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Scaling Her Dragon: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 8)

Page 4

by Taiden, Milly

  “Your eyes look so sad, and you look so lonely,” she whispered. “I know how that feels, too.” There were no other words uttered. For a quiet moment, she listened to the dragon breathe. She swore they had a connection going. She guessed her love for dragons throughout her life allowed her to find a way to link with the creature without the need for words.

  “Becca!” Charlotte’s voice sounded from the trees.

  She whirled around, taking a few steps in the direction of Charlotte’s voice. “I’m right here!” She glanced over her shoulder and saw the dragon take off in quick flight. “Wait! Don’t go.”

  It was too late. He shot through the air, flying so fast into the darkness of the night, if she would’ve blinked, she’d have missed it.

  Within seconds, Charlotte, her two mates, and Drayken rushed from between the trees. They glanced around until they saw her. Her heart sank. The dragon was gone. For a magical moment, she’d felt so in tune with the creature. Now, she was lonely again.


  Vikter wasn’t sure what to think. He’d finally come to the realization he wanted her. The human. Becca. The way she touched his dragon, so carefully and without a single trace of fear or worry, had done him in. Even when she’d noticed his sharp teeth and realized he could have hurt or even killed her with a single claw swipe, she’d stayed.

  He glanced into the night. He refused to acknowledge his dragon calling for the human. Lust. That’s what it was. He saw his reflection in the window and growled. This desire for her wasn’t going anywhere.

  Razzy slammed his door opened and raced inside. “Vikter!”

  “Why did you send the human into my office?” he asked, his temper under control for the first time in weeks.

  He turned to face her and caught the flush of crimson on her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry, Vik. I didn’t think you’d be in there. It was just a joke.” She made a guilty face, shuffling foot to foot.

  “Somehow I think this was your way of getting me to interact with our guests,” he said, reading more into his sister’s features than she would have wanted.

  She stopped, her brows dipping low. “You should have been there with me, welcoming our guests and celebrating like mother would have wanted.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. I should have been there.”

  She opened and closed her mouth. “Really?”

  “Yes.” He marched toward her, stopping inches from her. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. I will try to give you more of the support you need.”

  She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “No. I’m sorry. I know you’re going through a hard time, but I have faith we’ll find your mate. Soon. I just know it.”

  The image of Becca slipped through his mind. The dragon tried to convey something through their link, but Vikter shut him down. He didn’t want or need emotional attachments to anyone. His heart didn’t seem to care what he wanted. The very thought of Becca’s smile, her eyes…something warmed inside him. An emotion he wasn’t really familiar with tugged at his heart.

  “I like Becca,” Razzy said. “Do you mind if I invite her over for dinner tomorrow?”

  “I don’t mind,” he said, his body heating at the thought of having her near again.

  “Good,” she sighed. “Drayken invited himself and Aunt Laina as well. The last thing I want is to have to deal with those two alone.” She pulled back and met his gaze. “He likes Becca. That should take his attention, keep him from annoying me.”

  Vikter’s dragon roared to life at the mention of his cousin. Jealousy flittered through his veins, firing a new wave of rage. He bit back a growl and instead focused on the fact he’d have his little human back in his home. That was more to his liking.

  “Are you ever planning on shaving again, brother?” Razzy asked, yanking on a clump of his beard. “You’re so handsome; when I can’t see your face, I can’t tell if you’re happy or not.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good. I’d hate for Becca to think this is how you look all the time.” She gave him another hug and turned to go. She stopped at the door and glanced over her shoulder. “I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad you’re feeling better.”


  Vikter picked up the tea he’d been given and waited for Gerri to show. He sat in the sunroom of the castle of the lion king, Alyx. Massive windows brought the outdoors inside. The view of the garden was better from this location than any other in the castle.

  He had to talk to Gerri. She’d promised to find him a mate on her return to Aurora from her last trip to get Becca. He’d given up on that and didn’t want her to waste any more of her time searching.

  “Vikter,” Gerri said, walking into the room. “So good to see you.”

  Vikter stood and waited for the physical contact. Gerri had already told him she was a hugger. As predicted, she embraced him and patted his shoulder.

  “It’s good to see you too, Gerri,” he said, sitting back and watching her fill a cup with tea.

  “I know I promised to help you sooner,” she said, adding sugar to the tea. “Who knew I’d be going back and forth to earth so many times?”

  He cleared his throat, not wanting to sound accusatory since it wasn’t her fault he hadn’t found a mate within the time he needed. “I came to ask you to disregard my request.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean? Forget about it?”

  “My days are numbered,” he sighed. “Your time is better spent finding someone else a mate.”

  She slammed her teacup on the table. “Are you seriously giving up on life, Vikter?”

  He blinked, shocked at the change in the older woman. She’d gone from pleasant and sweet to angry and demanding. Her voice rose to a growl.

  “Not necessarily giving up,” he said, unable to stop the bitterness in his voice. “Not like I have a choice.”

  Gerri stood, shook her head, and walked to a window before turning to face him. “Look at you.”

  Vikter winced. He knew it had been a mistake coming to see her without cutting his hair or shaving. “I’ve looked at myself.”

  “You hard-headed little fire-breather.” She glared at him. “You think any woman will want a man who takes such little care in his grooming?” She shook her head. “I’m not saying a beard or long hair is bad, but this,” she said waving her hand up and down in front of him, “is a mess.”

  He jumped to his feet, not liking the way she spoke. “I’m not looking to impress anyone.”

  “Clearly,” she snapped. “Forget about a mate for a second, Vikter. Have you stopped feeling? Have you stopped desiring women? Lusting?”

  Becca’s hips swaying in his office came to mind. Not fucking now. He so didn’t need that while standing in front of Gerri getting torn a new asshole.

  “My needs aren’t important,” he ground out. The fact that she made him question how Becca viewed him didn’t sit well. “I came to tell you to stop the search for a mate.”

  She lifted a brow. “Too late, you stubborn man-child. Although, any woman would have to be a saint to want to deal with you looking like something the cat dragged in.” She lifted her gaze to the ceiling and growled. “I swear to all that’s holy, I need to add stipulations in my contracts. Must. Use. Common. Sense.”

  Vikter let the barb slide and instead turned from Gerri. “I don’t know what to tell you. Even if you found someone in time, I don’t think I’m in the right frame of mind to be anyone’s mate.”

  She pursed her lips and glowered. “You listen to me, you scaly little boy. If you mess up my match in any way, you’ll regret it. I don’t care what you want at this point. This is the misery inside you talking. It’s the anger and frustration from what you perceive to be your upcoming demise.” She folded her arms over her chest. “Hear me and hear me well. You will be mated. You will have a long life. If at any point you start to think like this again, I will smack some sense into you until that brain of yours is back in normal w
orking order. Got it?”

  He did. He didn’t want to give in to her manipulation, but the idea of Drayken getting Becca because Vikter looked like shit didn’t sit well with him. It was time to go home and shave. He’d deal with whatever female Gerri had in mind later. Becca consumed his thoughts. Only Becca.


  Becca glanced down the thousand-foot drop with trepidation. She really needed to say no whenever someone dared her to do something. But it was like a disease. She wanted to prove she could do whatever was asked of her.

  “This isn’t really fair, Charlotte,” Becca yelled over her shoulder. “I don’t know anything about these sheets.”

  Charlotte’s giggles sounded behind Becca. “You said you’d do it. No backing out now.”

  Becca growled. She didn’t know what the hell she was doing, but she knew Charlotte had gotten the thin sheet to wrap around Becca’s arms and legs, meeting at her waist. She swore the sheet wasn’t that big, but it had grown to fit around her torso and hung down her back like a homemade parachute—a very flimsy one.

  “Won’t you feel bad if I die trying to fulfill a dare?” Becca asked. “I’m your favorite sister!”

  “You’re my only sister.” Charlotte giggled. “You’re not going to die, you wuss,” Charlotte said. “Jump already.”

  She prayed she wouldn’t land like a pancake on the icy ground and ran, jumping off the mountain. A scream lodged at the back of her throat. She didn’t want to see herself die, but there was no closing her eyes.

  She dove, head first, going down fast and hard, and suddenly the thin sheet pulled back, reshaping into a thicker material and filling with air; she was now floating.

  She laughed uncontrollably. For a moment, she almost peed her pants from fear of dying. Adrenaline replaced fear, and wonder over the landscape had her glancing everywhere on her descent.

  A big purple dragon came her way. She forgot all about the landscape and watched the shiny, beautiful dragon. Much smaller than the golden one she’d seen before, the purple lowered to a landing right where Becca was going.

  She landed on her feet but her wobbly legs gave way, and she tumbled forward in the snow, rolling until her body bumped into the dragon’s front claws, her head resting on its foot. It was then she noticed the purple dragon had a bag strapped around one of its talons.

  Becca gasped, trying to catch her breath. “Oh, my goodness. You are such a beauty!” she squealed.

  The dragon lowered its head and sniffed at Becca, then licked her entire face and half her body in one swipe. Becca wiped at her face then raised a hand and petted the animal lovingly. Excitement flooded her system. She couldn’t believe she’d come this close to two dragons.

  “I can’t believe you’re purple. What a unique color,” she gushed.

  The dragon moved back, and Becca watched, in shock, as the animal shrunk in size and its limbs reshaped. Scales withdrew and were eaten by flesh. The pretty purple dragon turned into Razzy.

  “Holy shit, girl!” Becca jumped to her feet and slapped a hand over her mouth.

  Razzy laughed and pulled an outfit out of her bag. She dressed quickly and then turned to Becca. “You didn’t know there were dragon shifters?”

  Becca shook her head. “No. But I have to warn you. I love dragons. Will your family be upset if I kidnap you and take you to live with me? I promise to feed you.”

  Razzy chuckled, sliding the bag over her shoulder and walking to Becca. “Vikter would probably have something to say about that.”

  “Yeah,” Becca grumbled. “I have no luck.”

  Razzy pulled out a pair of suede-like boots from her bag and slipped them on. “I came to invite you to dinner at my home.”

  Becca was struggling to pull the sheet off her back when suddenly the thing came loose. It freaked her out and excited her that the technology on this planet was much more advanced than on Earth. “Dinner?”

  She picked up the sheet and folded it, glancing up the mountain to the spot from where she’d dropped. Charlotte said she’d be right behind her, but so far there was no sign of her.

  “Yes,” Razzy said excitedly. “You can stay over if you’d like.”

  “I don’t know.” She frowned. “Your brother was pretty pissed I was in his office.”

  Razzy twined and untwined her fingers together. “I’m sorry about that. I honestly didn’t think he’d be there. I wasn’t looking to get you into trouble with him. He’s usually a great guy.” Sadness filled her eyes. “Lately, it’s been harder, because he’s dealing with a lot of personal stuff.”

  Becca wanted to ask what in the world would make a man so rude. “It’s fine. I’m sure he’s a great guy.”

  Razzy smiled wide. “He is. And he doesn’t normally look like that.”

  Becca frowned. “Like what?”

  “You know…” Razzy scrunched her nose. “…that hair. All over.”

  “Ah, you mean like Cousin It?” She laughed at Razzy’s expression. “I guess he might be tired of shaving.”

  Razzy’s eyes went wide. “Oh no. Not Vikter. He’s got impeccable grooming. It’s why I’m so surprised at his…lack of it lately.”

  Becca wasn’t one to judge a man by his appearance. She’d dated enough nice guys who looked like they were something the cat dragged in. It was Vikter’s attitude that she’d found distasteful.

  “Weeee!” Charlotte yelled from far above Becca’s head.

  Becca turned and watched her sister land on her feet without missing a beat. “That’s not fair. How did your legs not give?”

  Charlotte chortled. “I’ve done this enough times to have it down to a science.”

  Razzy rushed over to give Charlotte a hug. “Do you mind if I steal Becca for the night?”

  Charlotte smiled at Razzy. “I’ll let you borrow my Becca whenever you want. There’s a small fee for shipping and handling.”

  Becca gasped. “You’d trade me?”

  Charlotte nodded shamelessly. “Yep. Razzy’s cook makes the best cream cake ever. I’m in love with it, and for another one of those yummy cakes, she can borrow you whenever she wants.”

  Razzy laughed. “I’ll be sure to bring one when I pick up Becca later.” She hugged Charlotte once more. “Be sure to bring a change of clothes,” she said to Becca. “We’re going to have a great time.”

  Razzy was such a genuinely nice person. Becca didn’t doubt for a second the girl would go out of her way to ensure she had fun. It was Vikter who filled her thoughts. Even with all the hair covering his features, his eyes had spoken to her.

  She wasn’t sure if he’d been genuinely rude or, maybe, he’s struggling to deal with things. She didn’t know what to think, but her heart told her not to judge him for his words. Lashing out at her intruding into his private space could be how he was handling things.

  Behind the anger and the dismissive tone, she’d seen pain and sadness, and hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since. Why was he so sad? What had angered him? Vikter had caught her attention. It was the depth of emotions she saw behind his eyes. The same with the big dragon. Vikter and the big dragon pulled different parts of her.

  The dragon reminded her of feeling alone when she’d been younger—even when her parents were in the same home. Vikter’s pain and sadness were like the emotions she tried to hide from the world. Acting like the feelings weren’t there, she smiled and moved on, when inside she felt differently. Vikter masked his pain with anger. Becca, with smiles.


  If Drayken told her one more time how beautiful she looked, she’d hit him with her wine glass. She really would. Manners be damned. Besides, she was on another planet. For all she knew, hitting the idiot over the head with a glass of wine meant she wanted to have sex with him.

  “I just adore your darker skin tone,” Laina said. Somehow the words didn’t come across as praise. “It’s so…different.”

  Great. That’s totally not a compliment when said with a frown that made her ot
herwise-pretty face look hideous.

  “I agree with Mother,” Drayken said. “Your skin shines with a lovely glow.”

  She stepped away from him. The dumbass kept rubbing against her. If he did it one more time, she’d cool his ardor with her wine.

  “Sorry I was gone,” Razzy huffed. “Dinner will be served shortly.”

  Becca hurried to Razzy and sighed. “I appreciate you inviting me to dinner. So far the appetizers have been delicious.”

  Razzy wrapped an arm around Becca’s side. “Our cook is the best ever. She’s been with our family for centuries.”

  Becca was dying to ask about Vikter. Would he show up to dinner?

  “Don’t worry. I checked, and Vikter told his assistant he wouldn’t be coming down for dinner.” Razzy grinned. “So no need to look worried anymore.”

  Dammit. The idea of Vikter sitting in his room, alone and hiding behind a wall of anger, did something to her. She wanted to offer to invite him down, but knew it was probably for the best that he not show. Hanging out with Drayken was probably not going to be fun for any of them.

  She really needed to stop thinking of Vikter’s eyes and how sad he’d been behind the wall of animosity. She’d seen past the anger to something that was almost desperation. It killed her, wondering if she could ease his pain. Something about him tugged at her heart, and she hadn’t been able to push him out of her mind.

  She stepped away to wash her hands before dinner. Razzy gave her directions to the nearest ladies room, which bypassed Vikter’s office. She’d been tempted to stop and peek inside, but instead she kept going. On her way back, she stopped to glance out one of the large viewing windows at the dual moons. They were so beautiful.

  “Tired of the company already?”

  She didn’t turn. There was no need. The sound of his deep, gravelly voice without the bite of anger was new. The heat from his body warmed her back. He placed a hand to either side of her, caging her against the window.

  “I wouldn’t say I’m tired,” she said. “At least I’m not getting yelled at today.”


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