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My Hookup Girl (My Girl Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Nicky Fox

  “What the fuck, Evie?” Jake raises his hands up, waiting for my reply. I don’t owe him shit. He pretty much dumped me on the side of the road. He doesn’t deserve to know anything about me.

  “This doesn’t concern you, Jake.” My voice is eerily cool. I don’t want to have this discussion right now especially with the whole hospital baby thing going on. We need to be concentrating on Lee’s contractions and not my hookup with Jake.

  “Are you fucking serious right now?” I don’t think Jake realizes he’s leaning over Lee to get closer to me. I’m tempted to lean over and smack him in the face.

  “As a heart attack.” I probably shouldn’t have said that in a hospital, but whatever. I’m pissed. “What makes you think you have the right to know what’s going on with my life?”

  Jake releases his grip on the bed railing and takes a step back from the bed. “You’re right. It’s none of my business.” A quick pain in my chest rises at his concurrence, which for some reason makes me even more bent out of shape. I shouldn’t care that he dismisses the situation like that, but I do. I want him to want a relationship. I want him to need to know more about me. I want him to be there for me. He’s just not the man who will give me that. I resign to my station and concentrate on Lee’s needs.

  I’ve completely sobered up now. Lee’s contractions are getting very close. The doctor finally makes her way in the room when the sunrise is starting to peek through the window of the room. We’re all exhausted. I can’t even imagine how Lee’s still enduring all this. Jake and I have stayed on opposite sides of the room. Maggie and Hunter have been a good buffer. We pretty much just pair off. Hunter with his brother on one side and Maggie and me on the other.

  I’ve noticed him glance my way a couple of times when Hunter was probably whispering to him in great detail the ordeal from the other day. I try not to let it get to me and wipe some sweat from Lee’s head. The doctor rolls over on her stool and snaps some gloves on. She taps Lee’s legs to open slightly and then works under her gown to give her some modesty.

  “It looks like the baby’s head is down and you’re fully dilated. Are you ready to start pushing Lenora?”

  She nods emphatically. I peer at Hunter and he’s white as a sheet. I hope he doesn’t faint. Lee really depends on him. He sways and grips the bar on the bed in front of him.

  “Oh, shit.” Jake grabs Hunter and leads him to a chair. “You okay, man? It looked like you were going to faint there for a second.” Hunter’s face is a little spaced out. Shit. I look to Lee and she has a worried expression. I squeeze her hand.

  “You got this, Lee,” I whisper.

  Hunter pops back up like nothing happened and is back at her side. Jake pats his back and makes sure his brother is all there. Hunter reassures us he’s fine and to stop hoovering. Lee smiles and is calm again.

  Then, we’re pushing . . . or Lee is. She’s gripping my hand so tight, I swear I hear bones crushing.

  Maggie stepped out into the waiting area since there can only be a certain number of people in the room. She sweetly volunteered. I don’t think she likes being in hospitals anyway. I don’t like hospitals much either, after having been to one a couple of times because of my ex.

  Hunter’s helping the doctor count during contractions. Jake is standing by his side. He seems in awe of this whole situation. It was important to Hunter that Jake be here for this. Lee didn’t mind as long as he stayed at the head of the bed. Jake readily agreed. I wonder if he ever wants kids. Where the hell did that come from? Shit. Focus, Evie. I buckle down and help Hunter count and soon enough there’s a shrill echoed through the room.

  “It’s a girl,” the doctor says. Tears run down Lee’s face. I feel them go down mine as well. When I glance over to Hunter, he’s blubbering. It makes me laugh. Even Jake’s eyes are a little red rimmed. Is he emotional about this too? Lee’s tired, but so happy. She’s gazing at her baby girl in the doctor’s arms. The doctor hands off baby January to Nurse Nina. She checks January out on a cart nearby. After Nurse Nina records all the baby’s vitals, she presents Lee with her beautiful baby girl. She’s a natural holding her little girl. I go to the waiting room and get Maggie. We all “oh” and “aw” at the sweet bundle of joy. After passing the baby around a few times, the sun has fully come out. I hate to say that Jake holding a baby increases his sexiness, tenfold.

  January is sound asleep in Lee’s arms now. “She’s so precious, Lee,” I say. She nods and sniffles. She’ s exhausted, but she’s never looked more beautiful. I’m so proud of my friend. She has an adorable baby girl, a husband who loves her with his all, and a career she thrives in. I, on the other hand, don’t have two cents to rub together. I have no job and I have no idea how I’m going to pay my rent. I look over at Jake. He’s passed out in one of the chairs. I allow myself to feel for him, for just a moment.

  I think about what it’d be like if we were really together. If we were in a hospital having a baby. If he loved me with his all. I only become aware that I’m crying when I feel the tears reach my nose. I wipe my face quickly. I need to get out of here. I can’t let these feelings get the best of me. Maggie’s already been in to see January and left to go open the salon. She said she’d be back later. I told her I’d grab an Uber home. I didn’t want to leave Lee and her baby yet.

  I can tell she needs her rest. Hunter and Lee need time by themselves with their new family. I can’t wait to be like an auntie to this little girl, buying little girl clothes and babysitting. I’m glad I finished designing January’s nursery in time for her arrival. It’s a frilly unused space, but soon it’ll be full of baby giggles. I look forward to seeing January in her new room. I begin to tear up again and decide that’s my cue to go.

  “I’ll leave y’all to your baby girl. Lee, you did a great job. Get some rest.” I pat her head.

  Lee looks up at me and gives me the biggest smile. “Thanks for being here. I’m so glad you were here for this. I love you.” She always knows the right thing to say.

  “I love you too. You’re my best friend. You know that, right? I’d do anything for you.”

  “You have,” she replies. Warm fuzzies run through my body. I give Lee a small hug since she’s holding January.


  In the elevator, I close my eyes as I feel it descend each floor. The ding sounds and I step out. My cell phone had no reception in the delivery room, so I came outside to call an Uber. I’m fiddling with the app, when I feel a hand at my backside.

  “I’ll take you home.” Jake’s brown eyes look tired. I want to refuse him.

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll just grab an Uber.” I step away from him quickly, but he doesn’t back down.

  “Please, Evie. I want to take you home. I need to talk to you, apologize. Please? If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine. I’ll do all the talking. Can I drive you?” Honestly, I know we need to talk. If we’re going to be around each other because of Hunter and Lee, we need to keep the peace. I nod and he leads the way to his car.

  We’re quiet in his Porsche. The engine purrs over the asphalt as we make our way away from the hospital and into the heart of the city. Open fields and an interstate are replaced by tall buildings and traffic. The city engulfs us. Cars honk as they make their way into the city.

  “Don’t you have to go to work?” I ask.

  “I’m taking the day off.”

  I smile to myself. That is such a line from the movie, Pretty Woman. It makes me want to reply, “We’ll cop a squat under a tree somewhere.” I close my eyes for a few moments. At least, I think it’s a few minutes. I feel the car come to a stop. I slowly blink my eyes open. We’re in the parking lot of my complex. I must’ve fallen asleep.

  “Oh. Thanks for taking me home.” I grab the handle to get out.

  “Wait, don’t go. I’ve been dying to talk to you all night. Then when we got in the car, I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t, but I don’t want you to go, please.” I lean back in the seat and wait. His body le
ans toward mine. “Can I come up and talk?” He points to the stairs leading to my apartment.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” In fact, that would be the worst idea. If we’re alone and there are any surfaces available, I’ll be bent, laid, or propped up before I know it. It’s been a tough day and my defenses are down. Plus, I could use some amazing orgasms right about now.

  “I’m sorry. I never should’ve said that to you.” Jake looks down to his lap. He’s playing with his keys. The jingle blares loudly in the small space. “You’re not just someone I hooked up with. And I’m sorry I tried to push you into telling me about your ex. I’ll never do that again. I respect your space and your decision not to talk about it.” He pauses. “I haven’t wanted to admit it, even to myself, but you feel like more to me. You’re more than just a hookup. I want this . . .” He stalls out. I’m gobsmacked by his admission. Jake reaches for my hand and I let him have it. We’re just sitting in his car holding hands in the parking lot. It’s sweet, really. He never finished that sentence though. I don’t know what he wants from me. “I’ve missed you,” he continues. He raises my hand and kisses the back of it. His lips linger on my skin. I’m helpless to his charms. My breath catches. I’ve never seen this sweet remorseful side of Jake and it’s disarming.

  I never thought in a million years that Jake Westley would tell me that he missed me. I mean, from what he’s said indirectly today, he might want a relationship. I need to hear the words from him.

  “What are you saying, Jake?” I’m not going to put words in his mouth.

  Jake slides his hand down his face. I know this is a big step for him; to be able to trust someone again. “I want to date you. I want to be with you, Evie. I want a relationship.” He reluctantly peeks at me.

  I’m bursting with joy. I could literally kiss this man right now, and I will. I grab Jake’s face and give him my lips. He returns my kiss with fervor. My passion can’t be contained. I move over to his seat. Those were the sweetest words I’d thought I’d never hear. He welcomes my attack and counters it with one of his own. Jake grabs my ass as I straddle him and he grinds into me.

  “I’ve missed this so much. I want you so bad.”

  “Yes,” I proclaim. I grip the back of his head and dig my hands through his lush hair. I’ve missed him more than he knows.

  “Fuck, yes,” he mumbles against my neck as I arch into him.

  Tap. Tap. Tap. I’m taken out of my lust-filled haze and come eye to eye with an ecstatic Maggie. I can tell she’s bursting at the seams with excitement by the way she’s jumping around outside of the car. I quickly pull away from Jake, who seems to not notice Maggie standing just outside.

  “Dang it, Maggie.” I stomp out of the car and turn on her. I’m fuming. She has a gift for ruining my make out sessions.

  “Well, y’all seriously need to get a room. I keep finding you out here in the parking lot. I mean, I wasn’t sure if you were already having sex in there or not. I’m glad you worked your stuff out.” She smiles innocently at me. I can’t be anything but happy that we worked it out too. I give Maggie a big hug.

  I whisper in her ear, “He wants to date me!” We both jump up and down like I just won the lottery. A successful business man and sex god wants to date me!

  “Hi, Maggie,” Jake calls behind us.

  Maggie rushes to Jake and embraces him. “I knew you’d get your head out of your ass.” He actually blushes and Maggie gives him a slap on the back. “Well, I just ran by to grab my lunch and head back to work. Y’all have fun.” Just like that Maggie is off to her car.

  “You have good friends.” Jake looks at me adoringly.

  “I do. Let’s get upstairs and finish what we started.” I grab his hand and haul him up the steps. We get through my apartment door. Jake picks me up by my ass and carries me to my bedroom.

  “This is such a turn on, this little twin bed. I feel like your mom is going to come in here any minute and find us fucking. Is this your childhood bed?”

  I giggle. “If I say yes, will you throw me down on it right now and fuck me?” I toy with his belt. Maggie had this extra bedframe. She gave it to me and I bought a new mattress. I don’t want to tell Jake that though. He seems too amped up to have sex on my childhood bed.

  He leans his forehead against mine. “I’ll fuck you either way.” His eyebrows go up and down playfully. I’m liking playful Jake Westley. I decide to play into his fantasy.

  “Shhh, my mom might hear us. You have to be quiet. We’re supposed to be studying, remember?” I bat my eyes for good measure. Suddenly, Jake’s hands slide under my arms and raise me up to throw me toward my bed. I bounce and giggle as I land.

  “Fuck, that’s so hot. I’m so hard for you.” Jake removes his clothing as fast as I’ve ever seen him. “I can’t wait to get inside you.”

  I remove my clothing hastily as well. Soon, all our clothes are thrown haphazardly on the floor and he’s moving over me.

  “Now, spread those legs and show me that sugar.”

  He’s being so dirty, but I’m having nothing but sweet images running through my mind. Us living together in a fabulous apartment downtown, carpooling to work together, watching movies together, everything together. I smile and grab his face. I kiss Jake slowly and sweetly. I can imagine an amazing future with this man. My touches are gentle and Jake picks up on that.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jake mumbles against my lips.

  I pause and look deep into his gorgeous brown eyes. “Just about us.”

  “Us? I like that.” We continue the slow pace and explore each other’s bodies, cherishing. We go from ravaging each other to making love. Jake’s touches are so gentle they almost tickle. I don’t know how long we simply touch, doing nothing but caressing one another. Time is of no consequence. We’re just in this moment together, enjoying touching. After a while, Jake breaks the silence. “I want to make love to you.”

  I gasp and hold him tight to me, but he pulls away to look at my face and waits for my answer.

  “Yes, make love to me, Jake.”

  He smiles. This once hard-nosed accountant is a softy in my bed right now. Was this how he was before the ex?

  “Okay, sugar.” After putting on a condom, he slides inside me gently. “I love your pussy.”

  “Jasmine loves you back.” I giggle. Jake shakes his head at my joke and continues to slowly withdraw and push inside me.

  “Just so we’re clear, I’m not naming my dick Aladdin.” He pushes hard on the last word. Jake gasps at his thrust. I wiggle underneath him, needing more.

  “We could name it Rajah, the tiger.” I moan the last part of the sentence. This is the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had during sex and I love every minute of it.

  “Isn’t the tiger a girl?” Jake’s pumping into me faster now, like he can’t control it. I love it. I revel in his loss of control.

  “No, it’s a boy. He guards Jasmine.” I cling to Jake’s back as my core begins to tighten around him.

  “Mmm, you can call my dick Tiger. I like that.” He grabs my neck with one hand and stares deeply into my eyes as he makes love to me.

  “Okay, Tiger. Make me come.” Jake reaches down and rubs my clit. I gasp and suddenly I’m falling. My orgasm hits me like a freight train. “Yes. Oh God. Yes.” I scratch down his back as my peak hits my entire body and shakes me to the core. Jake’s clinging on to me with one hand in my hair and the other on my hip. He picks up the pace which prolongs my orgasm. He’s so good.

  “That’s right, sugar. Come all over my cock.” He squeezes his eyes shut as I watch his orgasm take over. “Oh, fuck!” As if he’s aware I’m staring at him, his eyes suddenly open. Jake gazes into my eyes as he comes undone. “Baby.”

  That one word does me in and I come again gazing back into his brown eyes. Jake peppers my face with kisses as he lets me ride out my climax.

  Much of the day we spend in bed making sweet slow love and other times fucking like animals. None
of my other relationships can compare to the way I feel for Jake. He’s filled up my heart, mended it, and put the trust back.


  “I think you should head up your own design firm.” Jake lies next to me in bed, naked. He’s a sight to behold and it’s hard to concentrate on what he’s saying when he’s in his full glory.

  “Huh?” He cups my breast and kisses it sweetly. “You’re so talented and you’ve already made a name for yourself. I think you should head up a design firm.” He toys with my nipple as I take in what’s he’s proposed. Sure, I’ve dreamed about having my own firm, but I always imagined it in the far future. I shake my head.

  “I’d need an investor or a loan. That just doesn’t seem possible right now.” I turn over and he spoons behind me while still clutching onto my breast. Jake rubs his lips on my shoulder and kisses.

  “I’d invest in your firm.”

  I jerk my head back to see if he’s serious. He is. I glance away, not knowing what to feel about this proposition. I feel like I’d be taking advantage of him. Our relationship is so new and I don’t want to jeopardize it with putting money into the mix. I have no doubt that my firm would do well and that I’d have clients lining up. The Cubin family sent many referrals my way. In fact, I had too much business. If there’s such a thing.

  “I can tell you’re thinking about this too hard. It’s a simple investment, Evie. I do this every day. I know you can do this. Let me help you.” I bet he’s a good closer. Jake makes me want to say yes.

  “Our relationship is new and I don’t want anything to come between us.” I huff. Jake suddenly turns me over on my back. I gasp. He rolls a condom on and rubs his cock against my core.


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