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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 73

by Nichole Allen

  “Wait a minute, aren’t you Carina Holmes, the hot Hornets player, and you must be Denise Sharpe?” the blonde said, taking off her sun glasses and looking at from Denise to Carina, her eyes travelling over every inch of Carina's body until Carina felt as if she was melting from within.

  “Yes, you're right, and it seems that you know your players very well,” Carina said, noting the soft blush that covered the young woman’s cheeks as she held her gaze.

  “And what brings you here? I thought that you would probably be training for today’s game?” the blonde said.

  “Oh, please pardon my manners, these are my friends, Tanya and Amanda, and I'm Tara.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to finally put a name to a face. I see you during each one of our matches and know that you are a big fan-“

  “And that’s why we came over here so that we could offer you guys VIP passes to tonight’s game, that is, if you had plans to come,” Denise said, cutting Carina shut and going straight to the point.

  “Are you guys serious? Well, of course we were planning to come over as soon as we came from the beach,” Tara was so excited, she had even stood up, her full figure coming into view and making Carina realize that the woman was even sexier than she had looked before. Carina could even make out her cameltoe in between her thighs and it made her wonder what it would be like to see her naked without the bikini.

  “Yep, Denise is very right, we came here to invite you to the game. It would be a honor to have you in our company and after the game there will be a party where you could join us along with the other players for a night of fun,” Carina said, her night of fun probably nothing compared to what Tara was thinking.

  As she looked at Tara, Carina found her eyes lingering all over her body, taking in each of her features. She had to have the sexiest body that Carina had ever seen, right from her blonde hair and complimentary blue green eyes. She had an hour glass figure and her breasts were just the right size, slightly fleshier than Carina's own. Carina did not even want to imagine what Tara's tits would feel like inside her mouth as she sucked on them, pleasuring her and taking her to another planet.

  “Thanks, Carina, we really appreciate the invite and you can count on us being there for both the game and the party,” Amanda said, seeming to suddenly come out of her cocoon.

  “Well, that is perfect, girls, I guess I'll see you when you come around then,” Carina said, feeling satisfied, with her eyes still on Tara the whole time.

  “We had better join up with the rest, we usually prefer to train on the beach and they must be wondering what has happened to us. This whole thing was Carina's idea, of course. See you,” Denise said, patting Carina on the shoulders as the two women stepped away from the group of women and resumed their training. “That seemed to go pretty well for you and I have the feeling that Carina is really into you. I wish you all of the best, girlfriend.”

  “Well, it’s still too early for me to jump to any conclusions but I sure as hell could use that luck. She was probably just excited because we invited them over to the VIP lounge,” Carina said skeptically.

  “Girl, you have got to be blind, didn’t you see the way that she was drooling all over you? That chick is into you even though she probably doesn’t know whether she is into women or not,” Denise said, as they sped up to catch up with the rest of the NFL football players.


  “Holy smokes, I'm still not sure about what I'm going to wear to the game,” Tara said, pacing up and down in her bedroom as Amanda and Tanya sat on her bed looking at her with amusement in their eyes. “And for heaven’s sake, will you stop looking at me like that, you’re making me nervous.”

  “I think that this time that NFL chick has really blown your mind,” Tanya said thoughtfully. “I have never seen you looking this nervous before.”

  “I think that this is actually a good thing because Tara here can finally find out what it is like to actually fall in love. Did you notice the way that Carina could not stop looking at Tara, her eyes moving all over her body as if she was undressing her and actually making love to her? I think that this is going to be very interesting, indeed,” Amanda said, adding to the nervousness that Tara was already feeling.

  “Will you guys please shut up and help me to decide exactly what I’m wearing to the game,” Tara said to her friends with frustration.

  “Alright, let us see what sexy outfits you have in your closet,” Amanda said, getting up and walking into Tara's closet. “And let’s hope that you have some vibrators too, they might come in handy, or we could drop by a sex store on our way to the game.”

  Tara could not believe just how nervous she had been feeling right from the time that she had set her eyes on Carina that morning. She had always thought of Carina as the sexiest woman that she had ever seen but having been so close to her and even actually shaken her hand, she had felt a certain stirring deep within her body, something that she had never experienced before. She had become wet in between her thighs and at one point she had even been afraid that Carina might notice just how moist she was, since her lips had clung to the crotch of her bikini. She was not really sure about what she was feeling, having never felt this way before. She knew that she was madly attracted to Carina and that she was going to take her friends’ advise and follow her heart. If everyone else could fall in love, then maybe she too deserved the same and she had a good feeling about all this and the direction that this was taking.

  “Here, how about this one, I think that this is pretty sexy and how come I’ve never seen you wearing it?” Amanda said, pulling one of her new sexy outfits out of the closet and handing it to Tara.

  “We went out shopping with my mother early this morning and this happens to be one of the new outfits that I bought,” Tara said, eyeing the tight-fitting mini dress. “Don’t you think that this one is a little too revealing or slutty?”

  “Girl, you are not going on a date, you are simply going to watch a game and then attend a party thereafter and I don’t think that there is anything wrong with revealing a little leg,” Amanda said.

  “And one other thing, I think that if you have sexy legs, it’s your right to show them off. There are women out there who would never dare to put on clothes that even show their thighs. Be proud of yourself and look sexy for the whole world to see,” Tanya finished, as Tara decided that it was the outfit that she was wearing.

  By the time that Tara had finished dressing, and her friends were done applying her make up for her, she could hardly recognize herself in the mirror. Everything about her seemed different and, to some extent, she had to agree that she looked much sexier than she usually did. Being the sort of woman that usually wore little or no makeup, she felt overwhelmed.

  “Okay, now that we have this settled, I guess that we had better get going. It is a good thing that we are not going to line up with the rest of the crowd since today we are going in through the VIP entrance,” Tara said, checking her handbag to make sure that the VIP passes that Carina and Denise had given them were still there.

  “Yeah, time to kick some ass and shake some booty; come on folks,” Amanda said, leading the way out of the bedroom and the house, with Tara stopping in the kitchen just long enough to pick up the money that her mother had left her on the counter.

  They arrived at the arena as soon as they had dropped by Tanya and Amanda's places so that they could shower and change into suitable clothes for the evening. To Tara, it looked as if they were off for some fashion event and not to watch an NFL game. It actually felt good to see that they would probably be the sexiest dressed women tonight, even though most of the fans would be men out there to admire the female players. The arena was bustling with people by the time that they arrived and it was almost impossible to even get a parking spot. The main reason for this was that this was the final game of the season and everyone wanted a piece of the action. The women finally found a free parking spot and then made their way to the VIP entrance, where celebrities
and other important people usually went through. Tara was excited beyond words as they made their way to the front row, even though the game seemed to have already begun.


  Carina spotted them the moment that they made their way to their seats at the front row of the VIP arena. Tonight Tara looked sexier than Carina had ever seen her as she eyed her through the helmet that she was wearing. Just the sight of the sexy woman there to cheer her on inspired her even more and she found her performance becoming even better as the game progressed. By halftime, she had already broken the NFL women’s record by scoring the most number of touchdowns, and still she felt as if she had all the energy in the world. Carina knew that she was playing this game, not for herself or the team, but for Carina. She wanted Carina to know that Carina was someone that could be depended on to deliver and such a victory would go a long way in driving the point home.

  “That is quite a game, Captain, I wish that everyone on the team would feel as inspired as you are right now. I have never seen the Hornets play like this before,” the coach said as he gathered them for the second half pep talk.

  “Thank you, Coach,” she said, wondering what he would think if she was playing like this because she was trying to impress a woman that she had a mad crush on.

  He went on ahead to brief them about the possible formations for the next half of the game. The whole time, Carina could feel Denise's eyes on her and she knew just what her best friend was thinking about. Denise was the best friend that one could get. They were so different and yet so similar in their own ways and at times it was almost impossible to make out why they had become best friends. They had met soon after they had each joined the NFL league and their friendship had solidified when they had both joined the same team, Denise one season after Carina. It was Carina that had shown the timid girl the ropes around the new team and, in the long run, they had become inseparable. At times, Carina wondered what it would have been like if Denise was not a bisexual but was actually a lesbian like her. Not that she was attracted to her sexually the way that she was to Tara but it was an interesting thought.

  Carina had been a lesbian for as long as she could remember. She had been raised by a single mother and, seeing the way that the men that had come into her mother’s life had mistreated her mother, Carina had found herself drifting away from men. It was not like she hated them or anything of the sort but from an early age she felt safer in the company of women. By the time she was 26 and at the top of her career, Carina had already been through her fair share of relationships and was now looking for something that could last. She was not looking at just getting into a relationship for the fun of it but, rather, for the long term. She had the feeling that Tara was the right woman for her, even though she sensed that the younger woman was somewhat naïve. That was probably one of the things that attracted her to Tara so much, the fact that she was a woman that was still trying to discover herself, unlike Carina who had discovered her true self while she was still a teenager in school.

  The second half of the game went even better than the first and, once again, Carina found herself beating any prior performance. She could not help it; it was as if Tara's presence on the field had given her this endless jolt of power that just drove her on, to everyone’s amazement. By the time that the game was coming to an end, the Hornets were in the lead by well over 80 points, taking the shield home. There were loud cheers from the home stadium and it looked like Carina had become the new superstar that everyone was looking out for. She was carried shoulder high by her teammates off the field after the awards, even though she would have preferred to dash to the changing rooms as quickly as possible so that she could change and go off to look for Tara. Tara was the reason that she had played this well and she was the one that Carina wanted to ran to and thank for being there during the game, cheering her on.

  “You look tense, that was quite a game that you played; one could think that you were on drugs,” Denise said to her, as she was finally set down.

  “To tell you the truth, I really don’t know what came over me tonight. I just felt like I had so much energy in me and so much drive. I felt like I had a reason to actually play well and I guess that is exactly what I ended up doing,” she said to her friend as they made their way towards the changing rooms to get freshened up.

  “Oh no, don’t tell me that you don’t know the reason why you played like that; I saw you glancing at the VIP rows to make sure that someone special was cheering you on. This woman really seems to have gotten this really strong hold over you and I hope that she’s not going to steal you away from me because you are the only best friend that I have,” Denise joked as she laughed.

  “Oh Denise, will you stop being silly, nobody would ever come in between the sort of friendship that you and I share. What I feel about Tara is completely something else and nothing like the feelings I have for you. Relax hun, you will always be my best friend, no matter who my lover is,” she said, putting her hand on her best friend’s shoulder.

  By the time that they got to the changing rooms, most of the shower cubicles were already packed so they decided to sit and wait for the other players to finish up before they too freshened up and prepared themselves for the party.


  “Will you stop being such a fool and go down to the changing rooms to congratulate Carina? That must have been her most brilliant performance ever, judging from the mood of the audience,” Amanda said to her friend, urging her to follow her heart.

  “But Amanda, why can't I just wait for her here-“

  “Stop being such a stubborn goat and just go. Take advantage of the fact that we are VIPs today, and we have access to the changing rooms. What harm would it do to just go there and tell her congratulations on a game well played? That’s the least that you could do for yourself, seeing the way that you are so smitten over her,” Tanya added.

  Tara felt her heart beating wildly. She liked Carina and probably a little more than she was willing to agree which was the reason why she was feeling so nervous about just going to the changing rooms to congratulate her. There was also the fact that Tara had never felt this way about another woman before. She had never had a person that made her heart beat faster, just thinking about her, or someone that made her wet in between the thighs just thinking of the things that they could do together when they were alone. Just the sight of Carina had the ability to make the goose bumps on her forearms come alive, her blood rushing through her veins. And yet her friends were now pressuring her to go and tell her face-to-face just how well she had played. Carina was scared of going, scared of what she might find herself doing.

  “Well, are you just going to stand there like a zombie or are you going to go after the woman that you are in love with and tell her what a fantastic game she played?” Amanda asked impatiently.

  “Alright, I'm going, just don’t eat me alive,” she said, finally grabbing her handbag and strapping it over her shoulder.

  She could swear that she could hear her heart thudding as she pulled away from her friends, heading to the entrance that led to the corridor leading to the changing rooms. Along the way, in the corridor, she passed many players already coming from the changing rooms, all fresh and dressed up and, more than once, she almost turned back, trying to convince herself that Carina had already left. Her hands had turned pale by the time that she had gotten to the door of the changing rooms and she forced herself to open it so that the people around her would not realize just how tense she was.

  There were rows of benches and lockers on the room, which smelled of soap and sweat. She stepped into the room, the door closing behind her. There seemed to be nobody in the room and she was just about to turn back and walk out when she heard a voice from within.

  “Tara, how nice of you to come and check on me in here,” the now-familiar voice said, and she turned slowly to see Carina just in the process of coming out of one of the shower cubicles, her naked body looking all sexy with her wet hair plaster
ed over her flesh.

  “Carina,” she said breathlessly, taking in the beauty of the slightly older woman.

  She had the finest body that Tara had ever seen, nice firm breasts with huge brown nipples. She had a shapely body and as Tara's eyes moved down her body they came to rest on a clean shaved crotch with swollen pussy lips in between her thighs. Tara felt herself creaming up with arousal, just looking at Carina's beauty, her eyes moving back up to meet with Carina's brown eyes. Her dark curly hair was wet, giving it an exotic look and making Tara feel like running her fingers through it. Tara found herself looking at Carina's lips hungrily as Carina licked them, trying to imagine the sort of things that those lips could do to her body.

  “Well, come on in, the other players have already left. The showers were all packed and so I decided to wait for everyone to leave,” Carina said, bringing Tara's mind back to life as Tara found herself walking towards the sex goddess.

  “That was a very good game, Carina, I've never seen you play like that before.” Their eyes never left each other even for a second as Tara moved closer and closer to Carina, who stood rooted to where she was, holding a towel in her hand and making no move to cover herself.

  “With a little inspiration, Tara, all things are possible, and I would like to tell you that you were my inspiration today. If you hadn’t come to the arena tonight, I don’t think that I would have played that well,” Carina said, as Tara realized that she was now standing right in front of Carina, their bodies barely inches away from each other and Carina's soapy scent going straight to her head.


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