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The League 1: Born Of The Night

Page 18

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

  When they were alone again, Rachol let out his own heavy sigh. "Shahara is my main worry. Aksel comes in full force, blasters blazing. She slips up from behind and drives a blade into your lung. Lethal harita."

  Nykyrian nodded, knowing all too well the female assassin's reputation. "I'll go to Tondara tonight and try to find Driana. She'll gladly give me Aksel's plans."

  Rachol shook his head. "From my reports, I'm surprised Aksel hasn't killed her. Everything I have says they hate each other." Rachol yawned.

  Nykyrian sipped his drink, thinking about Driana. "Aksel won't kill her because of her trust fund. If they divorce or she dies under mysterious circumstances, all her money reverts to her family. Aksel's too greedy to let something like hatred interfere with his wealth."

  "Why are you talking about that scum?"

  Nykyrian looked up to see Ryn approaching them. Ryn's red hair was a shade darker than Darling's, but his eyes were an identical shade of blue.

  "We were discussing ways to kill him," Rachol muttered before guzzling his glass of water.

  Ryn shook his head at him. "So how's my renegade brother?" he asked Nykyrian, taking a seat.

  Knowing Darling wouldn't want his brother, who couldn't help him anyway, informed about his condition, Nykyrian lied. "He's fine."

  "Good." Ryn took a seat and handed Nykyrian a copy of the Probekein's latest contract on Kiara's life. "That hasn't been posted yet," he said, adjusting the voluminous yards of his imperial robes. "All I could find out was Biardi told Emperor Abenbi to burn in a very uncomfortable position for a long time. Abenbi refuses to call the contract off, even if Biardi gives him the surata."

  "I could've learned that through a terminal," Rachol smirked.

  Ryn frowned at Nykyrian. "What did you do to put him in such a hostile mood?" he asked, then continued before an answer could be given. "Abenbi also wants the weapon to go after the Fremick territory. He feels since they're his neighbor, they should be part of his territories. I really wish you guys would put a stop to him."

  "Pay our fee." Rachol glared.

  Ryn returned the gesture. "That's all I know," he said in an irritated voice. "I hope it helped."

  At Rachol's scoff, Ryn faced Nykyrian. "You should keep him on a leash."

  Nykyrian barely had time to grab Rachol's arm before his fist made contact with the ambassador's chin. "Calm down!" he snapped.

  Grudgingly, Rachol retook his seat.

  "Your information did help," Nykyrian said, shaking Ryn's hand before the ambassador took his leave.

  "We waited all this time for that?" Rachol sneered.

  Nykyrian jerked the papers off the table. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  Rachol came to his feet. "You slept with her last night! I waited up half the night hoping you would come back downstairs. But you didn't."

  Nykyrian sighed. "I know where I spent the night."

  Rachol's eyes narrowed. "When she betrays us, just remember I warned you."

  Nykyrian clenched his teeth, tempted to send Rachol flying. "How could I forget, since you'll no doubt remind me every day of my life."

  Rachol stared at him and from the clenched fists he kept at his side, Nykyrian knew he wanted to knock his head from his shoulders.

  "It's your funeral," Rachol said before gathering up his papers and leaving the room.

  With Rachol's dire warnings echoing in his head, Nykyrian made his way slowly to his ship. Maybe Rachol was right. Things had been going too good. His life never went smoothly. Just when things seemed to improve, something always happened to mess it up.

  Nykyrian climbed aboard his ship. He sat in the leather seat, thinking. His thumb played across the shifter. A bad feeling crept along his spine.

  Checking his power and fuel levels, Nykyrian didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Still the feeling of trouble to come persisted. If he had learned anything in his life, it was to always trust his instincts and now those instincts were buzzing loudly in alarm.

  Something awful was definitely going to happen.

  Chapter 11

  Nykyrian, Darling and Hauk stood in the main room of Nykyrian's house. Nykyrian continued to doubt his sanity in allowing Kiara to go to Tondara with them. If only she hadn't pleaded with those big amber eyes, he might have been able to stand fast and make her stay behind. But dammit, he couldn't.

  "Your advice didn't help," Hauk said darkly, eyeing the stairs.

  Nykyrian turned around to see Kiara descending. As he had requested, she pulled her hair severely back from her face and left it in a thick ponytail to trail down her back in soft ringlets. The old, ragged battlesuit that added inches to her waist, didn't deter from her beauty in the least.

  "What else can we do?" Darling asked, looking at Nykyrian as if he knew the answer.

  "Put something over her head," Hauk suggested.

  Kiara's face flushed bright pink. "Why don't you wear something over your head, you big— "

  "That's it," Nykyrian said, interrupting her before she said something to enrage Hauk. "Keep her mad!"

  Kiara stared in confusion as Nykyrian dashed past her, up the stairs and returned with a thick, padded leather jacket. "I already look like a shuttle-craft," she said with a pout. "If I wear this, I'll look like I weigh three times my size."

  Nykyrian winked. "That's the idea."

  Kiara pursed her lips, no longer sure if she should go with them. When Darling had told her what type of club it was, her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

  While Nykyrian helped her into the jacket, her gaze drifted over his body. Kiara burned with desire. Nykyrian wore tight leather pants and an oversized leather jacket without a shirt beneath it. His tanned, muscled flesh begged her hand to touch him. If not for Hauk and Darling, she would pull him back up stairs and yield to the burning need inside her. She licked her dry lips as she met Nykyrian's eyes. Color stained Nykyrian's cheeks at her hungry look.

  Hauk's laugh rang out. "That may actually be the first time in my life I've seen that boy blush!" Nykyrian cast him a dark scowl. Hauk took a step back, still laughing.

  Muttering a curse about the Andarion, Nykyrian untied Kiara's hair and gently plaited it into three braids, then the three into one. He stood up the collar of her jacket and turned her to face Darling and Hauk.

  "Now what do you think?" he asked.

  Hauk shook his head. "I still think she's too damned attractive. She's going to get us killed!"

  "Relax," Darling said. "Shahara goes there all the time and no one ever bothers her."

  Hauk snorted. "That's because she'd kill you for nothing more than asking her the time of day."

  Kiara looked at Nykyrian, afraid he would listen to them. After a lifetime spent with restrictions on her freedom, she desperately wanted to see a real smuggler's / criminal's dive.

  Nykyrian shook his head at Hauk. "We'll watch her closely," he said, taking her hand.

  * * * * *

  Time passed quickly for Kiara as they made their way to the large planet known as Touras and the thriving port city called Tondara.

  They docked outside the grimiest bay Kiara had ever seen. As the hatch raised, she choked on the pungent odor of rotting garbage and body odor. Maybe she should have listened to Hauk and stayed home after all. This place was disgusting!

  Nykyrian unstrapped her. "You'll have to jump down unassisted. Act like you know what you're doing and if anyone looks at you, snarl."

  "Are you serious?"


  She definitely wanted to go home. With a long sigh, she got out and did just as he told her. When her feet hit the pavement, pain jarred through her knees.

  Kiara shrieked as several unidentifiable species of vermin squeaked past her feet, rushing under a nearby garbage heap. Several beings turned to stare at her with interest. Kiara gulped, looking up to see Nykyrian jumping down beside her.

  He gave the onlookers a fierce scowl, then muttered under his breath, "I hate jumping down on pavement
. It kills my knees."

  Kiara squelched her laughter. Darling and Hauk joined them.

  "Looks crowded," Darling said, perusing the ships crowded inside the bay.

  Hauk narrowed his eyes. "I think we should turn back before we get pulverized."

  Nykyrian pushed Hauk toward the entrance.

  Kiara's limbs trembled at the bedraggled individuals watching them approach the door. They seemed a little too intent on sizing up her companions.

  "Don't meet anyone's gaze," Nykyrian warned, wrapping an arm possessively around her.

  Kiara nodded, a lump of fear blocking her words from leaving her throat. When the doors opened, she flinched. Loud music blared at a level that pulsed in her body like a second heartbeat.

  Her curiosity faded in the wake of panic. After being with Nykyrian and his group, she had mistakenly thought most smugglers were similar to them, but she was wrong. The men, women and aliens moving inside the dark club were the roughest, most intimidating individuals she had ever seen and she had no doubt any of them would kill someone for nothing more than looking at them askance.

  Dim lights blinked overhead. The stench of cheap alcohol lodged in her throat. Creatures tumbled over one another, shoving, picking fights. Her legs trembled.

  Nykyrian paid their fee. "You won't be hurt as long as you stay with us," he shouted in her ear over the noise, pulling her into the crowd.

  Hauk put his hand on her shoulder, letting her know he was behind her. Literally.

  "There's a table up ahead!" Darling shouted, bobbing in the crowd to get to it.

  Kiara breathed a sigh of relief as she made it to the table unscathed. At least in the table section it didn't appear nearly as crowded. When they were all seated, an unknown species brought them drinks.

  "She's new," it lisped between bubbled lips. "What does she favor?"

  "Grenna," Nykyrian replied.

  The server appeared to smile, but Kiara couldn't quite tell with the strangely shaped lips. "It's good to see you again, warrior. I had begun to worry if someone had gotten in a lucky shot at you boys."

  Nykyrian smirked. "You know better than that, Vrasna."

  Vrasna looked up at Kiara in a way that made Kiara want to sink under the table. "Is she yours?"

  Nykyrian nodded.

  Vrasna squeezed his shoulder. "I'll pass that around."

  Kiara watched the creature leave. "What was that?" she asked, studying how graceful Vrasna moved on four legs.

  One corner of Nykyrian's mouth lifted. "You can't pronounce it, but she's female." Nykyrian handed her his drink.

  Kiara took a small sip, then gasped as the tart, thick liquid burned a hole in her tongue. Tears stung her eyes.

  "Nasty, isn't it?" Darling asked, handing her his glass of water.

  Grateful for his concern, Kiara took a large gulp trying to diminish the fire in her mouth.

  "I found her," Nykyrian shouted to Hauk. "Guard Kiara with your life!"

  Kiara looked up as Nykyrian left them, her heart pounding in fear and worry. She didn't know who he was after, she just hoped Nykyrian wasn't running into danger.

  She watched him cross the room and meet up with an extremely attractive blond woman. Her eyes narrowed. Jealousy gnawed at her so fiercely, she was tempted to push her way through the crowd to claim him. Then, when Nykyrian led the wench off to the back, she burned even more.

  Hauk's rumbling laugh filled her ears. "Relax," he said. "Nykyrian needs information, nothing more."

  He better, Kiara thought, still not satisfied.

  After a few minutes, Hauk excused himself to chase after an old friend. Darling moved to sit beside her. He covered her shaking hands with his own and gave a tender squeeze for encouragement.


  Kiara jumped at the sound in her ear. A tall, handsome man sat down in the chair on the other side of Darling.

  "You look like hell, buddy."

  Kiara studied the man's gorgeous face. Ebony eyebrows slashed above merry, hazel eyes, parallel to his cheeks. His dark hair was shoulder length and worn in a small ponytail.

  He whispered something in Darling's ear, then looked over at her. A seductive smile curved his lips and Kiara wondered how many women had swooned to it. "Greetings, beautiful." He extended his hand to her.

  Glancing at Darling, Kiara waited for him to verify the man's friendship.

  "Kiara, this is my best friend, Caillen Dagan, smuggler extraordinaire and lady-killer extreme," Darling shouted.

  Gingerly, she shook Caillen's hand. He raised her hand to his lips and placed a warm kiss across her knuckles. Releasing her hand, he met her eyes, one corner of his mouth lifting in a way Kiara was sure would have set most women off into giggles.

  "Kiara Biardi?" Caillen asked in surprise.

  At her nod, his smile widened. "Whoa. It's an even greater privilege to swap drinks with you!"

  Darling shoved Caillen's shoulder. "Don't start on her," he warned. Darling turned to face Kiara. "Caillen's harmless enough, he just thinks every woman breathing is dying to crawl into his bed."

  "Most are," Caillen answered with an infectious laugh.

  "Hi Caillen!" an attractive red head said, leaning over Caillen's shoulder to kiss his cheek.

  Caillen wrinkled his nose and sent the woman away. Kiara looked at Darling who was giving Caillen a disbelieving stare.

  "I think that may be the first time since you hit puberty you've let a beautiful woman get away unmolested!"

  Caillen snorted. "Yeah well, Lila's a ubiquitous slut. Someone should paint an x on her back and mark it this side down."

  Kiara's eyes widened at his crude response.

  Caillen shrugged, that irresistible smile back in place. "Sorry about that," he said to Kiara before taking a gulp of Darling's water. "I tend to let my manners slip at the damnedest times."

  Suddenly, Caillen leaned across the table and gave her a seductive grin. "I hope you're not Darling's date."

  "She's Nykyrian's," Darling answered for her.

  Caillen's face blanched. "I'm out of here," he said, bolting to his feet. He turned around and glared at Darling. "Why didn't you tell me he was here, that I was making passes at his female. Geez Darling, what're you trying to do, get me disemboweled?"

  Darling shrugged, a smile splitting his face. "Actually, I enjoyed watching you embarrass yourself."

  "Hah, hah," Caillen said, casting Kiara a sheepish look. His face turned serious. "Arturo came by Kasen's a little while ago asking about you. I told him you were visiting Ryn. I don't think he believed me so watch your back."

  "I will."

  With a nod to them, Caillen drifted off into the crowd.

  Kiara looked at Darling a smile on her face. "That was an interesting human."

  Darling nodded. "Worth his weight in comic relief."

  Kiara twisted the straw in Nykyrian's glass with her fingers. "I thought Nykyrian was your best-friend."

  Darling leaned back in his chair and studied her face. "Nykyrian protects me and I love him for it, but he's too serious. Caillen on the other hand takes life in stride, always with a joke about it." He shrugged and reached for his water. "I don't know, he just makes me laugh."

  Kiara nodded, understanding all too well the importance of laughter. "Are you and Caillen lovers?"

  Darling shook his head and laughed. "No, Caillen is strictly heterosexual." He glanced around the crowd. "Are you still nervous?"

  Kiara took a deep breath. "A little," she said, but inside she knew it was a lot more.

  Darling picked her hand up off the table and traced the line of her fingers.

  "Touching," a malevolent voice snarled between them.

  Darling released her hand and rose to his feet. "What are you doing here?" he snapped.

  The man glaring in rage was a handsome, older man. A few faint lines marred his cruel mouth. His graying, sandy brown hair was cropped short and steely blue eyes raked her with a cold stare.

  "Feeling he
terosexual tonight?" he sneered, grabbing Darling by the arm in a rough grip that made Kiara cringe in response to it. "You were not supposed to leave the house until I told you to!"

  Kiara gulped, this must be Arturo. Panicking, she looked through the crowd trying to find Nykyrian, Hauk or Caillen, but she didn't see anyone who looked familiar.

  "Why don't you just leave," Darling shouted, his temper out of control. "I told you I wasn't coming home anymore."

  Arturo's response was a vicious backhand. Darling fell against the table, upturning it. Without thinking, Kiara ran forward and shoved Arturo away from Darling. She barely budged him.

  With a ringing curse, he slapped her hard, knocking her backward into a group of men. Ignoring her stinging cheek, Kiara pushed herself off the floor, intending to return to the fight, but found herself surrounded by a group of smelly humans.

  "Excuse me," she said, trying to break through them.

  "Just where do you think you're going?" one of them asked, a snide smile on his face.

  "I don't think she's going anywhere," another answered before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her back into the center of the group.

  Terror engulfed her, she had to do something. Kiara fought against the man's hold, clawing at his hands. With a heated curse, he slung her over his shoulders. Kiara shrieked and screamed, but couldn't get free.

  She glanced up and saw Arturo dragging Darling through the rear door. She renewed her struggle with vigor. She had to help him!

  The man holding her laughed at her attempts and bounced her hard against his shoulder. Her breath left her with a loud, painful whoosh. Pulling at his hair, she clawed at his exposed neck.

  He took her outside to the landing bay and threw her onto the filthy ground where she landed with a solid thud. Kiara moaned at the pain twining through her body, her ribs and back ached to the point she feared they were broken.

  "You'll pay for that, harita," the man snarled, drawing a huge dagger out of his boot.

  Kiara shook all over, her mind seeing Chenz coming after her again with his cruel blade moving over her body.

  The others in his group surrounded her. She had nowhere to run. Gulping in fear, she studied the shining blade. The blade glinted as he raised it. Too panicked to move, Kiara waited for it to descend. Suddenly, it was snatched from his hand.


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