Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3)

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Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3) Page 6

by Maggie Ryan

  “Thank you. I love you so much,” Louisa said, handing her sister another flower. “I can’t say it didn’t bother me when I first was put into little girl dresses. It was really hard being made to take a nap every day in my nursery,” she said, without thinking. Lucy’s eyes immediately widened.

  “Nursery?” she asked. Louisa’s face flooded with color. She wished she could take the word back but knew it was too late. She lowered her eyes, wondering if Lucy’s promise of continued love would change with her next revelation.

  “Yes, Lucy,” she said quietly. “I…I have my own room at the top of the house. Papa made it for me. I…it is where I take my naps every day.” Lucy thought about her sister’s words and discovered she wasn’t all that shocked or perhaps she had suspected something like this. She remembered hearing the occasional sound above her head when she was in her room. She had asked Molly, but understood the girl had not been allowed to tell her of the existence of the room. She was aware of her sister’s hesitancy in admitting yet another secret.

  “Is it pretty?” Lucy asked. Louisa lifted her face and gave a soft cry. She nodded her head.

  “Yes, it is very pretty,” she said. “Our old toys are on shelves. Remember our dolls?” she asked. Lucy nodded her head and Louisa smiled. “They are in my room. I…I will let you have yours if you want.” Lucy started to shake her head, but then smiled, remembering how many hours the girls had spent playing with the twin dolls.

  “I’d like that,” she said. Louisa reached out to hug her sister, hard. The girls clung to each other, finally acknowledging that though their lives were different now, they were still bound to each other and always would be. They spoke of other things and then heard their names being called. They quickly finished their chains, and again as one, each draped a chain over the other’s head. By the time they met Mrs. Bremmer, who was waiting further up the path, their hands were swinging between them, smiles making their beautiful faces shine. Anna couldn’t suppress her own smile at seeing the two. Life had finally begun to settle into a calm pattern. She realized that neither girl had been spanked in days, their behavior adjusting to what was expected of good girls.

  “It’s time for tea, little ones,” Anna said, and was pleased to see them release each other’s hand and reach for her own. “Did you enjoy your outing?” she asked, and was pleased when both girls quickly said they had. She smiled and the three walked into the house to enjoy their tea.

  Later that evening, when Edward went to bed, he was surprised to find his wife awake. She was usually already deep asleep.

  “Are you feeling well, little one?” he asked, as he laid the palm of his hand against her forehead. Louisa nodded.

  “I’m fine, Papa,” she assured him. “I…I just wanted to talk to you.” Edward smiled, wondering if every evening would find him having heartfelt discussions with one or other of the girls. He undressed and slipped into bed beside his wife. Before he drew her to him, he reached up and unbuckled the cuffs restraining her wrists. She smiled and was soon lying close to him, her head on his chest. Edward stroked her long hair waiting for her to speak.

  “I think I made a mistake today, Papa,” she confessed. Edward was a bit taken aback. It was a very rare occurrence for his little lady to be naughty and not be caught. Mrs. Bremmer seemed to have an uncanny ability in ascertaining any naughty behavior, and usually tended to the miscreant before he even arrived home. His housekeeper had reported that both girls had been very well behaved all day. Hearing his wife confessing a mistake was a surprise.

  “Tell me, little one,” he said.

  “Lucy and I were talking today and I…I mentioned my room,” she said softly. Edward understood she didn’t mean the one they were currently occupying.

  “Your nursery, isn’t that what you mean?” he corrected. Louisa nodded against his chest.

  “Yes, Sir,” she agreed. “I didn’t mean to. She asked if I was happy and I told her that I was. I…I told her that at first I wasn’t, especially about my nursery.” Edward was silent for several minutes. Louisa held her breath, trying to determine if he was angry.

  “What did Lucille say?” he asked.

  Louisa smiled as she remembered the conversation. “She asked if it was pretty.”

  Edward was surprised. He would have expected that Lucille would be upset and even angry that her twin had a room not only designated as a nursery but an actual nursery where Louisa slept every single day. His ward’s response told him that she was accepting her sister’s life. He gently moved his wife from his chest only to sit her up and then pull her nightgown up and over her head. Louisa shivered as he tossed her gown to the floor.

  “I know it was naughty, Papa,” Louisa said as her stomach began to flutter.

  Edward settled himself against the headboard and then gently guided Louisa down across his lap. “Tell me, little one, do you need a spanking to be able to forgive yourself?” Louisa was surprised at the question. She was even more surprised at her answer.

  “Ye…yes, Papa,” she said quietly. “May…may I have my spanking?” Edward had not intended to spank her. He understood she had made an honest error. However, she was his little one. She felt guilty and he knew that she was a true submissive and would not truly accept his forgiveness without first having her bottom warmed. He lifted his hand from where it had been resting on her bottom and gave his wife what she needed. Louisa was soon sobbing as he lit a fire in her backside. Despite his original intent not to spank her, when he put her across his knees and punished her, she was not to be released until she felt that she was a well-spanked little girl. When her bottom turned from pink to a bright red, Edward stopped and lifted her up and off his lap.

  “Go to your corner, Louisa,” he said. She nodded and ran naked to place herself against the wall. Edward smiled at her quick obedience and enjoyed the sight of her red bottom in the soft light of the room. After only a few minutes, he called her to him. Louisa turned and ran to the bed where he lifted her and put her back over his knees. She dared not speak, but waited for her husband to guide her. She felt her husband’s hand rub across her bare bottom. Edward knew what his wife expected, but he did the opposite.

  “I forgive you, little lady,” he said, and she found herself smiling. “I told you that your secrets would be no more. I suppose I should have expected this. Has she seen your nursery for herself?”

  “No, Papa,” she said. “I…I didn’t know if you would be upset with me. I…I did tell her about our dolls. Is…is that okay?” she asked, her voice quivering just a bit as a result of her spanking and nervousness about the possibility of another. Edward smiled, knowing his little wife slept with her doll in her crib every afternoon. His hand continued to stroke her bottom and he chuckled.

  “Well, since I’ve already spanked your little bottom, I suppose that’s fine. Perhaps I should give Lucy her doll. Do you think she would like that?” he asked.

  “Yes, Papa,” Louisa said as another smile appeared. “I know she loved Nellie when we were little.”

  “You, my girl, are still little,” he reminded her. She flushed but nodded.

  “I know, Papa. I’ll always be little to you.”

  “That’s right, as long as you live, even if we have our own little ones one day. You may have to grow up for our children, but Louisa, in this room you will always and forever be my special little lady. You will always go across my lap and be spanked when you are naughty,” Edward said, and Louisa knew he spoke the truth and found she expected nothing less. After another few minutes, Edward continued: “I know that sisters tend to tell each other almost everything, Louisa.” She felt his hand move to press against her inner thigh. She shuddered but obediently opened her legs for him. Her bottom still burned, but she found she was burning between her legs as well. With another gentle press, she spread herself even more.

  “However, little one,” he said as he moved his hand from her bottom to cup her sex. He found it already slick and getting even slicker and h
e smiled. “Some things are not to be shared. This, for example,” he said, as he roughly pushed two fingers deep into her body. Louisa moaned and felt another gush of moisture fill her as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of her. Her little bottom was soon rocking back as if to meet and accept his fingers as deeply inside her body as possible. Edward smiled softly. “Or this,” he said, his voice very low as he removed his fingers from her and used them to rub circles around her clit. It swelled under his attention until she was panting over his lap, her small hands clasping at the sheets beneath her. “Or this.” He continued his demonstration by patting her hot bottom and saying, “Spread yourself.” Though her face immediately turned pink, she moved her hands behind her and grasped the punished globes of her bottom and pulled them apart. “Wider, Louisa, you know how to offer me your bottom-hole properly,” Edward said, and watched as she instantly obeyed him. Satisfied, he placed one hand over one of her own and brought his other hand to her offered bottom. Louisa held her breath when she felt him press against her bottom-hole. She gasped loudly, but didn’t shriek or protest - or even attempt to pull away - as he penetrated her small opening with first one finger, but then soon adding a second, into her bottom.

  “These are private things, Louisa. You will not speak of what happens in a marriage bed. Lucille is an innocent and shall remain that way until she weds. It is not your place, nor, little lady, is it even mine, to speak of such things. Just as you did, your sister will train at her husband’s feet. He is the only one to speak of these things. Do you understand me?” Louisa was finding it difficult to summon her voice as the sensations he was causing were making her entire body respond.

  “Ye…yes, Pa…Papa,” she finally managed to moan. Edward nodded and then removed his fingers rather roughly, causing her to give her first small cry of discomfort. Edward lifted her from his lap and sat her down beside him.

  “I do not mind that your sister knows you suckle a bottle when given one,” he said, and reached out to take one of her hands, placing it around his erection. He saw her face flush as she quickly understood his intentions. He nodded and then placed his hand on the back of her head and gently guided her down to his lap. She obediently opened her lips and took him inside her mouth and began to suckle. “I will not have her discover you suckle my cock as penance when I’ve had cause to spank or paddle your bottom, Louisa,” he said, and she flushed hotly, thinking she would be so ashamed if her sister knew the types of things her sister did naked in bed with her husband. Edward allowed her to continue for several long moments before pulling her from his shaft and pushing her onto her back. He draped her legs over his shoulders. Louisa’s eyes showed surprise as he positioned himself. He had never before interrupted her penance without first reaching his culmination. Edward bent to suckle at her breasts. She arched up to meet his mouth, her nipples hard and tight with her arousal. Edward lifted his mouth from her breasts. “Or this,” he said, before ramming hard into her. She moaned, arched her back and reached behind her for the rails. Edward smiled as her hands grasped the bed, her hips moving to match his rhythm.

  “This, Louisa,” he said, as he thrust in and out of her…“This is only shared between a man and his wife, a Papa and his special little one,” Edward said. “Men have different desires, little lady, and it is only her husband that Lucille will need to learn to please. She is not to go into any marriage with knowledge that might cause her to question her husband’s directions. Just as you are learning to serve me as I desire, your sister will one day service her own husband.”

  “Yes…yes, Papa,” she gasped, taking in his words, her climax building as he took her hard and fast. Edward knew she was incredibly close to her culmination.

  “Her husband will teach her that she is capable of incredible pleasure, Louisa,” Edward said, pushing deep within her, placing his fingers on her erect clitoris and pinching it hard. She moaned deeply, her hips rising and thrusting against his fingers. “Only her husband will allow her to learn the difference between a burning bottom from his hand, or the burning between her legs when he pleasures her with that same hand.” Louisa was moaning and on the edge as his words and fingers filled her mind with erotic pictures.

  “Ye…yes, Papa, ooooh, Papa…please…please…” she moaned, her insides spiraling up to the pinnacle of ecstasy.

  “Only her husband will teach her to beg for permission to take her pleasure, to explode around his cock or on his fingers or in his mouth,” he said softly, watching the desire to spend spread over every inch of her beautiful body and face. “Only her husband will say, ‘Take your pleasure, little one’ just as I am saying to my little lady. Take yours, Louisa, take it now,” he demanded, and within a few more strokes she obeyed, her body arching as he drove her over the edge, her cries of intense pleasure filling the same air that her earlier cries of pain had occupied. Edward poured himself into her as she contracted.

  It was another several moments before he could speak again. He pulled from her body and turned her onto her stomach. Louisa was attempting to regain her senses from her climax but found her attention suddenly riveted to what her husband was doing.

  He used his own hands to once again spread her bottom cheeks apart and thrust his finger deep inside her. “Remember my words, little one, for if I discover you have disobeyed me, not only will I put you over your punishment pillow and cane you harder than you’ve ever been caned before…” He paused as she whimpered at his words. “…I will then spread you apart just as I am now and punish you deep inside your little bottom. Am I clear, Louisa? Do you have any questions about what I have ordered?” Louisa felt his finger moving in and out of her bottom and remembered the plugs he often used to punish her or remind her to behave. He had told her that one day he would claim her bottom as his own. She knew, however, that the threat he had just made would not be that type of claiming. If she disobeyed him in this, he would not gently open her or allow her to prepare herself by wearing a plug. No, he would cane her until her bottom was a hot, throbbing mass and then he would push himself inside her passage and punish her intimately. She clenched her eyes tight and nodded.

  “I…I understand, Papa. I…I promise…I…I will remember,” she said. “I…I won’t tell Lucy any…anything about…about this.” Edward knew she would remember both his threat and prayed she’d remember her promise. He slowly removed his finger from her and then guided her to her knees. He was soon buried deep inside her pussey, bringing her to another culmination. Afterwards, he gathered her to his side and kissed her gently.

  “Thank you, Papa,” Louisa said sleepily. She was exhausted and totally sated. Edward kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you, Louisa,” he said. “Just remember.”

  “I will, Papa, I will,” she promised again.


  The next evening when Edward returned home he heard the sound of carefree giggling. He followed the sound and found his two girls sitting on the floor of the library, playing with their dolls. He leaned against the doorframe and simply enjoyed them. He knew that there would be many days of appointments given, many a time one or both bottoms would be bared to him for discipline. However, for this moment, he found he was a very contented man.

  Chapter 5

  Lucy climbed nearly to the top of the library’s ladder, giving a small groan as she stretched to reach the object of her desire ensconced upon the uppermost shelf. Nearly touching the book’s spine, her concentration was suddenly shattered by a man’s voice:

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

  Lucy’s heart almost stopped beating; she released a piercing scream as she felt her feet going out from under her, suddenly finding herself tucked under a strange man’s arm, suspended in the air. She gave another scream and kicked her feet, and instantly a hard hand began to rapidly swat her bottom.

  “No!” she screamed as her struggles increased. Unlike the single smack she had received from Charles, this man was spanking her repeatedly, an
d her bottom was beginning to burn, despite its covering. “Stop! Put me down!” she demanded, too surprised to cry. One of her feet finally managed to connect to his leg and she heard him let out a breath.

  “Whoa, settle down,” the man said, as she continued to struggle in his arms. He couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across his face. She was such a tiny little thing! When she began to pound her fists against his thigh, he stopped slapping her bottom and simply held her out from his body, her feet still kicking, unable to reach the ground.

  “I said, put me down!” she demanded, observing the smile that betrayed his amusement at her predicament. She was suddenly aware of his hands at her waist, the heat seeming to sear through the fabric. She struggled harder to escape and saw his smile widen.

  “You are truly a tiny little thing aren’t you?” he said, thinking Edward was a very lucky man. Though obviously frightened when he had plucked her off the ladder, she wasn’t acting out of fear. No, he thought, the little hellion was attempting to scratch him like a feral cat.

  “Put Me Down!” Lucy hissed, again reminding him of a very upset feline. When she wasn’t immediately released, she reached out and slapped him. His smile dropped off his face as he discovered Edward’s little kitten had claws.

  Lucy’s face showed her shock at her action. “Oh, God…I’m sorry!” she said, her face turning red. “I…I didn’t mean to…”

  “Slap me?” he suggested. She nodded, but realized he had still not released her. She dropped her hands to his muscled forearms and began to push against him. She might as well have attempted to move a mountain. The only reactions to her effort were that his hands tightened his hold and she became aware of the heat of his skin under her palms. He had seen the look of horror and then fear cross her face after she slapped him. “I would have thought your husband would have taught you better manners by now,” he said. “I would think that instead of hitting me, you’d be thanking me, Lady Wintercrest. After all, I did just save you from a nasty fall.” She shook her head as if denying his claim.


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