Irish's Destiny

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Irish's Destiny Page 17

by Erin Osborne


  I understand why Goose wants me to get out and experience different things, but I don’t know why that has to include dating. Like I told him, no one is ever going to measure up to the man he is. These little boys want one thing and only one thing. They think that because a biker follows me around school for protection, that I’m fucking them. There’s only been two or three that have followed me around and apparently that means I’m fucking the whole club. Other than the few people that I talk to on a regular basis, the kids are so mean.

  When they think that my ‘biker boyfriends’ aren’t paying attention, I get called all sorts of things. Slut and whore are the main two but there’s a ton more. Thankfully Goose hasn’t heard any of this otherwise I’m sure he wouldn’t be following me around school anymore. I like when he’s the one that’s following me around. He makes me feel safe and like no one can touch me. If he’s not here anymore, then I don’t think I’ll want to come to school and deal with all this shit.

  And it’s only because of Goose that I’ve accepted dates and tried to mingle more with the kids I go to school with. If it wasn’t for him wanting to be sure that I’m not going to regret being with him then I wouldn’t have done this. Now, I’m done. I refuse to put myself through this any longer. I know what I want and I’m going to wait to turn eighteen.

  “Mom!” I call out, walking in the door a few days after the football game.

  “In my room honey.”

  I walk into her room and see her sitting on the bed surrounded by paperwork. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I guess I’m about to look and see what mom’s doing now. Walking over, I see that there’s a ton of housing brochures. Looking at my mom, I see that she seems overwhelmed.

  “What’s all this?” I ask, picking one up.

  “Irish decided we needed to start looking at houses. I already told him we’re not moving in with him.”

  “Why not?” I ask, confused. “You know it’s going to happen eventually anyway. Why are you going to make him wait and keep paying rent when we can get a house with him?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t want to jump into anything with him and have it not work out. This can’t be about the baby. It has to be because we want to be together.”

  “And you think you both don’t want to be together? I know he wants to be with you mom. He’s talked to me.”

  “Still, I don’t know. This all seems too much. Like he’s trying too hard to give me what I want. He’s not taking everyone’s needs into consideration here.”

  “Tell him that then. And figure it out together.”

  Mom kind of nods her head to me. So, I sit down and look at one of the brochures. There’s a picture of bedroom in there and I instantly fall in love with it. This room is completely me in every way. It’s huge with a raised area the bed sits on. The window has a bench seat I can sit on and read or think. There’s two closets, not walk-in, on either side of a built-in dresser with a mirror over it. Then, the final touch is the bathroom off the one side of the room. My mom sees me drooling over the room and takes the book from me. Instead of putting it with the rest, I see her set it to the side. Maybe she hasn’t looked at that one.

  I sit with my mom for a little bit and tell her about what I’ve been telling Goose. She knows where my heart lies already, so it’s not a big surprise to her. I’m waiting for her to start preaching to me about our ages and things, but she doesn’t. She simply tells me that the heart knows what it wants and that she doesn’t want to see me hurt. By him or anyone else.

  “So, if that’s the case, what are you going to do about Irish?” I ask her.

  “I don’t know. He dumped a lot on me the other day and I don’t know if I’m ready to jump into something with him without taking our time. I was forced to do that before and I’m not going to do it again.”

  “Isn’t it different this time since you’re making the choice to be with Irish. No one sold you or is forcing you to be with him, live with him, or anything else. The situation is completely different. Why don’t you do what you want to do for once mom?”

  My mom sits there and looks at me for a minute before responding. “When did you get so smart?”

  “Watching you and growing up with the strongest mom I know. So, what are you gonna do mom?”

  “I guess we’ll give it a shot and see what happens. But, I don’t know that I want to buy a house. I mean, you and I’ve talked about building a house before, I kind of like that idea.”

  “So, tell Irish that. See what he says before you write it all off with him.”

  “I’ll think about it Sami. You’ll know soon enough. Cassidy and him are coming over to spend the night tonight.”

  “What?” she asks bewildered at my statement.

  “You heard me. We’re going to see how it goes with them staying one night. We’ll take it from there. Not that I really had a choice in the matter.”

  “He’s not trying to steamroll you. Irish knows what he wants and he’s trying to get it.”

  “I know. I’m just concerned we’re rushing. Now, go do your homework or whatever and I’ll let you know when dinner is done.”

  “Um, where’s Cassidy sleeping?”

  “Probably in here with us.”

  “She can sleep in my room. I’d like the company.”

  “We can talk to Irish when they get here.”

  I nod my head and go to my room. Irish is definitely going for what he wants. In all honesty, I admire him for that and wish that I could do the same thing. But, I’ll have to settle for Goose’s friendship and see what happens in the future. It would crush me if we were to lose the connection we have now. He’s my best friend and someone that I want in my life no matter what.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I TOOK MY CONVERSATION with Sami a month ago and weighed my options. She was right when she said that this time is my choice to either be or not be with Irish. No one is forcing me to be with him. So, he stayed the night for the first time that night and it was interesting. With the kids in the house, I didn’t want anything to happen. Especially with Cassidy being in a new place. We stayed up and talked for a while before going to bed. I told him my ideas about the house and he didn’t mind. In fact, he told me that Rage builds their houses and he does it inside the ‘compound’. Now, I’m debating whether or not I want to live that close to other members when I really don’t know any of them.

  Today, we’re all going to a barbeque at the clubhouse. I’m nervous as hell and not ready to jump into the fire so to speak, but I’m going to do it. Besides, it’s not like I don’t know anyone there. It’s going to be fine and I just keep telling myself that. Sami, of course, is excited to go there and mingle with everyone. She wants to see Goose in his environment at the clubhouse. If you ask her, it’s so she knows now whether or not she can handle being around the club girls and him. I don’t think she has a thing to worry about.

  Irish will be here soon to pick us up and I’m not even close to being ready. I asked Bailey the other day what I should wear so I don’t embarrass anyone. She told me to wear whatever makes me comfortable. Well, the problem with that is I’ve never been comfortable around large crowds or had the opportunity to be around them. Now, I have no clue what I’m going to be comfortable in. Plus, I’ve just hit my third month in this pregnancy and a few things are starting to get a little snug.

  If this pregnancy is anything like it was with Sami, I’ll have morning sickness on and off the entire time. Irish is worried about it, but I’m not losing weight and I’ve talked to the doctor about it. So, there’s really nothing to worry about. In certain situations, it’s embarrassing but other than that, there’s nothing I can do about it. I just try to stay away from certain foods and smells to help keep it controlled.

  As soon as I get out of the shower, I see that Irish and Cassidy are already here waiting for us. He wraps his arms around me and gives me a kiss before I can even get dressed. I’m guessing Ca
ssidy is in with Sami, so I wrap my arms around him and pull him in closer. It’s been way too long since I’ve been in his arms and I don’t want to be anywhere else right now.

  Before I know it, things are getting out of control and I can feel Irish growing hard in his jeans. No matter how much I want him right now, Sami and Cassidy are in the house. With reluctance, I slowly pull away from him and back up a step or two. We’re both breathing heavy and looking at one another with need filling our eyes.

  “Mom, Goose is going to take Cassidy and me to the clubhouse. We’re taking your car because he only has his bike here. You can follow when you finish getting ready.” Sami calls from the other side of my door.

  “That’s fine honey. I’ll see you soon. Please be careful and stay close to everyone. No wandering off on your own.”

  “I know mom. Love you!”

  As soon as we hear the front door shut and my car pull away, Irish is back in front of me and pulling me in as close as he can get. My towel finds its way to the floor and I’m standing naked in front of him. Not wanting to be the only one to be naked, I reach out for the hem of his shirt to lift over his head. As I’m doing that, he’s already got his boots off and is working on his pants. I must not be the only one eager to connect again.

  “Gonna be fast,” he says. “Don’t want to be too far behind them.”

  “I know.”

  Irish makes sure I’m wet enough and ready to take him before leading me over to the bed. He falls back on it and pulls me down with him. I don’t waste any time in lining his cock up with my entrance and starting to slide down. I’m going slow because it’s been a while and I know I’m going to need to take my time and adjust to his size again.

  Looking down, I can see how much it’s taking for Irish to hold back and not surge up into me. He’s got his hands wrapped in my blanket as I slide back up, not having taken very much of him in me. I’m working up and down him, taking a little more each time I make my way down his cock. Irish suddenly pulls me down and kisses me like his next breath depends on it. It’s to the point of distraction and I forget what I’m doing and slide all the way down. We both moan out at the feeling as I stop for a second.

  “Can’t wait anymore,” Irish says as he grips my hips.

  Instead of flipping me over or taking the top, Irish moves beneath me and I just hang on for the ride until I can match his rhythm. Before too long, I’m sitting up and my head is hanging back. I can feel my release building and I know it’s only a matter of time before an earth shattering orgasm rips through me. Irish is telling me to give it up to him as he moves one hand to my clit to help me find what I need to let go.

  “Connor!” I yell out, as my release takes hold after a few pinches of my clit.

  Irish’s movements are erratic as he’s holding on to find his own release. He wants to make sure I get mine before he lets himself go. I don’t want to wait though, I want him to lose control and not hold off no matter how hard he’s trying. So, I start twisting my hips as I move up and down on him faster and faster. We never break eye contact and I can see the exact moment he loses his control. Feeling him swell even bigger inside me, I lose control once again and we’re both moving erratically trying to find what seems to be just out of our reach. With a few final thrusts up, I feel Irish let go and it triggers another orgasm from me. We both call out one another’s name before I collapse on top of him.

  As we’re trying to come down, Irish starts rubbing his hands up and down my back. I can’t even begin to move to be able to return the favor to him. But, before I can dwell on the fact too long, I feel like I’m going to be sick. Jumping up from him, I make my way into the bathroom just in time. Irish is immediately behind me holding my hair back and letting me know he’s there no matter what I need.

  “I’m good,” I finally tell him.

  Getting up, we clean ourselves up before I find something to wear and he gets dressed again. I can feel his eyes on me the entire time and I know he doesn’t like it when I get sick. It’s something he’s going to have to get used to though if he plans on being around me. I’ll probably get sick again today and I don’t want to hide it from him. But, I’m not going to have him look at me like I’m fragile or something else is wrong with me either. It’s part of being pregnant.

  “Irish, I can feel you watching me from over there. I’m fine.”

  “I know you are. I just hate seein’ you go through this.”

  “There’s nothing we can do about it. I really haven’t eaten yet today and that’s probably why I got sick after doing that.”

  “Why haven’t you eaten?” he asks, and I immediately know I’ve said the wrong thing to him.

  “Look, I’ve munched on some stuff. I just haven’t been all that hungry. I’ll eat a lot at the cookout.”

  “Okay. But, you can’t be skippin’ meals because of that.”

  “I’m not. Like I said, I’ve been munching on and off since I got up. Nothing tasted good though as soon as I started eating it.”

  Irish doesn’t respond so I know he’s going to give me this for now. I’m not sure what else I can tell him but it’s not like I’m starving or anything. If you ask me, I’ve eaten a ton of food, but it’s been a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Trust me, Sami is almost as bad as Irish is when it comes to doing what I have to do for the baby. On one hand it’s cute, but on the other, it’s annoying as hell.

  We’ve finally made it to the clubhouse after it took me forever to finally settle on wearing a sundress, and walk out back to a bunch of hoots and hollers. I can feel my face turning multiple shades of red and I bury myself into Irish. He wraps his arm around me and I can feel his silent laughter. Peering up, I give him a look to let him know I don’t find this funny, but it just makes him laugh out loud. I go to turn away and his hold tightens slightly on me.

  “Don’t leave. I’m sorry. It’s just the guys bein’ guys. They don’t mean nothin’ by it. I promise,” he tells me.

  “I know they don’t, but you could’ve tried to contain your laughter. I could feel you shaking Irish,” I tell him, trying to sound upset when we both know I’m not really.

  “Babe, I’m sorry. Let’s go introduce you to some people and then you can hang out with the girls. Sound good?”


  Irish leads me around the backyard of the clubhouse and introduces me to people. Some of them are in his club and others belong to other clubs. From what he’s told me, there’s another chapter of his club here and a club they’re friends with here today. I learned that the club they’re friends with is led by Maddie’s dad, so they try to get together on a regular basis. It kind of makes me wish I had that type of relationship with my parents but they were always too selfish to worry about me. Selling me at the age of fourteen should tell anyone that.

  There’s so many people here that I don’t know, and my mind is spinning with everyone’s name. I’m never going to remember everyone. Skylar’s walking towards me and I make my excuses to go talk to her. My mind needs a break from the overload it’s getting right now.

  “I can see from the look on your face that you’re getting overwhelmed,” she says, wrapping her arm through mine.

  “Yeah. Is it always like this?”

  “Not usually. But, it’s been awhile since the three clubs got together. And, Irish kind of wanted to show you off.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because he’s in love with you, even if he hasn’t said it, and wants everyone to know you’re off limits. This is the best way to do that.”

  I take that information in and let it sit. I’m glad that he’s making sure no one else thinks they can talk to me. I don’t think that would sit well with me. Not after everything with Carl. Irish is different because of whatever connection we seem to have. There’s no way I can explain it and I don’t think anyone here would expect me to.

  “Trust me, the first time I met anyone, I had the same look on my face. And it wasn’t all three c
lubs at once. It was just a few guys from this club. I was still overwhelmed and confused. You’re thinking that there’s no way to remember their names huh?”

  “Yeah. I’ve met so many people today and I know it’s going to be hard.”

  “You’ll learn them soon enough. Now, I know there’s one person here you need to talk to. Rage is the one building the houses. If you guys end up building, he’s the one you need to meet. Want to go see him?”

  “I guess. I’m just nervous about living with everyone here. I mean, I know it’s safer here than anywhere else, but I want some privacy too.”

  “You’ll get privacy hun. We don’t always have to be up one another’s ass.”

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes. Skylar always seems to have a way of making me feel at ease when I need it. Usually I know Irish will bring me the calm I need, but right now, it’s not him that I needed. He needs to hang out with his brothers and focus on having a good time. I think I need to spend some time with the girls.

  “Hey Rage!” Skylar calls out as we round the front of the clubhouse.

  “What’s up Sky?” a guy asks, turning around.

  “This is Whitney, Irish’s woman. She might want to talk to you about building a house for them.”

  “Okay. Not a problem. The only thing I need to know is where you want to build it and if you have any specific ideas about what you want. Once you approve the plans, we’ll get started building it.”

  “I’ll talk to Irish and see what he says then. I know there’s only really one thing I want. My daughter was drooling over a picture of this room and I’d like her to have it. I just need to figure out if I want to live here with everyone else.”

  “No rush. Just get with me when you know for sure and we’ll get started.”

  Before a word is said, I can feel Irish coming up behind me. He wraps his arms around me and has a huge smile on his face. It’s like he thinks that my talking to Rage is saying that I’m going to build a house here with him. Really there’s nothing stopping us from doing it other than my insecurities. Maybe I should just jump the gun and do it. There’s really nothing that says we have to stay here if I don’t like it here. And there’s nothing saying that I won’t like it here.


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