Book Read Free

A Different Reflection

Page 11

by Jane L Gibson

  “What’s this?” I asked as I gestured to the muffin.

  “Well, you went out with John’s work colleagues, didn’t you, on Saturday? I thought that you may be in need of a pick-me-up and sugar kick after being drained and having all the fun taken out of you for a whole night!” Claire laughed as she mimicked passing out. I laughed.

  “Alright, you know me far too well!”

  “How was the meeting on Friday?” she then asked.

  “Mrs Holt is an amazing lady –” I started, until she put her hand up to interrupt me.

  “Not that meeting, silly. I know that story is in the bag. I meant the meeting afterwards – the one that you had with George?” She raised her eyebrows as she crossed her legs whilst perched on the end of my desk.

  “Oh yes, I forgot that I told you I was going there! It was truly lovely; he made us a bite to eat and we chatted, laughed and had a glass of wine. In fact, we spoke about you!” I hesitantly said.

  “Me? Why on earth would I enter the conversation?” she remarked curiously.

  “George noted that I didn’t seem to go out with any female friends very often, so he asked about my girlfriends. In fact, he has invited both of us over for dinner this week!” I replied quickly as I took a sip from my coffee mug.

  “No way! Seriously? This is great, so I get to meet George too? Hell yeah, I’m up for that. When are we going?” she confidently asked. I was shocked that she had taken the suggestion so well. I mean, not every girl would probably think George was the most interesting person… although I knew differently, of course.

  “How about Wednesday?” I suggested.

  “Let me check my busy diary!” she sarcastically remarked as she mimed flipping through a book. “Yep, Wednesday is good for me, shall we go straight from here?”

  “We can, but I will have to tell John that we have a business dinner. I don’t think he will be too happy if he knows that I keep calling to see George, but I like his company. We can catch a cab there and back if you’re happy with that?” I replied.

  “Brilliant, wow this is so going to make my week interesting!” She clapped her hands together in delight, like it was the best offer she had received in a long time. I only hoped that James liked her and that we could help her to see him.

  I telephoned George and made the arrangements, and he seemed more than happy that I had made plans so soon. I told him of things I knew that Claire did not like in terms of food and left the rest to him. I was excited to think about the prospect of James finding true love; it was something that I was going to love being a part of, even if I was watching from the side lines. I sighed; who was I kidding? I was in the middle of the biggest story of my life, unbelievable or not, and I was trying to matchmake everything I had ever dreamed about for someone else! I took a deep breath and placed the phone on the hook and went to Claire and announced that it was all in place. She was very excited, but all I could think was, if you only knew… I lied to John about where I was going, but Claire made sure that she rang and confirmed our fake business dinner in his presence, so that stopped any suspicions. By the time five thirty on Wednesday arrived, I had not butterflies but an accumulating tornado in my stomach. This was going to be interesting!

  We arrived in the cab and as I paid I glanced at Claire, who was wearing on her face the same expression that I must have had when I first saw Northfield. “Bloody hell Kat, there’s no wonder you like it here!” She scrambled out of the cab and looked up at the intricate facade. I noticed George and went toward him with a warm smile.

  “George!” I happily announced as we greeted each other like old friends, with a kiss on each cheek.

  “Katharina, how lovely to see you again!” he happily stated.

  “Please let me introduce to you my good friend Claire!” I gestured toward her as she scurried over to us.

  “George, it’s a pleasure! I have heard so much about you!” she remarked.

  “Really!” he raised his eyebrows at me. “All good, I hope?” He then smiled. “Claire, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he then finished as he kissed the back of her hand. She giggled like a schoolgirl at the gesture.

  “Thank you. This is amazing, and Kat just loves you, so, yes, all she has said about you is good!” she replied in a slightly higher than normal pitch.

  I laughed and shook my head. George gestured for us to go inside and then checked that our trip was not too long and frustrating. As we entered the main hallway, I touched Claire’s arm as I knew the house would overwhelm her, as it had done with me. She spun around in disbelief at the splendour of the building. Whilst she was keenly observing the ornate ceiling, I looked across at the large mirror, saw James, who was very well-dressed, smiled at him and simply nodded to acknowledge his presence. He smiled in return, placed his hands behind his back and bowed to me, then calmly said, “Good evening, Katharina!” I smiled at this, then looked to Claire, who had quite obviously not heard anything. I did not dismiss it straight away; she was far too engrossed on opening her sensory perception to the whole atmosphere.

  “Wow – really wow!” she then said. “I love it – I’ve never had the chance to see anything quite like it, but I love it!” She smiled as her mouth stayed slightly open in wonderment.

  “Shall we?” George then asked as he gestured for me to walk to the dining room.

  “George, are we eating in the main dining room? I would have thought that your apartment would have been adequate!” I happily noted.

  “Only the best for two beautiful ladies; how often do I get the chance to cook and have your company here? It could only be the dining room, Katharina. Besides, it does not get enough use these days!” he replied. I smiled and took Claire by the arm as we walked across the hall and into the beautiful room that I had spent an evening in with George before he dropped the bombshell on me!

  I was hoping that James would be able to converse with one of the friends that I had selected. So far, though, it was not looking good with Claire. Give it time, I said to myself in my head; after all, we had only been here for five minutes. I noted that he had followed us to the dining room and looked at Claire for a lengthy time from behind the large mirror to the left of the fireplace. George served dinner, which again was delicious. He asked Claire lots of questions, some of which involved me! We laughed and Claire talked – a lot – which she always did, as she was very exuberant. James commented many times on remarks that Claire made, which had both George and I smiling and occasionally laughing, but all the while it was obvious that Claire could not hear anything. As the evening progressed, George offered to give Claire a tour of the house, which she was more than happy to do. As they walked slightly ahead, James paced alongside me.

  “She seems very nice!” he remarked, a little apprehensively.

  “But…?” I queried, knowing that he had some reservations.

  “She has very strange views on things, and it has to be said that she is very easily stimulated, like an over-excited schoolgirl!” he said honestly. I stopped for a minute, glanced in the mirror at him, thought about what he said and then laughed lightly.

  “I can’t argue with that comment, unfortunately!” I quietly whispered. He then laughed.

  “She is really lovely, but I just do not see myself with her in any way!” he remarked. George heard his comment and turned to look at the two of us whilst Claire happily chirped on. I got the feeling that he was not happy that James had already given up on her. I shrugged my shoulders at George and then quickly looked at James.

  “There is always the fact that she cannot see you; it’s probably best if you are not too enamoured with her!” I looked at him, but he still looked slightly disappointed. “Chin up, we’re not giving up yet – we will break this spell!” I smiled confidently.

  “Thank you, your support is very reassuring!” he then replied.

  “So Claire, what do you think?” I asked her as we entered into the long hall with all the portraits.

is absolutely amazing; I can completely understand why you like to come here, Kat,” she replied as she came upon the portrait of James, which quite rightly could stop anyone in their tracks. “Oh my God – who is that?” she asked with interest.

  “That would be James Henry Aldersley – one of the owners of the house from many a year back!” George then informed her.

  “Well he has definitely made my heart skip a beat. What a dish – I wish I had known him!” She seemed more than excited by his portrait.

  “Be careful what you wish for, Claire!” I remarked as I looked across at James, who raised his hand in embarrassment and covered his face. He wasn’t interested in Claire that much, I could tell, and so the fact that she liked his portrait amused me no end.

  We returned to the dining room and helped George tidy away the plates back to his apartment, where he then made coffee. We sat and chatted and laughed, and then at nine thirty I suggested that we call a cab to return back to the city centre and home. After a while George walked Claire to the entrance hall to get her coat, I went to the bathroom before the trip back and when I exited the door James was stood waiting.

  “James, gosh you startled me then. Are you alright?” I asked him.

  “I’m sorry Katharina, I did not mean to startle you. I just wanted to say thank you again. Can I presume that you will arrange the next person soon? I feel like I am being very forward asking, but after seeing you more regularly and accepting your help I feel more confident in achieving a result than I have in many, many years!” he sincerely said. I walked toward him and placed my hand on the mirror;

  “I will liaise with George in the coming days, and you are very welcome. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to help you. I have a good feeling about this coming to a good conclusion, so keep trying to remain positive!” I smiled. “Besides, what girl in their right mind would not want to spend time here?” I then raised my eyebrows, which produced a small smile from him in return, just as George appeared.

  “Are you alright? Your cab is here!” George asked as he looked at where my hand was placed.

  “I am fine George thank you. I will be in touch before the weekend!” I replied as I walked toward George. “Thank you for a lovely evening!” I kissed him on the cheek.

  “You are more than welcome; your company is enjoyed and received more warmly than you can know!” he kindly replied.

  “Well you two make sure you get some sleep! I will speak with you soon,” I replied as we started to walk away, I turned to James and George. “Good night!” I smiled to him. He did his usual bow at my leaving and replied simply:

  “Good night Katharina, our new and well-respected friend!”

  Claire babbled all the way home, about Northfield, George and of course George’s cooking. I answered her at relevant points, but was more than side tracked at James’ last words before I left. As much as I wanted to help him, I did feel a little selfish that I also wanted to keep him to myself – but what good would that do him or George? When we arrived back in the city, where Claire jumped out to meet friends, I took the cab home. I was tired, and luckily John wasn’t back yet, which was a godsend; it meant that I had no explaining to do. I took a quick shower and went to bed, and had the strangest dream again in which I was trapped behind a mirror. This awoke me at 3.30am, so I went to get a glass of water.

  I was more than addicted to this spell, this fairy tale that was happening around me right now, and I decided to text Rachel – my twenty-six-year-old friend with whom I used to work, and occasionally still met for lunch. She was less exuberant than Claire, and more realistic, but she was also very quiet and not the best at chatting. However, she was very pretty and single and had a great career and that alone was a start. I simply asked her if she fancied dinner with a friend and me in very beautiful surroundings: no matchmaking, just dinner and a chance to catch up. I suggested Tuesday or Thursday next week, as I didn’t want John to become suspicious if I was staying on late at work the same day every week. I placed my phone back on charge and returned to my bed. John was fast asleep and for a moment I stood and looked at him. I felt slightly disappointed that I could not tell him about James and George, and dismayed that as I watched him sleep I could think of nothing else but James entirely. I slipped back under the sheets and hoped that I would sleep until the alarm, which happily I did.

  When Thursday arrived, I was happy to concentrate on my alternative story, which was very touching and coming along really well. I had arranged to go with the photographer on Friday and Mrs Holt was proving the easiest person to interview that I had ever had the privilege of meeting. As I sat and discussed the previous evening with Claire over lunch, my phone beeped; it was Rachel, ‘Sounds interesting, you know me I always seem to have an evening to spare! Tuesday is good, so let me know where to meet and times, look forward to catching up! X’. I smiled and then quickly closed my phone as I didn’t want Claire to be suspicious either!

  I returned to my desk and continued drafting my story, trying to decide what photographs I wanted to include. Soldiers seemed like a good one, if they were willing for them to be taken. I re-checked with the photographer that he had the address and the day and time scheduled, and then whilst Claire was talking with one of the other journalists, I quickly called George to let him know my plans.

  “George, it’s Katharina. How are you both today?” I asked.

  “Hello, Katharina. We are just fine thank you; we were just saying how nice it was last night; although unsuccessful, it was certainly interesting,” he replied.

  “Yes it was lovely, I am sorry though that there was nothing more to it than dinner!” I unhappily remarked.

  “Well, not to worry – you have more friends in mind?”

  “Yes indeed, that is why I am calling you. My friend Rachel has agreed to Tuesday night, if that suits?” I happily answered.

  “Brilliant, gosh you are working quickly!” George confirmed with surprise.

  “I thought, if it was alright with both of you that I would call again tomorrow evening on my way from the second visit to my other story?” I asked hopefully; I was fast becoming addicted to seeing them.

  “That, my dear, is a wonderful idea. Can I make a small bite to eat again?” George asked me.

  “Depends what you class as small, George! Honestly just a plain sandwich is fine, thank you,” I replied, whilst actually salivating at the thought of George’s cooking.

  “Don’t be so silly, young lady. After a full day at work, you need a hot meal. I am going to make us a cottage pie!” His voice seemed to almost skip with delight.

  “I seriously cannot wait, George! I will see you at around five thirty or six – is that alright for you two?”

  “Perfect. We would much rather eat in your company than on our own. We look forward to seeing you then,” he replied as I then bid him goodbye.

  I replaced the handset back on the receiver and sat back in my chair. I loved the whole new friendship and current situation that I was in.

  John had asked me to join him for drinks this evening, as he had finally closed a deal he had been working on, and all of the work colleagues involved were meeting to celebrate their hard work. I really wasn’t too bothered, but thought I should make the effort at least. When it got to 5.30pm, I decided to go and touch up my make-up before I left – I didn’t want to look hard worked. I brushed through my hair, pinned it up and then reapplied lipstick, thinking that was enough. As I returned to my desk, Claire appeared.

  “Ooh, hot date?” she asked.

  “Drinks with John and work colleagues. I’m not really in the mood for deal-clinching conversations!” I replied, slightly deflated.

  “Well the work bit, boring, but the drinks, yeah! Have a couple of cocktails, then you won’t care!” she happily replied.

  “I think I would rather spend an evening with George than half of John’s work force!” I confirmed with feeling.

  “Well, I can completely understand that; he is really swe
et. He’s a bit like a father figure, isn’t he?” she stated. I thought for a moment.

  “Yes, that is kind of what he is like. Maybe that is why I get on with him so well; it isn’t like I knew my father. Perhaps I am replacing him in some small way?” I replied as I packed my bag, ready to leave.

  “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that! At least your real dad left you some money to have a future! Then you’ve met George, who could be like another father, and he has an amazing house! Spoilt, that’s what I say!” she remarked as she winked at me and laughed.

  “Well, George has talked to me more than my real father ever did and I haven’t known him that long. As for the money my father left me… I don’t really want to touch it, it is like guilt money!” I snarled.

  “Hey, you never know when that rainy day is going to arrive and you may need it!” she then said, matter-of-factly.

  “Yes, maybe you’re right,” I acquiesced. “Anyway, I need to get off – I promised I would be there for six and I have to get across town.”

  “Yes, go have fun!” she said as she gestured with her hands at me to leave. “I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Indeed, big day – photographer and me at Mrs Holt’s tomorrow.”

  “Yep, so a couple of drinks tonight will help calm you for tomorrow! Off you go,” she quipped as she turned and went to her desk to collect her things.

  I left and got in the elevator. As the doors closed, I checked my hair in the shiny reflective walls. I sighed and hoped that it wouldn’t be a really long night. I told myself to snap out of the doom and gloom; John was my fiancé and the fact that he had succeeded in an important deal was something to be celebrated. I walked out of the revolving door and hailed a cab – I suddenly felt like I needed that drink!

  Chapter Eleven

  I entered the bar, which was far noisier and busier than I had expected it to be for a Thursday night. I looked around briefly and spied Charles in the distance, so I knew that John would not be far away. As I struggled through the crowds of people, I looked across to see John, but my heart jumped into my throat and my stomach knotted. She was at the side of him; Nadine, the long-legged work colleague that I had noticed was spending far too much time with John. It made my blood boil even more when, as I neared them, he placed his hand at the small of her back and rested it there happily. I stood and gazed at them for a moment and then heard Charles.


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