound with his mouth.

  “Oh, Abe, no, it’s not decent.”

  He licked a line up her slit, sliding through the silky hair. “Nothing that feels good is wrong between two lovers, Sarah. Am I hurting you?”

  “No, oh, God, no.”

  “Then hush, love.” Her held her slit apart and licked up the center. “You taste even better than you smell.” Sarah groaned loudly, and gripped her hands in Abe’s hair, whimpering in her throat. He flicked her clit with his tongue, and then sucked it between his lips. Slowly, he slid two fingers into her opening, gliding them back and forth while he continued sucking rhythmically.

  Sarah tensed her legs and arms, while her breathing became shallow pants. Suddenly, she stiffened. “Abe!” Her hands tightened in Abe’s hair, and her legs gripped tight around his head. Her cream flowed across his tongue as her orgasm washed over her.

  When her legs began to relax, Abe rose over her nude form. “I need to be inside you, now.” His hands tightened on her buttocks, and he moved forward, settling himself between her legs. He reached between her thighs and then brought his wet fingers to his staff and coated himself with her essence. He moved forward slowly, aligning his body with hers, and slipped just barely inside her soaked sheath.

  Sarah flexed her hips and pressed down to take the tip of his erection inside her body. “I feel so full.” She arched toward him almost eagerly, aiding his descent.

  Adjusting his legs, he positioned himself between her legs and sank into her warmth with one powerful thrust. He could feel the barrier of her innocence hold steady for a second, and then break free, allowing him to sink deeper.

  “Ahh,” screamed Sarah, tightening her legs against Abe’s side. Her hands pushed against his shoulders as she tried to catch her breath.


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