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Feathers in the Wind: The Cygnets

Page 33

by Camille Anthony

  The man's sharp eyes glinted behind the shield of his glasses, as he stared at Merri. “Harrumph. Harrumph. Apt name. Wise, too."

  Reopening his book, the scribe again flipped through the numerous pages until he arrived at the one he had begun writing upon moments ago. “Mumble, mumble ... Ah. Occasion?"

  "One moment.” Jared begged. Raising his voice, he called, “Now, Seuliman.” He suddenly felt very nervous.

  The eunuch entered the room carrying a small pillow. Resting on top was a dainty pair of slippers, heavily encrusted with jewels and embroidery; heavy gold and multi-colored threads vied with rubies, sapphires, emeralds and diamonds. Not one inch was left unadorned. The servant brought these to his master, his dark face wreathed in smiles.

  Jared removed the slippers and turning to Merridyth, offered them to her, saying: “My Lady, by accepting these shoes as a token of my desire to care for all your needs for the rest of our lives, you become my wife by Turkish law. Are you willing to join your life with mine?"

  "Are you sure?” Merri asked, in love and overwhelmed at his thoughtfulness.

  "I have been sure since I first laid eyes on you across a noisy courtroom, years ago.” A relieved smile tugged at Jared's lips. “Say yes, and take these shoes so I can cease shaking in my damned boots.” he ordered playfully.

  "Yes. Thank you. I will."

  "I think that about covers everything.” Feeling smug over her eagerness for him, Jared turned back to the scribe and said, “The occasion is dügün; our wedding."

  "Congratulations. May Allah bless the union with many sons. Now if we may finish? I have three more appointments before I can retire for the evening."

  * * * *

  "I was afraid you would say no."

  The scribe had quickly finished his part and departed, leaving them to return to the Duke's large sleeping-room. They reclined on the low couch, arms about each other as they talked. Merri shifted a little, settling deeper into Jared's cherishing embrace. “Why did you think that?"

  "You were not well-disposed towards me when last we spoke,” Jared reminded her.

  "Yes, well, Susan convinced me I had jumped to conclusions where you were concerned. Once I calmed down, I just could not believe you were the kind of person who could play with a person's life so callously. I was determined to let you have your say.” Merri pulled away and turned to meet his eyes. “I have a question for you—"

  "Ask it."

  "The last time I was here ... had you planned the wedding ceremony for then?"

  "I had, yes. I knew you would keep your word and come to me. I also knew you would find it impossible—or at least—very difficult to forgive either yourself or me, if we made love without first making a binding commitment with each other."

  Tears choked her, making it hard to speak. “I-I love you. So much."

  Jared ran his hands down her arms and captured her hands, curling her fingers inside his own. His mouth stretched wide in a happy grin. “I also love you, Merridyth ... so much. For two long, lonely years, I have thought of you, dreamed of you, longed for you."

  He bent over her where she lay on the couch, his head lowering to take her lips. Every sweep of his tongue elicited a burst of steamy pleasure within her, and she moaned into his open mouth, pressing a hand into his hair, fingers curling convulsively, bunching his raven tresses between them, using the unruly locks as purchase to pull him down onto her, turning his gentle kiss into a hot, lush sharing of mouths. She needed to feel his weight, his muscular body against her own feminine curves. Her hips sought his arousal, arching up from the couch in a frantic bid to align her aching body to his.

  He endeared himself to her by being careful where he allowed his hands to roam, knowing she was still nervous about where this was all leading, cautious not to frighten her. She shivered with rising excitement, her skin flushing under his sweeping caresses. The feel of his arms about her incited waves of heat inside her. A pulse began beating between her legs, and she squeezed her knees together and shifted, seeking ease.

  Jared tightened his grasp on her, his hands traveling a slow path from her shoulder-blades to the small of her back where he kneaded the tight muscles bunched there. Her body undulated under his stroking fingers and his body shuddered. Lowering himself until his distended rod brushed against the juncture of her thighs, he stilled, letting her feel the heavy weight of his erection.

  She knew he could feel the heart of her, the heated core of her sex radiating through the layers of her clothing, beckoning his straining manhood. All she could do was surrender to the heat.

  Merri was burning, just burning up ... reduced to cinders where he touched her. And he touched her everywhere, in every way. She shuddered at the feel of his large, strong hands moving her here and there, turning her for his pleasure. She thrilled when he pressed her to his chest, flattening her swollen breasts, the pale peach crests tightening to diamond hardness. She used her smooth creamy flesh to taunt him, dragging his head, his delicious mouth to her swelling curves, daring him to conquer her. The cloth of her jacket grew wet under his ministrations, but the material muted the luscious feel of his lips and tongue, and in despair, Merri ripped at her jacket, desperate to bare herself to his hungry suckling.

  Jared helped her, yanking the bolero down her shoulders, imprisoning her arms. His hands in the small of her back, he arched her up, flexing her backwards, allowing her breasts to ride high and free. His rough positioning jarred her bosom, and he froze, eyes riveted to her buoyant flesh, watching as the naked mounds bounced and jiggled with her movements.

  His open mouth moved over her eyebrows, kissed her lids shut, then returned to her berry-ripe lips. He licked at the plump top curve, gathering its sweetness on his tongue. He sucked the full bottom lip into his mouth, using his teeth to lightly abrade it, reluctantly releasing it to delve boldly back into the dark honeyed cavern of her mouth. With deep strokes, he instructed her, teaching her the motions of love until her lower body echoed the movements, rocking against the elongated evidence of his desire.

  With a growl of need, he deepened the kiss again holding her cheeks between his hands and seeking the slick glide of her tongue. Strong suction brought the tender pink morsel to him, and he worshiped her, exploring the roof of her mouth, the ridges of her teeth. Claiming every inch, branding it his. Eyes aflame, growling savagely, he swooped to a brazen nipple, devouring it, cheeks hollowing as he sucked it deep, deep inside his mouth, rearing his head to stretch out her resilient flesh, then letting his head fall back to her, burying his face against her burgeoning flesh. His teeth worried the sensitive tip, his tongue lapped at her, its rough wet texture driving her insane with cascading need while his hands kneaded and plumped the other breast preparing it for his voracious attentions.

  She jack-knifed in his arms, her kisses frantic, falling everywhere; his chest becoming wet with her open-mouthed caresses. She panted harshly, her hands clutching his shirt, his skin, his hair.

  "Slow down, love.” Jared cautioned roughly, pulling back, seeking to moderate their headlong pace. Knowing he had to cool down before he hurt her. He kept reminding himself she was an innocent virgin. But she wasn't acting like one, and her passionate response was making it difficult to hold back his straining ardor.

  "Oh, God I ache. I ache.” Merri tried to burrow deeper into his arms. His shirt tore under her frantic handling. “Hold me tight.” she begged. “Tighter."

  Her sleek slim thighs rubbed against each other, her movements gaining in momentum until her legs were thrashing about wildly, bumping into Jared's thighs, one violent knee coming close to striking his groin.

  "Bloody hell.” Jared roared, jerking backwards in the nick of time. Disengaging himself from Merri, he rolled off the side of the couch, and came hurriedly to his feet. A confused frown on his face, he stood watching his innocent wife writhing on the low divan, her body convulsing in the throes of uncontrollable passion.

  In the three years since his arrival in Turkey,
Jared had seen extensive use of the drug called unicorn's horn and had seen the drug's heightening effect on one's carnal drive. His past observations made it easy for him to recognize the symptoms Merri displayed now. It was obvious his bride had partaken of the powerful aphrodisiac.

  Why? Jared wondered, running shaking hands through his already disheveled hair. Why would she take so dangerous a drug putting her very life at risk? He didn't want it to be because she couldn't endure his possession any other way, but what other answer was there? What other reason could she have?

  Knowing she had been under the influence of the drug threw a different light on her earlier actions. With a sinking heart, Jared recalled her seeming happiness, her loving declarations. Her duplicity devastated him, striking deep at the heart of his pride and self-esteem. Overwhelmed by the pain roaring through him, Jared lifted his head and screamed a hoarse cry of denial.

  Jared and Merridyth have finally come together only to find deception and heartache. Will their marriage be over before it begins? Find out in Feathers On the Wind: Mated Swans, coming soon from Red Rose Publishing

  Glossary of Turkish Words and Phrases

  Because the Turkish changes with usage, or the placement in a sentence, I've chosen to list the English translation first. While this is somewhat confusing if you're looking up the word or phrase, it's still the best way to alphabetize the list.

  aforementioned: mezkür apple: elma arm: kol

  army: ordu in our army: ordumzda art: san'at

  at the gate: kapida aunt maternal : teyze aunt paternal: hala

  baby: bebek basket: sepet to beat: dövmek

  beautiful: güzel how beautiful: Ne güzel to believe: inanmak

  bird: kus black: siyah jet black: simsiyah

  book: kitap bosom/breast: koyun boy: oglan

  bride: gelin brother: kardes ceremony: tören

  chicken: tavuk child: cocuk cold: souk

  color: renk come and see me tomorrow: yarin gelip beni görünüz

  cursing: tel'in dark: karanlik day: gün

  death: ölüm desert: çol doubt: süphe

  duck: ördek earthquake: zelzele effect: tesir

  eight: sekiz eighty: seksen evening: aksameye

  in the eye: göz [gyoz] far: uzak favorite: ikbal

  fat: sisman father: baba with his father: babsiyle

  fifty: elli flower: çiçek foot: ayak

  forbidden: yasak forest: orman to the forest: ormana

  friend: arkadas girl(s): kiz(lar) god: Allah

  gold: altin golden cage: kafes grandfather: dede

  grapes: üzüm grass: ot grief: gam

  he came: geldi hen-pecked husband: kilibik

  his hand: eli hour: saat house: ev

  to the house: eve hot: sicak hundred: yüz

  I: ben I'm ashamed: Utanirim.

  I must shave: tirus olma-m lâzim

  I have come in order to learn whether or not you have need of me:

  Bana ihtiyac-iniz-ol-up ol-ma-digini ögrenmege geldim

  I have not understood: anlamadim I shall not go: gitmizecegim

  I want you to come here: Buraya gel-me-niz-i istiyorum if: eger

  infidel, Giaour: gâvur in the net: agda is: dir

  just (fair): âdil kalfa: secretary kismet: fate

  known: malum lady: hanim life: ömür

  lightning: simsek London: Londra long: uzun

  longer: daka uzun longest: enuzun to love: sevmek

  luck: ugur mad dog: kuduz-rabis

  maid-in-waiting: gedikli man: adam market: pazar

  to get married: evlenmek master: Aga

  master of the girls: kizlar agasi meat: et melon: kavun

  mother: anne mountain: dag [dai] murder: katil

  murderer: kaatil name: isim his name: isimi

  nation: ulus needle: igne necessary: lâzim

  neck: boyun nest: yuva nine: dokuz

  ninety: dohsan no: hayir noble one: effendi

  number: numara oar: kürek one, a: bir

  ornate: süslü patience: sabir pear: armut

  his pear: armudu place: yer his or her or its place: yeri

  pleasure: keyif, lezzet pocket: cep point: nokta

  poppy: gelincik to praise: övmek prince: Emir

  profit: kâr [kair] quay: rihtim

  Fermented grape wine flavored with anise-turns milky white when water or ice is added: raki

  red: kirmizi right: hak his right: hakki

  rose: gül sadness: hüzün school: mektep

  sex slave: haseki sea: deniz sister (elder): abla

  shy: çekingen slave: kul snow: kar

  son: ogul his son: ogli speech: nutuk

  summer: yaz summer has come at last: artik yaz geldi

  table: masa take care: sakin tea: çay

  ten: on terrible: müthis that, he, she, it: o

  they did not die: ölmediler they did not become: ölmadilar

  this: bu this is going to be, like it or not: Bu is istemez olecak

  That room over there is more spacious than this: Öteki oda bunden genistir

  thread: ip three: üç thus: öyle

  tongue: dil tree: agaç his tree: agaçi

  trouble/bother: zahmet truth: hakiyat Turkey: Türkiye

  in Turkey: Türkiyede very long: upuzun victory: zafer

  void: halâ wedding: dügün

  what's there to be ashamed of?: Ne var utanacak?

  where are you going?: Nereye gidiyorsunuz?

  white beyaz why?: niçin wife: kadin

  my wife: karim winter: kis woman: kari

  woman of the room(servant): odalisque year: yil yellow: sari

  yes: evet yet: hâla [haila]

  common suffixes:

  lar, ler= plural

  in= of

  About the author:

  She has many books out with Ellora's Cave, Loose Id and Changeling Press.

  * * * *

  Who am I?

  A dreamer of dreams, a teller of tales...

  Well, yeah. I've been doing that all my life. When people ask what I do, I tell them a little bit of everything. My imagination takes me to many exotic climes where I meet interesting beings and indulge in numerous adventures.

  A woman, a child, a mystery in and of myself.

  Still learning myself, my limits, my horizons. Circumstances have hobbled me lately, yet I am determined to shrug off the chains of physical limitations and rise up, to soar into a wide blue sky of infinite posibilities. Come fly with me...

  Full of possibilities and endless wondering...

  Started out a black woman and now find myself on a journey to become all women. I hope my writing reflects my growth.

  Seer of fantastical landscapes and intimate formations.

  Tell me your dreams ... I'll paint you pictures in bold splashes of black and white ... or white on blue. The mediums may vary—paper and ink or screen and electronic lightning—the tale's the thing...

  I am your mirror, your herald, your sage.

  See my worlds, experience the thrills of discovery, not just of the past, present or future, but the unexplored inner-space of our imaginations. Follow my footprints ... see, I've printed them in the sand. Let me show you the way to all things possible.

  Just turn the page...

  * * *

  Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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