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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

Page 39

by Hadley Quinn

  “Right,” Melanie rolled her eyes. “But hey, whatever works for you.”

  “Jay,” Teague sighed, “I think Kellie feels left out because you don’t fight with her anymore.”

  “Yeah, because I’m too worn out from dealing with my hormonal housemate in the next room,” Jay replied.

  “Well boohoo,” Melanie glared. “Too bad Kellie moved in with her friend and you and I are both still mooching off our family members.”

  “Not for long. I’m outta here in two weeks, honey. You’ll be the only moocher.”

  “Hmmph,” Melanie replied, placing the tray of hoagie rolls on the kitchen table.

  Teague couldn’t help but laugh to himself. His life had been completely different only five months ago, and now he was married to the incredible woman that changed his entire world. Kellie had moved out and Jay was next, but Teague didn’t even care who was in or out of the house as long as Camryn was happy. He’d been a married man for three weeks now and nothing felt better than that.

  He was about to take the steaks out to the grill when Melanie’s phone rang in her pocket. She answered it with a chipper “hello” and listened for a moment before her eyes went wide. She put her hand to her mouth and glanced at Camryn in the kitchen before she said, “Hi, Jack,” and took the phone with her to the bedroom.

  Camryn came out of the kitchen and said, “This should be interesting.”

  “She hasn’t talked to him since that night in San Diego, has she?” Teague asked.

  Camryn shook her head and her brows wrinkled. “No, I don’t think so. Not if she reacted like that.”

  Jay threw together a sandwich as fast as he could. “I’ll go pick up the, you know, thing,” he mentioned to Teague. He left the room quickly and flung the front door open just as Brandon stepped onto the porch. “Oh hey,” Jay said. “ ‘Sup, man?”

  “Nothing new,” Brandon answered, coming through the door Jay held open.

  “Hey Brandon,” Teague said, almost on his way out to the grill again.

  “Hey you!” Camryn greeted.

  Brandon gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Happy twenty-third birthday, Cam. Married life looks good on you. You’re still beautiful and not at all the frumpy, angry housewife that Mel and I thought you’d be.”

  She laughed and thumped his chest. “I work, you know.”


  “And it’s only been a few weeks, so there’s plenty of time to turn frumpy.”

  “And angry. Oh wait, you’ve always been angry.”

  She smiled at the tease and shook her head. “Yeah, but mostly I was just sad. Problem solved.”

  “Yeah, that’s good,” he nodded. “So? What can I help with?”

  Camryn motioned to Teague and said, “Ask the man of the house. He seems to be barking out the orders today. I need to talk to Melanie quick.”

  Brandon smiled as he followed Teague to the deck. “Nice apron,” he laughed.

  Teague grinned and looked down at his front. “You like that? It was a wedding gift from Camryn. With the grill,” he motioned. The barbecue apron was black and it said I Do My Own Stunts. There was a grill exploding in flames and a stick figure being blasted back from it with a spatula in his hand.

  “It’s awesome. So what can I help with?”


  Camryn left Melanie’s bedroom once she heard more people arrive. Jack wanted to see her sister again so they could “talk.” Mel was borderline thrilled but really nervous about it. But Camryn had to put aside her sister’s latest issue so she could greet her guests; first Kellie, then her Uncle Tim and his wife. Sonja came with her husband, Mimi arrived with a new boyfriend, and a few of Jay and Teague’s friends showed up—including Kenton.

  She had even invited Teague’s dad and grandfather, and they joined the party while dinner was being consumed. The McCallan men had come to terms with a lot of things but still had a ways to go. Teague and his dad still weren’t close at all, but they were civil and the family was able to be around each other more often. The media was still having a hay day with anything McCallan related, but that was never going to change.

  Teague’s relationship with Max hadn’t changed much, either. Teague still had barely spoken to him since the night of his grandfather’s party. It was Jay that gave the hilarious but heartfelt speech as the best man at Teague’s wedding, and it would always be Jay no matter what. But although Camryn knew Teague had every right to distance himself from his brother, she could tell that he wished he could find some sort of middle ground with him because of Chase. He was still trying to forgive Max for what he’d done, but Camryn wasn’t sure if Teague would ever trust him again.

  So when Max showed up with Chase during the cake, Camryn hoped that Teague wouldn’t be upset. Max came through the front door tentatively, bringing somewhat of a quiet tone to the currently rambunctious gathering, but when Chase appeared behind him holding a big present in his hands, it seemed to soften the tension.

  “Oh, hey there!” Camryn smiled. Max knelt down next to him and said something in his ear, so Chase came to Camryn and handed her the present he was holding. “For me? Oh thank you.”

  She’d already gone through the humiliation of opening gifts in front of everyone, but Chase started to rip the paper and said, “Open.”

  “Oh, okay. Will you help me?”

  Together they opened the awkward-shaped gift and Camryn couldn’t help but say “Awww,” when it was revealed. It was a plush dolphin.

  “He actually picked it out,” Max told her. “He likes the dolphin story you tell him and said it’s your favorite animal.”

  “It’s awesome, Chase. Thank you. Can I have a hug?”

  Hugging Chase had become the norm for Camryn. He was at a lot of family gatherings these days because Max had joint custody of him, and he’d warmed up to Camryn quite easily. She knew that Teague wanted Chase in his life, no question about it. It was taking some time to adjust to his new role as his uncle, but it was turning out to be okay. The harder part was being around Max, but seeing that Max was doing what he could to be a father to Chase meant a lot to Teague. He only wanted Chase to have a good life.

  Camryn brought Chase to Teague first and he took him out of Camryn’s arms, making him giggle instantly when he held him up in the air like a plane. Craig and Grandpa Neil come over to greet Chase too, and then the three men took him to get some food.

  When some of the excitement had died down a little and she was visiting with her friends, Camryn listened carefully for an odd sound she kept hearing from the garage. No one else seemed to notice it, so while everyone was caught up in different conversations, she ventured to the garage door to open it.

  “Oh Jesus Christ!” she exclaimed, when a brown furry blob nearly knocked her over. It was pushing against her leg, tail working like crazy as his tongue was all over her arm. “Tucker?!” Camryn gasped with a surprised laugh.

  Jay was the first to the scene and with a crooked grin said, “Oh. Happy Birthday!”

  Camryn was now petting the excited pooch and he was finally sitting, even though his tail was still whipping back and forth at lightning speed. “You got me a dog? I mean Tucker? How did you even get him? How’d you find him?”

  “His owner was easily persuadable.”

  “You talked to Henry? When?”

  “Hey,” Jay smiled, holding out his arms. “Are you happy about it or what?”

  Camryn laughed and gave him a hug. “Actually I am. I’ve never been a dog person but I really liked this guy.”

  “What the hell?” Teague’s voice interrupted them. He pushed Jay away from his wife with a small laugh. “You fucker, you told her the dog’s from you?”

  Jay laughed out loud and replied, “I claimed no such thing.”

  “You asshole!” Camryn chuckled, punching Jay in the arm. She turned to Teague and asked, “How did you manage to find him?”

  “He was outside your uncle’s gym when I was there last week. He
literally broke free from his owner to chase me down when I was walking to my truck. The dog introduced me to Henry, I guess. We just started talking and he said that Tucker has been kind of depressed lately—ever since we had him, actually. Henry admitted that he really didn’t have as much time for him as he thought he would so… I adopted the two-year-old mutt right on the spot. Told Henry it was your birthday soon and you’d love the surprise since you kept saying how much you missed Tucker.”

  “Oh my gosh,” Camryn sighed. “Wow. Yeah, I do love the surprise. Thank you so much.” She pulled Teague close and kissed him with her gratitude.

  “Hey, I went and picked him up,” Jay interrupted.

  Camryn remained in Teague’s arms and smiled. “Thank you, Jay. I appreciate your enthusiasm to receive my praise.”

  Jay grinned as he gave her a wink. “I love pleasing women.”


  When the last guest left after ten, Teague scooped up his wife and said, “Next time we put an end time on the party.”

  “Oh, but I had fun. I’m tired, but I had fun.”

  “Good, I’m glad, but I’ve been dying to get you alone.” He carried her to their bedroom and said, “Are you ready for the rest of my birthday gift to you?”

  “Ooh, do I get to see you naked? That’s like my birthday every day.”

  “Close your eyes,” Teague instructed with a smile.

  “Is it a room full of naked men?” she asked with feigned eagerness.

  “If it is I’ll be kicking some naked asses.”

  “Will you be naked too?”

  “Maybe,” he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Now will you close your eyes, damn it? You’re getting heavy.”

  “Ugh!” she wiggled out of his arms so he set her down. “Normally I would be offended, but yes, I have gained some weight.”

  “Aw, I was just kidding, babe.”

  “I know, but I want you so bad right now I can’t wait—”

  She flung the door open and paused, her mouth dropping open instantly. “Oh my,” she whispered, stepping into the room. There were dozens of flowers everywhere; a vase on each end table, one by the television, one on the dresser, and another pair by the chair and bookshelf in the corner. There were a dozen candles lit and the room smelled wonderfully of strawberries and roses.

  Camryn stood in the center of the room and closed her eyes. Just the feel of being in there with Teague was always enough, but the extra measures that he’d gone through to make it special was incredibly romantic.

  She felt his arms wrap softly around her from behind. “Happy birthday, beautiful wife,” he whispered against her cheek. “I am so in love with you.”

  Camryn opened her eyes and sighed. “I fall in love with you more every day. Thank you for the flowers, Teague. I absolutely love this.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She turned around and slid her arms around his waist. “This is wonderful. Our room feels so…sexy.”

  “Sexy? Mmm,” he sighed when she kissed his neck. His hands covered her lower back and pulled her close. Camryn’s lips came across his jaw and to his chin, and he inched his fingers up her shirt to savor her bare skin.

  She kissed him softly on the lips and said, “There’s something I really need to tell you.”

  He froze against her mouth and then pulled back a few inches. “Okay. You can tell me anything.”

  “I know. It’s something I’ve been keeping from you, though.”

  Again he was still as he looked into her eyes. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  She paused and took a deep breath. When she let it out she pressed her face against his chest and absorbed his scent and the love that he had for her. With her hands up his shirt, she wrapped them around his waist to his back, and then to his stomach again, just to selfishly enjoy his body. “I love you so much, Teague,” she sighed.

  He paused at her needy behavior, but kissed her head. “I love you too, baby.”

  “Yeah, a baby…” She sighed again. “I’m carrying your baby, Teague.”

  She pulled back to see his beautiful aqua eyes reflecting the candlelight in the room. Then his mouth spread into a huge smile and she could clearly see how thrilled he was. She knew he would be and it only made her more excited.

  “Camryn, I just…I don’t even know what to say. I’m just… Wow,” he exhaled, pulling her close as he kissed the top of her head.

  “We’re going to be parents, Teague. Isn’t that crazy?” she lightly laughed.

  “Crazy awesome,” he grinned. “How long have you known?”

  “I found out this morning, actually. Happy birthday to me.”

  “It’s definitely one I’ll never forget.”

  “I had a hard time keeping it to myself.

  “Well I’ve hardly been away from you all day. When did you take a test?”

  “After you brought me breakfast in bed, when you were cleaning up the kitchen. I just felt lightheaded and realized I’m a few days late. And I happened to have a stash of pregnancy tests on hand,” she added dryly.

  Teague grinned proudly. “See? Told you it was a rational honeymoon gift.”

  “Yes, the most amazing assortment of lingerie imaginable…and boxes of pregnancy tests.”

  “I cover all the bases,” he said, leaning his forehead against hers.

  “Yes you do, and you’re really sexy right now, so can we celebrate the conclusion of my birthday and our wonderful news?”

  “I want nothing more than to give the grand finale to the birthday girl,” he smiled, kissing her neck as he led her to the bed.

  “I want fireworks.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, you’re gonna get fireworks.”

  He laid her on the bed and climbed next to her. But before anything else, he lifted her shirt up and put his lips against her belly. Kissing it softly he whispered, “I thank God every day for your mommy, little McCallan. She makes me the happiest man in the world.”

  ~ The End ~

  Tame This 

  (The McCallans, Book Two)

  Hadley Quinn

  Cover Credits

  Photo: Jim Cauthen of Jim Cauthen Photography

  Model: Corbin Garner

  “When the world breaks your heart

  I can put it back together

  Write your name across the sky

  So I'm always with you

  Now it's you and me

  Like the stars we burn forever

  So listen when I say to you

  I'll be there, you're not alone…”



  Camryn and Teague’s Wedding, April 2013

  Lilies. Roses. Lots and lots of moss green. Low lights and fragrant candles, and a very cool mix of background music playing.

  Melanie sighed and looked around the beachfront club that had been shut down to the public just for Camryn and Teague’s wedding. It was beautiful. Simple yet creative; casual yet elegant. It was just like her sister. She was so happy for Cam, and Melanie loved Teague like a brother already. He was the perfect fit for both of their lives.

  “Can’t I fucking get drunk yet?” a familiar voice groaned over her shoulder, and Jay appeared at her side looking miserable.

  “No,” Melanie chuckled. “You really want to give the best man toast as a drunk ass loser?”

  He smiled without looking at her, took a few seconds to think about it, and then turned his head to face her. “Yeah, kinda. Bad idea?”

  She laughed and shook her head at him. “For you? Yeah, kinda.”

  He let out a breath of air and paused again. “Well at least I’d have an excuse for when I fuck up the speech. I’m seriously not good at that shit.” Melanie turned in her heels to study him for a moment but he was already shaking his head at her. “No, I don’t want to hear any jokes.”

  “I wasn’t going to say any. I was just thinking that no o
ne could ever share the thoughts that you could, you know? You’ve known Teague your whole life—you’re practically brothers instead of cousins—and Teague wouldn’t want anyone else.”

  “Even though I wanna be a drunk ass loser?”

  She smiled, unsure if he was taking that comment personal or not. Probably not. Jay wasn’t too big on drama. Or caring what people thought of him, for that matter. “He loves you for you. That’s the bottom line.”

  He was pensive for a moment before asking, “What about you? Got your perfect little speech prepared, Ms. Maid of Honor?”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “Not really. I’ll just say what’s on my mind.”

  Jay sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. “I need another damn drink. This clear mind shit is getting ridiculous.”

  A scantily dressed blonde practically skipped up to him and grabbed his arm. “Dance with me, sexy.” She dragged Jay away before he could even respond, but he went with her willingly with only a quick glance back at Melanie and a pleased smirk on his face.

  “Ugh,” Melanie sighed.

  She knew the girl’s name was Natasha and she was the daughter of some Hollywood bigwig. Her fake boobs barely fit in her tight, short dress, but Melanie couldn’t help but admit that she was gorgeous. In fact, every female in the room made her feel self-conscious. At sixteen weeks pregnant her figure hadn’t changed much, but she knew it was only a matter of time before men would glance at her baby bump and run the other way.

  “Would you dance with me?” another familiar voice asked.

  She turned around and smiled at Brandon, who was Camryn’s best friend and almost like a brother to the two of them.

  “I’d love to,” she answered, looping her arm through his. “Just know that my shoes are already trying to murder me slowly.”

  With a cute half-smile he glanced down her legs. “And you thought five-inch stilettos would be cozy for the day?”

  “Hey, they’re cute as hell. How could I not wear them? Fashion over comfort today.”


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