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The Cherry Blossoms

Page 3

by Denise Irwin

  Next, she jotted notes for the four designs. The business attire was first. To carry the full jacket, the model needed to be taller than five feet, six inches. The model’s girth wasn’t important, just the height.

  The beach outfit may need a total redesign but Daniella would design it for the selected woman who would model it. In the end, Daniella realized she didn’t need to write requirements for any of the outfits. She was a designer and if she had to redo all the sketches to personalize each, that was her job.

  Grant brought Michele, Charlene and Annette into her office as soon as they had arrived to the shop.

  Once they were seated, she told them, “Ladies, we have a task that we need to complete as efficiently as we can.”

  Michele and Charlene looked to one another to confirm they were going to pay dearly for Daniella letting them take yesterday off.

  “The two of you look as though I’m going to drag you across the rug. This is going to be fun. I have done a 180 on my thoughts for the show. All the other design houses have contracted with the best agencies, leaving us without a decent model to work with. If we are to succeed in our firm, we must stop designing clothes for tall, skinny models. We will make our mark on the world with designs created for all shapes and sizes. Every design house we know creates clothes for tall thin models to display on a runway. We are going to break that mold and design clothes not for a model, but for women like the two of you and me. Look at me. I certainly do not have that tall thin model look. The average woman is condemned to buying her clothes in a department store unless she’s wealthy and can sign a contract with a designer. Not even I can afford to do that.”

  Daniella waited a moment for Michele and Charlene to grasp what she’d told them. She winked at Grant, who giggled.

  Charlene spoke, “Does that also include all age groups?”

  “Yes, we have been catering to a very small market. Older women have the money to pay for custom fitted clothes.”

  Charlene looked excited now, “Mademoiselle est brillante.”

  “I think so too. I asked Grant to advertise for models. Eighty women will be here this morning. To get through eighty interviews, we’re going to work in teams. I will work with Michele while Charlene works with Grant. We are looking for personality more than size or age. I want to see models that are comfortable in their own skin. They need to be confident, stand tall, and have the ability to feel comfortable as they walk down the runway. What do you think?”

  Charlene answered, “Je pense que j'adore votre idée.”

  “Since my French is so poor, can I assume you like the idea?”

  Charlene laughed, “We really must invest some time into French lessons for you. I said that I think I love your idea of not picking perfect models.”

  “Thank you. Let’s just hope it works. As we interview, I think notes are in order for each potential candidate. We’ll never remember the names, so when they enter the building, Annette will keep a list of names. She will assign a number to each interviewee. Annette will use a system of one for Michele and me, the next for Grant and Charlene. At the end of the interviews, we’ll collectively decide which women we want to use as our models. After that, I’ll sketch new designs for the chosen women. Since I want a back up model for each outfit, I may need two different patterns. Michele, don’t order any cloth just yet, we’ll order the cloth later once we know how much we need. We are of course limited on space, but we’ll work something out. Are there any questions?”

  No one asked anything. “One more note. We may not get through all the interviews before close of business. Is there anyone who needs to leave for personal reasons?”

  The group broke out in laughter. When their boss was getting ready for a fashion show, Daniella required them to cancel their personal lives until the show was over. “What’s so funny?”

  Grant answered for the group, “Daniella, when you are preparing for a show, one of your requirements has always been that we devote all of our time to you. This is the first time you have asked about our personal lives.”

  “Now isn’t that just a damn shame, so I’ll make you the promise right here and now, that I’ll try to do better as a boss. We have a few minutes before our guests show up so if we all chip in we can help Annette get the reception table set up.”

  At precisely 10:00 that morning, Annette unlocked and opened the front door. Hordes of women lined up at her temporary registration table. Daniella watched in amazement as Annette registered the women, giving a number to each.

  Daniella whispered to Grant, “It’s show time. Annette is having a blast with her role in this, whatever we want to call it. If you start with the group on the right, I’ll take the group on the left. You and Charlene use the conference room. Michele and I will use my office.”

  Two of Daniella’s seamstresses, Bridget and Konstanze, escorted models to the appropriate interview locations, while the other two seamstresses, Hélène and Thérèse, escorted them out. Daniella chuckled several times during the interview process. If Michal saw this manufacturing belt in motion, he’d howl with laughter, but it worked. In fact, it worked quite well.

  Daniella was chatting with Michele about the fabric while they waited for their next interview. Daniella wanted to stay with the original choices. Michele told her, “I think that is a wise idea.”

  During those few minutes, they had slouched in their chairs, so when the office door opened, they sat straight and tall. They were expecting the next interviewee to enter the office and were shocked to see that it was Grant.

  “Daniella, it is now after 7:00. Other than short restroom breaks, no one has eaten since early this morning.”

  “Oh my word, I lost track of time. Tell Annette that we’ll resume interviews in the morning for those who come back. We may lose a few, but I think we have plenty to work with.”

  “Daniella, there is no one left to interview.”

  “Does that mean the eighty women did not show?”

  “Not at all, look at the last number on you notepad.”

  Daniella and Michele looked down at their notepads. Daniella let out a gasp, “The last number is ninety-one. We interviewed ninety-one women in one day?”

  “Daniella, we interviewed ninety-two women in one day.”

  “Oh my word, I can’t believe it. Is everyone still in the building?”

  “They are. No one was sure if you wanted to start looking at the notes.”

  “No, we’ll do that tomorrow. Grant, go ask the staff where they’d like to have dinner tonight. Make sure they understand dinner’s on me for their hard work today.” As he started to turn away, Daniella called him back. “Grant, make sure they choose a nice restaurant. I can certainly afford to pay for a good meal in a decent restaurant.”

  “I do not think anyone would object to that offer.”

  “I didn’t think that they would. I want to call Michal to let him know I’m alive and well, and then I’ll join everyone in the lobby.”

  The love of her life answered on the first ring, “Salut ?”

  “Michal, we interviewed ninety-two models today, so I’m taking my staff to dinner tonight.”

  “Daniella, are you serious?”

  “About taking them to dinner? Yes I’m serious, they worked hard today.”

  Michal laughed into the phone, “Mon amour, I was asking about the number of interviews you did today. I was not questioning you about taking your staff to dinner.”

  “You goof. They’re waiting for me. I’ll see you later.”

  Daniella joined her staff in the lobby, “Have you chosen a restaurant?”

  Grant sheepishly stepped forward, “If you approve, everyone would like to dine this evening at Chez Georges”

  “Then Chez Georges it is.”

  Charlene stepped forward and whispered to Daniella, “It’s very expensive.”

  Daniella whispered back to her, “This team is worth it.”

  The cost of the dinner proved to be a valuable inve
stment. She watched her staff laugh at the funny stories they told one another. They had worked hard today and would work harder for the next several weeks. This was the very least she could offer them.

  When Daniella entered Michal’s home, she found him stretched across the sofa with a book lying on his chest. She gently lifted the book from his chest, slipped his page marker in and set the book on the coffee table. Daniella leaned over him to kiss him on the forehead. His eyelashes fluttered appearing as though his eyes were trying to focus.

  After clearing his throat, he told her, “I must have dozed off.”

  “The neighbor called me to ask what the roar emanating from our house was. I assured them they were safe; it was just your snoring.”

  Michal sat up, “Vous êtes une telle femme humoristique. How was your evening?”

  “It was so much fun watching my staff laugh with one another.”

  “That’s wonderful. Where did you go?”

  “We went to Chez Georges.”

  He chided her, “I’m so sorry that I was not invited.”

  “If this show comes off well, I promise to include you in the celebration dinner. I’m exhausted and I have an early morning. I’m going to bed before the clock alarm sounds.”

  Daniella was shaking her head in disbelief when she entered the shop. Her entire staff had arrived before her. There were plates filled with pastries and Charlene told her the third pot of coffee was ready. She handed Daniella a cup along with a pastry.

  Daniella thanked her and took an open seat at the table. “I take it everyone’s a bit anxious to get started.” When she looked around the kitchen, she could see that they were. “Okay, Grant grab the pastries, we’ll work in the conference room.”

  Daniella set a clock on the table. “There’s no need to work through lunch today.”

  Once everyone took a seat around the conference table, Daniella made a suggestion, “We have ninety-two interviews to get through, so I’m going to suggest that we quickly separate those we liked into one pile and those we won’t even consider into another pile. The selection process will be quite subjective, so if your favorite choice gets the ax, don’t take it personally.”

  When the round of giggles subsided, Daniella continued, “I don’t want to waste your time reviewing the other team’s notes. On a fresh piece of paper, go through your own list and write the numbers of the models you like. I don’t believe that you will need to defend your choice, so the model number alone will work. If each of us selects ten prospects, we’ll reduce the list from ninety-two candidates to forty. If we get the lists down to forty today, we can work together tomorrow and reduce it by half. I’d like to have all of us in the second interviews.”

  At 11:30 that morning, Daniella watched as her team members set their pencils down. She asked, “I take it that everyone’s ready for lunch?”

  Grant responded, “Charlene and I have finished. So, yes we would like to break for lunch.”

  Daniella asked Michele, “Have you finished your list?”

  “Oui madame, j'ai terminé mine ainsi.”

  “In that case, we’ll break for lunch. Grant, what time did you schedule for the lunch delivery?”

  “11:30 this morning, so it should be here any moment.”

  As Daniella’s team finished lunch, “If I promise to release everyone at a decent hour this afternoon, do you want to start with the remaining forty?”

  Grant acted as the spokes person, “Yes we would. The sooner we finish selecting the appropriate models, the sooner we can work on our individual roles for the show.”

  “Okay then, let’s get started. Grant hand me the lists from you and Charlene.”

  Using a yellow highlighter, Daniella matched the numbers on each list. When she finished, Daniella capped the highlighter and doubled checked the selections. Grant and Charlene had chosen the same candidates. “Grant did you and Charlene, collaborate on your lists?”

  Horrified that Daniella would ask such a question, he answered, “Vous êtes une telle femme humoristique.”

  “Grant, please speak English.”

  “Daniella, I am so sorry. When I get excited or upset, everything I say comes out in French. I said, no mademoiselle, we did not. That would be wrong. Why did you ask?”

  “Your selections match exactly.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Not at all, I was just surprised. Let me see how Michele and I did.”

  Daniella took her yellow highlighter and matched the numbers on the lists submitted by Michele and her. “Michele and I also matched number for number so either, great minds think alike or we’re so inbred that we think alike. Grant, can you please schedule these twenty candidates for a second interview? See how many can make it tomorrow. Folks, I believe we’re done for the day so please feel free to leave. We can’t do anything until after the second round of interviews. I’m planning to stick around for a bit. I’ve been so focused on the designs for the show; that I haven’t started my own outfit. I’ll end up wearing something I’ve already worn.”

  Charlene and Michele offered to stay and help Daniella with her design. “Merci, but I haven’t even thought of what I want or need.”

  Daniella pulled her design folder out. As she went through the file, she found a number of designs she’d done for herself but never actually had them cut and sewn. She laid several possibilities to the side. She wanted to see what Michal thought before selecting one.

  After she’d called his office to let him know she was on her way home, she looked around her studio. She was worlds away from her roots in the United States and loved her life in Paris. There was no going back for her.

  When Daniella heard the front door open and close, she called out, “Michal, I’m in the kitchen.”

  When he came to the kitchen to join her, Daniella handed him a glass of wine. She kissed him and asked how his day was. “Comment s'est passée ta journée ?”

  He chuckled, “I am impressed that you asked me about my day in French. My day was just fine. What are you doing home at this hour?”

  “I’m fixing dinner. Do you want me to leave?”

  “Je ne veux pas vous laisser. I am just surprised to see you home this early and cooking dinner.”

  Michal picked up a piece of cheese and popped it into his mouth as he watched her slice vegetables. “How did the selection for second round of interviews go?”

  “Marvelously, Grant is calling the twenty women we selected today to ask if they are available tomorrow. I let everyone go home and went through some of my older designs. I brought several home to ask your opinion.”

  Daniella looked up from the cutting board, “You have the strangest look on your face. Are you all right?”

  “I am sorry that I look strange to you. I am fine. This is the first time that you have ever asked me for my opinion of your designs.”

  Daniella walked close to him; she tapped his chest with her index finger as she told him, “That my love is because you are a fashion magazine editor. The designs I brought home are designs for my outfit.”

  “I see. Then, yes I would love to see them.”

  “Do you really want to see them?”

  “If you did not think I would like to see them, why did you bring them home for me to see?”

  She giggled and then handed him the folder, “Pick out the design you think is best suited for me to wear to the show.”

  Michal looked at the designs one at a time. He then laid them onto the table to see them side by side. After studying them closely, he rearranged the drawings. He picked each one up and examined it again. He laid the sketches out on the table in a different order.

  “Michal, you’re killing me with all this suspense.”

  “Je prends mon temps. Don’t rush me into the wrong choice.”

  Daniella did her best to be patient; however, it really wasn’t one of her finer virtues. She went back into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. She peeked into the living room every other
minute to see if Michal was ready for her. It was getting harder to concentrate on her dinner.

  “Daniella, I’ve made a selection.”

  She rushed to the living room to see his choice. “Which one did you choose?”

  Michal pointed to a design she’d done her first year in Paris, “This is the one I would choose.”

  Daniella was delighted, “What fabric would you favor?”

  He held up the design and put up his thumb as if he was concentrating on the angle. “I think a light wool camel.”

  “Hmm, my business suit for the show is a light wool tan. What do you think of Ivory?”

  “Ivory would work. What about your blouse?”

  “Which one do you mean Michal?”

  “Daniella, what do you mean by which one do I mean? I don’t know what I mean anymore. Ce que nous parlions ?”

  Daniella doubled over with laughter. “I never know what you mean because you speak to me as if I understand French!”

  Michal nodded his head and told her, “Mon amour, and je n'oublie pas.”

  Daniella hit him in the head with a sofa pillow, laughing hard enough that she almost choked. “This is the last time I’m going to ask. What color should my blouse be?”

  He lifted his shoulders as if to say, what do I care? “Je préférerais que vous ne portez pas une blouse.”

  “I caught enough of that to know that you prefer that I not wear a blouse, am I right?”

  “Daniella, you have a beautiful body. You should show more of it. Come to me, Mon chéri, I want see that beautiful body.”

  Daniella giggled as she pulled off her sweater to expose her breasts to Michal.

  Chapter Two

  Paris, France

  Daniella wasn’t sure where March went; well, if the truth be told, she knew very well where it went. She worked from early in the morning to near midnight preparing for the show. She arrived at her office before dawn and when the sun rose, Daniella saw that the cherry trees at the base of the Eifel Tower were in full bloom. She thought about her wonderful staff. No one complained about the long days and short nights. Her team’s hard work put Daniella two days ahead of schedule. Mannequins were scattered throughout her shop’s lobby wearing the clothes she designed. As Daniella slowly walked around the mannequins, she stopped at each one for a final look. If they passed her inspection, she would release the staff for the day. Grant would need to stay to go over the details one last time.


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