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Black Hills Forever

Page 20

by A. C. Wilson

  “In the spirit of confessing, would you answer a question for me?” Lacey tipped her head to the side and watched him take a deep breath. It was unnerving to know she was going to ask him what had happened while he was away.

  “Ask away.”

  Lacey linked her arms around his neck and looked at him closely.

  “Did anything happen while you were in a coma? Some people talk about near death experiences.”

  “You mean the experiences no one believes happened.”

  “Well sometimes it is difficult to believe without seeing it firsthand. Did anything happen?”

  It was such a strange position to be in and he wondered how much he should tell her. Lacey knew him to be an honest man, but there is only so much a person can take before they toss it up to imagination.

  “I got to talk to Rip.”

  Travis would have ducked his head for fear of her reaction had Lacey not nearly attached her nose to his. He could feel her breath on his lips. She blinked but she never shifted away.

  “How was he?”

  It wasn’t the question he thought she’d ask.

  “The same rough neck, pain-in-the-butt he ever was.”

  “Rip never did disappoint.” Lacey sighed. “Did you finally forgive the whole situation?”

  “We had a good chat. He watched me go through the whole process including almost losing you. He told me that he was always with me and I forgave him as well as myself.”

  “You do know that I never would have left you. It was the only way I could think to snap you out of that. I thought for sure you were leaving me.” Lacey gave a soft smile. “I actually hated Rip for doing that to you even though it wasn’t his fault.”

  “Maybe someday you’ll get to tell him that, although not too soon. I need another forty years with you.” Travis grinned and she swatted him. “At least.”

  He nodded and kissed her.

  “At least.”


  After the incredibly sexy and romantic proposal, Garrett had loaded Rayne up in his truck and driven her to his parents’ cabin oddly named the Blue Bird Lodge. Rayne sat in the big picture window that faced the tall soldier like pine trees and noted each bird that flitted from branch to branch. The house tucked away in the snow was far from the size of a lodge, but an over-large cabin. It had a loft with three bedrooms and a bath room sporting a whirlpool tub. The kitchen had been updated with new appliances and the living room boasted a large flat screen television. All modern conveniences under the disguise of a rustic home in the back country.

  “My mother used to put bird feeders out there. I can recall five, I believe. There were cardinals, wrens, and small sparrows. Even squirrels raided the feeders from time to time.” Garrett tucked his chin into her shoulder as he leaned into her back. Rayne welcomed the warm weight and his deep tone. It never failed to send her nerves skating in delight.

  “They are fun to watch. I could see little kids finding it exciting.” Rayne smiled when she felt his hands go around her waist.

  “Nora did, but Matt and I only wanted to play in the snow. We would only come inside when our fingers were too cold to feel.” Garrett made a face. She could only imagine what he was like as a boy. Probably bold, stubborn and up for all kinds of mischief.

  “I would have thought Nora would be right in the thick of things.” Rayne put her hands over his.

  “In some things she was, but she really didn’t like being cold. Summer was her season for certain.”

  “I could see that.” Rayne was glad to see that Nora had a girly side before she grew up. Nora was all feminine now, but that could possibly be due to Randy. Marriage and happiness definitely can change a person.

  “Anyway once we got old enough, my parents would sneak away and leave us home. I always wondered what they did with a weekend by themselves.” Garrett chuckled and winked.

  “Good thing you didn’t imagine what they were up to.” The surprised look and slack jaw was enough to send her into peals of laughter and Garrett followed close behind. They laughed until their sides were sore and their stomachs ached.

  “I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.” Garrett tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear. It gave him better access to her cheek and neck.

  “I don’t think I want to visualize your parents doing some of the same things we have been doing.” Rayne made a face and they laughed again. Garrett sat down in the seat facing her and took her hand. He admired the engagement ring on her finger. Rayne watched with baited breath.

  “We should call them and give them the good news.” Garrett rubbed the leafy prints of the ring under his thumb. Rayne squeezed his hand.

  “We told everyone that we were getting married a few months back. It might be a bit redundant if we do it again.”

  Garrett brought her hand forward and placed a kiss above the ring. She watched with fluttering nerves.

  “It wouldn’t seem so odd if we were to set a date.”

  Rayne felt her pulse pick up speed and a million things were racketing around in her brain. She wondered why she focused on the spot where his lips had just been. How could she feel the heat and the pressure of that kiss?

  “Wouldn’t it seem off if the confirmed playboy were to pressure his fiancé into picking a wedding date?”

  Rayne was trying to be funny, but it felt strange to be pursued with such zealousness. Garrett narrowed his eyes a bit and Rayne knew he was on to her. She had never been able to out play him.

  “I’ll strong arm you if I have to, but I’m not letting you get away. Hell, I will marry you tomorrow if you ask me. This thing between us, Rayne, has always been all or nothing. There was never a conscious choice to make and the worst moment of my life was trying to deny it.”

  Garrett sat still on that window seat as Rayne processed his words. She had committed to him the morning he asked her to go to Rapid City with him and then again when he proposed. There was a part of her that wanted everything out in the open.

  “Do you wish that you had a choice?” Her voice was soft and quiet. Garrett’s eyes widened as he watched her avoid looking at him. So often it seemed that he could see into her soul through her eyes. She wondered what he might see if he connected with her now.

  “No. I don’t wish there was a choice, because I like the power.” He grinned, knowing she would bite.

  “The power?”

  “The unequivocal power that I hold over you and you over me. I like knowing that we belong only to each other.”

  Garrett spoke of a power unequal to anything else in their lives that kept them beholden to each other. She would have been a blind and hapless fool had she said she didn’t feel it. It grounded her. It connected her. It created a place that was just for her and it warmed her wandering spirit. Rayne had always wanted a family and a permanent place to call her home. It was wherever this man lived and his family was now hers. She closed her eyes and for a moment of absolute terror Rayne set herself free.

  “Christmas Eve.”


  “December twenty-fourth.” She opened her eyes and looked at him. She held onto his hand tighter than before and he lifted his chin. It finally dawned on him what she was saying.

  “Really? You want to get married on Christmas Eve?” Garrett rose up off the seat in surprise and elation.

  “I do.” Rayne smiled.

  “Say that again.” Came Garrett’s demand. His dark blue eyes locking onto her own.

  “I do.” Her voice was stronger and she laughed when Garrett pulled her up into his arms. He whooped and hollered as he danced them around in a circle. Rayne could only hang on and there was no way of wiping the silly grin off her face.

  “Where’s my phone? I can’t find it anywhere.” Garrett was pulling up couch cushions and throw blankets to find his cell phone. Rayne pulled out her own from her back pocket and turned so that he couldn’t see her dial the number. She pressed the button and waited for the lost phone to
ring. Rayne had to scoot closer to the door where the signal was better, but it finally connected. Garrett’s head jerked up when his ring tone started to play. Rayne started to giggle when he lifted it triumphantly in his hand toward the sky. He shook his head when he noticed that it was she who was calling.

  “Thank you.” Garrett growled and lunged to pull her into him. Rayne had attempted to run too late and was knocked to the floor. Garrett took full advantage and tried to pin her to the wood floor. Both phones went skittering to places unknown as Garrett treated himself to the t-shirt that had been pulled up in their struggle. The soft skin was tormented by nips and tongue. The more she squirmed the hotter this play became until she was nearly begging for Garrett to take off her clothes.

  Garrett rasped his unshaven chin over her ribs and attached his lips ruthlessly to her breast. The impact brought a gasp out of Rayne as she closed her eyes and arched into his mouth. The fire burned like it always did. The brazen need was completely in control. Her body was reacting to Garrett like the opposite side of a magnet. He grounded her and they always came back together. There was no escaping it.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.” Garrett whispered hotly down her stomach to the soft yoga pants she wore. It was the first time in a couple days she had been fully dressed. Her girlish giggle was taken over by a guttural moan as Garrett shifted the clothing aside to lay claim to more of her skin. He was nearing the place that would never be sated. It called to him like a siren to a sailor at sea.

  “Never enough.” He growled against her skin before he tipped his tongue into her. Rayne was lost. The world as she knew it was ricocheting somewhere off the cabin walls. She prayed that it would never end.

  The annoying ring of Garrett’s cell phone broke through the delicious delights that were going on inside the Blue Bird Lodge. Rayne heard it first and groaned when it caught Garrett’s attention. His head popped up from her personal Bermuda Triangle. He scrambled to the direction of the ringing and found it just before it quit.

  “It’s the ranch. Should I call them back?” Garrett looked at her with glazed blue eyes. Rayne shifted on the hard floor, her bra clasp digging into her back. Garrett grinned and tossed her a throw pillow from the couch.

  “Thank you.” Her hips twitched as she settled on her side. Garrett’s entrancing blue gaze touched her everywhere and it made Rayne hotter. Her body was already weeping from his careful attentions.

  “Maybe I will call them back when we are finished.” Garrett set the phone down on the floor and moved back into his position. “Now where were we?”

  Rayne found his grin so damn sexy. Her cheeks warmed.

  “You were showing me just what a good student you’ve been.” She chuckled at her touch on his prior relationships, but seriously, she would have shaken every woman’s hand for letting Garrett hone these very valuable skills.

  “Mmm…you are right. I was giving a classroom discussion.” He chuckled and then blew out a breath that disengaged her brain. It was pure instinct that took over.

  A couple more minutes of passion and Garrett’s phone was ringing again. Rayne groaned and Garrett growled in frustration.

  “I was so close.” Rayne threw her arm over her eyes as Garrett moved to the phone on the floor.

  “I know.” He looked at the screen and sighed. “The ranch again. You don’t think something is wrong do you?” Panic touched his voice. It hadn’t dawned on Rayne that someone might be phoning from home to tell them something had gone wrong.

  “I don’t know. Answer it.” Rayne sat up and watched him talk to whomever it was on the line.

  “Oh yeah, let me put you on speaker.” Garrett sat the phone down between them. Rayne cocked a brow in question.

  “I wanted to let you know that I am home now. Doc signed me out today.” Travis’s voice was good to hear even in the middle of a very personal moment.

  “That’s great news.” Rayne added and Garrett took her hand in his. She knew what was coming.

  “We have some news to share.” Garrett smiled at her and winked.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “We set a date for our wedding.” Garrett had never lit up more than that moment. Rayne loved that he was so happy.

  “Do we have to guess?” Lacey asked.

  “Christmas Eve. We want to get married on December twenty-fourth.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line and Rayne felt her stomach sinking.

  “That’s wonderful. You’re finally taming my boy, Rayne.” Travis cheered and it made Garrett laugh.

  “That doesn’t give us much time. Four weeks?” Lacey worried and Rayne locked eyes with Garrett. He squeezed her hand again.

  “I wanted today. She talked me out of it.” Garrett piped off to send his mother into a tizzy.

  “Garrett! I would have skinned you alive!”

  “I wouldn’t have let him do that to you.” Rayne added, smiling as she squeezed the fingers locked with hers.

  “Good. Well now we will need to start planning. There’s not a moment to lose.” Lacey began and Garrett squashed it.

  “There will be plenty of time, Mom. You keep this up and I will have more persuading to do.” Garrett’s wicked look in her direction nearly had Rayne begging him to do so. Then she remembered they were on the phone with his parents.

  “Lacey, I really just want a small wedding. Travis, I have one question to ask of you.” She paused for affect. “Walk me down the aisle?”

  Garrett swooped in for a kiss that left her head spinning. He mouthed a thank you and she smiled at him.

  “I would be honored.” Travis’s voice was so quiet.

  “Good. That’s settled. Pass it along and we will see you all in a couple of days.” Garrett ushered the call to finish and hung up. Rayne shook her head in wonderment. Had they really made this official? Was it all coming true? Her heart swelled and her throat grew dry.

  “I could use a drink.” Rayne said as she pushed to get up off the floor. “Want one?”

  Garrett pulled her toward the spot that he still sat. His lips quirked in that devil-may-care way he had.

  “Just one and then I intend to start all over. I haven’t had my fill yet.” His tongue played over his lips and Rayne grew weak in the knees. Garrett’s fingers trailed up her bare inner thigh as she stood there and her eyes found the tented area of his jeans. Her heart began to race and she tugged on her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “On second thought, I think I like your idea better.” Rayne’s breathless voice made Garrett chuckle. The deep, throaty sound had Rayne on her knees setting her fingers to work at the metal button at the top of his jeans. He leaned back rather than fight her and let her slip the mooring free.

  “I like the way you think.” Swooping in like a bird of prey, Garrett pushed up her t-shirt to latch onto her breast. The clasp of her bra broke free and with no mercy, he drew everything over her head and threw it on the floor. Grasping the time she had to wiggle him free of his jeans, Rayne was on him in a flash. She grinned deviously at the look of surprise in his eyes and then the intense look of total submission.


  Rayne had scarcely had a moment to breathe since Garrett had whisked her off on their little sojourn. The morning after their return, Nora and Andy were banging on her door. She knew it was going to happen. The idea of weddings sent women into tizzies and now she knew why. Rayne groaned as she slid her feet across the floor. She wondered if it were time to drink. Too early?

  “Come on, Rayne. We know you are home.” Nora’s insistent, bossy voice came through the door. Rayne hesitated from reaching for the door knob. Her hand suspended in midair, she closed her eyes and offered up a small prayer of self-preservation. The next few weeks was going to test everything she knew about herself and her soon-to-be family.

  “Please tell me you brought something sugared.” Rayne shouted through the door. Her hand landed on the knob and turned it. There as she knew they would be was a ver
y pregnant Nora and the slim and beautiful as ever Andy.

  “Doughnuts?” Andy lifted the pink box. Rayne sighed in some amazement that four months after having a baby, Andy was sleek and slender again. Rayne didn’t let her thoughts wander further.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll put on the pot for coffee.” Rayne let the women brush passed her and into the kitchen.

  “Only water for me, please.” Nora said as she unzipped her heavy coat and hung it up on a peg. Andy followed suit.

  “I think there is still some in the fridge. We only got back last night.” Rayne answered, filling the pot in the sink. Andy passed them with the doughnuts and set them on the table in the living room.

  “Andy convinced me we should wait for this morning instead of coming by last night.” Nora was beaming and it slightly unnerved Rayne. She fought to get some of it back.

  “I’m glad you didn’t. We weren’t exactly dressed for company.”

  Andy snickered and Nora’s eye brows disappeared into her hairline. Rayne had to look away to keep from laughing. It had toned Nora down at least. Sometimes the perpetually happy pregnant wife was too much.

  “It’s safe to assume you had a good time while you were away?” Andy asked as she moved toward the living room. Rayne put the water in the coffee pot and listened to it hiss. Nora stood in the kitchen as if she wasn’t sure exactly where to tread now. Rayne felt a bit discouraged.

  “It was amazing. Garrett showed me a whole new side to him and I loved it.” Rayne shared, resting an arm on the counter. Andy smiled knowingly.

  “Mom said you both were staying at the lodge. I just love it there in the summer.” Nora smiled, no doubt remembering the modern rustic appeal of the cabin.

  “Winter is also nice.” Rayne grinned, mischief lighting her eyes. Nora shook her head and Andy chuckled.

  “I’m not sure when Matt and I are going to get away, but I hope you two are up for babysitting. I could really use some alone time with my husband.” Andy mock pouted. Nora lifted both brows and Rayne smiled.


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