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Crosstown Crush

Page 21

by Cara McKenna

  “And also when you and him…” Why was it so hard to say some of these things, after everything they’d planned and orchestrated? She sipped her wine. “When you took him… in your mouth.”

  “You liked it?”

  A blush burned in her cheeks. “That was so fucking hot.” She laughed again. “I hadn’t expected it would be – not like that. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

  “Well. Good, I guess.”

  “I hope that doesn’t weird you out.”

  “Tell me my turn-ons never weirded you out.” He smirked, knowing all too well that they had. They’d made her reconsider their engagement, after all.

  He shifted to better face her, and took her hands. “If we see him again, and that happens again… I was up for it, last time, even if it freaked me out a little. But knowing you’re watching, and that it excites you, even a fraction as much as watching you and him together excites me? I could maybe even learn to like it, knowing that.”

  She was still blushing, but she felt humbled now, not embarrassed. “Oh. Well, good.”

  “And if you talk to him, you should tell him that, too.”


  Mike paused, brow creased, attention on their hands.


  He looked up. “I don’t want to go much further with him, though. Me and him, doing things. Third base is my limit.”

  She nodded. “Sure.”

  “Just wanted to put that out there. Maybe tell him, if it comes up. We blurred a lot of lines this weekend, but I need that one to stay crystal clear.”

  “I’ll tell him. I mean, if he even wants to talk to us, still. He’s been conspicuously quiet.”

  “So have we. Maybe he doesn’t want to look too eager.”

  “I hope so. I’d like to keep going. I was wondering how you were feeling about the next step – ditching the condoms and everything.” That next step in making Mike’s fantasies a reality was a biggie, and it demanded a lot of everyone. Demanded trust from Sam and Mike, but arguably asked even more of Bern. She wasn’t sure how or when to bring it up. Maybe an e-mail, once they were communicating again. Any chance you like us enough to get a blood test and be monogamous for a while? Hard to guess. They’d begun talking only a month before, and Mike was the one who fixated on the fluids, not Bern. And for all Sam knew, she wasn’t Bern’s sole lover at the moment. He was built and striking and charming. His answer could so easily be, Flattered, but you’re not my only arrangement. Sorry.

  That thought had her resolving yet again to keep this in perspective. It felt kind of ridiculous, asking a man to commit to them for a few weeks or months, to be faithful to them because of what got Sam’s husband off.

  But it just might get Bern off, too.

  Unlike Sam, Mike didn’t seem too burdened by the question. He merely shrugged and said, “Up to him. I trust your female intuition – and your instincts. It’s a calculated risk, but if you think it’s one worth taking, I’m with you.”

  “He’d have to basically be monogamous with us. It’s a lot to ask, but I will. Fingers crossed we’re worth staying faithful to, huh?”

  Mike laughed. He picked up his bottle, eyeing it with surprise. “Jeez. Haven’t even tasted this.”

  “Dinner?” Sam asked, standing. She felt twenty pounds lighter with this talk accomplished.

  “Will it still be good in an hour?”

  “Sure. You not hungry yet?”

  “Would you like to maybe watch the video?”

  Sam felt her brows rise. “Right now?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it all week. Yeah, right now.”

  She eyed her dwindling glass. “If I refresh this, then yeah, I think I can handle watching my naked debut. In here?” She nodded to the TV.

  “I was thinking upstairs. Watch on the laptop.”

  “All right, then. Get it set up and I’ll meet you in ten minutes.”

  He smiled. “It’s a date.”

  Bern eyed the clock. Ten after ten. Past his bedtime on a work night, yet here he was, lying awake, staring at the ceiling. Again.

  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Four days now, and not a peep from Samira.

  That can’t be good. Did it mean Saturday night hadn’t been what they’d hoped for? He’d felt so goddamn cocky when he’d left, positive that had been a command performance. Had one or both of them felt creeped out about it, after? Or, God forbid, during? The only off tension he’d sensed had been when Mike had gone down on him, but that had been so quick, and the guy had gotten hard again, after. Was it from being so close, when they’d fucked Sam together? He kept defaulting to it being some homophobia issue. The most obvious explanation.

  Unless they had a fight or something. Unless Mike was worried Sam might actually be feeling more than she was supposed to, maybe —

  Brrrzzz. He reached for his phone so quick he knocked it to the floor. It slid to a halt with its screen lit up, and there it was, a new message alert.

  He scrambled from the covers. Be her. Be her.

  It was.

  Be good. Be good.

  Hi! she’d written. An encouraging start.

  Bern sat at the edge of the bed and a new message appeared.

  Long time no text. Okay if we chat a little? she asked. If not, no worries.

  He typed back, Of course. Want me to call?



  He pulled up her number and hit TALK, heart beating quick.

  She answered immediately. “Hey, you.”

  “Hey. What’s up?”

  “I kind of wanted to call and take the temperature of everything, I guess. Since we haven’t talked since Saturday.”

  “I’d been wanting to do the same, but I figured I better let you guys make the first move. Just since it was so intense last time.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that – about the wait, I mean. Mike woke up to a break in one of his cases, and he’s barely been home except to sleep. I didn’t even know myself exactly how he felt about Saturday until tonight.”


  “And it was awesome.”

  He grinned, flopping back across the bed. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. We both think so. Did you have a good time?”

  “It was fucking crazy. And yeah. I had a great time. We took things pretty far, I thought. Were you two cool with all of it?”

  “You mean when he put his mouth on you?” she mumbled, sounding a touch shy.

  “Pretty much. I knew that stuff was sort of at my discretion. I wasn’t sure if I called it right or not, taking us all there.”

  “You did fine. Mike’s okay with it – a little uncomfortable, but that kinda goes with the whole scene, you know?”

  “And you were fine with it, too?”

  A pause. “I was more than fine with it.”


  “I’d always been fine with it, in theory, but when it actually happened… Holy shit, that was hot.”

  Bern laughed. “Well, good. That makes it hotter for me, I guess.” Knowing she was watching, and that it excited her? Fuck yeah, that made it hotter for him. He might prefer her own mouth on his dick, but he’d take her watching eyes just as readily.

  “So all that stuff,” she said, “feel free to take it that far again. But not much further – not unless Mike changes his mind. I think we butted right up against the edge of what he’s comfortable with.”

  “I’m kinda with him there. But cool – good to have some boundaries spelled out.”

  “And good to hear you sounding like you might like to do it again…?”

  “Absolutely. Just name a night.”

  “I’ll have to look at my schedule tomorrow, but I’ll text you. Maybe this weekend, if you’re free?”

  “Friday or Saturday night can work. Monday I go out of town for a few days, so Sunday’s not ideal.”

  “That should work. And actually, I wanted to float one other thing past you.”

bsp; “Shoot.”

  “It’s a lot to ask – let me say that up front. But would you consider ever making a commitment to us? Not super long-term,” she added quickly. “Just for a month or two, enough to make it worthwhile for the three of us to feel comfortable forgoing the condoms?”

  He blinked, surprised. “Oh. Jeez.”

  “I know, it’s a lot to ask of you. You should absolutely say no if it’s too much, and we don’t need to know right away or anything. But Mike’s so into the whole fluids thing…”

  “Sure.” Bern knew that shit was key to the whole cuckolding scene – he’d even read some articles about sperm competition syndrome, intrigued to have found a biological explanation for Mike’s kink. “You must be on birth control already,” he said.

  “I am, and I’m religious about it.”

  “I figured.”

  “And also, if you did decide you were okay with all this – and no pressure – we’d pay for your blood tests, obviously.”

  “Now, that’s just silly. But whatever the case, it’s intriguing, I’ll give you that. And I’m not sleeping with anybody else right now, so it’s not a crazy request. Just feels weirdly… serious, you know?”

  “It feels a little like I’m asking you to go steady with us.”

  He had to laugh. “Kinda, yeah. Anyhow, I’ll think on it. And I’ll see you this weekend, it sounds like.”

  “I sure hope so. I’ll text you which night, after I check the calendar.”

  “Cool. And, um, should I go back to texting you like we were while I was away?”

  “That would be very nice.”

  He grinned from ear to ear, glad she couldn’t see. “Will do, then, Mrs. Heyer.”

  A theatrical gasp. “I never told you my last name.”

  “It’s on your mailbox.”

  “Oh, right. Not all that scandalous anyway, huh?”

  “Not since the topic of blood tests came up, no.”

  “Anyway, nice to hear your voice again, Bern. We’ll see you soon.”

  “Sam, wait.”


  He licked his lips, feeling hot just asking the question. “Did you guys watch it?”

  “Yeah, we did. About an hour before I texted you, in fact.”


  A giggle answered him first, then a little sigh. “And it’s pretty fucking hot.”

  “You guys fuck, after?” His hand drifted down to settle over his rousing cock.

  “We didn’t even make it to the end.”

  “So it’s almost like I was there with you, in a way.” He warmed all over.

  “It was. And we were talking afterward, and Mike was thinking that some weekend when he’s stuck working, he’d like us to make another one – you and me. Like he’d set up a hidden camera, to catch us.”

  Just him and Sam, and a camera. “Keep talking and you’ll give me a heart attack.”

  She laughed again, lighting him up and bringing his cock to full attention. “Anyhow, ideas for the future.”

  “You’ve given me plenty of ideas for right after we end this call.”

  “Have I, then?”

  “You want pictures?”

  A warm little laugh. “I want video. But I’ll take whatever you feel like sending.”

  All at once short of breath, Bern said, “Night, Samira.”

  “Good night. See you soon.”

  “Sooner than you think.”

  Another quiet huff of a laugh. “Bye.”


  He ended the call, and headed straight for his laptop. Lights, camera, action.



  hey saw Bern that Friday, and again the following Thursday, then Saturday… At least once a week for the next month. It was nearly July now, and Mike could sense the changing seasons in intimate ways – in the scent of their sex and sweat, in the light that lingered between the bedroom blinds late enough to paint Sam and Bern’s skin gold as the games began.

  Things had changed among the three of them, too, slowly and steadily. They’d grown comfortable with one another, but not in a way that cooled their collective heat. On the contrary. It was Mike and Bern who’d needed to get good with their own dynamic, and they had. Mike could touch the man without much hesitation at all now, and he’d…

  And he’d learned to suck cock. Like, properly. Not with the limp receptivity of that first time, but with obedient purpose.

  He shivered at the thought, caught as always between arousal and unease. But that was his kink in a nutshell – most any kink, really. Skating along that sharp edge that separated power and helplessness, control and surrender, pain and pleasure. He desired Bern, in a way, as much as he hated him in another. That man’s cock was the ultimate symbol of what got Mike hot – the usurping of his wife. And with the trust now feeling implicit among the three of them, he could drop to his knees and take that man’s orders, provided there still remained a trace of Sam in the act. And Bern never failed to deliver that.

  You taste her on me?

  Come over here, honey. Show him how I like it.

  You know what you’re sucking? That’s the cock that’s gonna fuck your wife tonight.

  He’d gotten used to the weight of Bern’s hands on his head, used to the smell of him, even to the rhythm he liked. Insanely intimate. The only thing they hadn’t done was have Bern finish with Mike, and they likely never would. Cuckolding was all about the rival’s intrusion, the marking of the woman. It was a primitive head trip with paternity all twisted up in its core. It wasn’t quite right if Bern didn’t come inside Sam, and if Mike didn’t remedy that violation.

  At the end of the day, it wasn’t a kink he’d ever have chosen for himself. But you didn’t get a say, did you? And Mike was willing to bet most men didn’t experience the level of gratification he did when he indulged this strange facet of his sexuality and psyche – this intense, orchestral merging of his fears and aggression and his body’s most basic drives. He bet other men’s sex lives were like “Mary Had a Little Lamb” pecked out on a toy piano. His was a full-on symphony. Who could care how fucked it might look from the outside?

  He eyed the clock, thinking he’d better finish his coffee and get to the station. Sam had the day off, to balance a string of late nights earlier in the week, and she was out jogging now. Mike’s day should be fairly dull. A case had just wrapped and he had mostly paperwork on his plate; a quiet enough Friday to round out the week. And that night, he and Sam had their guest coming over.

  Guest? Or maybe something more akin to a partner of sorts. Bern had committed to them, after all – gotten his blood test results a few days before, as had they. Everyone was good to go. Bare.

  Mike felt a heat wave move through him at the thought.

  Quit it. He’d never get through the day’s admin if he allowed himself even a moment’s meditation on the things that might happen tonight.

  He drained his mug, grabbed his keys, and headed for the door. Bring on the longest eight hours in history.

  “Try it now,” Sam told her phone, and hit the RECORD button on the laptop.

  After a pause, Bern said, “Oh! Hey, I see you. Say something, so I can see what the delay’s like.”

  Sam turned around to face the camera on its tripod. “Something.”

  Another pause. “Three or four seconds, maybe – not that it matters. Nice work. Even if you did need to call an electrician.”

  “Only to test the connection, smart-ass.” Sam hit STOP on her computer, and the camera’s red light went dark. It had taken two hours – not counting the two trips to Best Buy to find the right cable – but she’d succeeded in getting the video camera to function through the computer. The entire point of which was tied to the evening’s appetizer course.

  It was four thirty, and Mike would be wrapping work in an hour or so. Bern and Sam were going to be starting the night off on their own, but with Mike watching the feed on his phone, via a chat application. Sam had
tried simply using the laptop’s webcam, but the video came out dark and bluish, and the sound sucked. In the end, it had been worth all the trouble. They’d be pretending that Mike had planted the camera to bust Sam and Bern in the act. A bit of a twist on the usual come-home-early-and-catch-them routine.


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