Irish's Destiny

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Irish's Destiny Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “You mean my daughter?” she asks, coyly.

  “You gave that right up when you didn’t fight to put your name on her birth certificate. Now, what do you want?”

  “I’m here to get my daughter. I’ve been made aware of the way she’s been treated and I’m here to bring her home.”

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” I ask, thoroughly confused.

  “The fact that Caydence is locked away in your room at the clubhouse with her. No one ever sees my daughter. And you put in the minimum amount of time doing club business. I’m not dumb. Something is going on that’s going to hurt my daughter. So, I’m here to bring her home.”

  A laugh erupts from me as I look around and see the dilapidated building crumbling around us. If she thinks that Cassidy is coming here, she’s got another thing coming.

  “You got a set of balls comin’ back here and tellin’ me you’re goin’ to take my daughter from me. What were you told if you ever tried to set foot back here again? Oh yeah, that you’d be put six feet under.”

  “You don’t hurt women. I’m going to get my daughter and we’ll be on our way.”

  I need to get Vicky to the clubhouse so that I can truly take care of her. She’s right that we don’t typically hurt women, but she’s here threatening my daughter and that’s not going to fly with me. So, she’s about to learn a lesson the hard way.

  “Fine. Why don’t you follow me back to the clubhouse and I’ll get Cassidy for you?”

  “That easy huh?”

  “Yeah. I mean, if you’ve been hearin’ shit, then you know Caydence was killed. So, I’m a single father. It’s a lot of responsibility.”

  “I’ll be finding out soon enough. Now, let’s go!” Vicky demands, walking closer to me.

  Little does this bitch know that she just signed her death warrant. There’s no way that she is going to get my daughter away from me. Right now, it’s a matter of saying whatever I have to say in order to get her to follow me back to the clubhouse. Then we’ll handle the situation. Because it was made perfectly clear that if she ever came back here she would be put to ground. Vicky chose to come back here, so now she’s getting what she deserves. The only thing I want to know is who was giving her information. We will find that out before she dies.

  I straddle my bike and put my helmet on. As soon as we’re on the road I call Grim and let him know what’s going on. I know they said that I had to be there to find information out as soon as I was done, but this is going to have to take precedence over that. Once Vicky is dealt with, then the guys can tell me what they need to tell me. Hopefully it’s something club related and has nothing to do with Whitney or Sami. But, I have a feeling in my gut and I know it has nothing to do with Vicky or club business.

  By the time we pull into the clubhouse parking lot, I’m seething. Grim said that we needed to take care of the Vicky problem so that I could hear what needed to be said to me. And, I need to remain calm when I hear it and not go flying off the handle. This can’t be good if I’m already being warned that I’m going to get pissed off. What the fuck has happened that would cause me to get that pissed? The only thing that comes to mind is something involving Whit or Sami.

  Vicky gets out of her car as I park my bike. She’s got a cocky grin on her face and I know that she thinks she’s winning and has me trapped with no other option but to give Cassidy to her. Cassidy is my daughter and there’s no way in fucking hell that she’s getting her hands on her. Hell, she’s not even going to lay eyes on my girl. Too bad Vicky isn’t as smart as she thinks she is.

  “Come on Irish!” she says trying to rush me. “I want to see my baby girl and get out of this fucking place. I have a life to get back to and I’m more than ready to leave Clifton Falls.”

  “Whatever you say Vicky.”

  We walk in the main door and I see all of my brothers sitting in the common room waiting for this bitch to show her face. As soon as Vicky sees everyone sitting there, she knows something is going on and tries to turn around. Pops and Joker are quicker than her and stand blocking the door. There’s nowhere for her to turn and she can’t hide from this one. She’s made her bed and now she has to lie in it.

  “Vicky, I’d like to say it was nice to see you again. But, it really isn’t,” Grim says, standing up and walking in front of her. “Apparently you don’t listen too well. We said that when you left, you weren’t to come back here. Didn’t we?”

  “Yes, you did. But, Glen was telling me what was going on with Caydence and Irish. I’m here to take my daughter home.”

  “She’s not your daughter. And what does Glen have to do with this?”

  “He’s been feeding me information since the day he walked through your doors. I knew I’d always come back for my daughter. Too bad you guys didn’t think I would.”

  “And too bad you didn’t think we were serious about puttin’ you to ground. Looks like we weren’t the only ones bein’ fooled.”

  Before I can say anything else, I see Summer walk out of the hallway. She’s dressed different than I’ve ever seen her, and I have no clue why she would be here right now. I look to Grim and he motions me to move closer to him. Once we’re out of Vicky’s hearing, he tells me what’s going on.

  “Summer doesn’t want to be a club girl anymore. She still wants to stay with us and help the old ladies out. So, she came to us with a solution for her dilemma right now.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s her solution?” I ask, intrigued.

  “Since we don’t hurt women, she’s goin’ to take care of Vicky for us. She said it’s not goin’ to bother her to take a life because it won’t be the first one she’s taken. The rest of us said the decision is hers if she wants to do this.”

  Summer walks over to us and lays her hand on my arm. “Let me do this Irish. I’ve already talked to Dozer too and he’s fine with it. I want the club to be able to keep its integrity intact and not hurt her. No one has to know it was me except for the men in this room right now.”

  I look around the room at my brothers. They’re all waiting for me to make my decision. My only question is are we really keeping our integrity intact if we allow Summer to kill Vicky? Apparently, I’m the only one in the club that might be having a problem with letting this happen. So, I’ll let her do this and hope it doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.

  “Alright. I still have my reservations about lettin’ this happen. But, if you want this Summer, I’ll not stand in your way.”

  Summer smiles at me before walking closer and closer to Vicky. She’s like a predator stalking her prey right now. I stand back and watch what’s about to unfold. We’ve never allowed this to happen and I don’t think any of us know what to expect.

  Vicky is trying to find a way out and we all know that there isn’t one for her. Suddenly you can see the resignation in her eyes as she realizes that no one here is going to help her. We’re going to let Summer make the call about how to handle her as long as she ends up where she belongs, we’re not going to step in.

  “I just have one question,” Vicky says.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Where’s Glen?”

  “Oh, did I forget to mention that? He was killed. Must be why you quit hearin’ shit about what was goin’ on here.”

  “No!” Vicky screams out. “How could you let my baby brother get killed?”

  “Your brother?” Grim asks. “If you sent him here, you’re the one that got him killed. It’s on you and you can think about that as our girl takes care of you.”

  Summer has obviously had enough of the talking because she suddenly wraps her hands in Vicky’s hair and drags her towards the hallway. I’m guessing that she’s taking her downstairs to one of the rooms we normally use for this shit. So, we all follow her.

  Tank ends up getting in front of the two women so that he can open one of the doors for Summer. She practically throws Vicky in as soon as the door is open, and Vicky goes stumbling inside. Before she can fall, Sum
mer is on her again. This is going to be a fucking fight on Summer’s part. She’s landing hits to Vicky’s entire body. I don’t think there’s an inch she’s not hitting. Vicky is screaming and crying for her to stop, but I don’t know that Summer is going to until she’s good and ready to stop.

  After about ten minutes of Summer landing hit after hit over Vicky’s body, she lets her drop to the floor. Summer looks at all of us and I can see the determination on her face to end this bitch. She’s not going to torture her or take her time, she’s going to end this bitch now.

  “Blade, can I use your knife please?” she asks, sweetly.

  “Absolutely!” he responds, handing over one of his favorite blades.

  “Thanks, hun!”

  How Summer can be so sweet right now is beyond me. I’m so amped up knowing that Vicky is about to get what she deserves that I could care less about being sweet to anyone. Hell, it’s a good thing that Whit and I aren’t really on speaking terms because I wouldn’t want to bring this to her. I don’t ever want her to see this side of me. I know it’s not a realistic thought if we’re going to get past this and be together, but I’m going to try like fucking hell to make sure she only sees what she’s seen already.

  Finally, Summer takes the blade and slices Vicky from one side of her neck to the other. I honestly didn’t think Summer would have it in her to do something like that, but apparently I was wrong. Now we just need to get everything cleaned up and let Summer do what she has to do.

  “No one fucks with a member of the Wild Kings!” Summer shouts out.

  We all take a minute before we surround her and let her know that we’re proud of her. I don’t know that I’ll stick around if something like this ever needs to happen again, but this time I had a vested interest in the outcome. Now, I need to talk to Grim and find out what else is going on.

  As soon as everything is cleaned up, Grim, Pops, Joker, and Bailey take me in Grim’s office. I don’t know why it’s going to take everyone in here to tell me what I’m about to hear. But, I now am positive that it involves Whitney and Sami. My girls are gone. They don’t have to say a word to me, I can feel it.

  “Don’t say it,” I start. “When did they leave?”

  “As soon as Sami got home from school. Tank thought Whitney was tellin’ the truth when she said she’d meet him at the diner,” Pops tells me. “Instead, she took off. Called Bailey from the road to let her know what was goin’ on.”

  “Where are they?” I ask Bailey.

  “Darcy’s. They made it there fine. Crash and Trojan met her more than halfway there and followed them the rest of the way.”

  “Why did they leave?” I ask, stunned and confused.

  “The only part I’m going to tell you is that part of it had to do with Sami wanting to get away from Goose for a little bit. Other than that, you’ll have to talk to Whitney.”

  “But you know the reason?”

  “I do. I’m also the only one in this room that does know.”

  “Grim, I’m gone. I need to go see her.”

  “You think that’s wise? She obviously left for a reason.”

  “Yeah. It has to do with me and I need to make it right to bring her back here.”

  “She’s comin’ back,” Joker pipes in. “Said she just needed a few days. Crash and Trojan are goin’ to be glued to them. So, let her be for a few days and then make a decision.”

  I look at the people standing in this room with me. These people are her family and they’re telling me to let her have a few days. All I truly want to do is bring her back here, but maybe I should listen to them and respect the space she needs.

  “She’s got until Sunday. That’s two and a half days. If she’s not back here by the afternoon, I’m goin’ for her. You can tell her that when you talk to her. And tell her to call me please.”

  Leaving the office, I go in search of my daughter. She’s going to be the calm I need right now. Cassidy will be the only reason I don’t hop on my bike and make my way to Dander Falls and drag the other two important women in my life back here. I’m dead serious about her being back here by Sunday afternoon though. And I will be at the house when they get there. We need to talk, and we will be.

  It’s finally Sunday and I set my alarm to get up early. Cassidy is fed, bathed, and ready for the day. Bailey is watching her while I take a quick shower to get ready to head over to Whitney and Sami’s house. Just as I’m checking to make sure I have everything for Cassidy, there’s a knock at my door.

  “It’s me Irish,” Pops says through the closed door.

  “Hey! I’m just gettin’ ready to head over to Whitney’s,” I say, opening the door for him to come in.

  “I know. This will be quick. Those girls are my blood. I know that you and Goose are both feelin’ somethin’ for my nieces. I’m here to tell you that I know somethin’ happened between you and Whitney. And it got fucked up. You’re either gonna fix it, or you’re gonna walk away. From all of them.”

  “I’m not walkin’ away. Look, Whit and I spent one night together, and it was amazin’. I got scared shitless because I never felt the way I did that night with Caydence. As far as I knew, Caydence was the love of my life. Then, Whit enters my life and I’m so confused and I don’t know what to do. One time is all it took for me to realize that she’s it for me. Whit is who I’m supposed to be with.”

  “Okay. So, what happened to make you guys stop talkin’? I’ve noticed it and so hasn’t everyone else.”

  “I said that it shouldn’t have happened that fast. By the time she finally came out of her room, she said that we should just forget it happened and to move on. I don’t know what the fuck I did, Pops.”

  “You’re not the only one who’s all twisted up over this. Neither one of you were expectin’ to meet someone right now. Then you say that after sharin’ somethin’ she’s never willingly given anyone and say that it shouldn’t have happened that fast. Irish, you made that girl think you meant it was a mistake. What the fuck were you thinkin’?”

  “I wasn’t. Between the intense feelin’ and realizin’ that we didn’t use protection, I wasn’t thinkin’.”

  “Well, like I said, you fix it or walk the fuck away. I’m only sayin’ it once. I’m not goin’ to lose my family because you can’t get your shit straight. And, if I find you hurt my girls, I’ll beat you until no one recognizes you. Whitney is so special, and she has no clue about anythin’ regardin’ her own abilities or wonderful ways. You need to build that up in her. You got me?”

  “I do. I’m not gonna hurt her. I want to be in her life. In Sami’s life too. When they get back, I’m gonna make it right.”

  “Well, you better know that if she tells you anythin’ else, you sit with her and process that shit. You don’t take off or let your mouth say shit you don’t mean. You got that?”

  “What are you talkin’ about?”

  “I think somethin’ else spooked her and made her run the way she did. I’m not sayin’ anythin’ for sure because I don’t know. All I know is you better figure out what you want and make sure that she listens to you.”

  I let that sink in as Pops walks away. I’m sure he’s on his way to go find Goose and give him the same speech I just got. But, now my mind is filling with all the possibilities that would make Whit run the way she did. Is it possible that our one night resulted in her being pregnant? Or did something else happen that we don’t know about? Something having to do with her husband. There’s only one way to find out.

  Walking into the kitchen, I see Bailey and Cassidy playing. Grim wanted to spend some time with their kids, so it’s just those two. I stand back and watch for a few minutes and look at how big and smart my daughter is. She’s still my little girl but she’s already getting so big and independent. I remember when she was just a little thing I was afraid to hold because I didn’t want to break her. Now, she’s so bouncy and full of life that I don’t have that concern. Especially with Whitney and Sami around.

; Bailey sees me standing there and brings Cassidy over to me. She looks at me for a minute and I know I’m about to get another lecture. Only this time, Bailey knows something that no one else does. So, I’m sure this one will be a little different.

  “I saw Pops go in your room. So, I’m going to be nice about this. Do not scare my cousin away. I want to keep getting to know them and have them in my life. Promise me that no matter what Whitney tells you, you’ll listen to her before you make any decisions about what you want. Can you do that?”

  “Can you give me a hint as to what this has to do with?”

  “No. I’m not betraying her trust. She’s fragile right now and I’m not going to be the one to push her away. Just do what I said and work things out. As long as this isn’t some sort of rebound for you.”

  “It’s not. Like I just told Pops, I’ve never felt the way I do when I’m with Whit. The one time we were together was special and intense. It scared me because I didn’t feel anythin’ like that with Caydence. You know I loved her and this was so much more than that ever was.”

  “I get it. But, you are only the second person that Whitney has ever been with. In her entire life. She’s not trying to pull a fast one or do anything to cause anyone harm. Remember that. And I think you need to tell her about Caydence. She asked us once and we told her to ask you. We all know she won’t though. Tread lightly and make sure she knows how you really feel.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Cassidy and I make our way to Whitney and Sami’s house. I know they’re not there yet because Goose would have sent me a message to let me know. So, I’m going to sit on the porch with my daughter and wait for them. I’ll be able to keep her entertained with the toys I brought for her and letting her play in the grass.

  We only wait for about an hour before I hear bikes and see her car. I’m guessing that Crash and Trojan are escorting her here. I know that none of our guys made the trip that way to get her, so it has to be them.


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