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Dream of the Dragon’s Song

Page 2

by Cameo Brown

  Shepherdess could hardly speak, her need had blossomed so greatly. She wanted to beg him to fuck her, to give her some release, but her voice remained mute, and she felt as if she would die if she didn’t climax.

  Reiz stood naked in front of her, teasing her maybe, as now he was stroking his cock harder… and smiling. The effort took years off his age and made him look vulnerable yet wild. Oh, how she wanted his lovely face between her thighs! How she longed to have his tongue bring exquisite sensations to her throbbing clit and his fingers delving in her wet cunt with abandon, widening her to accept his solid manhood.

  Shepherdess felt herself nearing climax. Her breath came in short gasps and her body became weightless. She almost slid to the floor, but before she could hit the ground, Reiz appeared before her and captured her boneless body in his arms. He pulled her up to face him, his skin cool next to hers. He still smiled, and the look of it quieted her somehow. She returned it with a smile of her own.

  “Your voice,” she spoke unsteadily, “it does things to me.”

  “And now I will do things to you.” He enunciated each word in a deliberate manner, sending shock waves straight to her clit. Fever spread through her blood, and her mind refused to process anything but the man in front of her. He touched the bit of cloth covering her wet heat and dispatched it with one long finger.

  Reiz nuzzled her neck, gently rubbing the edges of his teeth against her soft flesh. She expected a bite, but instead he whispered softly in her ear. “First, I must calm you, rejuvenate you. You are overstimulated.”

  A feeling of serenity spread through her at these words, and she leaned against him in surrender. His strong arms swept her up against him, and he carried her quickly to the bedding. The stuffing in the mattress prickled her soft skin as Reiz laid her down gently. Before she realized what had happened, Reiz had positioned himself beside the bed, balancing on it with one knee, and lifted her by the shoulders. His grip felt nothing like the painful vise it had in the hut. Carefully, he eased his cock into her mouth, caressed her face. “Drink of me. Feel my need for you. I will heal you,” he instructed, and closed his eyes.

  In all her encounters, Shepherdess had never before taken a man’s cock inside any other part of her but her pussy. She had never had the inclination to pleasure men in such a way. But this was different. The taste of him, like spices and rich, warm mead, filled her with joyful memories of the meadows she’d frolicked in as a youth. She sucked hungrily, drops of his manly liqueur rejuvenating her. Almost instantly, her mind cleared and her fever slowly abated; her breathing evened out and her heartbeat returned to normal.

  Now it was Reiz’s turn to lose control. He groaned and clutched her hair, his efforts to rule his savage need clearly evident. He grimaced and thrust his hips forward involuntarily as Shepherdess coaxed him deeper into her mouth, urging him toward climax.

  “No!” he gasped, and pulled himself from her lips, panting. He watched as Shepherdess wiped her mouth with the back of her hand delicately, savoring every drop of his juices. He appeared as overwhelmed as she had been.

  More the better, she thought. Shepherdess lay back on the bedding, spreading her legs wide and rubbing the insides of her thighs. “This place is just for you.”

  Reiz watched, the flesh of his cock almost purple with need. She moved her hands from her thighs and entwined the fingers of one hand in the dark curls between them. She massaged her mound, moving her other hand to her cunt and spreading her pink lips wide.

  “Fuck me, my King,” she urged. “I want to feel you fucking me so hard…”

  Reiz didn’t let her finish. With a lustful growl, he grabbed her knees, rising above her. His eyes sparkled wickedly in the light of the tallows, and Shepherdess tensed her hips for his hard, sweet invasion.

  Instead, he slid his face between her legs and nibbled at her skin. His lips caressed her thigh and found their way to her very core, the sweet bud screaming for the roughness of his tongue. She cried out when he kissed her clit, massaging it with his full lips as his broad shoulders held her legs apart, giving him precious access to her depths. He played with her, nipping at her swollen bud with his teeth and licking her pussy hard until she screamed.

  “My King! My King!” she yelled, pushing her hips up to meet him and clutching wildly at his hair. Just when she felt she could take no more, he stopped. Everything stilled for Shepherdess. An emptiness she had never felt before overwhelmed her. In her daze, something penetrated her, pushing into her waiting cunt slowly, but firmly.

  “I need to stretch you,” Reiz said, his voice soothing, but thick with bridled passion. “I’ll be too big otherwise.”

  Shepherdess groaned as his long fingers explored her, making her ready for the hard length of him. His fingers delved deep, thrusting into her expectant pussy in a slow, steady rhythm soon matching the pounding of her heart. Her muscles clenched at his fingers, pulling them deeper, and her climax was imminent.

  Finally, he mounted her. Briefly he rubbed the head of his hard shaft against her wet opening and drove into her to the base. She screamed, his engorged cock filling her completely, causing a delightful friction against her clit and sent waves of pleasure through her. She accepted him without hesitation, spreading her legs to accommodate his girth, and he rode her hard. She clutched at his back and shoulders wildly, her hips dancing in a steady rhythm with his.

  They rocked harder and faster, the bedding straining under the force of their fucking until finally, in one great deep thrust, Reiz exploded inside of Shepherdess with an almost unearthly bellow. Her release followed only a second later, sweet sensations pummeling her body and brain with brilliant sparks of light. For several minutes after their mating, they simply lay there, breathing heavily.

  “It is good to find you, Shepherdess,” Reiz finally whispered against her hair. His voice seemed so tender, almost loving. Shepherdess couldn’t answer. As she floated back to reality, his voice a gentle cradle, tears brimmed in her eyes. She hated herself for what she had to do, for what she must do. From the beginning of her life as she remembered it, her spirit had been with the dragons. No mortal man could ever understand her feelings, nor would he tolerate them.

  No, this time must be like all the others. Just a small cut with the dragon’s tooth would do the trick, and it would be all over. For Reiz there would be no more little dragon and no more Shepherdess. For the dark warrior, nothing would be the same…


  Chapter Three

  Shepherdess carefully moved her hand to her throat and grasped the dragon’s tooth hanging around her neck. With a tug, it came loose in her hand. She held it momentarily next to her heart and slid it slowly down her body to her soft mound. Her curls were still wet with her passion and Reiz’s seed, and the thought of his cock deep inside of her threatened to awaken Shepherdess’ urges again.

  Her pussy ached, but ignoring the tension mounting in her hips, she slid the dragon’s tooth between her thighs and into her slickened cunt. As she had done many times before, Shepherdess pressed the dragon’s tooth just far enough inside of her to bathe it with her juices, turning it over and over to ensure it was completely covered in the dewy liquid.

  The time had come. Though she was ready, her hand trembled as it never had before. Her heart pounded. The tooth would take just a small cut, and it would all be over. Shepherdess moved her hand carefully up her body, tracing the path it had taken so as not to disturb the sleeping warrior beside her. He was naked, so beautifully naked, and she could penetrate his flesh anywhere she could reach. It would only take a moment to erase him from her life forever.

  The brute slept soundly, peacefully, reminding her of Oliday’s deep slumber. Ah, were Reiz but a dragon instead of a fickle human, things would be easier. He struck her as worthy, but she knew human men and their proclivities far too well. Her damaged ear burned in response to the memories.

  From where she lay, Shepherdess could’ve sliced the flesh on his arm. Her natural potion, onc
e in his bloodstream, would do its job, and Reiz would never be the wiser. However, something deep inside of her stirred, an inexplicable need for some kind of connection to his essence. She slid her hand across his massive chest, the dragon’s tooth leaving a slight trail of her wetness across his pale skin. Shepherdess stopped when she reached the place in the middle of his chest where she felt his heartbeat, its pulse of life strong and reassuring. With every rhythmic thump, Shepherdess felt a drop fall into a well of sadness in her soul.

  An odd little noise shattered the sweet stillness between Shepherdess and her warrior king. Oliday! thought Shepherdess, as she recognized the baby dragon’s yawn with her good ear. She’d know it anywhere. Reiz must have heard it too, as his eyelids snapped up abruptly and he stared directly into Shepherdess’ widened eyes. A hint of amusement flickered on his face for just a moment, until he felt the sting of the dragon’s tooth penetrating his skin. Startled, Shepherdess had pressed it into the flesh above his heart. As he lay there, she could see the expression on his face turn from curious to surprised.

  She watched, her heart pounding and her stomach contents threatening to spill. Reiz’s eyes glittered in understanding. He must have deduced his fate, and it gave Shepherdess some hope he would realize she did what she did to save the dragons -- to save Oliday -- although he would probably never have understood it, and now he would never have the chance. Clarity had come too late for her brave king. His eyes slowly closed and his face relaxed.

  And nothing more could be done.

  Overcome with despair, Shepherdess burst into tears. She could barely mumble the words she needed to say to end it once and for all, but they finally tumbled out of her in a rush.

  Desperate to get to Oliday, she rolled off the bed and gathered what she could of her dressing, tying here and there to at least cover most of her body enough to get to Oliday and make her way home. She secured the dragon’s tooth around her neck, her tears blinding her. With great difficulty she stumbled through the room collecting the remnants of her presence in Reiz’s bed. She dared not look at him lying there naked. Her shame and her need would be too great.

  Shepherdess knew how men thought, and thus headed directly to the stable where the king would have certainly hidden his tiny prize. Right in plain sight. Asking for special accommodations would make the innkeeper suspicious, and she sensed Reiz was too smart to give himself away. A warrior king would not be a king or a warrior if he weren’t crafty, and her heart ached when she thought of how easily he had bedded her in the way she had needed bedding. The loss of his touch would haunt her forever, she knew.

  The blackness of the night sheltered her completely, its cover unbroken by any wayward moonbeams. Getting close enough to the guards for the dragon’s tooth to work its magic would be difficult, though. There appeared to be only two, which probably meant they were highly skilled in the arts of defense. Only an idiot like Huntley needed an army of men to guard a prize when only one or two highly capable soldiers could do it efficiently. Such imbecilic “captains” of armies found themselves dead rather quickly, either at the hands of their enemies or the hands of their own men. Reiz obviously possessed great wisdom, so how had she defeated him so easily?

  She couldn’t ponder this as each wasted moment increased the danger Oliday faced while in these humans’ care. Shepherdess stood quietly at the stable window and used her good ear to listen for more voices while desperately trying to hold up her half-shredded clothing. She couldn’t fail now, not after all she had given up. Tears still threatened to spill, but Shepherdess moved forward single-mindedly. She must save the baby dragon.

  Something behind her -- not so much a sound as a displacement of air -- startled Shepherdess, sending her senses into overdrive and jangling her already raw nerves. It hadn’t been a good evening, and now it seemed it would get much worse. A strong hand clamped over her mouth and her arm was twisted behind her painfully.

  “Bitch!” a familiar voice growled low in her good ear. “Try to outwit me, will you, you dragon-wrangling cunt!”

  Huntley’s voice scraped at her brain. The stench of his foul breath turned her stomach, and her arm burned from his violent wrenching of it. He released her arm and pushed her face into the stable wall, letting his weight hold her struggling body in place while he felt around for something. As she fought him, her ragged dress gave way, falling to the ground.

  Huntley grunted in satisfaction and rubbed his heated cock against her ass. “You’ll get what you deserve, and this time I’ll deafen your other ear.” He shoved his thumb into the space between her thighs, wiggling it hard to open her up. “Spread your legs!”

  “You spread yours, Huntley.”

  Time stood still. Reiz’s voice cut through Shepherdess’ confused brain, drifting into her good ear and vibrating through her entire being. How had he overcome the bite of the dragon’s tooth? He couldn’t have! Could he really be here? Had she finally lost her mind? A sudden flood of moonlight illuminated the trio, unreal and amazing at the same time.

  “Fuck you, Reiz,” Huntley spat. “She’s my property!”

  “Fuck you, Huntley. She’s my mate,” the dear voice growled in response.

  “She tried to erase your memory, you idified monstrosity,” Huntley snarled, “And she would have taken your little prize in there if I hadn’t stopped her.”

  “She is my mate,” Reiz said again, as if this explained everything.

  Shepherdess felt her cunt muscles spasm, and moisture dripped freely down her thighs. Drunk with need, she took a deep breath, and with all her strength threw herself back into Huntley’s arms, forcing him off her. She turned fast and sent a fist directly into his erection, eliciting a howl of pain from her attacker. Huntley stumbled backward, grabbing at his cock and cursing.

  He found his way to the stable wall and fell against it, clutching his balls in one hand and feeling the ground with the other. Reiz would have reached him in a single step, if his feet hadn’t tangled in Shepherdess’ dress and sent him stumbling. A single, pale moonbeam glimmered off something in Huntley’s hand, and Shepherdess saw the spear aimed at Reiz’s chest just as he righted himself.

  Shepherdess threw herself at Reiz and the spear caught her in the back, slicing through her flesh and impaling itself deep inside her, but not deep enough to harm her king. She stared up at Reiz’s face, now contorted into a mask of horror and surprise. He held her as she slid to the ground, slowly moving with her. Blood seeped down her back as her field of vision focused narrowly on her warrior king, the only man as important to her as any dragon ever would be.

  “Shepherdess!” he yelled in her face, shaking her as she felt her body go limp. “Shepherdess!”

  “She who wants the black dragon, my lord, pays for the black dragon,” she whispered, wishing she had the strength to reach up and touch Reiz’s beautiful visage one last time.

  But she didn’t, and the world quietly faded away.

  * * *

  Shepherdess awoke to the powerful scent of spicy mead and the blurry vision of Reiz standing naked in front of her, his erection nearly touching her nose. She lay on her side, her back burning and her insides feeling as if they’d exploded.

  “Nioral, take care of the spear,” Reiz commanded, and a disembodied “Yes, my King,” immediately followed. She wasn’t dead, but Shepherdess could make nothing out of the commotion around her. All she could focus on was Reiz’s erection and the emptiness she felt inside.

  “Drink of me, my Queen.” Reiz’s voice quietly and gently caressed her mind. She felt her lips parting, and the taste of Reiz’s shaft awakened her senses. She wasn’t dreaming. She was alive and he was trying to revive her, even after she had tried to make him forget everything.

  Hungry for him, Shepherdess sucked at his length, pulling his cock deep into her throat and reveling in how it seemed to alleviate the pain in her aching muscles. Reiz’s groans filled the room, and Shepherdess barely noticed the scorching flame searing her back. As quickly as
it came, Reiz’s cock left her mouth, and she felt herself being carried away -- to where she had no idea. The burning in her back had subsided though, and she felt stronger than she had, although not by much.

  “This will aid the healing,” his muffled voice promised.

  She found herself on her side, with Reiz poised beside her, concern etching his face. She felt a smile form on her lips and a delicious invasion in her most sensitive regions. Reiz held her against him, keeping her weight from her back, while the steady rhythm of his cock moving inside of her sent sparks into her blood. He stretched her pussy and plunged into her, pressing his hard flesh against her clit, until she screamed his name over and over again and a sweet and gentle blackness settled around her.

  * * *

  The early morning sun teased Shepherdess’ eyes, making her turn her face from the light and cover her head. The movement brought pain with it -- almost unbearable pain -- and she sucked in a deep breath to keep from passing out.

  What had happened? Where in the name of the gods was she?

  A snore next to her held the promise of an answer. She opened her eyes and caught her breath. There, next to her, lay Reiz, sleeping soundly, completely naked. She took in the sight only a moment before another sudden pain caused Shepherdess to wince and clutch her side.

  “You will heal.”

  Reiz’s voice wreaked havoc inside of her, causing wetness to pool between her thighs and numbing her mind to anything but a primal need to mate. She came alive in response to his gentle caresses, her senses returning to something almost normal. He pulled her legs open to straddle him comfortably, letting her adjust to his swollen cock. She gripped Reiz’s arms to steady herself, relishing the feel of him deep inside. His scent invaded her senses as his rock-hard shaft rubbed against Shepherdess’ clit furiously, sending delightful sensations all through her.

  She needed more, but she could tell Reiz was holding back. He took great care to touch her gently, to not touch her wound, and this knowledge left her vulnerable to him. Anything he would ask of her, she decided, she would give. A prisoner of his own desires, Reiz’s body tensed unnaturally with every thrust, and tortured grunts escaping him. Shepherdess couldn’t stand it. She rocked eagerly against him, trying to coax his full passion to the surface, but he fought it. She stilled them both, leaning down to kiss his grimace, and his breathing quickened.


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