A Different Reflection

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A Different Reflection Page 36

by Jane L Gibson

  I could see James look up at me from the corner of my eye. George and Claire simply glanced at one another hopefully.

  “What?” John shouted. “You’ve been cheating on me?” he asked, becoming even more agitated now.

  “John, she would never do that. Shows how little you knew her!” Claire said in my defence.

  “Shut up Claire!” he directed at her.

  “Now, now young man that is no way to speak to any lady!” George replied as he stepped a little closer.

  “Who is it? I want to know – tell me!” John demanded as he grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me, knocking me backwards onto the desk chair. I looked up at him and suddenly found a new confidence – I needed to get John out of my life, and I wasn’t afraid to hide my feelings any more. I looked around him to the mirror – James was stood there with desire in his eyes – and then I returned my gaze to John.

  “I am in love with James Henry Aldersley!” I stated with conviction, and then I smiled. George looked to the heavens, his hands in a prayer-like fashion, whereas Claire just punched the air miming a huge ‘Yes’. John shook his head, and I had no time to register James’ look as John came back at me bitterly.

  “What? Isn’t that the guy in a painting here? Jesus, you are crazy, do you think that you’re in a fairy tale?” John shouted again. I laughed lightly – if he only knew!

  Amidst all of the commotion, I hadn’t noticed George walking toward the mirror. James had one hand on the mirror and one hand on his stomach and then I heard words that I had hoped for: “I am in love with you too!” he said, but then gestured that he was in pain. I tried to look beyond John, but could not see as he kept stepping in my line of sight and blocking my view. George had stepped back and pulled Claire with him – why I was not sure – and I now had John pushing at my shoulder repetitively whilst cursing me.

  “You seriously need a mental institution; I’m going to recommend that you are institutionalised as clinically insane. What you need is a good hard slap to wake you up from this!” he said with a tone that put fear into me. He stepped forward with his hand raised; I braced myself for pain and put my arms up to my face and closed my eyes, but nothing came… and then I heard him.

  “That will not be necessary!” James said. He sounded close by and as I looked up at John, James was stood there behind him and had John’s raised hand caught in his! John spun in disbelief.

  “Who the hell are you, and where did you come from?” he asked, a little dazed.

  “I would be James Henry Aldersley, and there is no way that you are laying one finger on the woman that I love as long as I draw breath!” he replied calmly but with authority. I swallowed hard and looked at George, who had his hand on his chest and seemed close to tears. James in the meantime placed John’s hand behind his back and pushed him away from me. John, in quick response, turned back on James and lunged toward him, fists ready, stating: “Don’t push me around!” The door creaked open and Charles and Nadine walked in just as James’ fist quite rightly made contact with John’s chin, knocking him backwards a couple of steps and onto his arse. I sighed in relief.

  “Really?” James asked. “You keep coming at me, John; I could hit you all day after what you have done to Katharina!” he remarked as he stepped in front of me to shield me. Nadine ran to John’s side, pampering him, but he stumbled to his feet and pushed her out of the way.

  “You can have her! God, I can’t put up with this sham – whatever it is!” he gestured with hand movements. James dropped his fists as Charles and Nadine told John it was time to leave and ushered him to the library door.

  “Oh, and John – Katharina and I will be calling to pick up her remaining items soon, as she will never be coming back – this is her home, here with me!” he then shouted after him. George covered his mouth and tried not to laugh.

  “Arse!” Claire piped up as he passed her.

  “Oh whatever!” He gestured to us all as he nursed his swollen and bleeding lip. “I give up – I’ve no idea what is going on here; she never mentioned you living here!” he mumbled to himself, looking back at James as he exited the door.

  James then turned nervously to me and moved closer. He reached out his hand to help me stand and then he placed one hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes at his warm touch.

  “Are you alright?” he asked with emotion. I smiled at him as I placed my hand on his.

  “You’re here, you’re really here!” I smiled. He smiled back and lifted my hand to his lips to gently kiss it, and then he inhaled the smell of my skin. I felt slightly nauseous, light-headed and confused, but I also felt so in love as I looked into his beautiful eyes.

  “I am here, thank you for believing in me!” He breathed out heavily. “I love you Katharina Josephine Stuart!” he then smiled. “My wait has been worth it!”

  “I love you too!” I simply replied, and as I did so he moved closer and scooped me up in his arms and kissed me, just as I had dreamed he would. We would have continued kissing all night if Claire hadn’t broken the silence.

  “Got any more of those hotties in there for me, George?” He laughed loudly at her remark.

  “God I hope not, one is enough!” he replied as Claire joined in laughing.

  James turned around and with my hand in his walked toward George, who simply said:

  “Back in the land of the living then lad?” He almost looked ready to burst into tears, but James simply threw his arms around him and they hugged like father and son.

  “I intend to make the absolute most of it George, as I hope that you will!” he simply replied and then as he stepped back he sincerely said: “Thank you for being a father and a good friend to me all these years!” George was choked up and cleared his throat before replying:

  “My pleasure! I only have one word of advice – and not that he didn’t deserve it – but you best not go hitting everyone you meet for the first time!” George patted him on the arm in acknowledgement. He laughed and then looked at his hand.

  “Yes, but it did feel good to give that man a piece of my mind!”

  Claire gave me the biggest hug.

  “Jesus, that was an experience and he is hot, hot, hot!” she whispered. “You need to write about this – seriously!” she then stated as James took my hand and pulled me back to him. He hugged me more tightly than anyone ever had and placed his head into the nape of my neck.

  “It feels good to hold you. I cannot tell you how long I have wanted to do so!” I leaned back from him.

  “Me too! Maybe I could have ended this sooner than I thought? This was not quite the way I had intended on telling you, but I wasn’t sure how you felt about me!” I remarked.

  “You captured my heart from the moment we met!” he then replied as he placed his hands on my face and leaned down, pressing his lips against mine. I surrendered to his tenderness and lost myself for a moment, before hearing Claire again.

  “Hey, wait a minute – I feel slightly cheated now, I could have been the one to break the spell if we had waited a little longer!”

  “I’m not going to say maybe another time Claire!” George winked at her. James rested his forehead on mine and then said:

  “You have guests and a party to attend, my dear!” I nearly melted.

  “This is by far the best birthday that I have ever had!” I replied honestly.

  “May I have the next dance?” he asked as he smiled at me.

  “Oh God, this is so not fair! Seriously? He’s hot and a gentleman?” Claire shrugged as she started to walk toward the door. “Come on George, you are going to have to settle with me!” she gestured to him.

  “That would be my pleasure, Claire!” he smiled, leading her out of the room.

  As James and I followed, his hand entwined with mine, he heard the music and then grimaced a little. “Maybe not?” He looked at me apologetically. I laughed and looked at George hopefully.

  “Give me a minute, I can sort that!” he replied, laughing a little and taking
Claire with him.

  As we left the library, I looked toward the main door where Charles and Nadine were talking sense to John, who simply stared at us. James tightened his grip on my hand. I had to make sure they left and so I looked at James, hopeful that he would let me speak with him.

  “Just give me a minute?”

  “Do you want me to go with you?” he asked.

  “I’ll be fine, I will be right back!” I smiled as he reluctantly let go of my hand.

  I walked over to them and Charles was quick to apologise, and at the same time tell me how stunning I looked. The comment barely registered! John straightened himself and stood in front of me.

  “I need to say I’m sorry, Kat. I would never have touched you, you know that don’t you?” he asked whilst rubbing his forehead in shame. I sighed at him and shook my head.

  “John – I am sorry this has ended this way, but you need to face up to the fact that you and Nadine are to blame for this. I want you to leave, all three of you – I never wanted this ill feeling but you’ve left me no choice!” I confessed.

  “I can see that! I am sorry and I hope that you are happy, I will regret this one day,” he replied. I turned, looked across at James and smiled.

  “I know that I am going to be very happy!” I simply replied, and then I gestured to the door and they knew that it was their cue to leave. I had no expectation of getting any further apology. Nadine simply mouthed ‘Sorry’ as she scuttled out of the door after John, and in a small way I found it amusing!

  As I walked toward James with my friends watching us, he held out his hand. As I slid mine into his, it fit like a glove. He smiled at me and looked happy that I had now removed anyone that could cause any sadness and as we walked toward the ballroom, the song the band was playing changed to ‘I’ll Be Right Here Waiting For You’ by Richard Marx. I smiled, knowing that George had a list of my requests and had chosen this song especially. I was lost in the intimacy of having James here with me and as we slow danced along with others, who were watching us intently, I inhaled the scent of his skin and wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer. Whilst he hugged me tighter, he cradled the back of my head and swooped in for another kiss. Just his touch made me feel filled with love; as we swayed along, I could not be any happier.

  I insisted that he ate with me, and drank champagne; just to do that together was so pleasurable. Claire, George and James and I seemed to have our own little private function going on, but I did introduce James to my friends and colleagues. Angela was definitely taken by his good looks! She swooned in front of him, which Claire found highly amusing. She did point out that she wanted details on where to find ‘one of those’, and I wasn’t sure that I was ready to explain!

  Claire was certainly not shy and she asked if she could ‘borrow’ James for one dance. I agreed as I wanted to dance with George. He spun me around to the band’s version of Nina Simone’s ‘Feeling Good’. We laughed at how apt the words were, and as it came to an end, George hugged me harder than James had and whispered in my ear.

  “You are our saviour! I love you for your honesty, belief in us, and your love for James!” I pulled back from him and smiled.

  “I love you too George; you’re definitely my family now!” I replied and then we both hugged even harder as James walked back to me and placed his hand on the small of my back.

  “You are going to squeeze the air out of her if you hold her any tighter, George!” he joked.

  “I am simply conveying my appreciation for Katharina!” George smiled. James tapped him on the shoulder in a friendly gesture and then turned to me, took my hand and kissed it again.

  “You have guests leaving!” he pointed out. I looked at my watch; it was nearly one in the morning. I looked at him, knowing that it was coming to an end. James gestured toward my waiting guests. “Shall we?” he asked, I nodded in agreement.

  Claire had definitely had an impact on Tom, Rachel’s brother, and it looked like he may be staying the night. I watched him spin her around the dance floor whilst I said goodnight to leaving guests. Once everyone had gone, James and I and Claire and Tom had a last dance on the floor alone. Just being able to hold James close to me was mind blowing. I couldn’t believe he was really here! George was celebrating with more champagne, and when the band had packed up it was just us left. Knowing that people would be back to clear up in the morning, I thought about the rest of the night.

  Claire pulled me to one side and declared that Tom was staying and asked if that was alright. I said it was fine – as long as they didn’t keep everyone awake all night! In response she nudged me, looking at James. He was stood with one hand in his pocket, looking at me whilst talking to George.

  “Don’t think you need to worry about that – you’re going to be awake anyway!” she laughed. I had a sudden panic attack.

  “God, what if I let him down?” I asked.

  “Jesus Kat, he’s well out of practice; I reckon by tomorrow he will realise it’s like riding a bike and will be up for much more practice!” she said as George locked up the front door. Claire kissed George and James on the cheek before hugging me once more and with her hands on my shoulders she said: “Relax and enjoy it!” As she bounced up the stairs with Tom, she stopped halfway and turned to face us. “It’s really great to finally meet you James!” she happily said, and I knew that she meant it. James replied with one word:


  I smiled at her remark and as I looked at James, I knew that he was more nervous than me. He was anxious and so I went to him.

  “Are you alright?” I asked him. He brushed my cheek with his hand.

  “I feel like I am dreaming!” he smiled. Then he kissed my cheek. “I am trying to work out how I am going to rest until tomorrow without you near me!” He gestured to Claire and the fact that it was time for bed.

  “No!” I stated loudly. “I don’t want to be alone – not tonight. I’ve only just got you; I don’t want you to leave me!” I declared honestly. He sighed.

  “Katharina, I’m never leaving you!” he replied as he kissed me again. Then he looked into my eyes. “But I am not sure that it would be appropriate for me to stay the night with you!” he said in his gentlemanly fashion. I swallowed and then replied:

  “I respect that you feel it’s inappropriate, but times have changed. Do I get a say in the matter?”

  “Of course; I want you to be comfortable with any decision that you make!”

  “I’ve never been more certain about anything. I just want to be close to you, hold you, and feel you hold me!” I said. He held me tight.

  “I want to hold you and be close to you! I love you!” he stated again.

  “I know, I can sense that you do!” I told him. George had now walked back over to us.

  “Right you two young lovebirds, I am off to bed for the first night’s sleep before the start of a new day for us!” he said with a slight slur.

  “George, are you alright?” James enquired, looking at him.

  “Bloody marvellous!” he said loudly whilst chuckling to himself. He walked away, waving his hand at us. I laughed.

  “A little merry it seems!” I remarked and then I took his hand. “Shall we?” I asked. He nodded and we climbed the stairs whilst he held me tightly around my waist.

  We arrived at my room and I locked the door once we entered. James stood and looked vacantly around the room and so I walked over and faced him, standing on tiptoes to reach his lips. I kissed him and as my hand rested on his chest I could feel his heart racing.

  “Your heart is pounding!” I confirmed and he simply nodded.

  “I never thought that I would ever be loved again – not like this – or love anyone, or have this opportunity to…” he trailed off nervously. “It is somewhat overwhelming that someone like you would want to love me!” As he finished his sentence, I placed my finger over his lips and shushed him.

  “I love you, and I never want to leave you, and I have never felt
like this about anyone. Is that not enough?” I asked. He nodded and took my hand in his.

  “It has been many years since I shared the company of a woman!” he said with a worried look. “I do not want to leave you unsatisfied!” he finished. Just those words made the pit of my stomach heat up. I knew that we were going to have a lot of time to make him feel more at ease, and quite honestly the thought made me tingle.

  I decided to take the first step. I was nervous too, but I unfastened my hair and let it cascade down my back. I shook my head a little and looked at him; his eyes were a pale but sharp blue and sparkled with such heat and life, never moving from mine. I pushed his jacket from his shoulders and let it drop to the floor and then unfastened his bowtie. Sliding it from his neck and then unfastening the top button of his shirt made him breathe a little more erratically, and so I pulled off my shoes and then kissed him again. He was breathing harder and his heart was racing faster.

  “Hey, are you alright?” I asked him.

  “I have so many emotions right now; my heart it seems does not know how to respond!” he gently said as he took a couple of deep breaths. I smiled.

  “I can understand that!” I smiled and I stepped back. “Broken spell brain overload?” I then joked, trying to relax him a little.

  “I am overloaded and overwhelmed at everything that has happened tonight, but more so at how beautiful you are, and how kind your heart and soul is!” he said honestly. I melted again, but felt his anxiety, and so I made a suggestion.

  “James, I love you and that is all you need to think about for now. Why don’t you get settled into bed and I will be with you in a moment? I think you just need to be held closely for now!” I replied. He stepped closer.

  “The fact that you understand makes me love you more!” he sighed, and then kissed my hand.


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