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Bad Boys of Chaos: The Complete Duet Boxset: Books 1-2

Page 30

by Marie York

  Without warning, I spun around, and knocked him out with one fucking punch. His body fell into a sloppy mess on the floor, and he began to snore. Yeah, he’d beat me one day all right. In his fucking dreams.

  I didn’t bother trying to get his ass up. Let Mark take the trash out.

  As I walked out of the locker room, I smiled to myself. Seth just lost his upper hand. There were no more games, just the fight. He had to rely on his skills in the cage, and I was positive when it came to skills, Seth ‘The King of Kings’ Kingston had nothing on me.

  Chapter 37


  I had waited three long months for this moment, and I was ready for it. Seth “The King of Kings’ Kingston was going down. And he was going down fucking hard.

  I stood on my side of the cage, sizing him up, and staring him down. Mark and Sal were talking nonsense in my ear, but I ignored pretty much everything they were saying. Instead, I focused on the text messages. On the box of fucking spiders and then that picture of Sassy. I let the anger reach a boiling point until I couldn’t control the rage for another second.

  It helped that Kevin stood with Seth like a fucking puppet, handing him water, and cheering him on. He might as well have had strings attached to him. Stupid fuck would never learn. Though, I was happy to see the bruising around his eyes still hadn’t completely faded.

  I centered my attention on the backstabbing prick now, letting the sight of him fuel the already burning inferno.

  The ref called us to the middle, and gave his speech, but it was all white noise as I stared into Seth’s beady eyes. “Let’s touch gloves, and let’s get ready,” the ref said, but neither Seth nor I moved.

  “Do you boys want a match tonight? I don’t have all day. Touch gloves, or there will be no fight.”

  Wanting to get to the part where I kicked the shit out of him, I held my gloves up and smiled. He didn’t just touch mine, he pushed into them, but I didn’t budge a fucking inch. He would have to do more than that if he wanted to intimidate me.

  I walked backward to my side, refusing to take my eyes off of him for a minute. He was as good as dead once that bell rang.

  Mark grabbed my shoulders and massaged them, giving me his usual pep talk, but everything was still white noise. I refused to lose focus. This was no longer just a fight. This was personal, and I was going to love every second of it.

  The bell rang, and I went right to the middle. Seth joined me and started bouncing around me, waiting to make his move. He was good on the defense, so I had to plan my attacks just right, or I would over exert myself too soon.

  He swung, and I blocked it. He swung again, leaving himself open, and I took him down. I pushed him against the cage, and he batted at my face, but I had too much fury inside me. There was no way in hell he was getting me off of him.

  “I see you brought your girlfriend with you,” he said, and I tried to ignore him. Brooklyn was safe. Beckham flew in for the match, and he was sitting with her right now. And though I would never admit it to anyone, I trusted Beckham with my life, and I knew no matter what, he’d keep B safe for me.

  “She’s fucking hot.”

  He managed to get out of my hold, and we were back on our feet. “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and fight?”

  He bounced around me like he was looking for his opening. I refused to make it that easy for him. I was sick of the standoff and went in, knocking him good with a right hook. He wiped at the blood on his lip and laughed. “That all you got, pretty boy?”

  “I’m just getting started,” I spit back, and lunged at him with another right hook. He blocked it and managed to take me down. He was on top of me and I hated being at the disadvantage. He locked his legs around my arm and started to put the pressure on it. Unfortunately for him, I could withstand a lot of pain.

  “I doubt your girl will want a loser, so I’m thinking of taking her to dinner after this. Tell me. Does she fuck on a first date?”

  My jaw clenched, and I shook with rage. If he thought egging me on was going to get me to lose my focus, he was fucking wrong. The only thing he was doing was fueling the desire to kick his fucking piece of shit ass.

  He applied even more pressure to my arm, but I centered the fury building up inside, and managed a blow to his side, knocking him off of me.

  We both scrambled back to our feet. “Is that all you got?” I growled.

  “Just beginning.”

  He landed a kick to my side, and I stumbled slightly. The pain shot through me, but I used it as fuel, and went back at him with even more force than he came at me. I Superman-ed his ass and he didn’t see it coming. I then went in to take him down.

  Seth sprawled, making it hard to get him in the position I wanted him in. We scrappled on the ground for a while, both winning and losing the upper hand, until the bell dinged, and we had to be torn off of each other.

  Mark and Sal were in my ear again, but I just let them talk. I kept my focus across the mat on Seth. He was laughing and drinking water out of the bottle Kevin handed to him. I was beginning to wonder if Kevin held Seth’s dick while he peed.

  The bell rang, and we went back in. The match felt like it was taking forever, each one of us landing a punch only for the other to land one right back. I was getting pissed that I hadn’t taken him out yet, but his defense was good. I just had to wait for my moment.

  “So tell me something,” Seth said as he got me into a choke hold. “Is she a screamer? I bet she is.”

  My reaction was to take big steadying breaths, but he was cutting off my air supply, and I knew that was his intention. I stepped to his opposite side and placed my foot behind his, kicking him and knocking him to the ground.

  I got him in move after move, but he kept getting out of them. Finally, we were both on our feet again, and I was done playing it safe. I was here to win, and that’s exactly what I was going to fucking do.

  I went in swinging for the fences. If I wasn’t going to win by tapping him out, then I sure as hell was going to kick his fucking ass with as many decisions in my favor.

  I nailed punch after punch, and blood spurted from his nose and his eyebrow. I took out all the anger and rage I had toward him. Nobody fucking talked about Brooklyn, especially not some piece of shit asshole.

  He put his gloves up trying to block me, but I was out of control, and my fists were out to get him. The ref came close, and I kept going. Seth managed to push me back and get me with a left hook right to the nose.

  Blood spurted out almost instantly, but I didn’t let it stop me. I kept going, determined to take the bastard down.

  The bell rang and again I had to be torn off of him. My leg shook as I was thrown into a chair. I wanted back in. I needed to finish him.

  Sal pressed ice to my neck, and Mark cleaned up my face. Apparently, I was bleeding from my eyebrow too. I pushed his hand away, not giving two shits about my cuts. “I want back in,” I growled.

  “Hang the fuck on,” Mark said, grabbing my chin and tilting my face toward him so he could finish.

  The bell rang and I jumped back in. My face was starting to ache, but I ignored the pulsing in my cheek and the throbbing in my eye.

  “I liked the videos Kevin sent me of your girl on the treadmill. I would shove my dick in those tits so fast.”

  All the aches and all the pain vanished. My fists clenched at my sides. He wanted to play games? Then, the game was on, bitch. I snapped, going at him with everything that I had. I landed kick after kick, hook after hook. He stumbled backward and I kept going. Blood poured from his face, and I took pleasure in watching it stream down his chin.

  The crowd got louder, and I finally let their cheers in, as I swung an uppercut and contacted with his face. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the matt with a satisfying thud.

  I had won a dozen fights, but nothing compared to this victory.

  I was declared the winner, once Seth came to, and my eyes landed on Brooklyn. Once my hand was let go fr
om being raised, I went right to her, taking her in my arms, and hugging the shit out of her.

  “You did it!” she cheered, and squeezed me just as hard. Despite the blood pouring down my face, she held me tight and I buried my head into the sweet smell of her hair. She stepped back and smiled. “I have something to tell you.”

  She looked happy, maybe too happy...

  I arched an eyebrow, or at least I thought I did, but the pain that exploded in my face from the slight movement, made me suspect the swelling didn’t give way to expressions. “What is it?” I asked.

  “I bet on you,” she said.

  “Bet on me? What are you talking about?”

  “Even with the money from the fight, you were still short on what you owed your parents. So, I took a loan from my boss, and I bet on you. Now you have enough to pay your parents back.”

  I shook my head, ignoring the throb in my temples. “B, I can’t take your money.”

  She rested her hand on my chest and met my eyes. “We’re a team remember. We’re in this together.”

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Tell you what. You can buy me a towel with a chicken on it if it makes you feel better.”

  I laughed and bent down, pressing my lips against hers. “I had a different cock in mind that I want to give you.”

  She grabbed my cheeks and I winced. “Sorry,” she said, before pressing her lips to mine.

  It was nothing short of sweet victory. I pulled back and rested my forehead against hers. “I love you.”

  She smiled against my mouth. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 38


  Beckham gave me a ride to my parents’ house and waited in the car. I had no intention of staying there more than a few seconds, just enough time to throw the money at them and to get the fuck out of there.

  I opened the door, and was surprised they hadn’t changed the locks on me. I stormed into the house with determination and intention. My lip curled in disgust at the pictures of my sister that lined the hallway. It was like a fucking shrine. There was only one of me in a pair of plaid overalls when I was one. It was before I could talk, and probably when my parents actually gave a shit about me.

  My parents were in the kitchen, and I wished I had a fucking camera for when I walked into the room. The shock and disbelief on their faces was priceless.

  “Nixon, what are you doing here?” Dad asked me, not even bothering to look at me, as he folded his newspaper, and stood from the kitchen table. “Your mother and I were just heading out.”

  I scoffed at the blatant push off. They hadn’t seen me in a year, and instead of welcoming me home, they acted like I was an inconvenience. It only made what I had to do that much easier.

  I threw the envelope at Dad’s chest. “Here’s your fucking money. Now, I never want to hear from you ever again.”

  Dad stared at me for a moment before opening the envelope and fanning through the bills with his thumb. Shock flashed in his eyes, but quickly dissolved. “Did you start selling drugs?” he asked in all seriousness.

  “You’re un-fucking-believable, you know that.”

  “If it’s dirty money, I don’t want it,” he sneered, and there was nothing I wanted more than to smack the look of distaste off his face.

  “It’s not dirty. Someone who actually believes in me took a chance on me, and I didn’t let her down. So, there’s your money. My debt is paid. I never want to see either of you ever again.”

  Mom placed down her coffee mug, and stood from the table. “Nixon, that’s not what our intention was.”

  “I don’t give two shits about what your intentions were. I guarantee that if perfect Kennedy dropped out of school to follow her dreams, you wouldn’t send her a fucking bill in the mail. You would pat her on her shoulder, and tell her that whatever she wants to do, you’ll support her because she’s so fucking perfect, and nothing she does is wrong.”

  “Having the crap beat out of you is not a dream!” my father yelled.

  I laughed. “First of all, I don’t get the crap beat out of me. But you wouldn’t know that because you never even cared to show up to a single fight.”

  “Why would I want to go watch some barbarian act? It’s an embarrassment to this family.”

  “Lucky for you, I’m no longer a part of this family.”

  I stormed off, and didn’t bother looking back. Everything behind me was my past, and it didn’t have a place in my future. I was finally free of my parent’s judgment and disappointment. Released from their ridiculous standards. Nothing tied me to them any longer, and it felt really fucking good.



  I rolled over and hooked my arm around Brooklyn’s waist, pulling her to me. With a smile, she swatted at my hand and held her finger up to tell me to wait a second. Unfortunately for her, I wasn’t known for my patience.

  “Dad, I really can’t wait to see you. I know it’s been way too long,” she said into the phone, and the happiness radiating off of her was turning me on.

  I slipped my hand under her tank top, and rolled her nipple between my fingers while I kissed a line from her shoulder to her neck. She smelled so fucking good, and even though we had sex twice last night, when we first arrived at the hotel, and then later when I woke her up in the middle of the night, I was still raring to go again. Actually, when it came to Brooklyn, I was always raring to go.

  I sucked on the sensitive spot in the crook of her neck, the one that always got her wet, and her eyes slowly closed as she allowed herself to get lost in the moment. The tiniest of moans slipped from her lips, and she slapped a surprised hand over her mouth.

  She gave me the evil eye as she jumped up from the bed and said goodbye to her dad.

  “You,” she said as she hung up the phone. “Are in trouble, mister.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  She pushed on my shoulders, forcing me down to the mattress as she straddled me. Her nipples were hard as rocks, and poking through her thin top. I sat up, and sucked on one through the material.

  Her head fell back, and this time she let the moans flow freely. I didn’t waste any time stripping her shirt off, and burying my face in her gorgeous tits.

  She tugged at my hair, and I shook my head. Her grip tightened and she pulled harder, bringing my mouth to hers. I used to hate making out, and now it was all I ever wanted to do. It was a craving I could never satisfy, but I sure loved every second I tried. She kissed me hard and then brushed her lips against my ear. “You have a fight to get ready for. And, since it’s going to be televised, you might want to spend some time primping,” she joked.

  “Why would I do that when I can do this?” I thrust my cock deep inside of her. Skirts were so convenient, and I took advantage every time she wore one now.

  She gasped and dug her nails into my back as she grinded against me, falling into a perfect rhythm.

  It had been a long road, and along the way there had been many wins, but there were also many losses. Losses that I was grateful for. It showed me the truth.

  Fighting and Brooklyn were all I needed in my life.

  The End

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  ~ Keep reading for an excerpt from Hooked on You, Book 1in the Bad Boys of the City series ~

  Chapter 1


  Strip clubs were not my idea of a good time. Some poor pathetic girl letting horny bastards drool all over her, just so she could make a few bucks, was more pitiful than anything. Besides, I didn’t need to pay to have a girl get me all worked up. I’d rather fuck something for free. And I co
uld, with whoever I wanted. All I had to do was say when and where. Girls flocked to me and practically begged me to stick my cock inside them. But not tonight. Tonight, my friends and I were celebrating and, for them, strip clubs were Disney World to their inner child. I couldn’t deny them that especially because they all just collected a shit ton of money because of me.

  I just won my fifth consecutive fight, making me undefeated. Not that I ever had a single doubt. I was the king of the UFC, and the one who brought it from the underground to the forefront of Vegas. It was bigger than boxing now, and billionaires were coming out from all corners of the world to bet on and against me.

  “Get this man a drink,” Sebastian, my best friend from childhood and a self-made billionaire, said to the bartender as we walked past to our table. He smacked my shoulder. “I don’t give a shit if you don’t drink anymore. You’re drinking tonight!” He sat down at the table, his back to the almost naked girl on stage. Like me, this wasn’t his scene either. At least, not since he got engaged to Annabelle.

  “Look at those titties,” Julius said, waving hundred-dollar bills like they were singles. At twenty-four years old, he was the highest paid NBA player and worth every fucking penny. He played like Mike Jordan and partied like Lil’ Wayne.

  He didn’t stop at our table. Instead, he beelined it right to the stage, where the blonde bent over, shaking her ass in his face, then pulled at the side of her g-string. He reached up and slipped a hundred into the tiny piece of material. As a thank you, the girl turned around and stripped her top off, grabbing the back of his head, and pressing his face into her tits.

  She let his head go and he turned around with the biggest fucking grin on his face. Marco, on break from filming his latest action movie, went up to Julius and high-fived him. They were the two biggest perverts I ever met, but they were good people.


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