Guardian Lion: BBW Lion Shifter Paranormal Romance (Cedar Hill Lions Book 2)

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Guardian Lion: BBW Lion Shifter Paranormal Romance (Cedar Hill Lions Book 2) Page 13

by Chant,Zoe

  “No, darling,” Mason said dutifully, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Promise.”

  As Charity turned to leave, Mason turned back to Heath, his expression growing grave. “But seriously, Heath. How are you?”

  Heath grimaced a little, rolling his shoulder. With his fast shifter healing, his wounds were already mostly healed. The shoulder where he’d been shot was still painful, however, and he had to be careful with it. He’d be fine by next week, but it felt like a long wait to him. He was used to being strong and fit, ready for anything. He was impatient to feel like himself again.

  “I’m okay,” he told his cousin. “I’m used to fighting, and the pain isn’t really a big deal. I guess I’m more pissed that it was shifters who did this – that they’d go so far to try to hurt other shifters.”

  Mason nodded. Naturally, the violent raid on the headquarters of Assured Security had been all over the news – leaving out the shifter part, of course. It had been reported as a mob revenge plot that had gone awry, which Heath supposed it had been. But he still hated the idea that shifters, who ought to stick together, would do something like this, and turn against their own like that.

  Shifter society had rules and codes of conduct, and this was going against all of them. If Denny had had a grievance, he could have called out Sandra or Hector for one-on-one combat, and done things right – how things should be done, with no innocents killed, and no grudges afterward. If Denny had won the combat, he could have dictated terms. But he and the other criminal shifters had gone against every rule shifters had. Wholesale slaughter just wasn’t the shifter way.

  “I know,” Mason told him. “You know about the troubles Charity and I had. Damned if I’ll ever understand it. If we can’t even get along with each other, how are we ever going to get along with the rest of the world?”

  Heath pulled in a deep breath. “Maybe. But I think it’ll happen. Slowly, but it’ll happen. We just have to keep working to show people shifters are nothing to be frightened of.”

  Mason nodded. “Yeah. It can’t happen too soon, in my opinion.”

  Grimacing, Heath turned his mind away from the depressing turn the conversation had taken. He had his mate, and he was with his family. Dinner was waiting for him. At the moment, he was happy, and being surrounded by the people he loved was the only thing that mattered.

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but personally, I’m starving,” he said. “And Charity did say she didn’t want us to be long. I’d hate to incur her anger. She’s one tough lady.”

  Mason laughed. “You have no idea. And speaking of tough ladies, you do know Daphne’s about a million times out of your league, right? You better be thanking your lucky stars for her.”

  Heath grinned. “Only every other second. Believe me – I know how lucky I am.” He sobered a little. “You always told me that finding your mate was the best thing that’d ever happen to me, and I never quite believed you. Now I can’t even imagine how I could’ve thought differently.”

  “It’s because you’re an idiot,” Mason said mildly, smiling at him. “But you’re my cousin, so I forgive you. Seriously, though – you won’t know what hit you. This is the start of something amazing.”

  Heath swallowed. He knew that already. Every second he spent with Daphne he only loved her more. Her bravery during the raid on the Assured Security headquarters had been amazing. He very likely owed her his life. She was everything he had ever wanted in a mate: strong, smart, and brave. All wrapped up in killer curves and a gorgeous smile. She was perfect.

  The scent of food wafted into the study from outside. Heath’s stomach growled insistently, reminding him of just how hungry he was. Healing took a lot of energy, after all.

  “I hear that,” Mason said, laughing. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

  Heath nodded, clapping his cousin on the shoulder, wincing a little at the pain in his arm. That definitely couldn’t heal fast enough.

  But for the moment, he was about to go enjoy a feast with his family and the woman he loved.

  Life couldn’t get any better.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “You will come to see us soon, won’t you, darling?”

  Daphne smiled at the sound of her mother’s voice. They might not have grown up close, but sometimes it was just good to hear her and know that she was loved, even if they were very different people.

  “Of course, Mom. Soon,” she reassured her. “I’m just down meeting Heath’s family, but as soon as he’s better, we’ll fly up and I’ll introduce you. I promise.”

  “You know your father will want to give him a once-over to ensure that he’s good enough for his little girl,” her mother continued. “Hmm, and didn’t you say he’s a veteran? That’s good. That’s very good.”

  Daphne resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She could already see her mother’s mind ticking away, thinking of all the good publicity that Senator Davenport’s daughter dating a veteran would bring in. Daphne had no intention of letting that happen – her and Heath’s relationship was absolutely off-limits, as far as she was concerned. But she couldn’t quite get angry with her mother about it. This was just how her parents were. She’d made her peace with it.

  “Sure, Mom.” Daphne paused as the smell of what was cooking in the kitchen drifted out to her. It made her mouth water. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until this moment. “Look, I have to go. Dinner’s on the table. But I’ll call you again soon, I promise.”

  “Of course, darling,” her mother said. “Let me know when Heath’s better, and I’ll organize a plane for you.”

  Daphne said her goodbyes, though she didn’t tell her mother that they’d be just fine catching a commercial flight, like everybody else. Usually it was better to just do things by herself and inform her parents later, rather than try to talk them out of their ideas about how her life should be run.

  Hanging up, Daphne emerged from the corridor where she’d been making her phone call. Today had been a flurry of activity: fending off reporters who wanted to know more details about the raid, calling her parents to assure them she was safe, and emailing Terry to make sure he was getting on without her while she and Heath recuperated from their ordeal. He’d told her in no uncertain terms to stop worrying about him and simply focus on herself: he’d hired a temp to take care of the accounts while she was gone, and he was happy for her to take as much time as she needed.

  Daphne had felt a little nervous about this at first, but after seeing a second email from Sally the receptionist assuring her she was keeping a close eye on Terry, she felt a little more assured. The other staff members had all been sending her well-wishes and their hopes they’d see her again soon. Daphne smiled as she thought of the kind messages she’d received – every bit like the family they were.

  And now, she had another new family too: Heath’s family. They had welcomed her into their home with open arms. She’d been nervous about meeting them at first – even though Heath had assured her that they’d love her, she still felt anxious about fitting into such a close-knit group.

  She needn’t have worried. Heath’s cousins and uncle had been nothing but warm. Mason, the county sheriff, had come to pick them up in his SUV and immediately wrapped her up in a huge bear hug – or a lion hug, to be more accurate, she supposed! His mate, Charity, had been warm and kind, welcoming her like a sister. Which, Daphne thought, they almost were. Heath and Mason were as close as brothers, after all.

  Joe, Heath’s eldest cousin, seemed shy and reserved, but he’d welcomed her warmly, shaking her hand and offering her a smile. After the boisterous first meeting with Mason, he was a welcome change – he didn’t speak until he was sure of his words, which were always sensible and kind. He’d stepped in when Mason and Heath’s playful teasing had gotten a little over the top, calming them down with a few well-chosen words. He worked on the ranch with his father Lincoln, Heath and Mason’s uncle, and Daphne could see the strong, steady workman he w
as in his broad shoulders and weathered hands.

  Lincoln had seemed a little stern when Daphne first met him, but Heath had already explained to her that he had to be that way: as the alpha and the leader of the pride, every lion that belonged to it was his responsibility. He’d been the alpha from a young age, and that, along with raising two sons alone, had made him cautious and serious. Heath had assured her that underneath it all, however, he was just a big softy.

  She hadn’t yet met Heath’s youngest cousin, Casey, who would be arriving tomorrow with Heath’s mother. He was young and a little irresponsible, but Heath told her he’d improved a lot over the past year. He’d soon grow into a fine young shifter.

  There were so many people to meet that Daphne felt her head would have been in a spin, if it hadn’t been for the knowledge that Heath was right there next to her, every step of the way. He never let things become overwhelming for her. If ever she started to feel nervous, his hand on hers would bring her back down, reassuring her that everything was fine. His family was her family now too.

  Coming out into the dining room where the Whittaker boys were assembling for dinner, Daphne couldn’t help but smile. Seeing Heath and Mason laughing together while helping Charity bring the food to the table warmed her heart.

  And speaking of food…

  She knew that Charity ran a successful diner, and it wasn’t hard to see why: the feast laid out in front of them looked amazing. The table was full of gorgeous home-style food, packed high on the plates. There was creamy potato salad, pork and beans, crispy onion rings, green beans with butter, and sticky chicken drumsticks.

  Daphne’s mouth was watering, but even so, it was hard to see how they’d get through so much food. She quickly realized, however, that she hadn’t been reckoning on a lion shifter’s appetite – let alone the appetites of four lion shifters!

  The food disappeared fast, the conversation at the table spare as they all filled their bellies. Daphne felt full long before she stopped eating. Charity’s food tasted so good she couldn’t stop until the last morsel was gone.

  Sitting back in her chair, Daphne licked her lips, resting her hands on her belly. “Wow, Charity. That was amazing. I don’t know how you did it.”

  Charity grinned at her. “Well, cooking is my passion – it’s something I got from my dad. He was always looking for the perfect recipe. Maybe one day I’ll find it.”

  “Mission accomplished, as far as I’m concerned,” Daphne told her. “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten that well in my life.”

  “Hopefully it’ll give you and Heath a bit of incentive to come down and visit us more often,” Lincoln said. “We worry about him – first out by himself in the army, and now in the city. Lions like to keep an eye on their own.”

  Heath groaned. “I’ve already talked about this, Lincoln. I need some space now that I’m finally running my own life. Not forever. Just for now.”

  “Yeah, Lincoln – give the two lovebirds some privacy,” Mason chipped in, laughing. “They don’t need you looking over their shoulder every three seconds.”

  Lincoln raised his hands, even cracking a slight smile. “All right, point taken.”

  They sat for a while in contented silence, just happy to be together. Daphne looked around at the faces of each of her new family in turn. This was just like the family dinners she had always dreamed of as she’d been growing up, alone except for a nanny – and then, once she’d gotten older, an etiquette tutor. Being surrounded by a large, warm family was everything she’d dreamed of: the good-natured teasing and the simple, delicious food, and the sense that everyone here loved each other unconditionally.

  But they weren’t just a family, Daphne reminded herself. They were a pride.

  They’d look after each other no matter what.

  As she looked around the table, Heath caught her eye, his eyebrow raised. She knew that look. It was the one that said, What d’you say we get outta here?

  Daphne’s lips twitched into a smile. She knew he’d understand her perfectly: Whenever you want. Let’s go.

  She already adored her newfound family, but some alone time with Heath was pretty tempting right about now.

  Not that it was ever not tempting. It still amazed her, just how much he could turn her on with just a look or a touch. It was like there was an eternal fire burning in her belly, and all he needed to do was stoke it a little, and it flared up, heating her from the inside out.

  Heath yawned theatrically, stretching his uninjured arm. “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but after that feed I’m ready to hit the hay. Gotta get my rest in, after all.”

  Daphne saw Mason sniggering behind his hand and raising an eyebrow – but, mercifully, he said nothing.

  They said their goodnights – it was Joe and Mason’s turn for the dishes, so Daphne and Heath were excused from having to hang around to wash up – and headed out the door toward the small outbuilding they were staying in.

  It was only a small cabin, but it was warm and cozy, with its own little kitchen and bathroom, and a small fireplace to keep them toasty. During the early days of Heath’s recovery they had barely moved from their room. Charity had brought them food from the diner, while Daphne tended Heath’s wounds and made sure he wasn’t exerting himself too much while he healed.

  It had been a challenge at times – Heath had wanted to shift and go running with his cousins, and Daphne had, at times, had to keep him on a strict rewards system for following nurse’s orders.

  A thrill ran down her spine as she remembered all those special rewards she’d given him. Sometimes with her fingers, sometimes with her tongue. Nothing that had allowed Heath to exert himself too much, but enough to keep them both satisfied – well, at least for the time being. She had to admit, however, that now he was better, she was hungry for more. She quickened her pace, her skin rising into goosebumps, and not just because of the cold night air.

  As if he’d read her mind, Heath wrapped his arms around her suddenly, pressing his lips to hers. The heat that was always simmering between them flared up, like a fire roaring to life. When Daphne pulled back from the kiss, Heath’s eyes darkened with desire, and she knew that no matter how sore his shoulder was, he wouldn’t settle for anything less tonight.

  “Come on,” he said, sweeping her up. Daphne gasped as he lifted her. She knew he was strong, but it never failed to amaze her just how strong he was. He could carry her as if she weighed nothing at all, even with an injury.

  “Heath, your shoulder –”

  “I don’t care,” he growled. “Not tonight. Tonight, you’re mine.”

  Daphne could do nothing as he carried her down the path to their cabin. She simply rested her cheek against his chest, hearing his heartbeat in her ear, and feeling his warmth against her body.

  Heath didn’t stand on ceremony, virtually kicking the door down in his haste to get them inside. Then his lips were on hers once more, hot and insistent, his strong arms around her.

  They moved across the room together, her fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt as he pulled her sweater up over her head. Heath’s skin was warm under her hands as she pressed her palms to his broad chest, her thumbs gliding over his pebbled nipples, making him shudder.

  “Daphne…” His voice came out as a deep growl. Daphne bit her lip, the deep desire in his voice sending a wave of warmth straight through her, settling between her legs. His hands stroked the soft skin of her belly, moving up beneath the hem of her shirt. She gasped, arching against him. His touch set all her nerves alight, adrenaline thrilling through her. She could feel herself growing wet between her legs already, heat swirling in her belly.

  “I want you,” Heath whispered, his lips going to her throat, his breath hot against her skin. “I need you.”

  “Please,” Daphne gasped, digging her fingers into his back as he nibbled his way down her neck. “Oh God…”

  He swept her up against him, lifting her feet from the floor, and carrying her across the r

  Daphne felt the soft bed on her back as she wrapped her arms around him, drawing him down to her. Everything felt so good – the heat of his mouth, his strong body above hers. She could feel the steel rod of his erection pushing against her thigh, hard and massive. She gasped as he nudged it against her crotch, sliding it over her.

  “Heath…” She gasped his name, barely able to think straight. She wanted him so badly. No – she needed him. She wasn’t sure if she could keep breathing if she didn’t feel him inside her. Throwing her arms around his muscular shoulders, Daphne pulled Heath down to her, moving her hips against him, desperate to feel more, more, more…

  Sitting up, Heath stripped himself of his shirt, tearing it off in his haste to get undressed. Daphne bit her lip as the still-visible marks from his fight were revealed. Reaching up, she gently ran her fingers over the silvery scars from the various bites and scratches he’d suffered, before tracing the large, circular mark where he’d been shot in the shoulder.

  “Does it still hurt?” she asked him.

  “A little. But not enough to stop me from having you,” Heath said. “Nothing could keep me away from you tonight. I’ve waited long enough. I’ll go crazy if I can’t feel you…”

  Reaching down, he pulled up the bottom of her shirt. Daphne wriggled to help him lift it up over her head, before he tossed it to the corner of the room. Her bra joined it in short order, followed by first her jeans and panties, and then his pants and boxer briefs.

  Naked at last, Daphne gloried in the feel of his skin against hers as they lay full-length against each other, Heath’s hot erection pushing between her thighs. She gasped, throwing her head back as he rubbed against her, teasing her, coating himself in her wetness.

  “Oh, God…” she whispered, shuddering. She felt light-headed with desire, as if she couldn’t breathe fast enough to fuel her body. “I want you so much. Please – I need you inside me…”


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