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Irish's Destiny

Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  Sami is my main focus and getting her ready for school. It starts in a matter of days now and I’m nervous as hell. She’s always attended the same school and I don’t know what to expect from the kids here. I don’t want her bullied or picked on because we didn’t get something right. It’s sad that kids can be so cruel when it comes to certain things. The only thing I want for my daughter is to finish her education and make some friends. She’s never really had the opportunity to have any and I hope this school year changes that.

  My shift is coming to an end, and it’s been a crazy night. The diner has been packed with last minute tourists and I haven’t had a second to myself. Irish has been sitting in one of the back booths watching me. It’s kind of unnerving to know that he’s just sitting in here for my whole shift. But, I’m glad to know I have someone here in case Carl or one of his guards find us.

  I’m not even sure if Irish minds sitting here all day or night. He doesn’t seem to, but since we’re just getting to know one another, it’s hard to tell. I make sure that he’s got coffee and Alice told me not to charge him because of the circumstances. Yes, she knows what brought me here since she remembered the first time I came in here. There’s only been one time that Irish hasn’t been in here with me. That day, Tank was the one that got to sit here all day with me. Cassidy was sick, and he had to take her to the doctor.

  “How much do you have left to do Whit?” Irish asks me from his seat at ‘his’ table.

  “I have to mop the floor and make sure everything is filled for the morning shift. Well, for Alice.”

  “Okay. Why don’t I make sure everythin’ is filled while you mop? That way you can get the moppin’ done and get out of here.”

  “If you want to. I can get it done quick though.”

  Irish doesn’t listen to me. He gets up and finds everything he needs to make sure the ketchup, mustard, sugar, salt, and pepper are filled. Then he starts on the napkins. By the time I get done mopping, he’s got everything done and we can lock up and leave.

  Just as I go to get in my car, I hear my phone going off. I can tell by the ringtone that it’s Sami. Now, if I can only find it so I can answer her.

  Sami: Skylar wanted to know if I could spend the night at her house to help with the kids in the morning.

  Me: I guess so. Is that where you are now?

  Sami: No. Joker just came over to ask me. I think it’s really him wanting to spend some time with me.

  Me: Probably. You have fun and I’ll see you when I get home tomorrow. I’ll let Irish know so they can make whatever changes they need to.

  “So, it looks like I’m on my own tonight,” I tell Irish.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sami’s going to spend the night at Skylar’s. Something about needing help with the kids. But, she thinks Joker wants to spend some time getting to know her.”

  “She’s probably right. You want some company?”

  “Well, I could take some company after I take a hot shower to wash the diner off me.”

  “Okay. I’ll see what you have to cook, and I’ll make you somethin’ to eat tonight. How does that sound?”

  “Can you cook?” I ask, trying not to laugh in his face. I’ve never seen him cook so it’s a valid question as far as I’m concerned.

  “I can definitely cook. Especially if it’s scrambled eggs.”

  I laugh as I get in my car and start to make the drive to my temporary home. The closer I get, the more nervous I become. I’m not sure why I’m getting so nervous when I know that we’re just going to spend some time together and probably have a drink or two. There’s absolutely no reason to be nervous. Or excited at the fact that I’m actually going to get to spend some time alone with Irish.

  By the time we pull in the driveway and are heading up to the front door, I’m almost panicking. I’m not sure if Irish can tell or not. I quickly make my way inside and head to the bathroom in my room. In my rush to get away from him for a few minutes, I have left him completely alone in the doorway. I’m not even sure if he came inside or not.

  “Whit, you okay?” his muffled question comes through the bathroom door.

  “Um…..yeah. Just going to hop in the shower real quick. I’ll be right out.”

  “Can I come in for a second?”


  “I want to make sure you’re okay and find out what happened back there. Somethin’ spooked you.”

  “Um, well, I guess you can.”

  I back away from the door and wait for him to make an appearance. It’s a good thing my bathroom is so big that way I won’t feel like the walls are closing in on me. Irish has a way of making a room feel small when he enters it.

  I’m leaning against the long bathroom counter as he walks in. Irish closes the door behind him and takes minute to look at me. I’m not sure what he’s looking for, but he must find it.

  “Why are you so nervous Whit?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were fine when we left the diner. Now, you’re nervous and I want to know why.”

  “I don’t know. It just hit me all of a sudden that we were going to be alone for the first time. And then I just started getting nervous.”

  “You know nothin’ is gonna happen that you don’t want to. Right?”

  “I know. It doesn’t mean that I don’t want something to happen.” I say before slapping my hand over my mouth. I can’t believe I just said that to him. Fuck my life!

  Irish takes that as all the invitation he needs. In two long strides, he’s by my side and pinning me against the bathroom counter. Looking in my eyes, I see him lowering his head to mine. This is going to be our first kiss and I don’t know if I’m ready.

  He tentatively presses his lips to mine for a second before pulling back just enough to let me decide if I want to continue. I definitely want to kiss this man again. So, I take the lead for once in my life and bring my lips to his. I don’t try to deepen the kiss or anything, that move will be up to him. Thankfully I don’t have to wait long for him to do just that.

  Irish nips at my bottom lip before swiping his tongue over it to take the sting away. Surprise causes me to open my mouth just enough for him to sweep his tongue in mine to deepen our kiss. He places one hand at the back of my head so he can control the kiss completely and move my head to whatever position he wants it in. Bringing my hands up, I rest them on his chest and lay my palms flat. I can feel his heart beating in his chest and its matching mine.

  Finally deciding he wants to take things a little bit faster, Irish brings one hand up to my chest finding my nipple. He breaks our kiss to look me in the eyes and make sure that his movements are okay with me. I’ve never willingly let anyone touch me and I can’t believe the sensations he’s evoking in me right now.

  I reach down and grab the hem of my shirt, slowly lifting it off. Irish starts taking his own shirt off and I lick my lips as each inch of skin is revealed. His skin is dark toned and smooth over muscles you can tell he’s worked hard to get. Both in the gym and from physical labor. Before I can reach behind my back to unclasp my bra, Irish takes care of it for me. I slowly let it slide down my arms while he watches its path.

  “You are so gorgeous!” he tells me.

  There’s nothing I can say to that. He hasn’t seen my back and I’m going to do whatever I have to in order to make sure he doesn’t. Instead of answering him, I kiss him. After a minute, I need to catch my breath, so I start kissing a path to his neck and then down to his chest. I’m not sure if this is going to go as I hope, but we’re about to find out.

  “Whit, you don’t have to do this. I’m not expectin’ it. This was supposed to be all about you,” he tells me, trying to pull me back up.

  “I want to. Now, let me be,” I tell him, pushing his hands away from me.

  I kiss and lick down his stomach towards that sexy as hell ‘v’. As I’m making my way down towards his cock, I unbuckle his belt and carefully unzip his pants. Irish leans back a
gainst the counter and lets me take complete control over what’s happening right now. As soon as his pants are out of the way, I finally notice that he’s gone commando and the breath leaves my chest. Instead of taking a chance to look at him and talk myself out of doing this, I close my eyes and lean in towards him.

  Just before I reach my target, I open my eyes and reach my tongue out to lick off the first drop of precum. His flavor explodes on my tongue and I stop hesitating. I take as much of Irish into my mouth as I can and begin to bob my head up and down. As I’m doing this, I swirl my tongue around the length of him and suck as I pull him out of my mouth. Like I said, I’m not sure what I’m doing, but if the moans coming from him are anything to go by, I’m doing a pretty good job.

  “Stop!” he says suddenly.

  Thinking that I’ve done something wrong, I immediately stop and pull him from my mouth. I back up and go to reach for my shirt. Irish stops me and pulls me up so I’m standing right in front of him.

  “Didn’t do anythin’ wrong. Not cummin’ in your mouth the first time we’re together.”

  Before I can go back into my own head, he turns us and kisses me. Deeper and longer than before. While he’s doing this, I feel him unbuttoning my dress pants and letting them fall to the ground. Right now, I’m standing before him in nothing more than a red lace thong. I want to cover myself from his view, but he’s not going to let me.

  Finally pulling my thong off, I feel him reaching around me to hit play on the iPod I have sitting on my counter. Sweet Lady by Tyrese comes on as he lifts me up on the counter. Wrapping my legs around his waist, Irish steps in close and rubs his cock against my wet, heated flesh. I gasp at the contact and he uses that to kiss me and shove his tongue in my mouth again.

  “Hard and fast,” he tells me, breaking the kiss. “Right now, it’s Connor, not Irish.”

  There’s no chance to say anything as I feel the head of his cock begin to enter me. It’s been a while and I know that Carl was nowhere near as big as Irish is. Bracing myself, Irish goes back to kissing me so that I stop tensing up. The only thing I can focus on right now are the feelings running rampant through my body. Between the dueling of our tongues and Irish sliding into me inch by slow inch, I’m almost at my limit. Finally, he’s all the way in and takes a minute to let me adjust to him before he sets a punishing pace.

  His hips are thrusting in and out while his hands wrap in my hair, pulling my head back so he has access to my neck. There’s just a hint of pain where his hands are wrapped in my hair and I love it. I’ve never had a guy do that to me before and I’m finding that I like it. A lot.

  Just as I get used to the pace and hands gripping my hair, Irish decides to do something different. Keeping my legs wrapped around his waist, he stands up lifting me up with him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he backs me up to the door. During this he never once breaks the connection or stops moving. I can hear the door thumping as he slides in and out of me and it just adds to everything in this moment.

  Irish stops moving after a few minutes against the door and walks back over to the counter. Placing me back on it, he pulls my ass as close to the edge as he can and starts his punishing pace all over again. The only difference this time is that he reaches one hand between us and starts pinching and pulling on my clit. That’s all it takes to send me flying.

  “Connor!” I moan out, raking my nails down his back.

  It only takes a few more thrusts and swivels of his hips before Irish is following me over the edge. While his release is flowing through him, he never stops moving causing me to have another orgasm.

  Irish holds me as we both come back down. He rubs my back and I want to rub his, but I remember raking my nails down it and I don’t want to hurt him. So, I settle for rubbing my hands up and down his arms while leaning my head on his shoulder. This feels intimate and I’ve never had that before. He doesn’t seem to mind though, so I stay put until I feel him move back.

  “Whit, I didn’t mean for it to go that far. I’m sorry,” he tells me.

  This just makes me feel like he thinks what just happened was a mistake. So, I gently push him away and go to get off the counter when I feel something sliding down my thigh. Looking down I see his release. The only thing I can do right now is look up at him.

  “Whit, I can’t believe I forgot to use a condom. I’m so sorry,” he begins saying. “I’ve never not used one other than with Caydence. Since she’s been gone I haven’t been with anyone else. I’m clean.”

  “Me too.” I mutter before picking his clothes up and handing them over to him. “You can get dressed in the bedroom. I’m getting in the shower now please.”

  “We need to talk about this.”

  “When I’m done. I need a few minutes.”

  After looking at me to judge where I’m at, Irish finally leaves the bathroom and I feel the first tears begin to escape. I thought that what we just shared was something special. Apparently, he thinks it’s just a mistake that he didn’t mean to get out of control. I’m glad to know where we stand.

  I’ve wasted more than enough time in the bathroom and my room. After standing in a hot shower, I cleaned the bathroom and then my room. I’ve dressed in my favorite sweat pants and a large tee shirt. My hair is thrown up in a messy bun and every last trace of make-up is wiped from my face. You can tell that I’ve been crying, and I hate that. Hopefully Irish has taken the hint and left. I know I’m not going to be that lucky, but a girl can dream.

  As I walk in the kitchen, I see Irish sitting at the table with his head in his hands. When he hears me open the refrigerator, he looks up and I can feel his eyes boring into my back. There’s no way I can turn around and face him right now. So, I busy myself finding something to eat. Right now, I want my go to comfort food. So, I pull out the butter and cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich.

  “Whit, look,” he starts.

  “Let me make this easy on both of us. You think it was a mistake when you said it went too far. So, we’ll pretend it never happened and leave it at that. We’re both clean and I’ll let you know if anything happens. Okay?”

  “That’s all you have to say about it?”

  “At this point, yes. Now, I want to make my food and go to bed. You can sit there or not. The decision is yours.”

  Irish sits there and I think that he’s not going to move. After a few minutes, and realizing that I wasn’t going to turn and face him, he gets up and I hear him walk to the front door. My head drops, and I can feel another round of tears coming on.

  “It wasn’t a mistake. I’ve never felt anythin’ like that in my life,” he says just before he walks out the door.

  Suddenly losing my appetite, I turn off the stove and move the pan from the hot burner. Knowing that it’s going to be a complete mess if I don’t at least take the half-cooked sandwich out of the pan, I throw it away and lock everything before heading in my room. I climb in bed, pull the covers up over my head, and let the tears flow freely. Sami isn’t here so I don’t have to hide from anyone. Or worry about anyone hearing my heart break for the first time in my life.

  Chapter Ten


  I’VE BEEN IN SCHOOL FOR TWO weeks now. I actually love going to school. There’s no worry about my dad popping in, I don’t have to sit in certain seats, and I can be myself. It’s also nice to have some friends.

  There’s a few girls that have become my friends but if I have the choice to hang out with just one of them it would be Becky. She’s an amazing person and I’m glad that she was the first one to come up and talk to me. Becky is in most of my classes and we usually sit together. Part of me thinks that the rest of the girls that are trying to be my friend is because of the club. I have Goose or one of the other guys with me during the school day and they see it. Becky could care less about the club though. In fact, she ignores Goose whenever he’s near us.

  “So, Sami,” Becky starts off at lunch. “Who are you going to the homecoming dance with?”

“No one. Greg asked me, and I told him no. He’s way too pushy for me.”

  “Yeah. He’s asked like half the class if they would go with him. I think Sarah finally said yes.”

  “That’s insane. I guess I’m going solo. Mom, Joker, and I went and bought a dress yesterday. A friend is coming after school tomorrow to do my hair and my cousin is doing my make-up.”


  “Yeah. It’s going to be crazy and fun. You should come over and get ready with me.”

  “I would, but Derek is picking me up at my house before we really need to leave. He wants to take me out to dinner and everything else before the game and dance.”

  “I’m not going to the game. I’d rather have fun at the house and just go to the dance.”

  “How are you getting there if you’re going solo?”

  “I don’t know. Probably my mom.”

  “Nope,” Goose says cutting in our conversation. “You’re on the back of my bike.”

  “How am I supposed to do that when I’m wearing a dress?” I ask, completely confused, and elated at the same time.

  “We’ll figure it out. Already cleared it with Pres and Irish. I’ll be takin’ you and bringin’ you home. You may even get me to dance a little.”

  I can’t believe that Goose is taking me to homecoming. I’m sure that he’d rather be doing anything other than that on a Friday night. Hell, it’s the first one I’m going to so I’m not even sure what to expect to happen.

  Becky is just watching the exchange between Goose and I. She knows how I feel about him and that I can’t stand that we have to wait two years before we can do anything or be together. But, I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize his freedom or his place within the club. I know the club is his life and it would devastate him if anything were to happen to his position. Even if he’s still only a prospect.

  “Is that what you want Sami?” Becky asks me.

  “Of course it is. I’d rather go with Goose than anyone else. You know this.”


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