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Stanley (Red Wolf Book 2)

Page 4

by Dawn, Crystal

  Once she began to go wild beneath me, I could not hold off my own orgasm. I pumped into her filling her to the limit with my seed. So much so that some came back out coating the inside of her thighs with my sticky offering. It occurred to me we hadn’t discussed children since we weren’t yet mated. We’d not talked about birth control either, on my part because I didn’t want her to use it.

  Humans, I knew, sometimes delayed having children or decided not to have them at all. This probably wasn’t the case with Rachel since she was excited about being an aunt. That made me assume she liked children. It was possible she only liked other people’s children but she knew how wolves were. I would have expected her to mention an unwillingness to ever have offspring.

  Now that the subject came to mind I was nervous about it. It just wasn’t something I could keep my mind on after the best sex of my life. This was something I wanted to do a lot more of and often. My heart rate slowed and my breathing got closer to normal as I rolled over and lay flat on my back next to my female.

  “That was incredible.” I praised.

  “Amazing.” She agreed.

  I moved onto my side and wrapped my body around her and we both fell asleep. The way we were woke up, was not something that had better happen again. A weight dropped on the bed and a rancid smell hit my nose right away. I peeled open one unwilling eye lid and a smiling face covered in dirt and grime with missing teeth and the rest were rotted half away, was in my personal space.

  “Off my bed!” I demanded.

  “But I’m first among the females. I have the right to be here.” She, I suppose it was female, claimed.

  “You have no right in my bed unless I give you an invitation. You’re not getting one. Get out and wait in the kitchen.” I directed. The smile was gone and now she was sending Rachel hostile looks.

  Rachel was sitting up now and looking confused as the female stomped out of the room. She was so filthy and uncared for that I wondered how James could stand to sleep next to her. She’d left a dirty spot on my clean sheets where she’d sat.

  “Who was that?” Rachel asked.

  “I didn’t catch her name. Apparently they have or rather had a hierarchy for who slept with the alpha. She wasn’t here for the fight and no one informed her that everything is different now.” I couldn’t help but wonder if they had let her come in here unaware on purpose.

  Rachel and I got up and dressed so we could meet this female that felt she had authority in the pack. I grabbed her hand as we walked out to show solidarity and make a claim on my female. The other female sat in the kitchen chair with her filthy feet on the table.

  “Feet are not allowed on the table. You need to get a cleaning cloth and wipe off the table.” I directed. Her mouth hung open in shock.

  “You’re joking.” She accused.

  “I’m not. Do it now and then we’ll talk.”

  She walked to the sink where she found the cloth mumbling the whole time about change being bad and everyone going crazy. Wiping off the table, she tossed the cloth into the sink from where she stood and a spray of water splashed the counter and some sloshed onto the floor. I eyed it with disapproval.

  “What is your name?” I asked.

  “I’m Maisy.” She said in a breathless voice attempting to be sexy.

  “Well Maisy, I’m Stan, your new alpha and this is my female, Rachel. Things have changed now and your way of doing things in this pack will change too.” I instructed firmly.

  “Your female? You only have one?” She asked incredulously.

  “Yes, one is all I need.” I said.

  “Well I’m head female around here and she will be under me. That’s the way things work.” She insisted,

  “No.” I said.

  “No?” Maisy asked. “What about hierarchy?”

  “You can fight her for top position, but she is human and a witch. That means she’ll be allowed to use magic. It’s really your choice.” I informed.

  “Witches don’t join packs.” Maisy said, her look a cross between frightened and suspicious.

  “They do when their fated one turns out to be a pack alpha.” Rachel explained. “You ready to challenge?”

  “I’ll retain my right to challenge later. So what’s up with all this cleaning? We don’t do that here.” Maisy pointed out.

  “You do now and I expect you to shower if you want to stay around here.” I insisted. “There’s no need to get so dirty.”

  “It keeps us closer to our wolves, Alpha always said.” She recited.

  “Wolves aren’t dirty animals.” I said.

  “As long as you think spit is clean.” Maisy retorted. She had a point, wolves often licked themselves and others to get clean.

  “We don’t have to use spit, we have showers that use water.” I gestured down the hall.

  “Alright already. I’m going, but I haven’t any clean clothes so it won’t help.”

  Rachel eyed her. “I’ll bring you something to wear.” My female headed back to our bedroom and she returned with some jeans and a T-shirt. Must have been in the bag of stuff for my mate that Megan had sent to Rachel. They would be loose since Maisy was skinny although not as underfed as some of the others, but they would be clean.

  Rachel came back and started cooking and once the aroma of food and coffee spread through the house, the pack started to appear as if by magic. I got up and started to fix plates and hand them out. “Once a person finishes eating, they need to get back to work cleaning this house until it’s done.” The amazing thing was that everything had been dirty, but the house was basically solid. Sure, it needed some paint, but the floors were all solid wood and the layer of filth had covered them. They didn’t look worn.

  Maisy came back and pushed her way to the front of the line. “Damn I’m hungry. If your female can cook, I guess I can put up with her.” She stood in front of me her hand out for a plate.

  “I told you things are different. No cutting in line. If you want food, go to the back and wait your turn.” I ordered. She mumbled and cussed, but she went to the back of the line.

  When she finally made it back to me, she took her plate and stomped off. “Don’t forget to bring your plate back to the sink.” I hollered after her. There were two teenage girls trying to keep the dishes caught up.

  Rachel was through cooking the available food so she fixed her own plate and sat down to eat. Watching her, I thought she would make a wonderful alpha’s mate. Once our bond was fully sealed, I would be one lucky male. Several of the males were done eating now and Rachel was done too.

  “Who wants to go to the cabin near Howlington with me? I want to see what it needs to be ready for a family.” I explained.

  “I do.” Rachel said. Three guys wanted to go to. We went outside and loaded up some construction gear into the back of my truck. The guys hopped in back with it. Rachel sat shotgun and I drove.

  We arrived and there were people at the house. Some of the ones that had left before the challenge were hiding out here. I stepped up on the porch without fear of any one of them. My worry was what I’d do if they piled up on me and I was fighting a dozen.

  “Who are you?” I asked the biggest guy that came out.

  “My name is March. What do you want us to do, Alpha?”

  “We’re going to fix this place for a family or maybe two to share. I will warn you that any of you who abused the females or children are facing punishment from the council. There will be no safe place for you to hide because I can’t abide bullies.”

  “Most of us did what we had to because he was our alpha. He was cruel and punished what he called insubordination. Those who agreed with him were at the top of the hierarchy. No one was allowed to fight them.” March admitted.

  “I heard he like the females to fight.” I said.

  “James encouraged their fights and set it up like entertainment. Maisy won most of the time.” March agreed.

  It made me sick how James had made up the rules as he went along. T
he only things consistent in his pack were the abuse of the females and pups. To put males in high positions they didn’t deserve was thumbing his nose at wolf traditions and customs. There would be no more of that.

  Rachel and I toured the house and found it livable with a little cleaning. A door needed replaced as well as the locks on all the doors. The back door needed unblocked because it was unsafe not to have it clear.

  Rachel worked with us and was a big help as we did what repairs we could manage before lunch. Someone would be moving in today and they could continue to do the cosmetic work that would remain. A loving hand would turn this into home sweet home.

  We were all tired, dirty, and sweaty as we drove back to the pack house. No one had fixed any food so I called the nearest pizza place and made a deal for fifty pizzas, a variety of them, delivered. I added sodas and breadsticks. Now we all needed to clean up so we could accept the delivery. Because of the size of the order, delivery was free but I had to pay in advance. It was a reasonable precaution for that amount of money.

  Rachel and I went to our bathroom while the guys fought over the other bathrooms and who would go first. We had to get clean quick so we didn’t have sex, but oh how I wanted to. In ten minutes, we made our way back out to the kitchen. Rachel wanted to make some more food, but the cupboards were bare. Grocery buying would need to be done at a food warehouse since we needed massive amounts to feed this crew.

  “Hey March!” I hollered and he came running.

  “Yes, Alpha?”

  “I need some information. Who has the biggest family in the pack?”


  “Yes, a father, mother, children, and sometimes additional people.”

  “We don’t have many of those. James didn’t like mating. He said pack should come first. Ezra’s family is the biggest. It’s him, his mate, four kids, his sister, and his mom. Two of the kids were adopted when their parents died before James put a stop to adopting.”

  “Where is Ezra and what does he do for the pack?”

  “They all live outside in one of the tent things. He was an accountant before James decided we had no use for one. I can fetch him for you if you’d like?”

  “Thank you, March. I would like that.”

  “An accountant? That can’t be full time just for this pack.” Rachel mentioned.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked.

  “Megan is starting an accounting firm. She has a small one already that just does tax forms. I bet she’d hire him part time.” Rachel guessed.

  “I like how you think.” I replied.

  “Alpha?” A shaky voice asked.

  “Are you Ezra?” I asked.

  “Yes. Did you need something?” He asked.

  “I believe it’s an alpha’s job to help his people do the best they can. Do you agree?” I asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Tell me a little about your family so I can do my job better.”

  “I was the pack accountant at one time. My wife is a seamstress and my sister is her assistant. My mother used to cook sometimes for the alpha and his selected guests.”

  “Okay, I think that will help me. Are you familiar with the cabin by Howlington?”

  “Yes, it’s a nice little house. I had a friend that lived there once a long while ago.”

  “I’d like you to take your family and have a look at it. It’s unlocked, but all the doors will lock and I have the new keys. The plan is to get all the houses livable and put families in them. The cabin is big enough to accommodate all of you.”

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Yes. I also want you to get back on the pack’s books. They are messed up, I know, but once you get them in order, I may be able to find you a part time job so your family can live better. Rachel would also like to talk to your mate about making clothes for everyone and your mom about helping out with the cooking. We want to get this pack back to a happy healthy condition and it’s going to have to be one family at a time.” I explained.

  “I hope I’m not dreaming.” Ezra said as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

  “It’s real and things will get better, but it will take time.” Rachel said and she patted him on his shoulder lightly.

  There was a knock on the door and the pizza man was here. “Ezra, wait and have your family eat before you go or you won’t get anything.” Rachel advised.

  We both followed the pizza man out to the yard and started by handing out a few pizzas, breadsticks, and a 2 liter bottle of pop to Ezra. He took it and left quickly, smart man. There was a pile of plates that came with the order so we fixed two pieces per adult and one piece for the little kids. Everyone got a breadstick, and March was pouring soda as fast as he could so everyone got at least a cup.

  The atmosphere was almost like a festival. The kids were finally realizing that they would be fed and cared for. The whole situation would have almost been enough to bring a tear to my eye but I swore to the goddess that I would see these people get normal lives. They would no longer be starved and abused. There would be families, homes, and the pack would have activities like full moon runs that they would all enjoy.

  The feasting was done quickly and Ezra’s family gathered nearby waiting. Since everything was burnable, the young boys piled it all up and set it on fire. With little cleanup to do, we left others in charge and took two trucks. I drove mine and I had March drive one that the alpha owned. The council had a legal department that would see all his possessions transfer along with stewardship of the pack property. The first alpha had been wise, he had set the pack property and any property added later to where the alpha only managed it. The land couldn’t be borrowed against ever. That clause had saved the pack because I’d heard James had tried to take out loans and even consulted a lawyer to try to get around the clause. Nothing had helped him.

  The house was at the edge of the property but it wasn’t far by car. We pulled into the driveway and Ezra and his family got out and approached us. “”This is my mate, Liza, my mother Delores, she goes by Del, my sister Tamra, and my four pups, Ned, Hale, Gordan, and Emily. Guys, this is the new alpha, Stan and his mate Rachel.”

  After all the greetings were done, I gestured for Ezra to take his family inside. It occurred to me that the power was still on at the house, but I’d not seen any utility bills except for the main house. It was something for Ezra to check into.

  They came back out of the house half an hour later, excited. “It’s perfect, Alpha. We’d love to have it.”

  “It’s late now, but you can move in come morning. March will help you if you have anything to move. You’ll be needing a car and you can use the alpha’s van for now until we get things settled and everyone’s financials straightened out. Once you get moved in, let me know. I want to give you the books to look over.”

  “I can take them home?” Ezra asked looking almost afraid either of asking or what his alpha would say.

  “There are no secrets. We’ll have an advisory council formed once things are going better. I’m sure someone in your family will be on it.”

  “A council?”

  “Most packs have them. They assist the alpha with decisions, projects, and help keep the pack informed.”

  “It just that we haven’t had one in two generations.”

  “Then it’s about time.”

  “Let’s get back to the alpha house so we can all get to sleep.”

  Over the next few days, Ezra’s family got moved and settled in, Ezra started going over the books, Del started helping with the meals, and Rachel took Liza and Tamra to a closeout shop that carried fabric, thread, needles and other things they needed. Everyone in the pack was getting some new clothes and I was glad.

  Ezra knocked on the door of the office. It was James’ old office but I had started working on it to get it clean. “Hey, Ezra. Got some news for me?” I asked as I opened the door and ushered him in.

  “The usual bad news that you already suspected but some possibly goo
d news too.”

  “You have no idea how badly I need some good news.”

  “I think I do better than anyone.” He passed me a piece of paper.

  “Damn, I guess I’m not surprised we’re almost broke. Where’s the good news?”

  “I checked out how the utility bills on my house were being paid and they are coming out of a second pack account.”

  “I’m hoping this one has something in it?”

  Ezra passed me another paper. “Wow. I wasn’t expecting that. It could be a big help. Can we access it?”

  “Yes, it’s tied to the pack trust that owns the land. I think the son was trying to milk the pack of its funds. The old alpha was still irresponsible, but the son was helping him go broke.”

  “I want you to put it back in the main account and close this one. Just to be sure no one takes anything more that belongs to the pack.”

  “I’ll get right on it. And Alpha?”

  “Yes, Ezra?”

  “Thank you and your mate for what you’re doing.”

  “You’re welcome. We’re all in this together.”

  Ezra left and I had some hope things might get easier. Finally we’d found some money and it would help because we’d started on the next house and it wasn’t in good shape. Even with free labor, the materials had been two thousand dollars. I had a good savings account, but I was about to start a business and might need every bit of it. The pack needed jobs and a business would help provide that for some of them. Most of the males seemed to have some construction skills and I had a lot of that experience from when I was a kid.

  “Hey, I was wanting to talk to you.” Rachel said. I’d been so busy I hadn’t noticed her approach.

  “You sure you didn’t just want to seduce me?”

  “As much fun as that would be, we need to have a serious talk about the needs of the pack house.”

  “I’ve been fearfully waiting for this talk.” I admitted.


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