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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 3

by Nichole Allen

  She was still reeling with the pleasure of her orgasm, when she suddenly heard Gurgi groaning into her mouth. She then felt his dick stiffening deep within her pussy, and before she could blink, she felt his huge load of cum shooting into her pussy. She gripped the manhood tightly with her muscles, milking out every drop of semen that she could get. She felt light-headed and she was sweating wildly as he filled her, all of their love juices now blending deep within her. It was almost like some sort of dream and Laura had to bite her lower tongue to make sure that she was awake. She had just been filled with semen belonging to two men, and she was sure that if any of them wanted to fuck her again, she would not be able to say no to them.

  Chapter 7

  Gurgi had never imagined that anyone could experience a feeling as great as the one that he was feeling after Laura came. He felt a funny sensation, a feeling of deep satisfaction and the sort of feeling that he wanted to feel over and over. As Laura made her way to the sheet that she shared with Charlie, Gurgi looked at the thing that had given him more pleasure than he could ever have imagined. His dick was still shiny with the cocktail of their love juices and he could still even make out some more semen draining out of the tip of his dick. Heck, if this was the sort of pleasure that one could experience when they were in their human form, Gurgi was not really sure that he wanted to turn back into his alien form. He looked at the two human beings, and it looked like whatever they had done had gotten them really tired, because now they were asleep, curled in each other’s arms. The flames from the fire lit up their bodies, and outside, the rain continued to pound like it was the end of the world.

  “Gurgi,” he heard someone shouting his name from outside, and he knew that it was Zarkosy.

  He quickly grabbed his clothes and pulled them on, before going to the entrance of the cave. It was dark outside, but his eyes were trained to see even in the darkest of circumstances. In the distance he made out his fellow aliens hobbling towards where he was. Unlike Gurgi, who was actually very comfortable in his human form, Zarkosy did not look comfortable at all. He walked with a slight limp and, from where he was, Gurgi could see that a part of his face had sort of melted and his green flesh was visible.

  “What are you doing in here and why the hell have you lit a fire since we don’t feel cold like human beings do?” Zarkosy asked as he walked up to the entrance of the cave.

  Gurgi wished that there was a way that he could conceal the human beings that had given him so much pleasure with all their hearts, but it was too late for him to do it as Zarkosy had already spotted them.

  “You actually did it, Gurgi, you managed to lure human beings here and yet this is your first time here. I think we had better get them to the shuttle before they wake up and get away, or worse, still, alert the others,” he said.

  Before Gurgi could utter another word, Zarkosy grabbed his new friends and flung them over his shoulders easily.

  “It is funny that they are not wearing their clothes on, they must have been having sex,” Zarkosy said, and Gurgi looked at him perplexed. That sex word again. “Did they have sex?”

  “I guess so,” he said, still trying to ponder what the hell sex was.

  “Well, I hope that you did not join them, because if you did, you are going to find a way to make them escape, since you will have acquired some of their genes,” Zarkosy said.

  “Shouldn’t we wait until the rain abates? I don’t think that it’s fair for us to carry them through the rain and, besides, it will almost be impossible for the shuttle to take off in this weather,” he said, blocking the door before Zarkosy could carry Laura and Charlie out of the cave.

  “What has gotten into you, Gurgi? Since when do we feel sorry for human beings?” Zarkosy seemed a little annoyed, but Gurgi knew that he had to find a way to help his friends escape before they were taken to another planet to be offered as sacrifices. Only God knew what they would be used for when they got back to Mars.

  “I'm not feeling sorry; the thing is that I have a feeling that there are more human beings that are on their way here. In this rain, I'm pretty sure that there are more that are looking for shelter and a nice warm fire like this one,” he said quickly, finally understanding what sex was after wracking his brain for an answer.

  “Maybe you have a point there, if you lured these ones here, I'm pretty sure that more human beings could come here for shelter,” Zarkosy said thoughtfully, putting the already protesting human beings onto the ground.

  “Why don’t you go and wait deeper in the cave, while I take care of these ones and see if we can get more human beings,” he said to the other alien.

  “Bright idea, Gurgi,” Zarkosy said as he disappeared into the darkness beyond. Gurgi stood there watching him walk away until he disappeared into the abyss, before Gurgi turned back to his friends, whose faces had turned as white as sheets.

  “It is alright, there is nothing to be afraid of. I'm going to take care of you.” he said quietly to the trembling human beings, as he handed them their clothes. “Here, I think you had better put on your clothes because I need to get you out of here, pronto.”

  “Gurgi, what exactly is going on here, and what is that green creature that you sent off in some strange language?” Laura asked with a trembling voice.

  “I think that you had better get dressed first. I'll tell you all about him as you leave,” he said to her patiently, handing her clothes to her.

  They were both trembling and it was difficult for them to get their clothes on quickly. Gurgi kept a look out for Zarkosy because he did not want to run the risk of Zarkosy thinking that he was helping the human beings get away. There was no way that any alien could know that he’d had sex with human beings, and that it had turned out to be the best experience of his life.

  “Now, you guys are going to have to trust me on this one, okay?” he said to them after they were fully clothed.

  “How do you expect us to trust you when we don’t even know what the hell is happening here?” Charlie said, his hands shaking visibly.

  “Because I am your only bet, the only one that can get you out of this place safe and sound. Are we clear on that?” he looked from Charlie to Laura.

  Chapter 8

  Laura had never felt so scared in her life, and she no longer knew whether she could trust Gurgi, although she knew that she and Charlie had no option but to do so. She couldn’t get the image out of her mind of the animal that had just disappeared into the darkness of the cave and the only thing that she wanted to do right now was to get the hell out of there. Could that have been the alien that everyone in the city talked about, or had it just been a figment of their imagination? Whatever it was, it had seemed to talk in some funny language to Gurgi, which got her wondering what exactly Gurgi was. She felt her heart skipping at the thought that she just might have had sex with an alien or something of the sort. The worst part about it was that it had turned out to be the best sex that she had ever gotten in her life, and she was sure that if she got the chance to do it again, she would do so without thinking twice.

  “Okay, Gurgi, I bet Charlie and I are going to have to take a gamble and put our lives into your hands,” she said, already standing at the entrance of the cave, ready to take off into the dark.

  “Hey guys, I think that there’s something that you have forgotten- your treasure,” Gurgi said, reaching for the box with the money and the jewelry.

  “I don’t think that is a priority right now, the main priority here right now is to get the hell out of here. Aren’t you coming with us?” Charlie said, looking at Gurgi as if Gurgi had lost his mind.

  “I'm going to escort you and get you far enough for you to escape. I would like to deal with Zarkosy, the dude that just went into the darkness in the cave,” he said to them, carrying the box easily to the entrance of the cave.

  Before Laura knew what was happening, Gurgi scooped her and Charlie into the air easily, along with the box and dashed out into the roaring rain. Fear gripped her and
Charlie, but they did not say a word. Gurgi practically flew over the ground as he ran with them towards the highway that led to the city. In no time, they were all soaked with rain water, and Laura was shocked to look at Gurgi's face only to realize that he, too, was turning into some sort of green beast with an oval head and orange eyes that looked like small marbles on fire. They were moving too fast for any of them to talk and as they got near the spot where they had parked the car, she finally mustered some strength to talk.

  “We have our car parked down the road, under some trees,” she said to him, covering her face from the rain with her hands.

  “Your what?” he asked. Meanwhile, neither she nor Charlie dared to look him in the face, scared that their fears would be confirmed and he would be green.

  “Car, dummy, our car,” Charlie shouted above the din of the thunder, but Gurgi still seemed lost.

  “Our car is our vehicle that will get us back to town,” she said to him slowly, mustering the strength to look at him again.

  Somehow, all of Gurgi's clothes had fallen off and now his whole body had turned green, including the dick that had given her so much pleasure not very long ago.

  “There it is,” Charlie shouted, pointing at the black sedan that was parked under a tree.

  Gurgi placed them onto the ground next to the car and Laura felt a pang of relief as Charlie unlocked the car, both of them diving into it as if it was their haven.

  “Thank you Gurgi,” she managed to say to him as curiosity got the better of her. “I'm still a little confused, what exactly are you guys, what sort of creatures are you?”

  “Aliens, we are not from Earth, and we came down here in search of human sacrifices,” the green creature said, as Laura felt like she was going to be sick.

  “Then how come you decided to save us instead of taking us with you?” Charlie asked, pulling down the window of the car slightly.

  “Because I like you guys and I was hoping that we could be friends, although we might never get to see each other again,” he said to them, still holding the box with the money and the jewelry. “Where would you like me to put this?”

  At this point, she did not really care about the money, but since he had asked, she reached back for the back door of the sedan and opened it, pointing to the back seat. Gurgi pulled the door wide open and placed the box on the back seat, as Charlie fired up the engine of the car.

  “It was really great meeting you guys. I just have one question for you guys before you leave,” Gurgi asked, his voice seeming to change, the more that his body changed. “What we did back in the cave, was that called sex?”

  Laura looked at him as if he was not serious, but then realized that aliens probably didn’t have sex in their world. She looked at Charlie, who just stared back at her, and so she turned to look at Gurgi.

  “Yes, Gurgi, that was sex, and you were awesome. I have never had such breathtaking sex in my life before,” she said to him with all honesty.

  “Wow, I think I just got addicted to it, and I might be coming to Earth a lot more often just to experience it,” he said, his green cock having turned into a tiny thing, almost the size of a finger.

  There was a loud booming voice coming from towards the caves and Gurgi shut the door of the car quickly. “You guys had better get going before Zarkosy comes out of the caves. He must be looking for me. I'll just tell him that somehow you managed to escape. Try and move this thing of yours without turning on any lights, just to stay safe.”

  He was gone before either Charlie or Laura could say another word. Charlie put the car into gear and sped off. Laura sat back in the seat, wondering what had had just happened to their lives. They had just come face-to-face with an alien, and she had even enjoyed being hammered by the alien. She wondered if his cum would have an effect on her. What if she someday changed into an alien, or the children that she bore in the future were part-alien? She did not want to think about it, and instead looked at the bright side of things. Not only had she had a mind-blowing sexual experience, but she and Charlie had come back from the caves rich. The money and the jewelry would be enough to keep three generations to come living comfortable, lavish lives. She put her hand on Charlie's shoulder as he drove the car furiously through the dark road, the lights of the city in the distance beckoning at them.

  When she turned to look in the direction from where they had come, there was a huge thing rising into the air, and she assumed that it was probably Gurgi's ride back to Mars or wherever. It had many lights blinking below it, and the moment that it had lifted above the trees, it disappeared, probably moving at some crazy speed that would never be detected by human beings.

  Chapter 9

  “What do you mean they managed to escape?” Zarkosy shouted in disbelief. “You should have called me, for heaven’s sake. I would have snapped their necks without thinking twice.”

  “They actually caught me by surprise. I thought that I heard some voices coming from outside, and so I went out to check. When I came back to the cave, they were gone. I tried searching for them, but they got into some gadget with four wheels and sped off before I could get to them.”

  “Wait until the master hears this, you are going to be fried alive,” Zarkosy said to him.

  “Ah, so now you are trying to lay all the blame on me? Have you forgotten that you are the one that chose to remain in the shuttle while I did all the work? After I finally managed to bring them into the cave and got them to sleep, you appeared out of nowhere and woke them up by carrying them. You are the one that botched up the whole plan, and so if you intend to tell the master, don’t forget that it is not me who is going to get fried, but you. You could end up living in the dungeons for a very long time, because catching human beings has been the core of our existence, if I'm not wrong,” Gurgi said. As he spoke, he saw Zarkosy sinking into his seat in the back row of the shuttle, his voice suddenly lost.

  “I have a better idea, let’s pretend that nothing happened on earth, and, just so you know, I am not going to come with you on any more trips to Earth. The next time if we don’t get someone to go with you, you are on your own,” Zarkosy said.

  “But I thought that you were the same person that was thinking of frying me, and now you want me to act like nothing happened? You are one hell of a crazy alien, Zarkosy,” Gurgi found that he was actually enjoying torturing Gurgi. “I guess you will just have to explain that to the master.”

  “Please, Gurgi, let’s just act like this never happened and I promise you that I will owe you one,” Zarkosy pleaded, and as Gurgi turned to look at him, he could see that he was already turning orange with worry.

  “Okay, I'm going to go with you on this one, but the next time that you attempt to blackmail me, I am going to make sure that it is ten times worse for you,” Gurgi said, smiling at Zarkosy before he turned back to concentrate on the controls of the shuttle.

  All that he could think of was the pleasure that the humans had given him, and he wondered if anything like that would ever happen to him again.


  Bonus Books

  25 Bonus Romance Stories Included!

  Click Here to Start Reading:

  1 of 25 Bonus Stories

  Under Investigation

  For the first time in my life, I’m actually ready to wake up before the sun. I have one semester left of my internship with the FBI until I actually get a full-time position with the company and my Bachelor’s degree in computer science. Any other college student would be excited but going back to school in my 30s made me more than ready to get back in the real world.

  I walk into the main FBI building in Washington DC and head to the front desk with no idea where I’m going or who to ask for. Thankfully, I received an e-mail the night before that I can show the receptionist if I need to.

  There are a number of business-looking professionals walking around the main floor, some headed towards elevators, some leaving the building, and some simply standing on their phones. Even with
all the commotion, there’s only one other person at the front desk so I don’t have to wait long to get to my internship.

  “Hi, I’m Rachelle King. I’m supposed to start an internship with the tech department today.” The man behind the desk smiles and starts tapping at his keyboard before rummaging through a drawer for my ID and pass card.

  “You’ll be on the tenth floor, East Street side of the building.”

  “Okay,” I smile back, clipping my new ID card onto my bland suit jacket. “Can I ask for directions to get there?”

  “Yeah. You’ll take this hallway and turn right, take the elevators to the ninth floor, take the skywalk across the courtyard until you come across another set of elevators, up one floor, then two rights and straight until you come across the double doors leading to the tech room.” What? I don’t even intentionally give him a blank expression but I hadn’t comprehended a thing he had just said. “I can ask security to escort you if you’d like.”

  “That’d be wonderful. Thanks,” I respond with a quiet sigh of relief. At least I won’t be getting lost on my first day. A tall security guard with the name tag “Jeff” leads me all the way across the building to the double doors the receptionist had mentioned earlier. Jeff doesn’t have much to say but I imagine his days are mainly bag checks and metal detections.

  “Is there anything else I can help you with?” he asks once we arrive.

  “No, I think that’s it for now,” I smile. “Thank you.” He simply nods and heads back down the hall, leaving me alone in front of the dark doors leading to my future. I take a deep breath and swipe my new pass card to unlock the doors. There’s one desk in the middle with a dozen others surrounding the walls of the room. No one looks up as I walk in so I head to the middle desk, silently hoping that’s who I should be talking to.


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