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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 12

by Nichole Allen

  “I want to get married soon,” he proclaimed from his chair one night. “You shall become a Perkinson before the year comes to a close. I’ll have someone pick up some nice fabric so you and your mother can start planning your dress.”

  “That sounds lovely,” Lucy feigned interest.

  “I will have them start sending your belongings over. I would like to knock down the wall of this suite so we can have a bigger place. I want my wife to be happy and comfortable.”

  Lucy smiled at him from across the table. “Could we get more books?”

  “Anything you want.”

  Lucy smiled. She could survive without books if she didn’t have to look at Andrew Perkinson’s face ever again.

  The biggest thing that had helped her get through was sneaking off to be with Pete every night. They changed their location each night so that it would be harder for people to be suspicious. It was on a night when they had fooled around in a barn that Pete finally told her that it was time for them to implement their plan.

  “Let’s leave. Tomorrow,” Pete said excitedly as Lucy lay on his chest. They lay in a hay loft on a farmer’s property that they knew didn’t have a dog.

  “What about your job?” Lucy whispered. “I don’t want anyone to be suspicious.”

  “I’m not telling anyone anything. They can make assumptions themselves.”

  Lucy smiled. “Then I’m ready. I’ll meet you at the Inn at midnight.”

  Lucy was so excited the next day that she could barely contain her nerves as she headed to the ranch to cook for the ranch hands one last time. Pete made sure to not talk to her any more than normal. It would be obvious enough when they were both missing in the morning but better to not give anyone anything extra to talk about.

  She spent the evening with Andrew, making his favorite pan fried chicken before she kissed him and headed back home. Lucy told her parents that she was tired and would be heading to bed early before she hugged and kissed each one of them tenderly. Lucy was not sure when she would see again. When she got to her room, she got out a piece of paper and wrote her letter.

  Dear Mother and Father,

  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you my plans earlier but it was imperative that no knew my plans until it was time to leave. I cannot marry Andrew Perkinson. He is not a good person. Not only did he hurt me physically and emotionally, but his morals are something that should be questioned. I did not want to bring you shame. Please don’t look for me. I will be taken care of.

  Your daughter,


  Lucy tried her best not to cry as she left the paper on her desk. Then she lay on her bed and tried to rest her eyes as she waited for midnight.

  When the time finally came she pulled on a comfortable dress and a shawl before grabbing her bag and carefully padding down the stairs and out into the night. She tried to remember every bit of the town as she made her way to the Inn. She would never be back here again, not as long as she lived.

  Pete was at the back entrance and he let her in without anyone knowing that she was there. Pete kissed her before he told her that he just had to grab his bag before they could head out of town. He had already brought Lady down from the ranch. Lucy followed him up the stairs to his room.

  “That’s strange,” Pete mused aloud. “I locked the door when I knew that you coming. It’s unlocked now.”

  Lucy couldn’t help but feel a pit forming in her stomach. She told herself that she was overreacting as he turned the door handle and lit an oil lantern. She gasped as she took in who was in the room, sitting in an easy chair, going through what must have been Pete’s things.

  Andrew stared at Pete and Lucy with an expression that Lucy wasn’t sure should comfort or terrify her. She had been expecting him to be outwardly angry. Instead, he glared at them, his tone surprisingly even. “Good evening. So glad that you could finally join me.


  When Pete and Lucy didn’t say anything, Andrew shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “When a little birdy told me that they thought the new ranch hand was fucking a girl in town, I had no idea that it was my girl.” He stared at Lucy sadly. “I should throttle you for cheating on me, woman.”

  “I won’t let you!” Pete exclaimed, quickly standing in between Andrew and Lucy. “You don’t deserve Lucy, she nothing but sweet and you treat her like she’s your slave. Or even worse.”

  Andrew stared at the cowboy amused. “Be that as it may, she’s still arranged to be married to me. There’s really nothing you can do about it. You’re lucky you got to have her as long as you did.” Andrew stood up and made his way towards Lucy and the door behind her. “Come on Lucy, I need to be taking you home.”

  “No, Andrew.”

  “I don’t think you heard me correctly. We’re going home and we’re moving this wedding up. We’ll get married next weekend in potato sacks as long as I know you belong to me.” When Pete wouldn’t get out of Andrew’s way he shoved him roughly and Lucy was convinced a scuffle was going to ensue.

  “Andrew, NO!” Lucy cried. “Listen to me. I’m not going to come with you and I’m not going to marry you either.” She exhaled trying to collect her thoughts. “I’m sorry, but I don’t love you. I know you would provide me with anything I desire. We’d have nothing to worry about financially but I can’t do it. Andrew, you’re cruel and you took my virginity before it was yours to take. I can’t stand being around you.” Lucy almost covered her mouth at being so brutally honest but now that she was going she couldn’t stop. “I tried really hard to make it work with you but running away or even killing myself seemed like a better option than marrying you.” She looked at Pete who gave her a small smile before she finished her speech. “Plus, I love Pete.”

  The silence that followed stung. Lucy waited for him to punch Pete or for him to scream. Instead, Andrew fell back into the chair and placed his head in his hands. “You hate me. You love another man.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Andrew looked up, his face suddenly sinister. “Prove it.”

  Lucy and Pete exchanged looks before she stammered. “What?”

  “If you love him, show me. Let him have you right here, right now in front of me.”

  “How dare you make a lady do such a thing, she’s no whore that can be bought to act out your fetishes.”

  Andrew smirked at the pair so wickedly that Lucy knew they were in trouble. “That might be true, but I could paint Lucy to be a promiscuous woman. I could have you arrested and lynched for ultimately anything. If you love her like you claim you do, you will have her in front of me. Do you understand?”

  Lucy shut her eyes, trying to weigh the options. It would be uncomfortable for her to do such a thing, but she would not have Pete suffer for her actions. “I’ll do it,” Lucy proclaimed. “Under one condition.”

  Andrew looked like he was going to laugh. “What’s that, sweetheart?”

  “You let me go” Lucy returned. “You let Pete and I run out of this town and you don’t go after us.”

  The man contemplated that for a moment before he gave her a curt nod. “Very well. I’ll find someone else to share my fortune.”

  Lucy looked to Pete who looked at her in disbelief. “You don’t have to do this; we owe that man nothing.”

  She cupped his face in her hands. “Just one more hoop to jump through.” Then she began to pull at the ties of her skirts and petticoats, letting them fall to the floor with ease. She unbuttoned her shirt and soon she was standing naked in the small bedroom. She almost laughed when she thought about how Pete had seen her naked more than Andrew ever had.

  Pete kissed her gently as Lucy helped him unbutton his own shirt and pants. He stepped out of them before he took handfuls of her hair and ran his fingers through her long locks. Lucy held him as tightly as she could since she would need his strength for what she was about to do. They broke apart from their kiss before she gave him a reissuing look and slowly sank to her knees.

s cock wasn’t fully aroused and she couldn’t fault him for the situation. She took him into her hands and began to pump back in forth until his member rose to attention. She tried to keep her touch gentle but she worked the tempo and even tried to surprise him with an occasional twist of her hand. Pete clearly enjoyed it but he was holding back. Lucy looked at him one more time before she placed a kiss on his penis and began to kiss him up and down his shaft. Pete hissed in delight and over in his chair Andrew looked outraged. Lucy had never touched him like that. Lucy continued wrapping her lips around Pete’s cock and began to bob up and down as fast as she possibly could. Pete could no longer contain his pleasure and he cursed softly as he gently placed one of his hands on the back of her head. Lucy liked that Pete was enjoying himself; if they weren’t being forced to do this in front of Andrew she would have stopped and asked him if she was doing better since the night he first taught her how to perform oral sex. Now was definitely not the time.

  Just when Lucy was thinking that it was time to change to something else, Andrew snapped her away from the moment. “I have changed my conditions.”

  “Excuse me?” Lucy exclaimed, taking Pete out of her mouth. “That’s not fair!”

  “I want you to do that to me,” he panted. “I want him to make love to you while you do that me. I’ll let you go, no questions. I just need to know what that would have felt like with you.”

  Lucy had no reason to say yes. He’d been awful to her and she owed him nothing. But Lucy knew that she needed to humor him. They would be that much close to being on their way to California.

  “Come over here,” she murmured. There was no turning back now.


  “You don’t have to do this Lucy,” Pete reminded her.

  “I know,” she replied simply. Then she got on all fours, staring at her would-be husband. “Let’s give the man what he wants.”

  Lucy tried her best to seem excited as she took her former fiancé’s penis in her hands. Just as she did with Pete, she tried to make it pleasurable. She twisted her wrist and she even tried to use two hands to make him groan with desire. Lucy knew that he wanted her to use her mouth, but she teased him as long as she could. It was nice to have the power for once.

  Pete dropped to his knees and lined himself up behind her. Lucy never imagined in a million years that she would ever be doing something sexual with two men at once but here she was.

  “You tell me if you don’t like something. You understand?” Pete urged.

  Lucy nodded and groaned as Pete entered her and filled her to the hilt. She loved the way it felt to be on her hands and knees, his cock filling her in a different way than missionary did. She let him fall into a rhythm, bobbing in and out before she finally took Andrew into her mouth. Then she stopped focusing on how she needed to leave or if they would survive their journey. All that mattered now was giving pleasure and getting it in return.

  Lucy worked for a while, trying to go quick and shallow for a while before she would slow down and take him as deep into her mouth as possible. It wasn’t long before Andrew was practically putty in her hand. He groaned and begged her to finish him so she went back to her fast tempo. Andrew reached his climax before she had a chance to take him out of her mouth and use her hands. His seed hit the back of her throat and he yelled as his climax shook his body. Lucy spit him out and focused on herself now. She backed up against Pete’s body begging him to thrust into her as hard as he could. This encouragement seemed to inspire Pete and soon Lucy found herself climbing that same mountain and her muscles twitched before she finally had a climax of her own. Pete wasn’t far behind her and soon all there were panting and trying to come back to earth.

  After a moment of nothing but breathing, Andrew finally spoke. “I believe you now. You love him. You can go.”

  Lucy stared at the man in shock. She never believed that it would be so easy. Before he had a chance to change his mind she rose to her feet and began to dress. She threw Pete his clothes and in about five minutes they were dressed and packed up and running down to Lady.

  It was dark when they left Whispering Willows. They sat on Lady’s back and for a while neither of them said anything. Finally, Lucy broke the silence determined to know what was on Pete’s mind.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “I’d do it again if it helped you find your freedom,” he replied. “We can never talk about it again if it bothers you.”

  “Why don’t we keep it our secret?” Lucy agreed. Then she leaned back against Pete’s chest, happy to know that the worst was probably behind them. “Thank you, for everything.”

  “Of course, Lucy.” Pete answered. “You’re worth saving.”

  The journey wasn’t easy. They spent most of their time traveling from town to town trying to find food to eat and a place to rest their heads for the night. Occasionally they slept under the stars or they would stay in a town long enough to make a bit of money but a few months later Pete and Lucy finally arrived in the town of Hope, California.

  Hope had opportunities for everyone. There was plenty of unclaimed land that could be bought for farms. It took Pete a while but he was eventually able to afford a little plot that would someday be his cattle ranch. Lucy had plenty of choices as well. She could have been a seamstress and there was an Inn similar to the Golden Horseshoe but Lucy decided that she wanted to give back. She wanted to help other people so she asked the town doctor if he needed a nurse and she’d found steady work ever since.

  Lucy and Pete married soon after they arrived in Hope. It was a small ceremony in the town chapel with the town sheriff and the doctor as their witnesses. Lucy wanted to be sure that Pete really wanted her with all her baggage and the man assured her that he wouldn’t have run away with just anyone. After everything Lucy had been through, marrying Pete Bishop was an easy decision to make.

  They built a beautiful farmhouse complete with a porch and multiple barns that would not only house their cattle but also Lady and the other animals they ended up buying and trading. Lucy worked hard to make sure that she did all her chores around the ranch as well being completely present at her nursing job. She was exhausted but for the first time in a long time Lucy felt whole. Meeting Pete Bishop was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Not only had he helped her escape but, in essence, he had helped her discover who she truly was supposed to be. She would have never stood up to Andrew Perkinson had Pete never come to stay the Inn and every day she thanked God that he’d given her such a gift.


  See the next bonus story at the next page!

  4 of 25 Bonus Stories

  The Muse

  Victoria stood in the wings of a theater. She was waiting for her cue like she did any other night. She was the female lead in an up and coming show. She’d done theater almost her entire life; she’d started in school productions and community theater, she’d done some plays and musicals in college. Through a friend of a former professor, she’d heard about a new show called The Little Bird. It wasn’t even considered off Broadway, but it was a step in the right direction so she auditioned. She initially landed a spot in the ensemble, but then something happened. The girl who had played the lead character, Daria, found out she was pregnant and could no longer keep up with the rehearsals and performances. Victoria was given the nod and now for the last three weeks, she’d been Daria. She couldn’t believe her luck.

  The overture was almost over. She took a deep breath getting ready to make her entrance. The lights were warm as she walked on stage holding a basket, dressed like a young woman would be dressed in World War II. The play was about a girl who falls in love with a soldier from the opposing side. She calls him her “little bird” because she changed his outlook on things. In the end, he’s fatally wounded and people search all over for “his little bird” because she is the only thing that can bring him comfort. It was a sad play, but Victoria thought the writing, scenery, really everything was absolutely beautifu
l. Sometimes she could hear people crying softly in the audience and it made her proud, she knew that she was getting people to feel those emotions.

  Victoria wasn’t sure what the future would bring. She had no idea how long The Little Bird would run and what that would mean for her afterward. She knew that she wanted to act on Broadway one day, but she wasn’t sure if it was too soon; she was only twenty-six. This was her first taste of acting outside her hometown or college campus.

  The play went well. The cast received a standing ovation when they went out for their curtain call. Victoria couldn’t help but grin thinking that she had the best job in the world. She’d get to do it all over again tomorrow and twice the following the day. She headed down back to her dressing room to take off her costume and makeup when one of the stage managers pulled her aside.

  “Great job Victoria!”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  The stage manager’s face became slightly serious as they continued. “Look, you can totally say no, but there is a man in the theater that asked if he could meet you.”

  Victoria’s stomach fluttered. She was used to children wanting autographs when she had been in a show like Cinderella or Annie. She’d never had a man ask for her. Was this something that happened when you got to be in a bigger show? She looked at the stage manager for advice.

  “Would you feel better if I came with you?”

  Victoria nodded and the pair made their way back up towards the stage. As they made their way towards the edge, she could see a man sitting in the front row expectantly waiting. He was younger than she expected, he might have been in his early forties at the absolute oldest. He was dressed nicely and was very handsome; the kind of attractive that had olive skin, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes you’d get in trouble for staring at. Victoria told the stage manager to stay close just in case before she descended a small staircase onto the audience floor.


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