Book Read Free

Meat Market Anthology

Page 12

by S. Van Horne

  She nods at me with curious eyes.

  “I already knew that.” She frowns, tilting her head to the side, trying to figure out how I knew she hadn’t read the book. “I’ve never seen you read anything not written by Austen or Bronte. In fact, this one, I’ve seen three times now.”

  She looks down at the book in front of her and places a gentle hand on top of it—Pride and Prejudice. I have a feeling it’s her favorite, which would explain why I’ve seen her with it more often than any other book.

  “You’re very observant,” she lowers her voice and peeks up at me from beneath her thick, dark lashes.

  “When it comes to you, I am,” I confess, but the sound of my daughter screeching from across the room keeps me from saying anything else.

  Cursing inwardly, I turn around and spot both my daughters headed this way.

  “Dad.” My oldest daughter, Kinsley, stops in front of me with a smile. I’m instantly suspicious. She doesn’t smile, at least not at me, not since she discovered boys and make-up.

  Cami reaches out and our fingers brush as she takes the book from my hand. The sensation sends a shiver throughout my body. I look back at her, wondering if she felt it too, but she’s already resorted back to librarian mode, and the warmth I saw in her eyes has been replaced with professionalism. My heart aches a little, not ready for our time together to end.

  “Dad,” Kinsley calls again, this time gently grabbing my arm. “Can I drive home today?”

  “Hi Kins, how are you?” I ask, trying to hold back my annoyance, cursing myself for not getting here sooner. Something happened today, something between us, and I can’t explain it. All I know is, I want more of it.

  “Dad, please, can I drive?” She bounces from one foot to another, ignoring me.

  “Don’t let her,” Katie speaks finally, irritation written all over her face.

  “Hey, what’s your problem?” Kinsley turns and faces her younger sister, her face flushed with annoyance.

  “You almost got me killed this morning, that’s my problem.”

  “Enough,” my voice transforms into stern father mode, and both girls quiet down. “Now is not the time. Kins, I’m driving you and your sister home today. You need to get better with your mother’s car before you get behind the wheel of my truck. Now, please, wait outside for me.”

  Both girls grumble all the way out of the building, and I ignore them, quickly turning back to Cami with an apologetic smile.

  “Sorry about that,” I say, but she holds up a gentle hand and stops me. She smiles and lets the warmth seep back into her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it. Sisters argue. I get it. I have an older sister. Don’t worry, they’ll outgrow it,” she laughs lightly.

  “I hope you’re right.” I exhale loudly, half chuckling, half groaning when Katie peeks her head back in and wails at me.

  “Daaaaaaaaaad, Kins pinched me.”

  I roll my eyes and lift my hand, silencing Katie’s complaint. Cami’s shoulders shake while she giggles over the situation.

  “Goodbye, Cami,” I sigh before turning away to follow my girls. Next time I pick them up, I’m going to be here extra early.



  THE PLAN WAS TO STOP by the butcher shop this morning, but I hit the snooze button on my phone a few times too many. I guess that’s what happens when you spend the night tossing and turning, dreaming of the many different cuts of “meat” available on the menu, but all their faces wind up looking like Ben.

  As I park my car outside The Meat Market on my lunch hour, I can’t stop thinking about Ben Miller and the way he looked in those jeans, walking away from me yet again this afternoon. The man is superhero hot, but it’s more than that. Something about him calls to me. He’s charming, with a boyish smirk that would melt any woman’s panties. He takes care of the people around him, like his crew, always ensuring they have what they need before heading home for the night. Most of all, he makes me comfortable.

  The first time I laid eyes on him, he was walking the building with the city planner, going over the blueprints. The moment our eyes met, I melted into his dark chocolate depths. The air crackled with each step he took, intensifying the closer he came to me. When they finally stopped at my desk to ask a few questions, I found myself rambling on just to keep him near.

  Never has a man evoked the emotions he has in me. The more he comes around, the easier it is for me. He came around often, during his project, making up reasons to talk to me, and I found myself looking for him on the days I knew he’d be in. There were a few occasions I thought he might ask me out, but he never did.

  Turning my head, I shake off my sudden disappointment over Ben and bring my attention back to the quaint building next to me. I open the car door and step out onto the street. Then, I lift a hand to make sure my hair is in place before I make my way inside the building, pushing Ben out of my thoughts completely.

  If he were interested, he would have made a move by now, but he hasn’t, I tell myself while taking in the atmosphere around me.

  The first thing I notice is the change in temperature, but then I see that no one is behind the counter. A small silver bell glints at me from the counter, and I walk over and press down on the button, alerting whatever staff is around to my presence.

  “Be out in just a minute,” a male voice calls from a doorway behind the counter. “Feel free to take a look around.”

  I shift from foot to foot because my nerves are starting to kick in, making me second-guess my decision to do this.

  What in the hell are you thinking, Camilla? I chastise myself, but before I can turn and flee, a man emerges from the doorway. A man who would make any warm-blooded woman stop and look twice.

  “Hi,” he greets me with a dazzling white smile, and for a moment, I’m struck dumb by the Adonis he is. “How can I help you?”

  I clear my throat to speak, but words don’t come easy. He smirks, clearly aware of the effect he’s having on me.

  Woman up, Camilla!

  “Is Jason here?” I manage in a cracked voice, but my hands begin to shake as my nerves ramp up.

  “I’m Jason,” he says, tilting his head to study me. I take a hesitant step forward and a deep breath.

  “Hi, Jason.” A flush heats my cheeks. Why does Jason have to be so gorgeous? But to be honest, he isn’t my type, and he isn’t Ben. I cringe, shit, don’t think about Ben right now!

  “Are you okay?” His brow crinkles, and his eyes fall on my hands clasped tightly together in front of me. I keep twisting my fingers almost painfully. I take a deep breath, and push through, refusing to let my sudden attack of nerves control me.

  “Yes,” I respond, releasing my hands in the process. “I’d like to place an order.”

  “Sure.” He eyes me carefully before pulling out an order slip from the register. “What can I get you?”

  “I’d like to order some meat?” I reply with a small chuckle, trying to be clever about the whole thing, but instead, I feel like a total dork.

  “Okay, would you like to order a single helping or for a group?”

  “Single. Wait, you do groups?”

  “Sure,” he answers, but the way his brow furrows, it’s almost like he isn’t sure how to answer my question. “Large orders require a minimum month’s notification.”

  “I don’t want a group order. I just want something pleasing.” I relax a little, no longer feeling as ridiculous, but still nervous enough I once again clasp my hands in front of me and begin twisting my fingers.

  “What kind of meat would you like?”

  “I’m not sure. Do you have a menu, or like a catalogue?”

  “For meat?”

  “Yes, I’d like to know what you offer.”

  He tilts his head, his curiosity written all over his face, making me feel like I’ve lost my mind. I stare back at him, blinking once and then twice, but he says nothing.

  “Did I say something wrong?” I ask, suddenly
aware of how weird the conversation is becoming.

  “No, but I have a feeling we’re talking about two different things.” He places the order form down onto the counter and leans forward. His eyes narrow in on my face, like he’s trying to figure me out. “You’re not here for a traditional slab of steak, are you?”

  “No. I’m looking for something untraditional,” I answer, feeling a little braver. His eyebrows lift, and he chuckles, clearly entertained by me.

  “Are you a referral?” he asks, and just like that, whatever worries or concerns I have about Miranda making all of this up, are gone.

  “I overheard some coworkers talking about it yesterday.”

  “Eavesdropping on a private conversation?” He crosses his arms before smirking at me. My insides respond as he looks me up and down.

  “Yes, er, no. Maybe.”

  “And you wanted to see if they were telling the truth.” I nod and swallow the lump forming in my throat. He eyes me carefully, assessing the legitimacy of my curiosity. “You’re serious about an order, then?”

  “Now that I know this is real. Yes, I’m serious about placing an order.”

  “What’s your name?” he asks, focusing on my face.

  “Camilla Babcock.”

  Something flares deep within his eyes when he hears my name, almost like he’s heard it before.

  “You work at the library?” he asks, and I find myself speechless. How does he know where I work?

  “Yes, how did you—”

  “Camilla, I know exactly what to order for you.” He smiles at me, his eyes holding a secret. “Will you trust me to set you up with one of my guys?”

  I close my eyes and take a breath. “I don’t know.”

  “You came here today to take a chance. So, take it. Trust me, I won’t steer you wrong.” He finishes with a wink, and I can’t help feeling like he’s telling me the truth.

  “Okay,” I agree, shaking my head.

  “Be ready Friday night at seven, your date will pick you up then.”

  “It’s that easy? How do you know what I want from him?”

  “First, you need to give me your address and a credit card. Second, yes, it is this easy. And finally, whatever does or doesn’t happen is between you and your date.” He hands me a piece of paper, and I write down the name of a restaurant. He eyeballs it. “You want to meet up at this restaurant?”

  “If it’s not too much trouble.”

  “Not at all. He’ll be there Friday, at seven.” I reach into my purse and produce a credit card. I swallow hard as the reality of what’s currently taking place sets in.

  Holy shit, I just booked a date with an escort!

  The thought does something to me I can’t quite explain. Something life-changing, and I like it.

  For the first time in my life, I feel powerful, womanly, and definitely sexy.



  AFTER PICKING THE GIRLS UP from the library, I dropped them off at their mother’s, like I do every Thursday afternoon, and headed back to work. I guess you could say I’m a little bit of a workaholic, but running your own company isn’t an easy task.

  When the economy crashed, I was on the verge of bankruptcy and about to lose everything, including my house. The life and stability I worked so hard to build after my divorce, was crumbling down around me. I was drowning in debt, with no life-line in sight. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t get ahead.

  Then Jason, an old college buddy, called, and he gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

  He was in a bind and had heard of my divorce. He needed a filler for his new venture. I wasn’t surprised to find out Jason was running an escort service out of his family’s butcher shop; I knew he spent a summer wining and dining women of all ages during college.

  His Louisiana Hot Link canceled an hour before he was due to meet up with a client. No one else was available to fill in, and the client was a V.I.P. who couldn’t reschedule, so he called me. Since I wasn’t serious about any of the women in my life, I saw no harm in helping out a friend. And I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to.

  I met up with the client, wined her, dined her, and afterwards, I followed her back to her place, and we fucked like champions. The whole experience was something out of the pages of Playboy, and the best part was the pocket full of cash I went home with. Maybe I shouldn’t have been that comfortable with what I was doing, but money talks, especially when you need to make ends meet.

  The gig became permanent when the guy I filled in for got stupid with Jason and lost his spot with the service. I didn’t hesitate when Jason asked me to step in permanently. My experience that night was a good one, and it’s all it took to convince me to become the new Louisiana Hot Link on his menu.

  The piercing sound of my cell phone fills the small trailer I’ve called an office for far too long. I glance down at the screen and see Jason’s number flashing back at me.

  Speak of the devil!

  Looking over at the calendar hanging on the wall, I check to see what the date is. It’s Thursday, not my usual night to entertain a date. I wonder if he’s calling to ask me to pick up another client, not that I’m in the mood to do so. Seeing Cami today has me all twisted up inside, and the last thing I want to do is to spend any time with another woman.

  “What’s up, Jason?’ I answer, knowing there isn’t a reason not to answer, but all the same, racking my brain, trying to figure out what excuse I can use to turn him down.

  “Hey Ben, how’re you doing? How are the girls?”

  “All is well. How are things with you?”

  “Pretty good. Listen, I was wondering if you have any plans tomorrow night?”

  And there it is. Pleasantries don’t last too long, they never do with Jason, at least not when it comes to the business.

  “I don’t have anything on the books and nothing happening otherwise. Do one of my regulars need to switch their night?” I ask, hoping it isn’t a last-minute booking. We get our schedule on Mondays when we all meet up at The Brown Bottle. But my schedule hasn’t changed in months, so he knows my Friday is clear. Jason doesn’t usually schedule last-minute bookings, so this is out of character for him.

  “No, it’s dinner with a new client.”

  Shit, fuck, shit. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “I don’t know, man, I’m not really in the mood to take on a last-minute booking, let alone a newbie.”

  “I know, man, but believe me when I say, you’re going to want this one.”

  It isn’t the first time Jason’s given me that line. In fact, it’s the line that got me this gig in the first place. But it’s also something he says whenever he wants me to pick up a new client. Thankfully, I can choose if I want to take on a new client, regardless of their order.

  “I honestly don’t have the time to fit another one in. I’m already booked four evenings a week.”

  “Do you want to know who it is?”

  “You said she’s new.”

  “She is, but that doesn’t mean you can’t know who is she.”

  “Please, tell me it’s not Veronica.’ I’m praying like hell it isn’t my ex-wife. The last thing I need is for her to find out what I do when I don’t have the girls.

  “What the fuck, man? You think I’d do that to you? Besides, last I heard, she was pretty happy with John.” He pauses, letting my brain come back from the path I started down. “Do you want to know who it is or not?”

  “It doesn’t matter who it is. I don’t want to take on another client right now.”

  “Not even Cami?” he asks, chuckling across the line. I choke, unable to respond because I’m not sure if I heard him correctly. “That’s fine, Ben. I’ll see if Damian’s free. I’m sure your girl will enjoy an evening with him.”

  “What the fuck—” My body locks when he says Damian’s name and then calls her mine in the next sentence. The instinct to beat on my chest and mark my territory surges through me

  “She had no idea who she wanted to order, it being her first time with us. Did you know she was that shy? She stood at the counter shaking like a leaf. I thought she was going to pass out before she could muster the courage to ask about our extra services.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “No, man, I’m not. Camilla Babcock, the librarian, the one you told me about after that city job you did. I thought you were kidding when you described her. She’s fucking gorgeous,” he informs me, trying his hardest to rile me up. He knows who Cami is and what she means to me.

  “Jay,” I growl into the phone. There’s no way he’s talking about my Cami. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Hell, if I didn’t already have plans, I’d take her out myself, find out how those legs feel wrapped around my waist.”

  “The fuck you will—”

  “Damian will show her a good time. She’ll get her money’s worth. Don’t worry, Ben, she’ll be in good hands,” he barrels on, ignoring my attempts to get a word in. There’s no way I’m going to let anyone near Cami, and if they attempt it, I can’t promise they’ll leave standing up.

  “Fuck that, Damian isn’t touching her. Matter of fact, he even looks at her and he’ll need to clear his calendar for the next two weeks. He won’t be servicing anyone,’ I growl into the phone, my blood boiling hot in my veins. “When’s the fucking setup and where?”

  “Ben, it’s okay, buddy, we got this—”

  “Jay, shut the fuck up, man. I’m taking the date.”

  “I’d thought you’d be happier about this. I thought you liked this woman.”

  “Not gonna talk about this with you. Just send me a text with everything I need to know.” I exhale loudly, pushing out the irritation he built up inside me. My mind is spinning.

  My Cami.

  My beautiful goddess hired an escort.

  And I’m the man for the job.



  WHEN JASON CALLED ME THIS morning to confirm my date, he told me which special he ordered for me. The Louisiana Hot Link. I’m not sure what it means since I didn’t see the menu, but I hope I don’t regret trusting him to choose for me.


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