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Dream of the Dragon’s Song

Page 4

by Cameo Brown

  A noise beside her startled her. She turned and stumbled right into a huge scaly chest. Slowly, her gaze followed the strong line of his muscular neck up to the incredibly noble visage of the most magnificent dragon she’d ever seen. He rose above her, majestic and black as midnight, his scales shiny and his wings stretched to their full, daunting length. She gasped and stepped back as the creature dropped to all fours and brought his snout right down to her face, tilting its head back and forth as he inched closer.

  His eyes captivated her. Dark and lit with the spark of life, they glittered seductively, and the dragon extended his talon to lightly caress her face.

  “Reiz?” Sahwen whispered, and the fine beast answered with a low, sexy growl. He let his talon wander down to the front of her dress, lightly touching her breast. Her nipples hardened, and her pussy swelled, ready to accept whatever pleasure Reiz had in store for her. His talon touched her waist and found its way lower, causing heat to surge through Sahwen’s blood. Reiz snorted, drawing her attention. He pulled her to him and nuzzled the top of her head. He sniffed her neck, causing chills to race up and down her spine.

  Tears of frustration brimmed in Sahwen’s eyes. Reiz wanted her to be a dragon, but maybe she really wasn’t. Maybe she was just the Shepherdess of Dozah, who, it seemed, was now out of a job. Oh, how she wanted to be a dragon! The world held nothing else for her.

  Reiz pushed her away and reared up on his back legs, his muscles rippling with power. He let out a series of short grunts, and flapped his wings. Instinctively, Sahwen looked between his legs and saw there a gloriously erect phallus, protected at the base by scales, but covered in some kind of velvety fur almost to the tip. The silky black skin there appeared rough, but slick.

  A strange feeling overtook Sahwen, as if desire and hope mingled together inside of her. Reiz continued to grunt and snort, but Sahwen hardly noticed. She focused on her own body and her growing need. Her clit tingled every time she breathed and the pressure between her thighs had become almost unbearable.

  A new sensation gripped her, and it terrified her at first. Slowly, her body began to change; she grew larger with every passing second. Her skin prickled, bumps popping out all over her. Her neck stretched upward, and a weight at the base of her spine pulled her off balance. She toppled over, lying on her side for a moment and catching her breath, which now came out in short gasps followed by grunts and snorts.

  Reiz stood over her, coaxing her to her feet. Sahwen attempted to stand, and did so unsteadily. To her surprise, she found herself gazing directly into Reiz’s eyes, the world around her somehow having shrunk. She could hear him clearly now, with both ears, and the shouts coming from the men who had rushed ahead of them rang clear. The voices in the den matched them, and she could even make out their words. She stepped hesitantly toward the sounds and cocked her head, straining to hear more.

  “You can understand them because you are one of them,” Reiz explained behind her. “You have always been, or you wouldn’t have heard my voice, my song. It is a gift of the Kilsh brood. The dragon song brings mates together. A Kilsh male’s voice can only captivate his blood mate as mine did you. The more we mate, the more I learn to control the effects on you.”

  Sahwen turned back to him, assessing his form and pulling her snout into what she hoped looked like a smile. She flicked her tail and stepped closer to Reiz, her movements more coordinated now. Looking deep into his eyes, she felt like singing herself.

  “I am a lucky king,” Reiz said, his voice trembling with emotion. Sahwen lifted her hands to stroke his massive snout. Instead of her hand though, a scaly arm, an opalescent mix of the colors of the morning dawn, came into view. The talons on it shown bright, and the points glimmering in the fading daylight. She looked down at her body, a small, surprised growl escaping her throat. Beautiful pearly scales, a swirl of pinks and oranges and reds, covered her now massive frame. A quick peek over her shoulder revealed huge, pinkish wings and a thick, swishing tail.

  “The secret is we have the power to change from dragons to humans and back again, isn’t it?” Sahwen asked, the truth dawning on her now. She had finally overcome the years of humanity suppressing her true self. The dragon’s secret had been revealed to her for the second time in her life. Sahwen knew -- as sure as she now stood as a dragon -- the secret would remain safely with her forever. Dragons can be humans and humans can be dragons, and very simply the choice to be either belongs to each.

  Unfortunately, most humans would not be able to understand the power attached to such a gift, so the gods chose to leave the secret with the dragon broods who had sworn to protect it at any cost. For the rest of her life, Sahwen would keep their promise, and so would her little ones. A sudden burst of melancholy threatened to overwhelm her at the thought of their offspring.

  “My King, I don’t think your seed grows inside of me.” Her voice held a note of sadness, but Reiz glanced at her sideways, his expression playful. He dropped to all fours and sniffed her tummy, growling. His head dipped lower, and he nudged his snout between her scaly thighs, sending shivers through her entire body. His long, sensuous tongue found its way under the scales protecting her cunt, and it entered her slowly, carefully. A few hard strokes with its roughness brought Sahwen close to climax -- her first as a dragon -- but Reiz retreated before it could happen.

  “Your scent is different,” he stated matter-of-factly. He licked her neck, his massive tongue bringing more delight with its every touch. “And the moon told me so when she offered her light the night you were in danger. You will remember all soon enough, My Queen, but for now just know the moon favors those whose dragonlings dance in her light, and the Pello is one such brood. For her to send light means you carry a young one. My young one.”

  At those words, Sahwen finally let herself go, succumbing to the furious passion building inside of her. There would be time to remember it all, to take back the parts of her old life denied her, but right now her bonding mate stood before her, a gorgeous specimen of man and dragonhood, his erect cock mesmerizing and so terribly tempting.

  Sahwen turned her back to Reiz and dropped on all fours. She wiggled her ass at him, flicking her tail and letting out a small bellow, an invitation for him to take her in the traditional dragon way. Reiz threw his head back and roared. A great mighty sound that made her heart beat wildly and her pussy ache. It didn’t matter what form they took, Sahwen wanted Reiz to fuck her.

  He mounted her from behind, sliding his hard cock into her slick opening and riding her with gentle rhythmic thrusts. The sweet friction made Sahwen dizzy. She pushed against Reiz, inviting him deeper inside. When his talons scraped the scales along her haunches, a delightful sensation pulsed through Sahwen’s body and she quivered.

  Reiz, a skillful human lover, proved to be an expert lover in his dragon form. He continued to thrust into Sahwen effortlessly as he laid her tail over his shoulder. He licked it with his massive tongue, sending shock waves straight to her clit. She’d never known such feelings before, and the pleasure was indescribable.

  Pressure built rapidly between her legs, and the ground became drenched with the evidence of her desire. Reiz must have felt it too, as his thrusts came faster and deeper now. Sahwen’s huge new body bobbed up and down in a rhythmic dance with Reiz’s, each penetration bringing her closer to climax. His huge cock filled her, and the vibrations of his hips pounding against her tickled her clit in a way she’d never thought possible.

  Finally, after one more powerful thrust, Reiz exploded inside Sahwen with a thunderous roar. His voice filled her ears and invaded her senses, pushing her over the edge. With Reiz’s beautiful dragon’s song drifting through her brain, Sahwen’s orgasm rocked her body, leaving her spent and panting.

  Making love the traditional dragon way completely drained her, and she lay there exhausted. Her new body would take some getting used to. When Sahwen could think again, she noticed Reiz seemed a bit dazed as well. He found his way beside her and dropped to the g
round, snorting.

  Eventually, and with great effort, he rolled to face her. “Mighty gods, Sahwen, mighty gods!” Reiz said, letting his tongue dangle from the side of his snout and his eyes roll back in his head.

  Seeing Reiz so charmingly overcome made Sahwen giggle, but it came out as a puff of smoke. With every puff, she giggled more, and with every giggle, she puffed more. The mirth took over, and Sahwen laughed so hard she rolled onto her back, where she immediately found herself immobile. A cloud of her own smoke drifted above her as she tried to adjust her weight so she could right herself.

  It didn’t work.

  “Need my assistance, my Queen?” Reiz’s voice floated over her prostrate form. He had gathered enough strength to stand while she kicked her legs and tried to roll over. Her weight wouldn’t budge, and Reiz’s snout twisted into a mischievous grin, his uneven teeth giving him a playfully dangerous look.

  Starting at her neck, he leisurely licked his way down her scaly belly. His rough tongue sent shivers through her, and she relaxed immediately.

  “My King,” she whispered, parting her legs so he could take care of the pleasant need growing again in her pussy. A cool breeze tickled her nipples, and Sahwen realized something had changed -- she had changed. Back in her human form, she stared down her body to see the blackness of Reiz’s now human head between her thighs.

  Her back arched instinctively when his tongue parted her wet folds, and she spread her legs wider to give him access. Slow strokes sent sparks through her, and she grabbed his hair to pull him closer. Two huge fingers replaced his tongue, massaging her hardened clit until Reiz’s throbbing cock penetrated her tightness. Nothing else mattered as he crushed her with his magnificent form, taking her, fucking her harder and harder just like the first time they’d mated.

  It didn’t matter anymore to Sahwen, Shepherdess of Dozah, whether they took the dragon or human form. Her being ached for him. Reiz, as if reading her mind again, stopped thrusting just long enough to kiss her deeply. He looked down at her tenderly, and she wrapped her legs around him in encouragement.

  She wanted them to be together for eternity, and as she lifted her hips to accommodate another sweet invasion of his massive cock, she knew they always would be.

  Cameo Brown

  Cameo Brown enjoys living in the world of stories, especially the erotic ones, whether reading or writing them. In real life, she lives somewhere just right of the middle of the United States with her totally delectable husband, who still doesn’t quite understand why she enjoys sitting at the computer so much, and a passel of temperamental felines who are plotting to take over the world. When not writing, cleaning up hairballs, or making up excuses to dance naked, she loves hearing from her readers and adding new features to her place in cyberspace, Visit her there for an occasional free story or contest opportunity, or drop her a line at to let her know what you would like to see next.




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