Martine, Missy - Star Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Martine, Missy - Star Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Missy Martine

  Abe leaned forward, being careful not to move his hips, and kissed her lips. “I’m so sorry, love. It only hurts this one time, and it won’t hurt for very long. In a minute the pain will fade to a dull ache and then the pleasure can begin.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice almost a croak.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I promise not to move until you tell me you’re ready.” He continued to kiss her, letting his lips slide down her neck and across her shoulder. When he felt her legs relax, he flexed his hips experimentally. She groaned and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Are you ready, love?”

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “It’s better now.”

  Abe nudged his cock further into her body, and then pulled out only to slide back in. When she gripped him tighter, and tried to follow his movements, he sheathed himself deep inside her and buried his face in her neck. “You feel so good, Sarah, like you were meant for me.”

  He released a harsh breath and drove deeply, grinding his hips against her. Catching her buttocks in his hands, Abe arched upward even as he bore down sinking more deeply. She held on to his shoulders and rocked her hips in rhythm with his thrusts. Losing control, he hooked one of her legs over his arm and pounded into her. He kept the pace slow and steady, riding her harder with each thrust. He could feel her inner walls clamp around his shaft.

  Abe felt himself pushed higher and higher, his whole body quivering with awareness. His breathing turned ragged when her body stiffened. She arched upward, letting out a cry as she came, bathing him in her liquid heat.

  Abe continued to thrust, a tingling sensation building in his balls. Suddenly, his breathing quickened and the sounds of the meadow faded as the exquisite tremors burst across his body. “Sarah,” he cried out, depositing his seed into the woman he’d come to love. For a moment, he stayed poised over her body, and then he groaned and fell to the side, taking her with him.

  “Are you all right?”

  Sarah trembled, and ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. “I’m wonderful.” She placed a kiss on his chest and then looked up into his eyes. “Will I have your baby now?”

  Abe groaned silently. He’d been so carried away he’d forgotten to pull out. He pulled her closer and placed a kiss against her head. “I’m sorry, love. I should have pulled out, but I lost my head. You felt so wonderful, and I couldn’t make myself pull away.”

  “It’s okay, Abe. It wouldn’t be such a terrible thing if I did have a child. I’ve always wanted a family of my own.”

  Abe pulled her closer. “Don’t worry about anything, Sarah. I’m not going anywhere.” He pulled back so he could look into her eyes. “I love you, Sarah.”

  Her eyes widened, and she burrowed into his chest. She trembled, but didn’t say anything.

  Abe sighed, disappointed that she didn’t respond. They had to find out her secrets soon or they might lose her, and that wasn’t acceptable. She was going to be their wife, but that was something they’d have to talk to her together about. He kissed her head again. “We should probably be getting dressed and eat some of this fine dinner Sadie packed. I don’t know about you, but all that loving has given me a powerful hunger. I’m as hungry as a bear in the spring.”

  Sarah giggled and sat up. “Well, we can’t have that. We definitely need to feed the bear.” She reached for her clothes, blushing prettily.

  * * * *

  Two hours later Abe pulled the buggy up to the sod house. He jumped down and ran around in time to lift Sarah down to the ground. He glanced around to make sure they were alone and then pulled her close. His lips covered hers, his tongue licking her mouth open to dip inside. She seemed dazed when he ended the kiss. His hands tenderly gripped her shoulders. “This was not a one-time thing, Sarah. I’m planning a future for us and you might as well accept it.”

  Sarah swallowed, and looked toward the house. “I have to go in now, Abe. We can talk about this another time.” She pulled away and quietly opened the door and slipped inside.

  “Damn, she’s not going to make this easy.” Abe stood there for just a minute and then got back into the buggy. He started to leave when he saw Daniel come around the side of the house, carrying a rifle. “Is there something wrong, boy?”

  Daniel looked up at Abe and grimaced. “Sheriff or not, if you hurt her in any way, I’ll put a bullet in you. She’s a damn good woman and she deserves someone to give her the good things in life.”

  Abe leaned forward. “Why don’t you tell me about her life, Daniel? What made her life so hard before she came here? I can’t help her if nobody will tell me the truth.”

  Daniel hesitated. “It’s not my truth to tell. You’ll have to ask her, and I can tell you right now she’ll never tell you anything unless she trusts you completely.”

  “Will you tell me this much? Are you really all a family?”

  The boy didn’t hesitate. “I know what you mean, and no, we’re not a blood family. But, we’re family in every way that matters.”

  Abe watched as the boy disappeared into the barn. How did she come to be living with a bunch of kids that aren’t related to her? Sighing, he turned the horse around and headed for the main road. He and Ike would have to dig deeper if they want answers.

  * * * *

  Sarah watched while Rachel gathered their supplies in the Mercantile. She should have been helping, but she couldn’t keep her mind focused. I can’t believe I made love with Abe yesterday. He said he loved me, but I know nothing can ever come of it. He doesn’t know the truth. When he finds out who I am, he’ll walk away, or worse, he’ll arrest me. I’m going to have to stop seeing him before I let myself fall in love. She giggled, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Who am I trying to kid? I’m already half in love with him. She sighed. Trouble is, I’m half in love with Ike, too.

  “Sarah.” Rachel put her hand on Sarah’s arm. “Mrs. Cotton has everything together that you had on your list.” She glanced at the counter. “It should be plenty to get us through the winter, even if we get snowed in.”

  Sarah nodded and turned toward the piece goods. “I want you to pick up several dress lengths to make some heavier clothing for the cold weather.” She turned around. “Mrs. Cotton, do you have any coats that would fit this bunch?”

  The owner of the Mercantile chewed on her bottom lip, wringing her hands together. “Uh, sure, of course.” She pointed toward the corner by the window. “They’re hanging up near the front.”

  “Rachel, pick out some warm coats for everyone, including Jake, and don’t forget scarves and mittens. If you don’t mind, pick something out for me as well, just a little bigger than whatever you pick for yourself.”

  “Miss Kees?” Mrs. Cotton stepped closer. “Where’s young Samuel gotten to? We surely do miss him.”

  Sarah hesitated, and then forced a smile. “He had to make a sudden trip back east for a family emergency, but I’m fairly certain he’ll be back any day now.”

  Rachel dropped the coat she had in her hand and turned to stare at Sarah. Her brows rose. “He will?”

  Sarah looked away. “Yes, I’m sure he’s decided that he’s been gone long enough. He sent word that he’ll be coming home for good pretty soon.”

  “I sure hope that Samuel coming home doesn’t mean you’ll be leaving us, Miss Sarah.”

  Sarah spun around to find Ike leaning against the door, an angry scowl on his face. She turned away quickly, not wanting to face him after what she’d done with Abe. In fact, she’d been avoiding Abe since they’d arrived in town. She had Jonathan standing watch outside with orders to warn her if the Sheriff made an appearance. She hadn’t considered she might run into Ike.

  “I’ve been looking for you, Miss Sarah.”

  She took a shaky breath. “Well, you’ve found me. What can I do for you?”

  He moved closer until he brushed up against her skirts behind her. “You could do me the honor of letting me buy you lunch.” He swept his arm out to his side. “All of you

  Zeke rushed over and took Sarah’s hand. “Please, Sarah, can we go have lunch at Sadie’s?”

  “You can come, too, Jake.” Ike smiled at the boy who’d become a constant companion to Zeke over the past few weeks.

  Sarah narrowed her eyes, feeling trapped. She could see the hope on the boys’ faces, and she couldn’t bear to disappoint them.

  Mrs. Cotton moved forward, a beaming smile on her face. “That would be fine, Miss Kees. It’s going to take at least another hour to pull your order together. I’ve got to get Eliah to load up your wagon with the bags of flour and such, not to mention feed for the chickens. You go ahead and let this young man feed you a nice lunch, and it’ll all be loaded and waiting for you when you get back.”

  She nodded and turned to Ike. “Okay, you can lead the way. Boys, be on your best behavior.” I don’t want to go with him because I feel guilty. Sarah stumbled, catching herself on the door frame as she walked outside. I don’t want him to know about yesterday because I’m hoping there’s still a chance for me to be with him. She blinked back the moisture she could feel in her eyes. What kind of trollop am I?

  * * * *

  Sarah looked down at the plate of steaming roast beef and mashed potatoes and swallowed hard. Her appetite was nonexistent. She’d tried to arrange their seating where she was between two of the boys, but Ike had nixed that idea and quickly directed their seating arrangements himself. Now, Ike sat close beside her, his knee pressed hard up against her thigh. She tried to discreetly move away only to have him lower his hand and forcefully pull her chair closer. Her breath caught, and she quickly looked to see if any of the children had noticed.

  Ike chuckled. “Zeke, slow down, son. You need to chew each bite awhile before you swallow it. Don’t worry, there’s plenty, and I’ll even get you some pie for dessert.”

  The children weren’t paying any attention to Sarah or Ike. It’s probably the first time they’ve eaten in a restaurant. “Are you guys having a good time?”

  Zeke’s head nodded vigorously up and down. “You know what the best part is?” he asked around a mouthful of mashed potatoes.


  The boy grinned. “You’re not gonna make us wash dishes when we get through eating.”

  Sarah laughed, and then jumped when she felt Ike’s hand cover hers in her lap. She gulped and looked into his eyes, her breath catching at the heat reflected there.

  “I want you to take a drive with me, Sarah.” He spoke quietly, holding her gaze. “Will you do that for me, please?”

  Sarah opened her mouth to tell him no and then heard her voice agreeing. “When?”

  His gave her a satisfied smile. “This evening, after supper.”

  She glanced at the children and then nodded her head, peeking at him through her lashes. The lusty look on his face gave her pause. What have I gotten myself into? Maybe I misunderstood. She cleared her throat. “Will Abe be joining us?”

  “Not this time.” He sent her a wicked grin and turned to the children. “Come on now. Clean up them plates or you’ll miss out on a slice of Sadie’s cherry pie.” A flurry of groans followed his statement, the children hurrying to clean their plates.

  * * * *

  Ike pulled his buggy up in front of Sarah’s sod house and took a deep breath. It was his turn to place a claim on Sarah, and he planned to make his move tonight. He wanted it to be in a more comfortable setting than his brother had chosen, so he was taking her back to their house. He thought back to his conversation with Abe at breakfast. His brother thought he was rushing things, that he should give her a little more time before making his move, but Ike couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to move their relationship along and nothing was going to stop him, nothing except Sarah’s rejection. After feeling her hand tremble in his, he didn’t think that was a likely possibility.

  He couldn’t wait to see what she thought of their house. Both brothers wanted her to be happy living there. The hardest part was still to come. How would she react to both brothers, together? Ike took a deep breath, and then climbed down from the wagon. He turned at the sound of the door opening.

  “I thought you were gonna sit there all night.”

  Ike grinned and ruffled the hair on Daniel’s head. “I was just getting up nerve to knock on your door.” He smirked at Daniel’s expression. “You’ll understand better when you’re older and go courtin’.”

  “Is that what you’re doing, courtin’?”


  Daniel scowled. “What about your brother?”

  “What about him?” Ike already knew the boy had threatened Abe if he hurt Sarah. He figured he was about to get the same treatment.

  Daniel stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Miss Sarah is a nice woman and you ought not to do anything to change that.”

  Ike placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder and leaned closer. “Don’t worry, son. I’d never do anything to hurt Sarah, and neither would Abe.”

  Daniel watched him for a moment and then nodded. He stepped back and opened the door. “Sarah, Ike’s here.”

  Ike stepped into the small house in time to see Sarah come walking out of the bedroom. She was all dressed up in a green calico dress that set off the color of her hair. She smiled shyly, and then glanced over at the children. Jonathan was looking through a book with Rachel, while Zeke and Jake curled up in front of the fire playing checkers.

  “I won’t be too late. Finish your chores and make sure the barn door is closed and latched. That wolf is still out there, and he might find himself hungry and come looking for a snack.”

  Jonathan giggled. “I don’t think Cupcake would like getting a visit from that wolf.”

  “Cupcake?” asked Ike.

  Sarah grinned. “Our cow, and don’t ask.”

  “Don’t worry, Sarah.” Daniel moved over and touched her arm. “I’ll make sure everything gets done.”

  Ike took Sarah’s elbow. “Make sure none of you travels outside, alone, after dark. There’s safety in numbers.”

  “Yes, sir.” Each boy gave his promise at the same time.

  Ike glanced down at Sarah. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes.” She grabbed her shawl from the nail on the door and walked outside. She let him help her into the seat, and then sat quietly while he ran around and climbed in the other side. “Where are we going?”

  Ike turned the horse toward the road and smiled. “I’m taking you to my house.”

  “What for?”

  Her voice was so strange, Ike turned to let his gaze wander over her. She was gripping the seat so tightly her knuckles were white. He laid his hand over hers and rubbed gently. “Because I want to show you our house. You’ve never seen the inside, and I want your opinion on it.”

  Sarah yanked her hand away and buried it in the folds of her skirt. “Why would you want my opinion?”

  He shrugged. “Our house is nice, but it’s never had a woman’s touch. Abe and I are curious what a lady, such as you, would think.”

  She let out a strange squeak and then cleared her throat. “Is Abe going to be there?”

  She’s embarrassed to think she might run into Abe while she’s with me. She’ll learn soon enough that it’s not a problem. “No, he has to work at the jail tonight and won’t be home until late.” She still looked uncomfortable, so he took her hand and held it in his lap. “Relax, Sarah, everything will be fine.” She gave a hesitant nod and left her hand clasped in his.

  * * * *

  Sarah watched carefully as they rode up the long drive to what the townsfolk still called The Mallory Place. She’d ridden up this drive before when she came to buy her geldings, but hadn’t accepted an invitation into the charming house. Now, she looked it over carefully and decided she really liked what she saw.

  It was huge, spread out before her, and likely large enough to fit her own little house inside a few times over. It was almost as big as the orphanage she’d grown up in. Whoever built it splur
ged and had lumber shipped in. The whole house appeared to be wood, except for the two rock chimneys she could see. It was painted white with three glass-pane windows across the front.

  Ike got down and hurried to Sarah’s side. Instead of taking the hand she held out for him, he put his hands around her waist and lifted her into the air. Pulling her close, her let her slide down the front of his body as he lowered her to the ground. She could feel his heat through her clothes. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she pulled away.

  Ike smiled and held out his arm. When she didn’t move, he grabbed her hand and placed it over his arm and led her toward the door. Inside, Sarah stopped when Ike took her shawl and laid it over a table near the door. He pulled her further into the sitting room.

  The room was large, divided down the middle by a half wall. On one side, it appeared to be a sitting room and the other held a long table with matching chairs. He pulled her further into the sitting room, and stopped. It had a large rock fireplace with a thick wooden mantel against the back wall. A small fire burned in the hearth. There were two leather armchairs and a sofa situated in a semicircle around it. A shelf, on another wall, held a row of books with well-worn covers.

  Ike walked over and picked up a box of matches from the mantel and lit a kerosene lamp. He turned the wick up slightly, leaving a kind of ghostly glow in the large room. He picked up the lamp and walked toward Sarah. “Come on, I want to show you the rest of the house.”

  He pulled her toward the other half of the room where a long table and eight chairs dominated the space. The surface of the table had been polished to a glowing shine. Two of the walls held cabinets filled with a collection of plates and cups. Ike pulled her toward a door in the corner. When he pushed it open, she found herself in a kitchen, one as large as the two rooms of her house.

  A smaller table, with four chairs, sat in the center of the room. There was a window over a sink that held a water pump, right inside the house. Several cabinets had been hung on the wall and probably held various dishes or maybe cook pans. A huge, black castiron stove took up almost a whole wall on its own. It had six circles on top for cooking and a side reservoir where they’d always have heated water.


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