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A Different Reflection

Page 13

by Jane L Gibson

  “I never thought… maybe I should go find him?” I replied as I stood.

  I wandered into the main house kitchen and as I walked to the main hallway I could see him pacing and rubbing his head through one of the mirrors.

  “James, are you alright?” I quietly asked. He quickly turned.

  “Yes… well, actually, no – it sickens me to think that someone is hurting you. You are the only other friend I have had in a long, long time. It makes me slightly angry that my ways of the past still continue today in others!” he remarked. I suddenly felt very selfish that I hadn’t thought about his feelings – and, let’s face it, John had told me that nothing had happened. I walked across and placed my hand on the mirror.

  “I’m sorry; I did not realise that comment would upset you, I just find it so easy to talk to you both – sometimes my mouth opens and I speak before my brain kicks into gear!” I apologised. He smiled and walked toward me, which made my stomach knot strangely.

  “You have no need to apologise to me, Katharina, but please promise me something?” he asked.


  “If he ever upsets you again and you need some space, will you come here? We will take care of you!” he remarked. I swallowed, then smiled and nodded.

  “Yes, I will come here!” I replied. “Now, will you join George and me for coffee?” I asked him hopefully.

  “Of course, it would be my pleasure,” he replied, and we turned and walked back to George’s apartment.

  I felt strangely sad to be leaving at nearly nine o’clock, but I wanted to head home and try and see John. I happily reminded them that I would be back on Tuesday and that I looked forward to that. As I drove home, I found myself thinking about James quite a lot, and how I wished it would be easier to free him from his torment than it was proving. I pulled up in the underground garage and went up to the apartment. I walked in to find John already home; he was unusually attentive, so I jumped in the shower and snuggled down on the sofa with him in my pyjamas. Maybe I had been too harsh on him and the whole George and James thing was playing on my mind. Whatever my frustrations were at the moment, if I wanted things to work with John, I had to commit more time and effort that was for sure.

  Chapter Twelve

  As we entered the hotel lobby where John’s dinner was being held, I sucked in a large breath of air. I had to compose myself, as tonight meant facing Nadine, but I had promised to be on my best behaviour so I was definitely going to try. John held my hand as we caught the lift to the Woodcote Suite and as the lift doors opened there was a buzz amongst the accumulating people. John walked through with me following; he didn’t let go of me, but shook hands with numerous people along the way until we came upon Charles and Helen.

  “Hey, you made it!” Charles shouted as we neared them. Helen smiled at me.

  “Did we miss anything?” John asked him.

  “No, nothing!” Charles then stated with disappointment as he leaned across and kissed me on the cheek.

  I couldn’t help myself but I constantly kept looking around for her and hoping that she was not on our table. Helen was talking to me, but I was not listening to a word that she was saying. By the time we sat down to eat, she appeared, wearing a tight long black dress and killer heels, with her hair pinned up and make up done to perfection. She quickly said good evening to everyone and took a chair opposite me. Great! An evening having to face her was not my idea of fun. I smiled reluctantly and then the starters arrived, thank goodness.

  The meal progressed from one excellent dish to another and before I knew it the dessert had arrived. I felt absolutely stuffed by the end of it, and before the coffee arrived I went to the bathroom. I returned to the table but John had disappeared, as had Nadine; I quickly looked around the room, but could not see her anywhere. Approximately ten minutes passed and then John reappeared at my side.

  “Where did you get to?” I asked.

  “Went to the gents and got talking to an old work colleague!” he quickly responded, then he turned to Nick at the side of him and started talking about the next big deal.

  About five minutes later, Nadine sat back down. As we sipped coffee, I couldn’t help but notice her smiling and staring at John, who glanced over at her a couple of times too. He then excused himself and went to talk to someone on the table across from us. I had that horrible sinking feeling again, and so as I was sat next to Helen, I decided to do a little bit of digging.

  “So, the boys seem to be enjoying their drinks again tonight!” I commented.

  “God, I know. You think that they would get sick of it, wouldn’t you?” she remarked.

  “John was in a state on Thursday night. He snored all night and stunk of alcohol!”

  “Yes, Charles was no better; he fell in the door at eleven thirty and almost broke the console table in the hallway! He woke me and scared me to death,” she then said. Instantly I knew that something wasn’t right. John hadn’t returned home until the early hours and he never stayed out when Charles had left; they always went at the same time.

  “I’m not surprised, as they hadn’t eaten. They should have gone for something to eat on the way home!” I then announced, knowing that John had told me that they had gone to Barney’s for pizza, and I presumed that meant all of them.

  “Indeed. I told Charles they were stupid for not eating!” she then said just as Charles leant over to listen to what we were talking about.

  “What’s that?” Charles asked.

  “I was just saying to Kat that you boys never learn and should have definitely eaten on Thursday night – it may have helped soak up the alcohol,” she pointed out.

  I looked at Charles and his face dropped. It was all the confirmation that I needed that something more was going on with John and Nadine. He knew that I suspected something and so I decided I had nothing to lose.

  “So I take it that John and Nadine had pizza at Barney’s on their own then? If that’s what you want to call it!” I replied sarcastically.

  “Honestly Kat, I don’t know what he was thinking. I know they went to eat, but I’m sure that was all!” he quickly replied.

  “Don’t cover for him!” I replied, shaking my head. “I am leaving – do not tell him that I have gone. Quite honestly I have just lost any reason for staying!” I stood and said goodnight to Helen.

  “I’m so sorry Kat, I have no idea what is going on or what can of worms I have just opened, but I am so sorry!” she unhappily stated.

  “Helen, it’s fine; I already suspected anyway!” I whispered as I rubbed her shoulder in acknowledgement that I wasn’t mad with her.

  I hailed a cab and went back to the apartment, and was relieved that after thirty minutes John had not texted me, which meant that Charles and Helen had kept their word for now. I stood in the middle of the apartment and then let out a small scream. How could he? The lying bastard! I looked around the apartment and suddenly I didn’t want to be here. I marched to the bedroom, packed a bag and collected my work bag and then went straight back outside and hailed another cab. I jumped in and then texted George hopefully.

  ‘I have not had the best night and do not want to be anywhere near John right now – do you mind if I come and stay the night with you?’

  I did not have to wait long before my phone beeped, signalling an answer.

  ‘Absolutely no problem, you are welcome here anytime. Shall I come and pick you up?’ George asked.

  ‘That won’t be necessary, I am already in a cab and on my way – I should be there in approximately twenty minutes… thank you George!’ I replied, feeling relieved that I had somewhere to go to that I loved.

  My phone beeped again and when I looked at the front screen it was John. I pressed the messages and read his text: ‘Where are you? Charles said that you left and gave me a quick synopsis of your conversation. I can explain – I knew that you would be suspicious and so I thought it best to say nothing. We were both hungry and went together, that was all!’ I slammed the p
hone shut and threw it on the seat. If he had been next to me right now, I would have slapped him. I was fast losing any trust that I had for him. I picked my phone back up and replied: ‘I do not want to speak to you tonight John, I am staying somewhere else – I will be in touch tomorrow. The lies just keep stacking up, don’t they?’ I hit send and dropped the phone in my bag. He hadn’t even had the courage to ring me, and that was infuriating enough. The taxi pulled up and as expected George was already walking out of the door in his overcoat. I paid for the cab, grabbed my bags and stepped out in my dinner dress. I hadn’t thought to grab a coat.

  “Katharina, are you alright?” he asked, like a worried father.

  “I will be! Thank you so much for letting me stay tonight. I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would rather be right now!” I replied honestly.

  “You know that you are welcome anytime, Katharina. I am glad that you felt you could call me,” George answered as he carried my bags and ushered me inside.

  I entered the hallway, dropped my handbag on the chair and then put my hands on my hips and sighed.

  “Katharina?” James then asked. “Are you alright?” I do not know whether it was the softness of his voice or the fact that they were just being nice to me, but I broke down in tears. “I’m going to kill him, it’s obviously him!” James said, enraged.

  “I do not think that Katharina needs to hear that right now, James!” George stated as he placed his arm around me and walked me toward the kitchen. “Hot cocoa and then you can tell us everything!” he said.

  By the time we reached his kitchen, I had controlled myself and calmed down. I felt very silly and wished the whole teary episode hadn’t happened, but I just couldn’t help it. I looked at George as he handed me a mug full of steaming cocoa. Then I looked at James, who was pacing again.

  “Gosh, I seem to cause trouble wherever I go!” I replied with a slight laugh.

  “What did he do?” James then asked me again. I looked at him.

  “I am not one hundred percent sure, but he lied to me twice about where he was, and with who, and then tonight at dinner he disappeared for a while at the same time as Nadine and then they sat looking at each other all night… his friend confirmed to me that only the two of them stayed out on Thursday night and I have no idea what they got up to, but after I found lipstick on his collar… I just couldn’t face any more lies today!” I quickly told them.

  “Can I just say something?” George then asked. I nodded in response. “What a complete and utter bloody idiot he is!” He said it so sincerely that I couldn’t help do anything but laugh. Then he laughed and James laughed.

  “I completely agree with you, George,” I laughed, and then I stopped.

  “By the way, you look stunning this evening Katharina,” George then stated. I looked down at my dress.

  “A little over-dressed at this time of night maybe, and with panda eyes too!” I remarked as I looked at the tissue George had passed, which was covered in mascara.

  “Why don’t you go to your room and change into your pyjamas? I will pour us a stiff brandy; it seems that you may need one tonight!” George suggested.

  The suggestion was well accepted and I carefully walked to my room and changed, then returned to George’s apartment. As I neared the kitchen door I heard them again.

  “You need to calm down, James. There is nothing that you can do other than support Katharina.”

  “Trust me, it is a damn good job that I cannot freely walk out of here right now, I think that I would seriously do that man some damage!” James said furiously.

  “You are very protective, I notice?” George then stated. It was quiet for a moment.

  “She is the best thing that has happened to us in a long time. She is giving up her time to help us, I do not think kindly on anyone who would upset her intentionally!” James finished. I smiled at his comment and then decided that I should walk in. As I did, James fell quiet again.

  George had poured three glasses of brandy and I drank mine very quickly.

  “Better?” James asked.

  “I will be!” I remarked as George refilled my tumbler.

  “Well as I am an old man and it is late; I am going to retire to bed. The fire is still burning in the lounge, so why don’t you sit in there whilst you finish your drink? I am sure that James can keep you company. I will talk with you some more tomorrow once you have rested!” George announced. I found myself throwing my arms around George to bid him goodnight, and he hugged me in response. “Try and get some rest. Things may seem better in the morning!” he then said.

  “Good night George, and thank you!” I replied sincerely as he left and went toward his bedroom. James looked at me from the kitchen mirror.

  “Shall we retire to the lounge whilst we finish these?” he asked.

  “Sure, that would be nice!” I replied as I walked toward the warm glow from the fire.

  I slumped into the armchair and took a large sip of brandy, and then looked up at the mirror to find James just staring at me.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Why do you put up with his intolerable behaviour?” he questioned.

  “I wasn’t willing to tonight; that is why I am here. Believe me, casting a spell right now would be a punishment fit for him, but I think I would turn him into a donkey or something!” I laughed nervously.

  “An ass would be more fitting!” James replied. I laughed more.

  “Yes, well I have to agree with you on that one!” I replied as I threw my head back, closed my eyes and sighed. “I think that you are better off with no relationship – look at the trouble they cause these days!” I then said as I opened my eyes to look at him.

  “Trust me, you would not want this; it is hardly bearable and I would much rather fight and argue with someone physically than be in here alone!” he replied solemnly.

  “I’m sorry James, of course you would. I was thinking out loud because I am angry and I spoke before taking your feelings into consideration…again!” I apologised.

  “It’s alright, I can understand your disappointment. I will confirm what George stated, though; that he is an absolute idiot. Why would he risk losing you for someone else? He has a very shallow character if he thinks that he can find someone better than yourself!” he sincerely stated. I blushed and then took a sip of my drink.

  “Well, my judgement of him at the moment is… is… actually, I don’t know what it is. I just know that I really do not like him very much at the moment. I cannot trust him – he has lied to me and we are most definitely drifting apart,” I announced.

  “Well, I am sorry about that. I am sorry that you have been let down by this scoundrel!” he replied honestly, but I heard a tone in his voice that made me look into his eyes, which in this light were like moonlit pools. He looked different; I could not put my finger on it, but I definitely felt like there was some kind of connection between us, which I wasn’t sure I could handle right now.

  “Are you really sorry?” The words came out of my mouth and as he stared at me and I him, my brain tried to tell me that I had actually asked that question and not just thought it in my head. I snapped myself back to reality and threw the last bit of brandy down my throat. “I think that I should get some rest. I feel remarkably drained now!” I informed him.

  “Of course!” he replied. He stood quickly, drank his brandy and then gestured for me to leave the room. “May I see you to your room?” he then asked.

  “You may!” I smiled. This was after all his home, and I had hijacked their evening.

  We spoke all the way there; he asked me how my other story was coming along and asked after Claire. I knew that he was trying to change the subject for my benefit, but I welcomed the kind gesture. Once we arrived at my door, I stopped and turned to the mirror.

  “James, thank you for letting me stay here. I haven’t known you very long, but you welcome me like we are old friends, and right now I could not ask for anything more comforting than that!
” I sincerely informed him. He smiled.

  “We are friends; I feel like I have known you for many years also, and you are very welcome here anytime you feel like visiting us. I am very pleased that you felt that you could call upon us when you needed someone; it certainly makes a change for us to help you when you are so willing to help us!” he replied. I smiled at him, placed my hand briefly on the mirror and simply said:

  “Goodnight James.”

  “Goodnight Katharina!” he replied as I closed the large door behind me.

  If I said that I slept well, that would be a lie. I had strange dreams, woke in tears a couple of times and was angry when I was awake instead of sleeping. I did feel that I had a watchful eye over me on a couple of occasions, which helped me settle a little easier. I was not looking forward to confronting John today and I knew that he would want to see me at some point. I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower, and when I returned to my room in just my towel I heard a small cough – an announcement that someone was there. I turned to the mirror to find James glance briefly at me and then turn around.

  “Good morning. George presumed that you may be up fairly early and so he has made breakfast, if you would care to join us,” he invited.

  “I would love to, just give me ten minutes!” I replied, and James nodded and wandered toward the door in the mirror. “Oh and good morning James!” I then called to him. He stopped briefly and then continued until he was gone.

  Effort was not playing a big part in my appearance today: I wore jeans, t-shirt and a dash of tinted moisturiser. I did not suspect that they would mind me having breakfast with them whilst I had wet hair, so I simply tied it up loosely. As I approached the kitchen, I could hear them talking; they seemed to sound concerned with my wellbeing, which was nice to hear. As I entered, James stood and bade me good morning again, whilst George simply walked up to me and gave me a big hug. I hadn’t realised until then how much I needed one.

  “Good morning Katharina. How did you sleep?” he asked.

  “Not as well as I would have liked!” I laughed lightly. “I am glad that I was here though, so thank you for having me.”


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