A Different Reflection

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A Different Reflection Page 35

by Jane L Gibson

  “Probably not, I’ve only ever worn it twice; both occasions were nothing to do with work! I do love it though!” she remarked.

  “I can see why you do!” I replied, touching the luxurious fabric, whilst she took out her shoes and very sparkly Swarovski clutch bag. They were just as beautiful. I placed my arm around her waist. “Isn’t it fun to get dressed up?”

  “Absolutely!” she laughed. “We don’t do it often enough in my opinion!”

  “Well, I’m just going to take a quick refreshing dip before I get into this expensive dress!” I stated, undressing and slipping into my robe.

  “Watch the hair! It’s a masterpiece, and there is no way I can replicate it if you get it wet!” she smiled. I nodded and wandered off to the bathroom.

  It was just what I needed; a light wallow in lovely scented bubbles. I closed my eyes and tried to make myself believe that this evening had arrived already! It gave me goose bumps thinking about how James may look, and it made my skin flush just thinking about the fact that tonight, for the first time, I may feel the touch of his warm hand on my skin! I sighed deeply. To think that a few weeks ago I was living an unfulfilled life with a man that, in hindsight, I didn’t really know very well at all! I thought about my mum and her words from when I was young that: “Everything happens for a reason!” and “Never stop believing in yourself!” I missed her greatly, but I knew that she would be smiling down on me, and the thought made me feel stronger. I knew that I could go through with this tonight!

  After overdosing on heavenly moisturiser, I returned to my room feeling smooth and refreshed. Claire nipped out to use the bathroom and I sat on the bed and inspected the beautiful pieces of jewellery. I was slightly nervous about wearing them, in the event that I broke one of them, but I knew that the boys expected to see me wear them and that is what I intended to do. When Claire returned, we laughed and put our underwear on, commenting that we probably couldn’t eat in the tight ‘suck you in everywhere’ pieces that we had chosen! She passed me more champagne, which George had delivered whilst I was in the bath, and we chinked glasses and sipped. It was decided that I needed it for courage – I was just slightly unsure as to how much ‘courage’ Claire had in mind for me! It came to the big moment; I had my shoes on, which were beautiful, and Claire helped me slip my dress on. As the fabric ran over my smooth skin, it made me hold my breath. She straightened it and then zipped me up before standing back and looking at me.

  “Oh my God – you really are beautiful, do you know that?” she said. I looked in the mirror and as the dress pooled a little behind me I smiled.

  “I hope he thinks so!” I remarked. She put her arm around me.

  “How could he not!” she smiled. “Let’s get this jewellery on you and then you can help me!” she stated, retrieving them from my dressing table.

  It was almost like they had been meant to be worn with this dress. They both complemented it beautifully; they were not too overpowering, but subtly stunning! I touched the necklace that hung around my neck and then looked at Claire.

  “It is so beautiful; I can’t believe he gave this to me!”

  “He obviously thinks you’re worth it!” she replied. “Now please help me – it’s 6.30 and we need to have a drink with the boys before guests start arriving!”

  She was easy to dress; she had the nicest figure, with just the right amount of curves. Her dress fit her like a glove, and I had never seen her look so stunning before!

  “If you do not pull tonight in that dress with one of my friends I will be gobsmacked!” I retorted. She laughed heartily and then passed me my glass with the remaining champagne.

  “To us: let’s hope that tonight sees us with the men we want and awake all night!” she laughed. I blushed but laughed along; she was never one to hide her thoughts! We threw the remaining liquid down our throats quickly and then turned to the mirror, put on one more coat of lip gloss and sprayed ourselves with perfume. I was about to suggest we go downstairs but she told me to wait five minutes whilst she found George and James.

  “You need to make an entrance young lady! We will meet you at the bottom of the stairs!” I nodded in agreement, and then paced the room when she left, trying to stop myself from hyperventilating. I looked at my watch; it had been five minutes. I opened the bedroom door, took a deep breath and started walking along the hallway. Music was resonating from the ballroom, and I smiled at the slow melody that I was sure George had asked them to play. I turned and walked down the first flight of stairs and to the return landing, and when I looked down to the hallway, George and Claire were waiting, with James patiently stood alongside them in the mirror. I slowly walked down the stairs whilst they all beamed at me. I reached the bottom fairly elegantly, and as I neared them I stopped and did a very slow turn for them to see the whole dress. I smiled.

  “How do I look?” I asked.

  “You are an absolute vision, as I expected!” James replied. I looked at him and smiled the biggest smile; he had on a beautiful black dinner suit and looked immaculate.

  “Likewise!” I simply replied.

  “Katharina, you are more stunning than I can say!” George said as he walked to me and kissed both cheeks.

  “Might I say that you too look very handsome, George!” I replied, remarking at his also immaculate dinner suit.

  “Why thank you!” he said in a very spritely tone as he did a very low bow. I laughed.

  “Drinks then?” I replied as we went into the ballroom, which in itself was now a vision.

  “Oh yes, let’s get this show on the road!” Claire quipped as she grabbed George and walked over to where one of the waiters stood with a tray of champagne flutes. I held back for a moment with James at the side of me.

  “You look more beautiful than I had imagined possible!” he then said. My heart started racing!

  “And you look more handsome than I ever imagined!” I replied as I looked at him. He blushed but accepted the compliment as George returned with champagne in hand. Claire was quickly learning; she returned with an extra glass and then commented on the fact that George had beat her in getting one for me, so she placed it on the furniture to the front of the mirror and winked at the mirror. James laughed lightly.

  “This is going to be the most amazing night!” Claire commented as we watched the band playing a very old Frank Sinatra song. She suddenly turned to George and suggested that he should ask me for the first dance, and he agreed with no hesitation.

  “It would be my pleasure; would you do me the honour, Katharina?”

  “I would love to, George!” I placed my glass down and walked toward him.

  His ways of old had not left him; he escorted me to the dance floor, holding his arm for me to place mine on, leaving his other hand behind his back. As we turned to face each other he bowed and I curtseyed, and then he smiled and scooped me up into a rhythmical waltz! He held me close and moved me around the floor with ease. I looked across to Claire who had moved closer to the mirror and held her glass close to her mouth. I could tell that she was saying something to James, and I danced closer with George so that I could overhear their exchange.

  “She is the best woman that I know! Kind-hearted, faithful, hard-working and so much fun! You are lucky to have her here you know, James!”

  “Yes I know that. She is more than I could have ever hoped for, but my situation does cause an apparent problem!”

  “Well, your situation as you call it may not be a situation for much longer.”

  “What are you implying?”

  “You’ll see! Just promise me that you will not let her down!”

  “I would never wish to cause her any reason to doubt me.”

  “Good, hold onto your stomach then, because tonight you’re in for one hell of a ride!”

  Claire threw the remaining champagne down her neck and then placed the glass down just as the song finished, and she walked over to where we stood.

  “Don’t be hogging the best-looking man h
ere Kat, it’s my turn now!” she said. I stepped back, thanked George and then gestured for her to take my place.

  “Indeed, please do he is an amazing dancer!” I replied.

  “Firstly I’m the only man here, and secondly my dancing is a little rusty – I need plenty of practice!” he laughed.

  I walked back to the mirror and picked up my champagne. The evening had already started as well as I had hoped.

  “You dance very elegantly!” James then remarked.

  “Thank you, I hope that I can dance with you sometime soon!”

  “I would like that!” He looked at the necklace. “It is more becoming on you than my mother!” he remarked. I touched it and then swallowed hard.

  “That is a very kind thing to say, but I am sure that your mother looked stunning when wearing this; it has the ability to make whoever wears it dazzle!” I smiled. He nodded in reply.

  As the clock in the hallway chimed seven, one of the waiters in charge came to find us in the ballroom. He stood patiently at the door and so I walked over to see what he needed.

  “I believe that you have guests coming down the driveway, Miss Stuart. Would you like to greet them at the doorway or in the entrance hallway? We have waiters ready to serve champagne,” he kindly asked. I turned to the others to see what they thought, and then replied:

  “I think the hallway would be good; they get to see the grand entrance as I greet them, and I don’t have to shiver on the doorstep in this dress!” I replied. “Could you all greet them with me?” I asked hopefully.

  “Of course!” George replied and he walked behind with Claire. We all took our places for the impending evening.

  Chapter Thirty

  To say that people were stunned at my new home was an understatement. They all gawped and gasped with awe at the incredible house and I couldn’t blame them – it was what I had done and still did! All of my friends arrived, including Rachel, Kate and Lisa; they were all in the country and I was pleased that they could all join me. I had invited people from work, and others that I had kept in touch with but not seen in a long time. Claire’s brother came too, with his girlfriend, and he was nothing but charming, as always. As more guests streamed in, I wondered how many more I could possibly have invited – numbers on paper seemed fewer than actual people. As the music played and there was laughter, talking and dancing, I could see how this house must have been in George and James’ time. It made my heart sing a little to see that they looked happy that the house was buzzing again.

  Once it seemed that most people had arrived, and I had managed another glass of champagne, I moved to the ballroom. The band looked at me and I gave them the nod to start the more modern covers that I had asked them to play. When they started ‘Locked Out of Heaven’ by Bruno Mars, the floor quickly filled and it was lovely to see people dancing around in their tuxedos and ball gowns. There was a vast array of colour and as I walked and talked to people around the dance floor, James walked with me. After talking for a considerable time, I stopped and took another glass of champagne and raised my glass to Claire, who had started dancing with Rachel’s brother, much to her delight! I looked at James, who had not stopped drinking champagne now that he had numerous bottles at his disposal.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, Katharina?” he shouted a little to be heard over the music.

  “Yes I am – it is a really lovely sight to see this room filled with people!” I smiled at him.

  “You certainly have a very diverse group of friends!” he then remarked.

  “Yes, I do. I like every one of them attending for such different reasons,” I laughed lightly.

  “I love to hear you laugh!” he then said and I blushed and took another sip of champagne. “I feel that they are very lucky to have you in their lives!” he then finished and as I turned to him he raised his glass at me and we both took a sip.

  “I have had many comments from them about my necklace!” I then informed him, whilst my hand went to my neck to check that it was still there. “I still cannot believe that you gave this to me!”

  “I hope it will be the first of many presents I can bestow upon you!” he then said, and as my stomach pooled with butterflies I was glad that the band interrupted me just then.

  “Can we take this opportunity to ask Katharina to join us over here?” they requested. I raised my eyebrows at James and he smiled and gestured for me to go. “We would like to wish Katharina a very happy thirtieth birthday. I am sure that you will all do the same! This is one of the most awesome gigs we have ever played at, this house is amazing, so thank you for asking us to play for you tonight. I believe there is a little something for you here, Katharina, and so if everyone can join me…” the lead singer finished as George appeared, carrying a cake; I sighed at his thoughtfulness as the whole room erupted on cue from the band to start singing ‘Happy Birthday’! I blew out the candles and was handed a microphone. Suddenly I had an awful flashback of Bridget Jones and her speech. Deep breath, I thought, and then started.

  “I cannot thank you all enough for taking part in my birthday celebrations at my beautiful home. The gifts were unexpected, but very much appreciated. I expect to see lots of dancing, there is a buffet to die for that will be served soon, and I definitely expect everyone to leave here more than a little merry!” I laughed. Then I raised my glass. “To friends and family!” I then toasted, looking first at Claire, who blew me a kiss, and then I smiled at George and then James. Everyone in return repeated the toast. The lead singer asked for a request from me and I thought for a minute and then asked for one song that seemed appropriate: ‘Magic’ by Pilot. As the band started the music, I shrugged at James and then walked across to Claire, dragging George, and we danced happily along as Claire shouted:

  “Very appropriate choice!” to both George and I. I laughed and threw myself around. When a few more songs had been played and I had danced for nearly half an hour, David, the head caterer, came up to me to say that the food was ready to be served. I asked him to ask the band to announce it, as they needed a break too.

  I went along in the stream of people, with Claire and George not far behind me. The dining room had been set out with a delicious buffet that lined the grand table; its set up was easy and approachable from all sides. I selected a small amount and then moved to the corner of the room, chatting with friends and explaining how I came to buy the house, which intrigued many of them. I moved around and tried to speak to as many as possible before eventually excusing myself and making my way over to George, who it seemed had attached himself to Claire whilst I was busy socialising.

  “Are you alright, dear?” he asked. I blew out a large breath and shook my head. “Are you ill?” he asked with concern.

  “No, just nervous!” I replied. “I need to speak with him now – I can’t wait much longer. The anticipation is killing me!”

  “Well, go get him then!” Claire said in her usual matter-of-fact way. George looked at her.

  “I have to agree!” he simply said. I nodded and straightened my shoulders just as James appeared in the mirror behind them.

  “Everything alright?” he asked and George prompted me with a small cough.

  “Please may I speak with you in the library?” I asked. James looked a little nervous, but agreed instantly.

  As I walked through the hallway, with James following alongside happily in the mirror, the main door suddenly burst open and John all but fell into the house. I stopped in my tracks for a moment and then headed over to him. I was then greeted by Charles, who mimed that he was sorry, and then in walked Nadine. I froze on the spot and glared at her, and then looked back at John.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You weren’t invited!” I pointed out.

  “I tried to tell him that, Kat!” Charles quickly interjected.

  “Shut up Charles!” John silenced him and looked at me. “I don’t know what has gotten into you, but seriously Kat, you’ve lost it!” he then said, slurring slightly.

>   “You have the nerve to tell me that when you have brought her here?” I asked, and then realised that I had a small audience. “Come with me. You stay here!” I remarked, pointing at Charles and Nadine and then dragging John to the library. Claire and George followed and closed the door behind me. James was now furious and paced the room, running his hands through his hair.

  “You deserve so much better than this!” James said.

  “I’m starting to believe that!” I replied. John shrugged his arm free.

  “Who are you talking to? Seriously, you’ve lost it Kat, you’re going crazy! First George, then this house and spending all of your money and then you ditch me!” he remarked whilst waving his arms about.

  “If he ruins this night for you I will not be held responsible for my actions!” James then said bitterly. I held my hand up to the mirror to calm him. Claire had her arms crossed and was glaring at John. George looked anxious.

  With John facing me near the desk and blocking my view of James, I decided to tell him what I thought.

  “You really have no idea when to give up, do you? I’m not coming back to you, John – not ever. You are the most arrogant, selfish, despicable person and I really do not know what I ever saw in you!” I remarked.

  “Well said!” George stated. John glared at him.

  “Everything has changed since you started coming here!” he then said. As he moved closer, I backed up.

  “I love it here!” I replied as he staggered closer still.

  “I think you love George!” he then laughed.

  “You’re right I do – he’s like family to me, unlike you!” I simply stated. James now had his hands pressed up against his side of the mirror.

  “So help me God, this will not end well!” he remarked, now punching the mirror.

  “You are nothing without me. Who would have you? You’re going mad and no one in their right mind would hook up with you!” John then said, which hurt. I looked toward the mirror at James, who looked as hurt as I, and then answered;

  “John, stop denying what has happened; you must admit that we were not happy for a long time. I’m sorry, but I do not want to spend another minute with you. I want to be with someone who respects and understands me and, more than that, is faithful to me!” I commented calmly. James sighed and looked down, disappointed, and so I continued: “Besides, there is someone else!” I then informed him.


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