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A Different Reflection

Page 34

by Jane L Gibson

  “Please open mine!” he said. James looked relieved.

  “Alright!” I answered. As I tentatively unfastened the silk ribbon that was tied around the box, George looked a little worried.

  Within the paper was a very old-looking leather box. I suddenly had the feeling that this was something very special and I didn’t dare open it. Before I did, I looked at George, who nodded to confirm that I should. The little box creaked slightly when I pushed it open, and inside was a beautiful gold bracelet set with little red stones. I took it from the box and inspected it closely.

  “George, I don’t know what to say; this really is beautiful. Thank you so very much!” I was touched, and then he tugged at my heartstrings further:

  “It was my wife’s, and I cannot think of anyone I would rather see wear it than you, Katharina!” he said with such sincerity. I felt so very honoured. I looked at him and then leaned across and hugged him meaningfully.

  “I love it, and will cherish it always!” I remarked. He looked slightly tearful and then he picked up the other box and passed it to me.

  “This is from James!” he said. I took a deep breath to stop myself from becoming too emotional and looked over at James, who was now stood with his hands in his pockets, looking as worried as George had.

  This was a much larger box. I had no idea what to expect; I had butterflies again, and my heart was beating rapidly. Once again I untied the silk ribbon, and once again a leather box lay inside the wrappings. I curled my lips in nervously and before I opened it looked across again, to James, with an anxious look. He smiled and nodded with encouragement. I took a deep breath and lifted the box lid, and felt light headed at what I saw: the most intricate and ornate necklace lay within. This was no costume jewellery but a genuine necklace of sparkling stones that were no doubt diamonds and rubies. I swallowed hard and found it difficult to find words; tears filled my eyes and then I spoke.

  “I have never had such beautiful gifts bestowed upon me. I really have no words; they are more beautiful than anything I have ever seen! James, I cannot thank you enough, as mere words don’t seem appropriate; are you sure about this?” I asked. This was no small gift!

  “I am more than sure, and I hope that you will wear it tonight!” he said hopefully. “It was my mother’s, and I too cannot think of anyone I would rather see wear it!” he then repeated, as George had said. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I was in a fairy tale; no one had ever given me anything so thoughtful and of such value; not just monetary, but sentimentally. I could only think of one thing to say:

  “It would be my honour to wear them!” I sat and admired them in their boxes.

  “Well, enough of the present opening for now! You have Claire arriving in forty-five minutes, and you need to get ready!” George then prompted me.

  I carefully closed the boxes and placed them in the top drawer of my dresser. Then, without even worrying about how open I was being, I told them how I felt:

  “I just want to say that this has been the best birthday ever. Not just because of the presents, but just being here with both of you has made today perfect already!” I smiled at them both. “It has been a long time since I’ve felt part of a family as you know, and you both have given me that feeling again, so the beautiful presents are just the icing on the cake,” I finished nervously. They both stood quietly and so I decided to move. “For now though, I really must shower!” I then said. They both quickly moved in response.

  “Yes, of course – carry on dear!” George said.

  “We shall see you downstairs!” James then confirmed.

  “You most certainly will!” I replied before excusing myself and going to the bathroom to catch my breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  As I stood in the shower with the water beating down on my face, I kept holding my breath and then blowing out in one big breath – was this really happening to me? No one had ever given me gifts like theirs, and it made me feel slightly uneasy that they were of great value – I felt like royalty and needed to calm my worries if I was going to wear them tonight. It was such a dear sentiment, them giving me something that belonged to their loved ones, and quite honestly I still wasn’t sure exactly how to feel about it.

  I jumped out of the shower and dried and moisturised. I had shaved in the shower – smoothness was an absolute necessity for tonight. I put my jeans and a simple white t-shirt on and strolled downstairs. George had made another pot of tea, and had stood my cards on the island; I smiled at them when I entered.

  “So when Claire arrives, what would you like us to do?” George asked.

  “Nothing really; Claire and I can arrange the final decorations and then we have an appointment at the hairdressers and beauticians at one o’clock, so unfortunately gents you will be on your own for a while!” I commented.

  “Well we have enough to get on with!” George finished. I looked at him; he looked slightly like a fish out of water. He was used to handling everything and it seemed to make him uncomfortable, not being able to be in control.

  “Actually George, the caterers and the band may turn up before I get back, so if you wouldn’t mind pointing them in the right direction?” I then asked.

  “Of course, I can arrange that – no problem!” he then said, smiling and seemingly happy that he had a job to do!

  We sat and drank tea and talked about possible problems, none of which were unsolvable, and so all was relaxing and calm… until Claire arrived! She bounced in through the kitchen door, shouting all the way down the corridor to the kitchen. “Where is the birthday girl?” I grimaced a little at her noise level and then turned to face her.

  “Good morning!” I announced as she walked in.

  “It is indeed and even better that you are now thirty and I am not yet!” she chuckled.

  “Yes, alright!” I remarked with annoyance. She pushed a card and present into my hands.

  “I really hope that you like it! I’m sure that you will!” she happily stated, looking at me in anticipation. I placed it on the counter.

  “Tea?” I asked her, and then she realised that she had not even said good morning to the boys. She looked at me and noted that I was trying to slow her down a little.

  “George!” she suddenly said. “Good morning, how are you today?” she asked, and then she looked at the mirror at the end of the island. “Cannot see you James, but if you are here – good morning to you too!” she then said.

  “Good morning!” James replied. She jumped like she had just been given an electric shock.

  “Ooh I’ve not lost it, I can still hear him!” she excitedly said and then she sat next to me whilst I shook my head at her in disbelief.

  “Good morning Claire, would you like breakfast?” George then asked. She held her hand up.

  “No thank you George, I have eaten already – tea would be great though!” He poured her a cup whilst I opened my card.

  I tried not to show my amusement at the very funny card; it was sexually orientated, as was standard for her. I did not want to explain it to George and so I read it to myself and then placed it on the counter with the others.

  “Thank you, it’s very… you!” I remarked as George read our version and James read his. George tried not to laugh and James blushed but smiled. I was extremely embarrassed and so started to unwrap the gift. Claire sat fidgeting on her chair whilst rubbing her hands together; I could tell that she was excited about this present! I unwrapped it carefully and felt overwhelmed when I opened the plain box to find a Victoria Beckham handbag inside. I gasped whilst she clapped her hands together.

  “Oh my God Claire, this is the bag that I said I loved!” I remarked as I pulled it from the box.

  “I know! Isn’t it adorable?” she replied with excitement.

  “But it’s too much Claire – it must have cost you a fortune!”

  “Nonsense, I wanted to get it for you!” she said.

  “I do really love it, I just wasn’t expecting anything so, so

  “Expensive – I know! Kat, you’re my best friend. I work all the hours God sends and earn a decent wage; I live in a not-badly-priced apartment and don’t really have any outgoings of measurable note, so if I want to buy you something nice for your thirtieth, then that is what I will do!” she then sincerely said, and I put the bag down and threw my arms around her.

  “Thank you, it’s amazing and I love it. You are the best friend anyone could ever wish for!” I smiled and she hugged me back.

  “Right then ladies, let’s drink this tea and get cracking!” George then announced, trying to organise us again.

  We happily followed George to the ballroom and retrieved the other decorations to finish hanging and placing around the house. James kept us entertained by telling us stories of a ball that his friend had held at his estate and at which his friend had drunk so much that he ended up kissing his chosen one’s mother!

  “Nothing seems to have changed that much from your era to ours; men still cannot seem to work out a good thing when they have it! One drop of alcohol and it’s like aliens have taken over your bodies!” Claire declared.

  “I have to say, Claire, that not all men are like that, but your perception of them not realising the importance of things is quite precise!” James replied.

  “Well, I know the importance to me of everyone in this room!” I then happily stated.

  “Yeah, you’re only saying that because I bought you a nice gift!” Claire then laughed. I stood up from the box I was leaning over and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Speaking of presents – you need to see what George and James gave me!” I said as I started to drag her from the room. “Do you mind?” I then asked them both, pausing before we left.

  “Please go ahead!” George gestured and I carried on at speed, dragging Claire through the hallway and to my bedroom!

  I pushed her into my room, closed the door and leaned against it, looking at the mirror to check that James had not followed, and then rushed to the dressing table.

  “Wait until you see these!” I remarked.

  “Oh God, if you’ve put them in your top drawer I dread to think… I hope they’ve not had a trip to Ann Summers, knowing that you’re on your own!” she laughed.

  I turned with the boxes and glared at her.

  “This is serious!” I replied and she stopped instantly. I sat beside her. “George gave me this first; it was his wife’s and he wants me to have it!” I said. Claire swallowed.

  “Okay, now I feel a little teary!” she said as she opened the box. “Oh that’s beautiful… and really old!” she then remarked as she gently touched the bracelet. I let her inspect it for some time and then she looked at me, and with her hand on her chest sighed. “Oh bless him, that’s just so sweet, and it’s beautiful!” she then said.

  “I know, I was touched, but then even more shocked when James gave me this!” I replied as I handed her the other box. She looked at me as nervously as I had felt and opened the box.

  “Holy crap, is that real?” she asked. I nodded.

  “Yes, it is! James has asked that I wear it tonight – it was his mother’s!” I then informed her. She closed the box and threw herself backward onto the bed.

  “This is the best fairy tale I have ever been told about! You really need to write about this!” she said as we lay there and sighed.

  “I’m starting to think that I might! I’m hoping for the happy ending to finish this story though!” I replied. She reached across and touched my arm.

  “I have a feeling that tonight is going to be amazing!” she stated as she sat back up and looked at the necklace again. “Wow! You are one lucky lady!” She smiled.

  We took a few moments to compose ourselves and then returned back downstairs and carried on with the decorating, singing along to the music that Claire was playing rather loudly. George made sandwiches at twelve and then we borrowed the Range Rover and drove to our hair appointment. Having our hair styled, make up done and nails manicured was relaxing and stress relieving. The girls at the salon gave us a glass of champagne, which eased our nerves. When we were on the way back to Northfield, Claire asked me how I was feeling.

  “Nervous about telling him how you feel?” she asked.

  “I want to tell him how I feel; I’m finding it harder to resist every moment I spend with him!” I started.

  “But?” she asked.

  “I’m still worried about what he might say in return. He may not like me in that way and just love me like a sister or something!” I replied. She started laughing and I looked at her – it was not the response I needed.

  “You really think he wants to treat you like a sister? What with the compliments, the protective instinct and a gift like that? He’s in love with you, girl!” she happily said.

  “You really think?” I asked nervously.

  “Hell yeah! The sooner you tell him, the better; Jesus, the anticipation is killing me, so God knows how you feel!” She laughed again.

  “George knows!” I then admitted to her.

  “What? He knows that you love him or that you are going to tell him tonight?”

  “Both!” I grimaced.

  “Wow, you work fast – what did he think?” she asked.

  “The same as you really!” I replied.

  “There you go then, and George knows him better than anyone else – I mean he’s had long enough!” she remarked, and at that comment we both laughed. “You’ll be fine, I’m just glad that I am here to experience it too!” she smiled.

  When we arrived back at the house, the caterers were unloading their vans and the band had already got everything out and into the ballroom. Things were shaping up, and I started to get those butterflies again… the beautiful kind! George commented on how lovely we both looked, as did James, and when Claire tried to reply to him I had to remind her that no one else could hear him so it made her look a little nuts!

  “This is harder than I thought!” she remarked.

  “You get used to it!” George then said. “I think that we should have some champagne and relax a little!” he then suggested, gesturing for us to go through to his kitchen. The caterers were using the large kitchen, as most of the food was a chilled buffet.

  George had placed chocolates on the worktop and had four champagne flutes waiting. He poured as we all chatted and enjoyed the fact that everything was under control and that no action was needed from us at this point in time. He passed a glass to both Claire and I and then looked at James, when James had his glass, he stood and raised it and cleared his throat.

  “I think it only appropriate to share a toast on this special occasion. George and I have not known Katharina very long, but I think it is fair to say that neither of us have ever met such an incredibly selfless and amazing woman, and we both feel very honoured to share our home with you, and your birthday celebrations.” He stopped and swallowed for a second and looked a little flushed, whilst I stared at him with the biggest smile on my face. I steadied my breathing, then he continued: “To Katharina, may your birthday bring you everything that you wish for!” He raised his glass and nodded toward me, and then the others followed the sentiment. George winked at me and then declared another toast.

  “Katharina: the best thing to happen to us in a very, very long time!” George simply said.

  “Yeah here’s to you Kat, you’re the best!” Claire said, smiling at me whilst raising her eyebrows to note the very kind toasts preceding hers. We all chinked glasses and took a sip.

  “Thank you; those were kind words and I am really pleased that you are all here with me!” I raised my glass to them all. “To all of you, my very dear friends!” I toasted and we all took another sip.

  As I savoured the champagne, I realised that the flutes were old and very beautiful crystal. I inspected them and then Claire realised what I was doing and looked at them too.

  “These are gorgeous glasses, George!” Claire pointed out.

  “A gift from a friend
of my father’s when he married my mother. I believe that they are French; I suppose they are very nice!” James chipped in.

  “They are beautiful; you cannot buy anything like this today!” I replied.

  “Never mind the glasses, let’s refill them!” George then stated, as he gestured for Claire to pass hers. There was no argument from either of us!

  The time passed quickly and when the clock chimed five thirty, I looked at Claire. I felt slightly light-headed and needed to finish getting ready! I wanted to take a quick dip in the bath and as my face and hair were done, this seemed the obvious choice, plus it meant that I could smother myself in moisturiser again. I asked for a glass of water and then looked at both James and George.

  “I need to get ready. Perhaps we can meet for another drink before any guests arrive?” I asked them. James had already stood when I had done so.

  “Of course, take as long as you need! We need to ready ourselves also,” James replied. I looked at Claire to prompt her to come with me and then before leaving said one more thing:

  “I am really looking forward to tonight! This evening is going to be the start of a new chapter for all of us!” I finished. James looked slightly perplexed and looked at George, who simply smiled warmly at me. I knew as soon as I had left the room that James would be enquiring as to what George knew that he did not!

  Claire and I went into my bedroom after I had started the bath running. I took my dress from the wardrobe and laid it across my bed. I couldn’t wait to put it on. I had new underwear to complement the dress, and had already checked that my bag and shoes matched perfectly.

  “Wow Kat, you’re going to look amazing! I don’t think that any guy in the house will be able to stop staring at you! This is so exciting. I brought my trusty long black ball gown – I hope that it lives up to yours!” she then finished as she laid her dress beside mine.

  “Oh Claire, that is really lovely. I don’t think that I have ever seen you wear that!” I commented.


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