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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 41

by Nichole Allen


  The borderlands for the clans was just outside of downtown Evergreen Hills where the original settlement had been established. There were many family owned businesses and important office buildings still there. When the area began to get more residential it became like an invisible fence for a dog; if the bears tried to cross over to the next street there would be trouble and vice versa, normally they didn’t go further than downtown. Today was different. Today, Matthew and Darren waited on the very edge of where they were allowed. On the corner of a road that led up into the woods and far away from their comfort zones.

  Adam and Aliya pulled up to the rendezvous point in a sleek black car. The boy twin got out of the driver’s seat to open the back door for me. He said nothing, but he eyed my friends with his cold, harsh, hazel eyes.

  “If she’s not here at midnight, I will come looking for you.” Matthew warned and I wanted to tell him to shut up; that I had it under control. “I’ll have my reasons; your people won’t be able to argue with that.”

  Adam sent him a withering look before I sat in the car and he shut the door behind me. Then we began to drive to parts of Evergreen hills that I hadn’t seen in a while since I spent most of my time at the college or on bear turf. When I had been a child, my parents had taken me to friends’ houses I’d never known what was going on underneath the surface, just out of my line of vision. But I did now, and I still didn’t know what to make of it sometimes.

  “I didn’t know you were one of the bear’s personal property.” Aliya commented from the passenger seat.

  “I’m not.” I answered. “He’s…he’s a friend.” But as I said the words I knew that I didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Can I be your friend?” Adam asked and I watched him stared at me through the rearview mirror. He was so bad at hiding his intentions that it almost made my skin crawl. I would be dealing with him, and it would be soon.

  “Don’t you think that would just complicate things further?” I replied and the car ride was silent until we reached our destination.

  The wolf compound was incredibly similar to the bear one in the sense that it was nestled deep in the woods and away from the full-blood human homes. The difference was that where the bears each had their own individual cottages to live in, the wolves were pack animals and seemed to live together in greater numbers. Adam parked the car out of the way and he and his sister guided me to an important looking building.

  Once we entered I was surprised to see what reminded me of the long houses of Native American New England. There were multiple families milling around the building and many were setting a long table for a meal. At the head of it was an important looking middle aged gentleman. When he noticed our entrance he looked in our direction and I knew immediately that he was the clan leader and that he was Adam and Aliya’s father. His eyes were that same intense shade of hazel.

  “Welcome! I’m so glad to finally meet you!” he called striding across the room. “My children have told me that you are willing to help us.”

  I nodded. “I want to protect my home and the world from a political agenda. I will attend the town meeting on Friday, but the twins told me that you wanted me to meet with you.”

  I sat down with the man as other members of the family came in and food was brought out on trays. They were serving venison and I was glad to see that it was steaming and prepared like a full-blood made it and not raw like it had come fresh from a hunt. Aliya and Adam’s father told me that he would come to the meeting as well under the guise of one of her professors. We would be reporting on some sort of work that we’d discovered out on the field to prove that the animals were behaving erratically because they are already having their territories decimated by construction and people camping where they don’t belong. He made it easy to find a stance that I could back up easily. For the first time since this proposal was brought up the twins, I was looking forward to defending the wolves as well as the bears.

  “Very good.” He replied. “I am confident that this town meeting will go well.” He looked around at his family and friends eating together and seemed very content. “Now there is one touchy subject I must bring up.”

  I tried to stay polite. “What is that?”

  “You are too friendly with the bears. I know that you are not personally my enemy, but I need to know that I can trust you.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  There was a long pause like he wasn’t comfortable asking me what was about to say. He took a sip from his drink before he finally answered. “I’d like for you to stop living in the dorms at the University. You can stay with the bears and help them part of the week. The rest of the time you can stay with us. That way you are not more favorable to one side, but you are being taken care of at the same time. What do you say?”

  I thought about how expensive my college loans were, not needing to stay on campus would certainly alleviate that problem. I’d have a place to put my things, I’d eat better than I did now. But I thought about being closer to Adam and that made my skin crawl, that and I couldn’t get the thought of Matthew blushing face from my mind. “Am I allowed to think it over and come back to you?”

  The clan leader nodded. “Yes, but I will need your answer by the town meeting.”

  That gave me two days. I had to believe I could sort it out with the bears in my life by then. “I can do that.”


  The following night, I stood in Darren’s kitchen looking over his shoulder while he did his homework for one of our classes. Matthew wasn’t there, he’d taken an early patrol run in his bear form and honestly, I was kind of glad. Ever since we’d had our talk about his feelings, I didn’t know what to say. Adding the whole possible arrangement with the wolves had only made the situation worse and I had a feeling that he was avoiding me on purpose.

  “Thanks for working with me on this.” Darren said as he finished the paragraph he was typing with a flourish. “I’ll definitely be able to finish this for Monday.”

  We didn’t have classes on Fridays so I had plenty of time to think things over before the town meeting. “I’m glad.” I paused, not wanting to alienate my other friend, but I was desperate to talk to anyone about what I was feeling. “Can I ask you something?”

  Darren shut his lap top. “Of course.”

  “Is everything Matthew said true? Does he really love me or is he just confused?”

  My friend stood up and smiled at me. He surprised me when he embraced me tightly and made me look into his eyes. “Everything is true. He loves you and he’s had feelings for you since the beginning. I might have been the one to save you from the wolf that night, but Matthew was the one that saw you on the first day of the semester and knew you were worth protecting.”

  Hearing that Matthew had been interested in me early on was very surprising. Once again I was feeling guilty for being oblivious. “So why have we been having threesomes for almost a year?”

  “Come on Lena, I don’t think you have been hating that very much.”

  I laughed in spite of myself. “No, it’s been pretty great. It’s definitely helped me feel confident. It’s just not typical you know. Normally a guy would want to get the girl of his dreams alone, not share her with his best friend.”

  “You’re also dealing with shifters. We’ve got instincts that aren’t just human.”

  “I’ll miss you.” I said with a sigh, hugging him one more time. “You were really great.”

  “Being with Matthew will be better.” He answered with a nod. “Not to mention, I’ll still be around. Who’s gonna help me with my homework?”

  Part of me wanted to find Matthew and talk to him, to tell him that I was willing to try dating like normal couples do. But I also knew I had to ask Darren one more thing before I went out into the woods to search for him. “What am I going to do about the wolves?”

  “That’s tricky.” Darren admitted. “I know that if you were my girlfriend I wouldn’t want you s
leeping on enemy land. But I also understand that this could end the feud. It could be worth a try.”

  Darren had said what I was already thinking. Convincing the town officials to stop developing once would be difficult, but it could be possible. If they continued to fight and kill each other we would be back at square one. If both sides felt like they had someone mediating for them there might not be the need to ever speak to the town again. I said goodbye to Darren and I smirked as I walked through the woods. Maybe I should get my double degrees and go back to school to be a lawyer. Then I really could save the world and defend it in a court at the same time.

  The bears and wolves didn’t run patrols in the more built up areas of town so I hugged the land near the bear compound, being as loud as I could so that Matthew and whoever else was on duty wouldn’t be surprised. I found him in a field not far his cottage. I’d seen his tawny fur enough times that I could recognize him easily in the moonlight.

  Matthew had always impressed me. In his human form he was athletic and tall, but in his bear form he seemed strong but I wasn’t intimidated by him. There was something peaceful about him, and I stared at him in awe. It was easy to feel insignificant when he was like this.

  His dark eyes studied me and I wondered if he would get into trouble if he changed back to his human form while he was supposed to be on patrol. I stepped closer to him before I let out what I’d been thinking about as I had searched for him.

  “Matthew, I’m sorry for what I said in the courtyard. I just talked to Darren. He told me that you’ve liked me since I was a freshman. You told him I was worth protecting.” I watched the bear stare at me and I wished so desperately that I could see his face and know what he was thinking. “Our relationship is totally backward, but I don’t care. I want to start over. I want to go on dates and fall in love with you.”

  Matthew’s bear form walked toward me and as it did he began to change. Soon he was back to his human form, shirtless from his transformation. He took me into his arm and kissed me so deeply that I found myself gasping for breath when he finally released me.

  “I love you, Lena.” He whispered and his face looked like he couldn’t believe that things were finally going his way. “I love you.”


  Matthew kissed me again and before I knew better we were sliding to the grass and rolling around, kissing each other desperately and running our hands through our hair. It was easy to take off what was left of his clothing and I pulled off my jeans as quickly as I could. Matthew kissed my neck and jawline as I took his shaft into my hand, feeling it throb with need. I rubbed it all the right ways as I lined him up with my womanhood, but I held it in place, not ready to let him enter me yet.

  I stared up at him, willing him to do whatever he wanted. Matthew cupped my breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently before he put his mouth over one and flicked the nipple with his tongue. The sensation sent shivers down my spine that continued when he did the same with the other breast. I could feel myself becoming more and more aroused by the minute. I was ready.

  I guided him inside of me and I wailed at how good it felt to feel every bit of him there. Sure, we’d had sex more times than I could count, but it was different now. It wasn’t just hooking up, Matthew had feelings for me, he loved me and now that I knew that I wanted to feel that same way for him too. What normally was a carnal desire to find pleasure for ourselves was now a quest to please the other and as he laid on top of me he thrust slowly. He wanted me to pass the point of no return before he did.

  It wasn’t long before I was moaning and begging for him to take me harder like I was used to. I was starting to feel so good that I knew it wouldn’t be long before I would reach my climax. My wails of approval egged him on because soon Matthew pounded into me harder than he ever had before and I screamed, reaching an unbelievable orgasm. Matthew wasn’t far behind me and when he rose up onto his knees to spill his seed, I lay there happily already liking that our feelings were out in the open and that the sex had been better than ever before.

  “God, I hope that was as good for you as it was for me,” he said as he lay back on the ground beside me.

  I took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “It was amazing. You won’t get in trouble for being with me while you’re supposed to be running patrol will you?”

  He shook his head. “No one would fault me for what we just did. Plus, it’s just about over anyway.” He turned his head so that he could see me. “Will you come over tonight? Or are you staying with Darren?”

  “Darren and I are just friends. We thought my boyfriend would like to see me instead.” Matthew’s grin was so wide I wondered if his muscles were aching. He kissed my forehead before he sat up began to collect our things. I didn’t want to ruin this lovely moment but I had to let him know what we were about to face in the coming days. “Matthew, I have to tell you something. You probably won’t like it. But I have to do it. It has the potential to stop the feud.”

  “You’re probably right, but I’m listening.”

  “The wolf leader wants me to stay on their land half of the time that I go to college. That way I’m truly a liaison for both clans.”

  “You’re right, I don’t like that.”

  I looked at him with all the seriousness that I would muster. “I understand that, but it’s something I must do. I promise I’ll be safe and I’ll be loyal to you.”

  Matthew was quiet for a long time before he finally answered. “Well, we better make sure you get some rest so you can convince the town not to destroy the forest so all of this will be worth it.”


  The next morning, I stood in my nicest dress clothes in city hall. I felt like important official and not just a measly college sophomore. The clan leader of the wolves was there as well dressed in a finely tailored suit. He had brought a few of his people including the twins. I had brought Darren and Matthew, who else would I want by my side?

  “I’m confident you went over all the material we discussed?” The clan leader who I had learned was called Lucas inquired as we waited to enter the meeting room.

  “Yes sir, and I also found additional resources if we need them,” I replied.

  “Very good,” Lucas said. “And have you given our peace agreement any more thought?”

  “My bag is packed and can be transferred to your car once the meeting is over.”

  Lucas looked very pleased with this turn of events. “Good girl. Adam will be very pleased.”

  My heart felt like it dropped down to my knees but I attempted to remain calm. “I’m sorry?”

  “Oh you didn’t know? My son Adam will be my successor someday. This bargain benefits him as much as it does me. I get a full-blood represented in the community. My son gets a play thing. The bears don’t get their precious land destroyed. Everyone wins don’t you think?”

  “Everyone except me,” I whispered.


  “The findings you have brought us very convincing,” one of the town officials said. “We will definitely take a break from developing in the woods surrounding the town and see if that helps with some of the animal aggression that we’ve been seeing.”

  “I also think we need to be stricter about where people can hike and what times.” I reminded. “Some of these situations were because of humans being reckless and do no warrant an entire forest being destroyed.”

  The town officials seemed impressed with my counter arguments and the evidence that I had to back it up. Ultimately they decided that they would table the construction plans to see if these changes would help the situation at all. We would potentially regroup in six months.

  As the meeting was adjourned I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself. I had been able to save the forest around my town from destruction. If was able to do this now, I couldn’t wait to see how I could change the world once I had a college degree.

  The meeting had been the easy part, now the wolves and the bears had to hold up their side of the bargain.
I nervously stood in front of city hall holding on to my bag. I would be staying with the wolves for the next three days. Though I’d still be able to call and text Darren and Matthew, the whole thing seemed weird.

  “I’ll see you in class on Monday,” I assured them. “I’ll be okay. I’ll call you and let you know how I’m doing.”

  Matthew looked sick to his stomach over letting me be out of his sight and away from his territory. I didn’t have the heart to tell him what Lucas had said before the meeting. I didn’t want all of our hard work to be ruined because Matthew killed Adam on the spot. I took his face in my palms and kissed him gently.

  “I’ll come to get you. I don’t care if it’s against the rules.” He urged.

  “Shh…” I replied. “They need me. I think they’ll keep me happy.”

  Lucas and family stood awkwardly behind us. “It’s time to go now Lena.”

  I grabbed my bag tighter and walked away from my friends and what was familiar. “Okay, I’m ready.”


  I was taken to the same large long house-like building where I was shown to a room that reminded me very much of a dormitory for one person. There was a twin bed with white linens and a small desk pushed in front of a window. I wondered if eventually I would bring stuff to leave here like books or even clothes, but for now, I sat on the bed and took in the whole situation. I tried to make myself believe that this would help everyone, and in the long run I would learn about the wolf shifters in an unbiased way. Despite my best efforts, I still felt pretty lonely even though the house was bustling with people.

  I sat at the large table again while the wolf clan celebrated our victory. The full-bloods would leave their home as it was intended and now the bears would have to respect them because their spokesperson was now a guest on their land. I tried to politely to remind everyone that I was sitting at their table to make sure they complied with their end of the bargain as well, but they were too wrapped up in their dinner and happiness to really listen to what I was saying.


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