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A Different Reflection

Page 37

by Jane L Gibson

  “Would you unzip me so that I can undress?” I asked, turning and lifting my hair to reveal the zipper. I could feel his hands shaking, and he apologised as the zip was a little stiff.

  “I am sorry!” he said as he tugged at it, but I found it endearing and so I laughed lightly.

  “It’s fine, you’re doing great!” I replied as he managed to unfasten it to the bottom. He placed his hand around the back of my neck and kissed my shoulder. I shivered and closed my eyes. His touch was delicate and tender and warm. When he stood back up, I turned to him. “I will be back in just a minute!” I replied as I pulled my robe and my sexiest nightdress over my arm and disappeared to the bathroom.

  I removed my makeup and brushed my teeth and hair, and then quickly shrugged out of my dress, laying it over the chair in the bathroom. When I returned to my bedroom and reached the door, my heart was racing and I had to stop and stand with my hands on my hips and take three deep breaths. I turned the door handle and walked in, locking it again, and was pleased to see that James was laying in bed. He looked nervous, but with his chest bare he was a vision. I shrugged out of my robe and then walked around the bed, not taking my eyes off him. He nervously sat up and I slid under the covers. I propped myself up on my elbow and then simply said, with my arms open:

  “Come here!”

  He shuffled across to me and as he embraced me, letting out a small breath, I moved us further down the bed, holding him close. He hugged me tightly, and whilst he held me I gently drew circles on his back. The smell of his skin and the warmth against my body was intoxicating. We lay still for some time – not speaking, just embracing – and then he lifted his head and looked at me.

  “I am the luckiest man on this earth!” he simply stated before kissing me firmly and without hesitation.

  He had no need to worry. As we became more entwined beneath the sheets, he had forgotten nothing!

  Chapter Thirty-One

  When I woke, I was surprised to find James facing me, wide awake. He was simply staring at me. I smiled, quickly reminiscing about last night, and I knew that I blushed just a little. He reached across and touched my cheek and then I stretched.

  “Good morning handsome, did you sleep well?” I asked.

  “I slept for some time, but then I found my head had too many questions about what would happen next. I found comfort just watching you sleep!” he replied.

  “I hope that you have not changed your mind, Mr Aldersley!” I stated with authority. He kissed me gently.

  “I could never change my mind about you or how I feel! I keep looking at the mirror and wondering how to live. I am so used to being on my own, trapped in there, that I do not know where to start!” he replied nervously. I embraced him and held him tightly.

  “We will figure it out together!” I replied and he squeezed me and then kissed me. He made a small murmur deep within his chest and then looked at me.

  “You are going to be a danger to me, Katharina; you are more intoxicating than I imagined!” he smiled. I laughed lightly.

  “I have you under my spell instead?” I joked. He laughed, rolling onto me.

  “That is definitely true, and a spell I do not mind enduring for all eternity!” He kissed my forehead then jumped out of bed. The sight of his naked buttocks made me nervously look away. “You take your time and get ready, I am going to make you breakfast now that I can! I’m just going to shower, so see you downstairs soon,” he stated as he pulled his trousers on and left his shirt open and walked to the door.

  I threw the covers over my head when he left and giggled like a schoolgirl. This was really happening to me. James was here and I couldn’t have been happier, and last night… wow… it was the best night that I had ever had! I closed my eyes and as thoughts ran through my head I must have drifted back off, as I suddenly heard talking and music and banging around the house, which startled me. I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to find Claire just leaving. She grabbed hold of my arms.

  “Well?” she asked hopefully, looking at me for any small clue. I smiled.

  “Absolutely amazing!” I simply said in return. She hugged me like I had just won the lottery, screaming and laughing.

  “I knew it. God he’s got everything, and he’s great in the sack!” she laughed.

  “How was your night with Tom?” I asked her.

  “You know what, he’s really sweet! I like him; we are going to have dinner next week!” she replied – I was shocked. A second date for Claire so quickly after the first was a big thumbs up. I touched her arm in a sisterly way.

  “I’m pleased – you should give him a chance, he’s a really nice guy!” She nodded and then I stepped past her. “I’m going to take a shower. James is making breakfast!” She rolled her eyes and tutted, then gestured for me to get ready.

  When I arrived downstairs, the whole place was buzzing with people tidying. I walked toward the ballroom and stood just inside the doorway. It had already been cleared and my thoughts returned to the many people who had been in here last night. I stood for a moment longer and then I felt two arms wrap around my middle and pull me back into a firm chest. James held me tight and I rubbed his arms. He smelt delicious and as he kissed my neck I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

  “I wondered where you were; I hate to be parted from you!” he said as I turned to face him. He had a white t-shirt and jeans on and fit in with everyone else. I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “I like your new wardrobe!” I stated, glancing up and down at him.

  “I have to become part of this era. I need to start by dressing in the correct attire!” he said, and I laughed a little.

  “I think that we need to work on your vocabulary too. You still sound like something from your era!”

  “Duly noted!” he replied with a huge smile. “I have made breakfast, shall we join George?” he asked.

  “I would like that. How is he feeling this morning?” I enquired.

  “Not as well as he did last night!” he joked. He took my hand and led me through the hallway, glancing in every mirror that we passed. “This is very strange, and will take some getting used to!” he remarked. I wrapped my other hand around his arm and pulled him closer.

  “You’re going to be just fine!”

  Breakfast was delightful, mainly because James was with us. Claire and Tom had joined us, and it felt like any other normal family morning. George was the happiest I had seen him, regardless of his sore head. James invited Claire and Tom to stay for the day, as he reminded me that I had presents to open. I was glad that he had asked. As the day was dry and somewhat sunny, after lunch, when all the tidying was done and the house was back to normal, I went for a stroll with James in the garden. There were so many things that I wanted him to see, including London, where I worked and the places that I loved. I knew this would have to be done one step at a time, though; it would be very daunting for him and I didn’t want to freak him out.

  The weeks passed and I had never been happier. James and George had gone with me to collect the last remaining items from John’s apartment. I had taken them for dinner in London, to my favourite restaurant. James had picked me up from work numerous times via train and tube; he liked to travel on the train – he found it ‘stimulating’. He had also visited the office, much to Angela’s delight. I couldn’t have imagined myself in any other situation now; it was hard to think that I was in such a different place this time last year.

  I left work after a long day with a spring in my step. George had made the point numerous times that family was the most important thing to him and he was so happy for James and me. I also hoped that he would meet some kind-hearted lady who he could spend the rest of his life with; he had been alone for so very long. It had given me the idea of looking up George’s family tree and trying to trace any long-distant relative that he may have. My search had been successful and I arrived at the train station that evening feeling excited. I was greeted by James on the platform. He always wanted
to meet me as soon as he could and hugged me tightly every time I returned to him. We kissed as always; it was our first greeting to each other before we even spoke. I knew that George would be waiting outside, and so I quickly told James my plan. He was more than excited about it; he couldn’t believe that in my search I had managed to trace George’s family right down the line to his existing great-grandson (eighth great-grandson to be exact!), who had children of his own. I had suggested that we invite them for the day to Northfield, and remarkably they lived in Kent and so they were not too far away! It would have to be a well-devised plan, and I had the perfect way in enticing them to join us: I wrote them a letter telling them that we had been researching past descendants of Northfield and told them of their link. I offered them lunch in the main house at no cost so that we could let them know our findings. Thankfully they had agreed to visit, with all of their children, as they had been doing a family tree too.

  It was our secret and when the day arrived, we were ecstatic. We had explained that we were having visitors to George, and that they were friends of mine; he had not questioned it too deeply. We all waited for their arrival. James smiled at me and told me to explain. George looked at us with slight confusion, knowing that we were up to something. James stood beside me with his arm around my waist and prompted me to begin.

  “George, I have a confession to make. The people visiting today are not my friends.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand!” George remarked.

  “They are family – your family!” I replied.

  “What? How?” he asked, looking a little nervous suddenly.

  “Katharina wanted you to know that despite our situation your son and their subsequent sons thrived. It was all her idea!” James explained. George sat down, a little dazed.

  “I never dared hope that they had carried my family along the generations. How did you find them?” he asked. I crouched in front of him.

  “There are many ways to trace people now, George. It is about time that you had the chance to take a look at the amazing family you created! I hope that you are not angry; I just wanted you to meet your great grandsons!” I replied.

  “Sons?” he asked inquisitively. I nodded.

  “Ryan is your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandson.” I counted along my fingers. “He is fifty years old and is married with three children – two boys and a girl!” I replied and then touched his knee in reassurance.

  “I do not know what to say!” he then stated, and a tear ran down his cheek. “I never expected to ever see any person related to me by blood ever again. I am touched that you gave me such consideration!” he then said and he touched my hand. I smiled and stood up, and as I glanced out of the window I could see a car approaching.

  “You best take a couple of deep breaths, George – I believe they are here!” I remarked. He stood up and straightened himself and James patted him on the shoulder to give him more reassurance.

  “This is a good thing, George; your family flourished and it is good to see that after everything you have endured!” James confirmed. George nodded and then walked to me and hugged me.

  “Thank you, Katharina. I never expected you to surprise me more than you already have. You are such a generous soul!” he said. I hugged him back and then took his hand.

  “Come on, let’s go and say hello!” I suggested as we walked to the hallway and opened the front door.

  Their little boy and girl bounced out of the car and their elder son, who was eighteen, stretched as he exited the car. Ryan and his wife Sarah got out and walked to the bottom of the front steps, where we now waited. George trembled a little, but managed to say:

  “Welcome, we are so pleased that you could join us today!” He reached out his hand and Ryan shook it.

  “Thank you for inviting us. It was a coincidence that we have been trying to do our family tree for some time. You may be able to enlighten us a little more!” he said eagerly. George released his hand, looking at his own, and then replied:

  “I hope to do just that!” He stepped across and kissed Sarah on both cheeks like a friend would.

  “It’s lovely to meet you!” she said. “Children, come and say hello to –” She stopped and looked at him.

  “George!” he answered for her. The little boy bounced across to him.

  “That’s my name too!” he said, and then he reached out his hand, “I’m very pleased to meet you!” he continued and shook George’s hand vigorously. It made us all laugh. They introduced us to Isabelle and Mark and we all greeted each other before walking with them into the house.

  The day was better than we could have hoped for. George seemed younger somehow in their company. The children delighted us, and Ryan and Sarah were really lovely people; they loved the house and everything that George had to tell them. He had decided that maybe the truth was a little too much to take in right now, but he gave them all the other information that they asked for to help with their family tree. He was buzzing with every story he told. When it came to them leaving, he was happy when Ryan asked if it would be possible to speak with him again, should he need to. George answered by saying that they could call or visit whenever they wished. He wasn’t sure what more he could tell them, but he liked the idea of keeping in touch.

  George waved them off, and then hugged us both together and thanked us. I was happy that he had embraced the whole thing so well, and it was obvious that he had enjoyed every minute of it. I think that James was pleased that we had done something for George for a change. He asked if we would all like some tea, and as he started to wander away, dancing a little, James turned to me.

  “Could I ask you to join me in the ballroom?” he enquired, taking hold of my hand.

  “Sure!” I replied, following along.

  When we entered, he walked to the table opposite the door, which now permanently had my iPod and speakers sat on top. He pressed play, and then walked back to me as a song started playing; ‘Cheek to Cheek’ by Fred Astaire. He held out his hand for mine, and as I willingly gave it to him, he spun me and started to move me around the floor.

  “Interesting choice!” I commented.

  “George likes this song; I like the words!” he said, smiling.

  He was very graceful and held me tightly to him. We had practiced numerous times at dancing; James regularly waltzed me around the dance floor – something that John had never liked to do! When the song finished, he dropped me into a leaning swoop and then kissed me. It was very romantic. After taking my breath away slightly, he returned me to standing and touched my cheek.

  “Katharina, I have something that I need to ask you!” he requested my complete attention.

  “Anything!” I replied honestly. He put his hand into his pocket and then dropped to one knee in front of me. My heart started racing and I felt a little dizzy. He produced a very large diamond and ruby ring between his fingers and gave me a very sincere look as he then said:

  “I cannot waste another moment without confirming and knowing that you are mine forever. Katharina Josephine Stuart, will you do me the incredible honour of marrying me? I promise to love you and protect you and be faithful to you for the rest of my days!” He said it with such love and conviction that I did not have to even think about the answer!

  I reached down, placed my hand on his face and then replied:

  “I never want to be without you, James. I love you more than words can say… yes, I will marry you!” I replied, smiling. He stood and placed the ring on my finger before scooping me up and spinning me around.

  When he placed my feet firmly back on the ground, he kissed me again and then looked at my hand, which bore the ring proclaiming that I was his.

  “It suits you!” he said, looking at it. “Rubies are a good choice for you, and they signify love! I can understand why my father chose it!” he quietly said. I swallowed hard.

  “This was your mother’s too?” I asked.

  “It was. Now it is
yours, and I can at last understand why my mother was so grief-stricken after losing my father. I know what a love like theirs feels like now!” he honestly replied. I threw my arms around his neck.

  “I love it, it’s beautiful. Nothing else could have been more perfect. Thank you!” I replied, now feeling a little emotional. James held me a moment and then with his hands on my waist he looked toward the ballroom door.

  “George, it’s alright, you can come in – she has agreed to be my wife!” he shouted. George’s head popped around the door and then he quickly scuttled in.

  “Thank goodness for that!” he said as he marched straight to me and hugged me, then kissed me on the cheek. He shook James’ hand and then hugged him like a father. He looked at my hand and the ring. “It suits you well Katharina! This calls for more champagne to continue the merriment!” he said happily and he turned to retrieve some, but I had other ideas.

  “Wait a minute. I’m glad that I have the two of you in here whilst you’re both so happy. We need to bring you both into the modern day – just wait there a moment!” I gestured for them to not move and whilst they both shrugged at each other and looked lost, I walked across and flicked through my iPod. I found an appropriate song and pressed play: The Police’s ‘Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic’ started playing.

  I walked back toward them. “First lesson of slightly more modern dancing. Off you go boys!” I gestured to them both, then placed my hands on my hips.

  “Really?” James asked. I could tell that he was a little uncomfortable at the thought.

  “Please?” I asked again with puppy dog eyes.

  “That is not fair, Katharina! I can refuse you nothing when you look at me in such a way!” James replied. George laughed out loud and I smiled cheekily. The chorus had now started.

  They looked at each other briefly and then raised their eyebrows and started moving along with the music, doing their silliest dance moves. I laughed heartily at them and then joined in; they took it in turns to spin me and turn me, and then they both in unison kissed me at the same time, each taking a cheek. I kissed them both back, taking a moment to kiss James tenderly, then we all laughed and danced contentedly, not caring how we looked but knowing that beyond all doubt we would definitely live… happily ever after!


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