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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 38

by Nichole Allen

  Colin waved his driver away and opened the door for Stephanie, himself, helping her in so her dress wouldn’t get crumpled before hurrying over to the other side and climbing into the car. It was an old-fashioned saloon car with expensive-looking upholstery. They drove off, and Colin turned to Stephanie, making small talk that snowballed into earnest, pleasant conversation. It was easy talking to Colin, with his easygoing smile and his mild manners, and Stephanie was thoroughly enjoying herself as she told him stories of her failed job searches and her time growing up in small-town Virginia. The car pulled over and Stephanie turned to the window excitedly, stopping short as she said, “This is your favorite place in the whole city?”

  They were parked outside an abandoned building with nobody else in sight. Stephanie turned to Colin and said, “You didn’t seem like a serial killer at the club. At least let Natasha know when you murder me.” Colin laughed and said, “Do you trust me?” and somehow, as Stephanie looked into his beautiful eyes, she did. He took her by the hand and led her out of the car and into the building. The place was old and musty, but Stephanie could tell that it had been grand once. They went up a winding staircase with dust-covered carpeting and emerged onto a landing just outside a pair of large double doors made of heavy-carved wood. “My grandfather owned this building in the fifties, and it was one of the places to be, especially if you were a left-wing intellectual or a celebrity. He would entertain people like Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe.” He looked around at the crumbling, decrepit place fondly.

  “I visited this place often as a child, but by then it had already fallen into ruin. I saw it in pictures though, and it was spectacular; since then I’ve just been obsessed with it.” He pushed open the double doors out onto a balcony and Stephanie gasped. There were fairy lights strung up all around the terrace and two chairs sat facing the most breathtaking view of the skyline. Between the chairs was a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Oh my God, Colin,” Stephanie said, her voice muffled as she pressed her fingers to her mouth in amazement. Colin gestured for her to take a seat, and she did as he closed the doors behind them and sat down in the chair next to hers. “Does your grandfather till own the building?” Stephanie asked, and Colin shook his head as he quietly said, “No, I do.”


  Stephanie was woken up rudely the next morning. Natasha was shaking her roughly as she said, “Why didn’t you wake me when got back last night? I was sleeping on your damn couch.” Stephanie sat up and rubbed her arms in pain and said, “Natasha it’s a Sunday- and you have your own apartment; why are you in mine?” Natasha grumbled as she shoved a cup of coffee into Stephanie’s hand, which she accepted gratefully and said, “I had the most wonderful time last night.” Natasha grinned and sat down at the edge of the bed, eagerly listening as Stephanie told her about the building and the terrace. “It was gorgeous, Tash, right out of a movie or something.” They were both giggling like teenagers when the phone rang.

  Stephanie rolled off the bed and picked up the phone, still giggling but she stopped dead when she saw the screen. “It’s Nate,” she whispered. Natasha raised an eyebrow, “Poolside Nate?” Stephanie nodded urgently and then answered the phone. “Stephanie?” Nate’s confident voice filled her ear and he said, “I was at the club earlier but I didn’t see you; guess you don’t work on Sundays.” Stephanie played with a strand of her and said, “No- I don’t. Were you looking for me?” Nate gave a short laugh and said, “I’m always looking for you. I have a little get-together at my place. Do you think you’d like to drop by?” Stephanie pulled at her hair until it hurt and said, “Your- your house?” Natasha’s eyes widened and Stephanie bit her lip as Nate said, “I’ll send a car for you, text me your address.”

  After she hung up, Stephanie turned to Natasha and said, “Oh God- this is too much. I can’t do this,” but Natasha stood up quickly and held her friend’s hand, speaking in a calming tone, “Hey, it’s just a few dates, no big deal. Come on, you had a nice time last night and I’m sure you’ll have fun today, too.” Stephanie shook her head and said, “That’s just it. I had a really, really nice time last night, and I don’t want- I really like Colin.” Natasha frowned and said, “I thought you really liked Nate, too?” Stephanie wrung her hands together and said, “I do! I just- Natasha I don’t think I can choose between them.” Stephanie shut herself in the bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face to give herself some time to think. She made up her mind then and decided she would go to Nate’s house to tell him that it was over.

  She got dressed quickly, putting on a yellow sundress and braiding her dark hair loosely so that it framed her face. “You look too pretty to break up with a guy; I mean he’ll feel awful knowing he can’t have you.” Natasha was trying to cheer her up but it wasn’t working. “I wasn’t even dating him. It was a few drinks and a meal together. He might think I’m crazy and clingy; I mean what if he just wants to hang out? What if he’s not even into me? What if he’s gay?” Stephanie was speaking fast as she applied makeup onto her face and Natasha rolled her eyes, “Yeah I’m sure he’s gay. Look, I better go return the dress to the boutique and then I’ll try to find a date of my own to go to. I’ve seen you off to two dates in less than twenty four hours and I feel like a total loser now. See you babe.” She gently bumped her cheek against Stephanie’s and then headed out. She paused with her hand on the doorknob and said, “You know, Steph- maybe you don’t have to choose one.”

  The car arrived soon after and Stephanie got in, determined to make it clear to Nate that she wasn’t going to see him anymore. Maybe I’ll pretend to be gay. I can bring Natasha to the club one day to really sell the story. She was coming up with crazy schemes the whole ride there but she forgot everything once they pulled up to the house. “Is this where Nate lives?” she burst out loudly, and the driver nodded and said, “Yes Ma’am, Mr. Forster will be waiting for you inside.” Stephanie nearly fell out of the car as she opened the door and stumbled on the asphalt as she stared up at the house. The place is goddamn palace, she thought to herself as she stared up at the huge white columns and arches. She wandered down the driveway and looked around. There were lush gardens as far as she could see and, on one side, she saw something glimmering which she assumed was a pool.

  “Stephanie- I’m so glad you’re here.” Nate’s voice rang through the air and Stephanie closed her eyes briefly, recalling everything she had planned to say to him. She turned and, suddenly, her mind went blank; he was standing there in a pair of swimming trunks and nothing else, the sunlight bouncing off every bronzed muscle and his hair was wet and plastered back. He held a glass of champagne in his hand and the other reached to greet her. Stephanie blinked and her voice faltered as she said, “Hi N-Nate. Um- you have a-a beautiful house.” Nate smiled at her, showing his perfect set of bright white teeth and he said, “God, Stephanie- look at you in that dress.” He stepped closer and handed her the glass, which she accepted with a small and quiet “thanks.” She knew she had to say something important to him but she couldn’t for the life of her remember what it was. He pulled her close and she felt something hard against her thigh. Oh my, he’s definitely not gay, she thought, turning bright red in the streaming sunlight.


  Before she knew what was happening, he had knotted his fingers in her hair and held her tightly by the waist as his mouth pressed against hers. She parted her lips, letting him explore her mouth and sighed deeply as his hands started to move across her body. All the while, he kept pressing his erection against her, and she could feel it growing harder and harder just as she felt the sweat dripping down the small of her back. When she was around Nate, it was always too hot and she broke away from him, afraid she would catch fire if they kept on. It suddenly came back to her that they were standing in the middle of his driveway. “What if someone sees?” she muttered, pulling down her dress; it had somehow ridden up over her large thighs. Nate just laughed and pulled it up again, “Everyone’s out back-
come on nobody will disturb us in there.” He led her inside the house where he pressed against the cold, polished door and slipped off the straps of her sundress.

  She moaned, “Nate, stop-” and Nate peered at her, “You want me to stop?” he asked gently, but Stephanie shook her head and said, “No,” before she grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him wildly, letting her dress slip off her shoulders and fall into the floor in a small heap. She stepped out of it and pushed her body against his, feeling his bare skin against hers. “God,” Nate whispered, “You’re so fucking hot,” his fingers were already working on the clasp of her bra and her breasts bounced out. Nate didn’t pause for a second and ran his tongue over them as he grabbed her waist and lifted her up, pushing her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him and he pressed himself hard between her legs. There was a sudden knock on the door and a voice called out, “Nathan?”

  Nate nearly dropped Stephanie and his eyes bulged. “Oh God,” he whispered, pulling his trunks up and tossing Stephanie’s bra and dress at her. “Get dressed,” he said urgently, “Please- that’s my mother.” Stephanie quickly put her clothes back on and snuck onto the staircase, watching from behind the banister as Nate opened the door. A middle-aged woman stood on the doorstep, wearing what Stephanie recognized as the latest season’s Chanel pantsuit and a pair of diamond earrings that glinted in the afternoon sun. “Nathan, darling- I heard voices of the most alarming nature. Are you alone?” She peered into the house and Nate ran a hand through his thick black hair as he laughed and said “Mother, you might be getting a little old. Drinking in the day now, maybe?” She lightly hit him on the shoulder and said, “No darling, maybe it’s the heat. Come, I want you to meet someone.”

  Nate turned towards Stephanie on the staircase and mouthed a quick apology before leaving with his mother. Stephanie let out a breath of relief when the older woman left and then shook her head. She had come here with the intention of breaking things off and instead she had lost complete control at the sight of him. She slipped out the door and ran down the driveway, looking for the driver who had brought her here. “Excuse me- could you drop me back home? Mr. Forster said you would.” She lied a little bit, but only because she absolutely had to get out of there. The driver agreed, and soon, she was on her way back home. “Actually, could you take a left here instead?” she said guiding him towards the boutique where Natasha worked.

  She barged in and grabbed Natasha by the elbow, dragging her into one of the fitting rooms. “Hey,” her friend protested, still carrying a basket of thread spools, but Stephanie looked so distressed that Natasha conceded. “What’s wrong?” She asked, and Stephanie shook her head. “I’m an idiot, Tash. I messed up.” She told her everything that happened and Natasha grinned as she said, “Did you really do it against the wall?” Stephanie buried her head in her hands and said, “How am I supposed to end it with him now?” Natasha rubbed her arm sympathetically and then said, “Was it good?” Stephanie glared at Natasha but then she sighed and said, “Yes- it was so good. So fucking good, oh my God.” Natasha squealed and then said, “Come on- live a little. It’s not like you’re cheating on anyone. For all you know, both Colin and Nate are having wild sex with other women right this moment.” Stephanie frowned at the mental image of that but then shook her head to clear it as she said, “You really think it’s okay?” Natasha waved a hand and said, “It’s more than okay and, also, it’s exciting. Two country club billionaires and a bartender- makes for a really fun combination.”

  Stephanie winced and said, “About that, Colin doesn’t exactly know I’m a bartender. I mean I haven’t lied but I haven’t told him the truth either. He thinks I’m a member of the club or something.” Natasha gasped and said, “You minx!” But Stephanie cradled her head in her hands again and said, “Why do I do these stupid things, oh God.” Natasha grinned widely and said, “Hey I’m not complaining; I can’t afford cable and this is the only drama I ever get to witness.” Stephanie glared at her but it was impossible to stay mad at Natasha and she laughed too. There was a slight cough outside the door and Natasha blanched as she whispered, “Shit that’s my boss,” and then loudly said, “Is the seam alright now, Miss Mayfair?” They heard footsteps retreat from outside the door and both held each other as they burst into a peal of giggles.


  Stephanie ducked out of sight every time she saw Nate the next morning, until he cornered her just before her shift ended. “What’s wrong? Did I upset you yesterday? I came back and you were just gone.” He spoke so sweetly that Stephanie felt bad about everything, and she said, “No, I just- I felt embarrassed about the whole situation with your mother and I thought it would be best to leave,” she lied quickly, but managed to make it sound convincing. He smiled with relief and took her hand across the bar, “Have dinner with me again- I promise I won’t take any calls and we’ll just have a nice time.” Stephanie nodded and said, “Yes- but not tonight, and not in the club.” Nate laughed and said, “How about a nice night in? My place? I’ll cook for you- well, I’ll have someone else cook for you.” Stephanie smiled and nodded quickly. He leaned in over the bar and kissed her deeply, pulling away just as she started to kiss back, deliberately leaving her wanting more.

  As she watched him walk away, she shook her head. Yesterday she had convinced herself that she wanted to be with Colin but just in the course of one day, her heart had completely changed its course. She sighed and closed down the bar, wiping it one last time before she grabbed her jacket and headed for her car. “I was hoping I’d run into you here,” a voice called out from across the parking lot and Stephanie turned to find a smiling Colin. “Hi,” she said shyly and he walked over to her, gently kissing her on the cheek. “Are you busy right now?” Stephanie bit her lip and then shook her head, “No- do you have anything in mind?” Colin smiled brightly and she felt the familiar weak knees and butterflies she associated with him. “Would you like to get dinner with me?” Stephanie sighed; she had just declined an invitation from Nate but she nodded and said, “I was going to get a quiet night with a movie, but your plan sounds a lot nicer.”

  “How about I drive you and my chauffeur can drive your car behind us?” Stephanie agreed and turned to get into Colin’s car, wondering when her life had turned into a teen drama. “Wait,” he said suddenly, “I had an incredible time on our date, and I- well there was something that’s been bothering me. Something I should have done.” Stephanie looked at him, confused, “What do you-” before she had finished asking, Colin wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in to softly kiss her, and she kissed him back. When they parted, Stephanie was blushing so hard that Colin laughed and kissed her again. “You’re right,” she breathed, “you should have done this then. But we can make up for lost time now.” Colin kissed her some more, and between kisses he said, “Do you want to come over instead?” She nodded and he led her to his car, where they continued to press their bodies against each other until they stumbled out of the car and into the elevator that led to Colin’s condo.

  “What floor do you live on?” Stephanie asked, wiping her lipstick marks off Colin’s face. “Twenty fourth,” he said with his mouth pressed against her neck, “But I can’t wait that long.” He pressed a button and the elevator stopped. Stephanie looked around, and Colin held her face and turned it towards himself again. “Have you ever made love in an elevator stuck between the thirteenth and the fourteenth floor?” He asked her and she laughed inside his mouth, “Can’t say I have.” She pressed herself up against him and he placed her hands on her waist, pulling her tightly towards him as he moved his mouth down to her collarbone and breasts.

  She hiked up her skirt and he pulled down his pants, both breathing heavily as they pushed up against the elevator walls and he thrust into her. “You’re beautiful,” he said breathlessly, “so beautiful.” Suddenly a red light started to flash and loud alarm bells rang as the intercom flickered on. “Hello- is everything alright?” Stephanie clamped a
hand on her mouth to stop herself from giggling and Colin fought hard to keep his voice steady as he said, “Yes, this is Colin, everything is fine- I was just inspecting the elevator.” There was a brief pause and then the voice said, “Of course, Mr. Caraway, let me know if I can help in any way.” The alarm stopped sounding the flashing light turned off. Stephanie laughed so hard she snorted and said, “Inspecting- inspecting the- elevator??” She could barely speak and doubled over with laughter.

  Colin grabbed her and laughed along, “And you- was that a snort? Yeah that’s real sexy.” Stephanie couldn’t help but snort again, “No sexier than an elevator inspector. Why did they even believe you? Why would you be inspecting the elevator?” Colin stopped laughing and smiled a little sheepishly, “Well, because I own the building.” Stephanie stopped laughing too and said, “Do you own every building in the city?” Colin glanced down and ran his hands through his light sandy hair, “Well that’s the plan.” Stephanie didn’t know what to say and they stood there is silence for a few seconds until Colin pressed the intercom button and said, “Yes, I’m uh- done inspecting now.” The elevator started up again, taking them up to the penthouse, and Colin took Stephanie in his arms just as they both burst into more laughter.


  The next morning, Stephanie woke up with soft sunlight filtering in through heavy curtains and, for a second, she couldn’t remember where she was. She felt an arm snake around her and a voice whispered, “Good morning,” just as it all came back to her. She turned and smiled at Colin lying beside her. “Would you like some breakfast?” he asked, nuzzling her shoulder gently, and she sat up and stretched. “Oh I wish- but I have work.” Colin propped himself up on an elbow and traced his finger down her back, “Well just call Nathan and tell him you’re not coming.” Stephanie sat up straighter and almost panicked as she said, “Nathan?” but then she remembered that she had sort of told Colin she worked with Nate.


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