A Different Reflection

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A Different Reflection Page 33

by Jane L Gibson

  “Welcome home, Katharina, I hope that you do not mind but both George and I wanted to contribute to your party; we thought this was a perfect way of doing so.” I turned and looked at George.

  “You both did all of this, for me?” I asked, feeling like the most important person in the world.

  “Only the best for the ones that we love!” He winked at me.

  “I don’t know what to say!” I replied as I turned and took the sight of them in. Then I realised that George had been busy arranging decorations too! “And you have also arranged the decorations!” I remarked.

  “Show her the ballroom, George!” James then said with excitement.

  “There are more?” I asked. George offered his arm to me, so I placed the bouquet he had given me on the only remaining space on the table and walked with him. He rubbed my hand that was linked with his arm in a very fatherly way and I could feel myself welling up.

  When we arrived at the ballroom, he pushed the doors wide open, which was the best thing to do as the impact was stunning. There were stands of more flowers all around the dance floor, and on the ornate furniture. It was a vision that even I struggled to take in. I stood with my back to them for a moment, and composed myself, but by now I had tears rolling down my face. This was a gesture that took my breath away and as I stood silently they spoke.

  “So you like them? Will they suffice?” James asked hopefully. I turned to them both.

  “I am sorry; my silence is not because I wish for something different. I love them, in fact I more than love them, and I cannot believe that you went to all of this trouble for me! How could you think that they would not suffice? They must have cost you a fortune!” I laughed lightly to show them that not only was I happy; I was overwhelmed. George walked across to me and handed me a very neatly folded cotton handkerchief.

  “I told you that she would love them, they are from her favourite florists!” George replied as he placed an arm around me. “We were not expecting tears though!” he then laughed. I smiled as I dabbed my eyes.

  “Thank you, both of you; you are making my birthday an enormously special occasion!”

  “No amount of money, or the time to organise anything for you, Katharina, is the making of any trouble; we simply want you to be happy – you deserve to be happy!” James then stated as he smiled at me.

  “Well, I am so happy at this moment that I feel like I may burst; I am completely overwhelmed!” I replied. I turned to George and gave him the biggest hug, and he simply rubbed my back in reassurance.

  “Shall we have dinner?” he then asked.

  “May I change first? Do I have time?” I asked, wanting to put on something a little nicer than my work dress.

  “Of course, shall we see you in the dining room in say fifteen minutes?” George asked.

  “That would be perfect!” I smiled as he gestured for me to leave the ballroom. I turned once more, took in the whole room and then turned to James and gave him the biggest smile before walking out.

  I decided that as they had gone to so much trouble for me, I should wear something to dinner instead of my usual jeans. I walked into my bedroom to find more flowers in my room and I gasped, wondering how many more displays I was likely to find around the house. I refreshed myself, sorted out my now slightly smudged make up and decided to put on a little cocktail dress. It was a beautiful shade of purple and probably a little over-dressed for dinner at home – but this was no ordinary home! I felt really nice and smart and I was glad to make the effort. I slightly curled my hair and left it cascading to my shoulders and then decided that heels were in order, but nothing too high.

  When I neared the dining room I could hear James and George talking; they were trying to organise what was happening tomorrow and when, and were making sure that in and amongst this entire organisation of my party, I was to have time to myself. I smiled, knowing that it would happen anyway; both Claire and I had arranged to have our hair and makeup done in the afternoon. I knew once Claire arrived at 10am it would be all go, go, go!

  I tentatively walked into the dining room and gave them both a warm smile as they looked across at me. The table had been prepared with the best silverware and crystal glasses and as I walked further into the room, George put down the wine that he was serving and walked toward me.

  “Katharina, you look lovely! Does she not, James?” he then prompted him.

  “Indeed, you surely are a vision tonight Katharina!” he replied. I felt myself blush.

  “Thank you! You have gone to so much effort for me, it seemed only fair that I reciprocate!” I remarked lightly.

  George walked me to my chair and as I sat down he pushed the chair gently in, then laid a crisp napkin across my lap. The starter was already on the table; it was a medley of king prawns with a glaze drizzled across them, and a heavenly-looking mousse of some description alongside. My mouth started watering!

  “George, have you been working hard in the kitchen all day again?” I asked him.

  “Not today!” he simply replied. I looked at him inquisitively, just as a chef appeared in the dining room, which surprised me a little.

  “Good evening, I hope that you enjoy your starters; you have king prawns in a lemon and coriander glaze and a prawn and lobster mousse with a champagne sauce. Please enjoy,” he simply said and then he departed the room. I shook my head in disbelief.

  “Did that just happen or did I imagine it?” I remarked, gesturing to the door.

  “No trickery! I told George that he too should have a weekend off cooking, and insisted that he find a chef for the evening!” James remarked.

  I looked around and noted that there were three places set at the table, with a starter on each. Then I looked back at James.

  “How did you get around the third person, so that you can eat?” I asked.

  “Ah, well – we simply stated that you had hoped a friend would be joining us and that even though we were not sure of their company he should still serve each course in case they do arrive! We have had many years of practice!” George replied.

  “I can see that!” I concluded as I lifted my knife and fork. “Shall we?” I asked them.

  “Indeed, bon appetit!” George joked, looking smug that he had the chance to sit and enjoy dinner for a change, with no part to play in the cooking element. I chuckled at his reply and repeated his remark.

  “Bon appetit, and thank you so very much. You are making my birthday more meaningful as the evening progresses!” I concluded before excitedly placing the first forkful into my mouth.

  “Our pleasure!” James simply stated. After that there was silence for a couple of minutes; the food was heaven itself and there was no time to converse!

  The starter was followed by a delicious fillet of sea bass with a roasted red pepper sauce, along with asparagus and potatoes that were creamed to perfection. George must have taken note in our previous discussions about how much I loved fish; he was not the best at cooking it, and I liked to order it when I dined out. We had the time to talk, laugh and discuss tomorrow evening in some detail. They asked me what my plans were for the day and as we discussed the finer points of tomorrow evening, I felt very excited and nervous at the same time. George and I were laughing about the fact that he and James had decided upon a more modern dinner jacket for tomorrow evening. James did not seem too enamoured about the fact that it was not his usual dress, but it seemed that George had persuaded him to wear it, with the knowledge that if everything went to plan, he would be joining us at some point during the evening. We definitely needed him to fit in in that case! My heart skipped a beat at the thought; he already looked exceptionally handsome tonight in his modern suit, which he had removed the jacket of, but he had a waistcoat over his shirt that made him look deliciously admirable. The chef appeared again.

  “May I serve dessert now?” he asked. He had already cleared the plates and we had applauded his food.

  “Please do so!” George replied. He nodded in response, disa
ppeared briefly and then returned.

  “Warm chocolate fondant with white chocolate ice cream,” he simply said as he placed my portion in front of me and I inhaled the warm scent of melted chocolate. “May I take this opportunity to wish you a happy birthday?” he then asked.

  “Thank you, and may I thank you for a truly delicious meal. I cannot fault one aspect of it!” I replied. He nodded again in acceptance and then simply said:

  “Please enjoy!”

  “I really think that the dress I bought may not fit too well tomorrow night after I have eaten this!” I joked.

  “Nonsense; the overall excitement during the day will have burnt this little pudding away by tomorrow evening!” George laughed.

  “I really don’t care actually – gosh it smells delicious!” I replied, picking up my spoon.

  “It does indeed!” James agreed.

  “You have picked the menu well, George – picking everything that I love!” I smiled at him. I raised my glass. “Thank you both for a lovely evening!”

  “Thank you for being here!” George then said as he winked at me and raised his glass. We chinked them once and then turned to James and raised our glasses to him. He in return smiled and calmly said:

  “Yes, thank you for being here. I cannot imagine Northfield without you now!” His reply was honest and sincere and as I took a sip from my glass, I had the feeling that things were going to be just fine!

  I felt spoilt rotten, and the evening passed more quickly than I realised – probably because George was able to spend the whole time with me. When the clock chimed ten o’clock, the chef reappeared, explaining that there was coffee and brandy served in the drawing room, as George had requested. George asked me to excuse him a moment; it was apparent that the chef was ready to leave now. I thanked him again for such delicious food and then they disappeared back toward the main hall. I took a deep breath, feeling so contently full, and then reached for my glass.

  “That has been one of the most enjoyable dinner parties that I have been to for such a very long time!” James then commented.

  “It has been perfect and you are both very generous!” I remarked before taking a sip of my drink.

  “I would not settle for anything but the absolute finest for you!” he then said, and I could have melted into a puddle of warm mush right there on my chair. I tried to casually swallow the wine in my mouth, and then I turned to him and smiled.

  “You always say the sweetest things to me!” I replied.

  “I would not say them if I did not sincerely mean them!” he then stated and he gave me the warmest and biggest body-tingling smile back and I melted again.

  George returned after paying the chef, who had tidied up George’s kitchen, so there was not really anything for him to do. We all retired to the drawing room and I slipped off my shoes before curling up on the chair by the fire. I really didn’t want the evening to end; I was having my own little fairy tale evening right there and then. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come! George played some music from my iPod, which he was now getting the hang of. He selected Billie Holiday – another growing favourite of his, and I always loved her voice. I took great pleasure in listening to them tell more stories from long ago; some were humorous and some quite tragic, but they were all fascinating. I knew that I would never grow tired of listening to their stories, but I was growing ever more tired, and I decided at eleven forty-five that I should get some sleep.

  “I cannot thank you enough for a most enjoyable evening!” I stated as I stood to take my leave. “I do really need to get some sleep though, as tomorrow night I feel will be quite long!”

  “Of course! I think that I can speak for both of us when I say that we have had an excessive amount of pleasure this evening, being able to share it with you on such a lovely occasion!” George then said as he leant forward and kissed me on the cheek.

  “May I see you to your room?” James asked.

  “Yes, I would like that!”

  “Do not rush yourself in the morning dearest; we will make sure that you are well looked after!” George then called as I walked toward the door.

  “I have no doubt in that George!” I remarked as I smiled and left for the stairs.

  James walked patiently alongside me in every possible mirror, and I stopped at the first landing in the stairway and looked back at the empty hallway below.

  “I really cannot wait to see how this house feels when it is filled with people having fun, and hearing music and laughter and expressing love. I am sure that it will be an entirely different experience!” I needed him to realise that I was looking forward to this more than I could possibly show him.

  “It will be like times past, and a pleasure and an honour to share it with you!” he said with whole-heartedness. We arrived at my door and I turned to him.

  “I have the strongest and most absolute feeling that tomorrow will definitely be a night to remember!” I said as I moved closer to the mirror, and we stood and looked into each other’s eyes. I knew that if he had physically been stood in front of me right now, I would not be able to control the strong urge of desire to be kissed by him. The look in his eyes and the fact that he had to swallow hard made me feel that he had the same urge. This was all that I needed until tomorrow; I wanted the moment to be perfect, and in my head that meant that I would be wearing my new dress, and it would be my birthday and James would not be expecting a true confession of my feelings at my party. He was far too selfless to expect anything from me, and so this would be my gift to him!

  I entered my room after bidding him goodnight, and climbed into bed after taking the time to carefully remove my makeup. If I was to look half decent in the morning, should they appear to surprise me, I wanted to look as good as possible when just waking! Plenty of moisturiser before I turn another year older, I thought; not that one night of excessive cream on my face was going to make a difference, but it was worth a try! I snuggled down into the heavy blankets and drifted off easily, dreaming about tomorrow.

  My eyes opened to a pool of light streaming through the curtains; it was light and very bright and the birds were singing. I did not suspect it was late, just a very lovely morning. I reached across to my phone on the table beside me and glanced at it to find that it was only 7.00am; my natural working body clock had kicked in. I put the phone back down and rolled over and snuggled my head back into the feather pillow. It may have been my birthday, but it was far too early to wake properly and so I closed my eyes and tried to drift back off. I did not even realise that I had until there was a sudden knock at my door, and I knew that it would be George and breakfast. I sat up, slightly startled, quickly jumped out of bed and then brushed my hair before jumping back under the covers in record time, and then in an effortless voice I simply said:

  “Come in!” The door creaked open and there was George, looking very happy.

  “Good morning Katharina and a very happy birthday!” he said with affection.

  “Thank you George. You didn’t have to do this; I could have joined you in the kitchen!” I honestly replied and just as I did so James appeared.

  “Absolutely not, this is our excuse to give you our undivided attention today!”

  “It really isn’t necessary!” I replied.

  “It is imperative that you relax and do as you are told today, young lady!” George then said as he laid my breakfast tray on my lap. “Starting with you eating breakfast!”

  I looked at the tray and my tummy rumbled; there was a full cooked English breakfast with wholemeal toast and tea and orange juice. I smiled and then looked at George.

  “I have to say that after that large delicious meal last night, I did not think I would be hungry this morning, but you have managed to make my taste buds tingle and my tummy rumble!” I remarked as I took a sip of juice.

  “You need to eat well – you have a long day ahead of you!” George stated. I looked across at James and he was smiling at me and so I smiled back.

I wish you a happy birthday and I hope that it brings you all that you wish for!” he then said.

  “I’m certainly going to be careful what I wish for!” I remarked sarcastically. He ran his hand through his hair and laughed.


  “Please do be careful; I don’t think that I could take another 250 years of this type of thing!” George laughed with us as he gestured at himself and James.

  “We have cards and presents, and plenty of time to let you eat in peace!” James then said. I frowned.

  “No, please don’t leave me – I don’t want to eat alone. I would much rather you both stayed here with me!” I asked. James smiled and nodded at my request.

  “Very well!”

  “Have you both eaten already?” I asked whilst enjoying the crispy bacon.

  “We have – we wanted to make sure that you took priority today!” George then said.

  “I am going to be so spoilt by the both of you today!” I grinned.

  “We do not want it any other way!” James then said.

  I ate and told them of years past and birthdays with my mum; it was nice to reminisce with them about parties where I was a princess, a cowgirl and a clown! It was lovely to talk about my mum and to have them listen intently. When I had finished eating, George moved my tray, and I briefly excused myself and went to the bathroom. When I returned, they both looked a little reserved and as I jumped back onto the bed they both stood.

  “Ooh, this looks serious!” I remarked.

  “We both have gifts for you,” George said as he moved around to my side of the bed and handed me two neatly wrapped boxes.

  “I do not know which to open first!” I said with excitement. George looked at James and then took the smaller box.


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