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A Different Reflection

Page 18

by Jane L Gibson

  As I walked off the elevator and up to the reception desk where John worked, the girl there instantly recognised me and smiled.

  “Hi, I need to just see John for a second!” I stated.

  “Right, well he has a meeting in five minutes, but if you hurry… I think you know where his office is?” she then asked as she gestured down the hallway.

  “Thank you. Yes I remember my way,” I replied as I made my way down the corridor. I smiled to myself, knowing that John would be pleased that I had taken it in for him. As I approached his door, I straightened my clothes and then walked in. I did not expect to find what I did!

  Nadine was sat on his desk, facing him, one leg stretched out on his chair, her foot placed between his legs and her lace-top stockings showing. They were laughing and John was sat in a very casual and relaxed, if not sexual manner. To say he looked surprised when he noticed me was an understatement. I glared at them both and then looked at his wallet in my hand. Nadine had now turned to me, stood quickly and straightened her clothing and then simply said:

  “Kat, good morning. We weren’t expecting you!”

  “I can see that quite clearly, Nadine!” I replied sarcastically.

  “Hey babe, what are you doing here?” John asked as he stood up.

  I threw his wallet onto the table and looked at him.

  “I thought that you may need this, but quite obviously you would have got by without it!” I replied as I looked at Nadine and then turned and walked out of the office. I scurried back along the corridor and toward the reception desk, where the girl who had kindly pointed the way to John’s office now stood looking very nervously at me as I stomped back toward the elevator.

  I could hear John walking quickly along behind me, and as we walked one colleague even tried to stop him to speak with him about a current client. He kindly but abruptly told him to wait as I pushed the button for the elevator. When the doors pinged open, I stepped in quickly and turned and leaned against the rail, then John stepped in before the door closed.

  “Babe, where are you running to so quickly?” he asked.

  “Really? You really want me to answer that? Jesus John, you seriously have no idea, do you?” I replied as I shook my head.

  “Alright, I admit that must have looked a little awkward. I keep telling you, though, that there is nothing going on with Nadine and me!” he quickly stated.

  “You seriously need to see this from where I am standing, because it doesn’t look so innocent to me!” I sighed as I placed my hand on my forehead. I suddenly felt very hot and needed to get out of this tight space very soon.

  Relief struck as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I stepped out into the bustling lobby and John followed, placing his hand on my lower back.

  “Kat, Kat – stop, please!” he spoke firmly but quietly, trying not to make a scene. I did, if only to hear more feeble excuses. “Babe, honestly there is nothing going on, I love you!” he said as he took hold of my hands.

  “Yet I seem to keep catching the two of you in very close proximity together, looking far too intently at each other, don’t I?” I remarked, staring directly at him. “I really need to get to work!” I then stated as I released our hands.

  “Can we talk about this tonight, Kat? I think that we both need to get things off our chest – you obviously do not trust me at the moment!” he then stated.

  “You are not giving me much choice, are you?” I replied with conviction. “I am out tonight, remember, with Lisa!” I then reminded him.

  “Right, yeah. How about I come pick you up – where are you eating?” he then asked, and suddenly I became the guilty one.

  “You don’t need to do that, we will share a cab,” I pointed out.

  “Why, where are you going? Can you not get the tube?” he asked curiously. I decided to just tell him; I was furious anyway.

  “We have been invited to dine with George at Northfield, so we will get there and back on our own!” I replied hesitantly.

  “That place and him, again? And you have the nerve to have a go at me?” he then stated as he rubbed his mouth and strolled back and forth.

  “John, he’s really old and lonely. I haven’t slept with him, kissed him or lounged around him with a short skirt and lace-top stockings on! He’s cooking dinner and I am with my friend, so I think that you’re pretty safe!” I quickly pointed out with a venomous tone. He scowled at me, and as I was on a roll of telling him what I thought, I decided to let him know the whole glorious truth. “Anyway, why wouldn’t I want to spend time in my house, which I bought with my money? I love it and love being there, so if I want to go I will!” I finished and turned away, but John grabbed my hand.

  “What do you mean your house? Jesus, Kat, you didn’t go and spend all of your savings on an old house, did you?” he then asked. I turned to him.

  “Yes, I did actually! You always said it was mine to do with as I pleased, and I really wanted to buy it – it’s my dream house. It is old, but it’s amazing and historical and I wouldn’t change a thing!” I informed him.

  “I know I told you to spend it how you wished, but damn it Kat I thought that you would have bought something we both wanted, or at least informed me of your intentions!” He was now sounding really angry, so I decided it was best to let him get rid of some steam.

  “I’m sorry if you don’t agree with me, John, but it was my money. You may really like it; you should come and take a look sometime!” I then stated. “Look, I have to go. I think we should talk later once we have both calmed down.” I couldn’t believe that I had just said that! Maybe it was due to guilt at telling him about Northfield – and maybe, in some way, I was trying to justify catching him with Nadine by telling him my secret. As I walked out of his building, though, I realised that my secret was nothing like his. I hadn’t been unfaithful to him, but I was starting to get the distinct impression that he definitely had a closer relationship with Nadine than he was letting on!

  Back at work, I muffled out Claire’s angry words as I tried to get on; she had now decided that John was on the biggest slippery slope. I told her about my purchase, and I have to say that although she said she was happy for me, if it was what I wanted, I had the feeling that she did think I was slightly deranged. I was glad when the workday ended, but I found myself not as happy as I had hoped to be on my journey to Northfield. I hadn’t even changed; I decided to do it there once I had arrived. When I walked in, George was in the kitchen and James greeted me.

  “Good day at work?” he asked me. I tried to smile.

  “Not the best!”

  “Oh, I am sorry to hear that. George is in the kitchen!” he quickly stated, as if he did not know what to say.

  I nodded and walked slowly down to the apartment, with James quietly pacing at my side. When I saw George and he turned to me, I sighed. It felt like I was at home, here with them, and the look on George’s face when he saw me made me even more relieved to be back here.

  “Katharina, are you well?” he enquired. I found myself walking toward him and giving him the biggest hug. On releasing him, I found both him and James looking at each other and I realised that they did not know what to make of my mood.

  “I am sorry. Bad day at work, another argument with John… I am so happy to be here though!” I replied sincerely. James sighed and George replied:

  “Your argument wasn’t about anything too serious, I hope?” I simply looked at George, and he knew straight away. “Ahh!” he replied as he poured me a glass of red. James then crossed his arms.

  “Why do I get the feeling that I am missing something here?” he asked. “Whatever your argument with that idiot was, he probably deserved it anyway!” he then finished as I took a big gulp of wine. I smiled.

  “You know what? You are entirely right. I have something I need to talk to you about, but if you will excuse me, first I am going to get changed,” I stated with renewed confidence. James quickly uncrossed his arms.

  “Yes, of cour
se. I will wait here to hear of what news you have to state!” he replied with slight apprehension.

  I smiled at George and then skipped upstairs and freshened up in the bathroom, and then changed in my bedroom. My bedroom – I could say that now and mean it! My excitement came flooding back, and I changed in record time as I suddenly felt the need to urgently discuss my recent purchase with James. I skipped back down the stairs and to George’s kitchen with a big smile on my face.

  “Better?” George asked.

  “Much!” I replied, as he nodded at me to tell James my news.

  “James,” I said as I stood in front of the mirror with my wine in hand. He backed off a little, looking nervous, but I continued. “So, I have some very exciting news, and I hope that you will be very happy about it, because both George and I are!” James shot a curious look at George, who simply smiled at him in return and shrugged his shoulders. “I would like to announce –”

  “That you are getting married?” James quickly finished, looking dismayed.

  “What?” I quickly replied with surprise. “No… why would you think that? Jesus, I can’t seem to agree with the man at the moment, never mind marry him, you fool!” I laughed. James looked relieved but shocked at my response, whilst George just laughed and then said:

  “Let her finish, you’re always so impatient!”

  “Thank you George!” I raised my glass to him. “I would like to announce that as of Tuesday this week, I am now owner – well, in part, anyway – of Northfield!” I finished as I stared at him.

  James stepped back and looked at me and then George, and was very quiet for a moment.

  “Speechless!” George commented. “I did not plan on that!”

  “Well, say something!” I remarked.

  “But how? When, and why?” he asked with surprise.

  “How… because I had some money left to me by my father and mother. When… I met George on Tuesday and we went to Madison Cleaver to get the paperwork drawn up. Why… because I haven’t felt like part of a family in a long time, and you both feel like family. Besides, I do not want anyone else doing anything to this house to jeopardise your chances of a normal life. This was the best way that both George and I could think of protecting you both, at the same time as creating some income for maintaining the house. George did think that you would be happy about the arrangement!” I finished, feeling that it was not going quite as I had planned. James was quiet for a minute and then spoke gently.

  “You mistake my silence as disappointment at this arrangement. It is not! I am both surprised and shocked at your selfless generosity yet again, and the willingness to help protect two people who you have not known for long. You would give up your chance of having what you wish and with your money, for us?” he asked sincerely.

  “That’s just it, though. This is my chance of having something that I have always dreamed of – something that I want for a change – instead of doing what is expected of me. I feel very happy about this, and with regards to both of you, I may not have known you both for very long, but I feel like I have more of a connection and common ground with you than I have had with anyone else in a long time! I hope you can be as happy as me about this arrangement?” I replied with honesty and sincerity.

  “Well, I for one feel like we have known you for years, Katharina, and I could not be happier at this arrangement. So cheers!” George then said as he lifted his glass to me and looked at James for a response. James smiled and picked up his glass.

  “It is my greatest pleasure, in a very long time, to have you here and know that you are to be part of Northfield on a more permanent basis. Thank you again for your kindness Katharina, and I believe that congratulations are in order!” he then finished as he raised his glass higher. I smiled.

  “Cheers! Here’s to happy endings!” I toasted. They both smiled.

  “Happy endings!” they both replied. We all took a sip of our wine, then conversed with laughter and relief that we had something to work towards, together!

  Lisa was ten minutes late but arrived with as much eagerness as was to be expected when entering such a grand house. She too gasped in awe at the beauty of the hallway and as James stood there with a huge grin on his face, I felt that nothing could surprise him now that he had received my news. She and George became acquainted and he took her coat. We hugged and she instantly started to talk and ask questions about Northfield and George and what work was like and so on… we had not had the chance to catch up in such a long time, and it was apparent that she had been very busy since we last spoke.

  George told us to sit and carry on with the catching up whilst he went to get dinner, and James stood quietly, still smiling, at the both of us.

  “What a fantastic room – this whole house is amazing!” she stated as she stood and walked around the table, looking at the furniture, ornaments and mirrors. She stopped in front of where James stood, and I raised my eyebrows at him, hoping that something would transpire.

  “Do you not think that the mirrors here are amazing, Lisa? What we girls would do for mirrors in our dressing areas like this!” I asked her as I walked and stood alongside her. I looked at James, who smiled at my remark.

  “They are amazing!” she replied as she stepped back and looked at the whole mirror in its entirety. Then she stepped back toward it and touched it.

  “I love them all; they reflect the rooms so well, amongst other things!” I commented.

  “They do; I know that you have always liked older houses, Kat. This one, however, feels very special. I wonder what interesting things have happened here in the past?” she then stated. She seemed to be staring directly into James eyes, but then she looked at my reflection. “I’ve missed you – it’s been far too long since we got together!” she said.

  “It has!” I remarked, and we returned to the table to eat as George returned with his little trolley.

  Dinner was delicious. Lisa and George got on well and James laughed at a lot of her comments, which was nice; for once, he was not being as negative as usual. We were happily enjoying dessert when suddenly there was some very loud knocking at the door. James jumped up and disappeared into the hallway. As George, Lisa and I stood we heard shouting.

  “Kat, I know you’re in there, let me in!”

  “Oh holy crap, it’s John!” I remarked to George as I walked to the hallway.

  “Katharina, he sounds angry – I would suggest that you do not let him in!” James remarked.

  “Kat, Kat – come on. I want to see what you’ve spent all your money on!” John continued to shout.

  “What on earth is he talking about, Kat?” Lisa asked.

  “He’s a little pissed at me for spending all the money my father left me on buying this place!” I gestured to the house. Lisa raised her eyebrows.

  “Wow, now I know why you like it so much. What’s he so angry at? It was your money!”

  “He wanted me to buy a very modern apartment in the middle of London!” I replied.

  “You’ve never wanted that, though. Living there was only ever temporary for you!” Lisa remarked. I touched her shoulder in recognition that she knew me better than John.

  “I’m going to have to face this sometime!” I remarked as I walked to the door.

  “I’m not happy about this at all!” James said as he paced.

  “Me neither!” George replied.

  “What?” Lisa asked George; as she couldn’t hear James, George’s response didn’t make any sense.

  “I am not too happy about his tone!” George then said to Lisa.

  “Trust me, Kat can stand up for herself. I don’t know what John’s moaning about, it was her money anyway!” Lisa finished.

  I turned and looked at them all, then turned the large key and opened the door. John, who was fresher than a daisy and damp from the evening drizzle, looked not only angry, but a little shocked as he looked at George and Lisa. Maybe because he realised now that I was telling the truth.

am not letting you stay here if you are disrespectful to my friends or behave like a three-year-old!” I announced before he had the chance to say anything. He held his hand up as he steadied his posture.

  “I wanted to see what you’d wasted your money on for myself!” he slurred and then laughed as he stepped through the door. Before I could help myself, I found that the palm of my hand had quite abruptly slapped him hard across the cheek.

  The noise was louder than expected. Lisa gasped and put her hand to her mouth to try and stop herself from laughing. George stepped forward and then stopped and James stood there and applauded three times.

  “Well, I hadn’t expected that; remind me not to get on your bad side!” James remarked as he grinned even more.

  “I said do not be disrespectful, and that meant to me too! I have not wasted my money and quite honestly the way I feel right now, John, I don’t care what you think. For once I have done something for myself; whether you like it or not, that is not going to change!” I remarked. I felt strong and in control and, for the first time, able to say exactly what I thought!

  George stepped back, realising that his help was not needed. Lisa controlled herself as James stood there and looked at John with his arms crossed.

  “Jesus Kat, I don’t think I deserved that!” John said as he looked at me.

  “I do!” Lisa replied. “It’s up to Kat what she buys with her money – why can’t you support her decision for a change? This place is amazing.”

  “Lisa, always a pleasure!” John sarcastically replied as he placed his hand against his now-reddening cheek.

  “I swear to God I wish I could hit this guy for myself!” James then remarked.

  “Later!” George replied quietly as he gestured for us all to go into the dining room.

  John looked up at the entrance hall as we walked, and even though he would never say it, I knew that he was impressed with the place. George suggested coffee, which he poured and handed to John, who sipped it slowly.

  “So, do I get the grand tour then?” he asked.

  “Are you going to behave?” I replied sarcastically.

  “Funny! Of course I am!” he said with sarcasm.


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