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Black Hills Forever

Page 24

by A. C. Wilson

  “Good. Nora and Andy get the RSVP list. Start making contact with everyone. Matt and Blake, you are in charge of getting the decorations from here to our house. Garrett and Randy get with your father to see where we can store the furniture in the house. Bailey, I think Rayne could use company while Pastor Franklin and I have a chat.”

  Lacey took over like drill sergeant and from Blake’s bemused look, she might have been a good one. The groups separated to do their assigned duties. Garrett looked back at Rayne who was sitting with Bailey. Bailey seemed to be trying to hold a conversation, but was having little luck.

  “This is quite the pickle, isn’t it?” Randy asked as they gathered next to Travis. His father didn’t look too ruffled by the turn of events.

  “This wedding has to happen. Even if we have to do it tonight.” Garrett growled, feeling frustrated on Rayne’s behalf.

  “Relax. This was always a possibility and I’d be lying if your mother hasn’t been watching everything. She’s been waiting to be able to help.”

  “Well what about this furniture? Can it fit in the basement?” Randy asked, moving the issues to the forefront again. Garrett thought about it. The oversized couch was going to be too wide. The recliners might be an issue as well.

  “We would have to take the door off and the railing as well. I’m not sure that it would work even then.” Travis said, scratching his head. “What if we were to put them into the barn for now?”

  “Mom will have our hides.” Garrett hissed, not even bothering to look around. As far as he was concerned it wasn’t a viable option.

  “Have your hides for what?” Lacey asked from beside Garrett and despite his attempt not to, he jumped from surprise. She was stealthy for an older woman in heels.

  “I’m suggesting we put the living room furniture in the barn. It is the easiest to get to and we can cover everything.” Travis was prepared to keep going.

  “Done. Let’s do it.”

  Randy, Garrett, and Travis all looked at Lacey as if she were joking with them. Surely she was. His mother would never allow them to put her furniture in the barn. Yet today it seemed that she was. No fuss. No argument. No threats. Just do it.

  “Let’s give Matt and Blake a hand with the decorations. We can all head out to the ranch.” Travis spurred the events as only a man of action could. Garrett was proud of his parents, but his first concern was for Rayne. She still didn’t look well.

  “Let me take you home.” Garrett walked up to the table where Bailey was just getting ready to depart. No doubt the lack of conversation was enough to chase her off.

  “Is this really happening?” She asked, looking into his face and she looked so uncertain. He felt bad.

  “It doesn’t matter to me where we get married as long as we do. As long as you promise to be my wife and stay with me all my life, I will marry you this very second.” Garrett took a seat next to Rayne and held both of her hands in his. She blinked quickly to keep the tears from falling down her cheeks.

  “You know I want to.” She whispered, leaning forward to link their foreheads. Garrett closed his eyes and memorized the feel of her against him.

  “Let me handle this. Let me make this a beautiful new adventure. I promise I won’t fail.” Garrett whispered back to her and she nodded her head.

  “What do you need me to do?” She asked, pulling her head away and sniffing loudly. Garrett squeezed her hands.

  “Eat something. You look like you’re ready to pass out.” He indicated her plate which was cooling. Rayne smiled softly and nodded again.

  Garrett was determined to make tomorrow a day she would never forget no matter what happened. He would kidnap the pastor if he had to.

  Five hours later, Garrett crawled into bed groaning as he did. Bailey had taken Rayne home since he was afraid to let her drive. She was already asleep, but had left the lamp on beside the bed. Laying there looking at the ceiling, he thought about the little errand he had ran today. Sliding back out of bed, he retrieved the package and sat in next to Rayne’s lamp. She would find it in the morning. He hoped she would like it. The moment he saw it at the jeweler’s he knew it would look gorgeous on her. A diamond bracelet--a token of his eternal love on her arm.

  Blake was picking him up early in the morning to head over to the ranch. The furniture would need to be hauled over to the barn and be covered for the night. Andy and Nora were spending the night at the ranch to get an early start on decorations. It was going to be wonderful. He had no doubt about that at all. Rayne was going to be his wife and he was going to be her husband. It made him as giddy as a kid at Christmas time. In fact, it was the only Christmas present he wanted. It was all he would ever need.

  Sighing as he pulled the covers up, Garrett stretched out. The warmth of Rayne’s body next to him made every setback and diversion worth it. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and the start of their long lives together.


  It was Christmas Eve. The magic of candle light touched all the wood in the house letting it gleam with warmth and mystery. Tall pillared candleholders covered the fireplace’s mantel and special stands had been erected to display hundreds more candles lit. The brilliance embraced the very reason for such a display.

  Evergreen boughs were outlining every window and door in the Johnsons’ home. The fresh smell of pine and vanilla wax awakening the senses. White and red satin ribbons were adorning the boughs. The bouquet of long stem white and red roses were wrapped with the same satin ribbons. To add to the occasion, there were instrumental Christmas songs playing softly.

  She closed her eyes. Her senses were on overdrive as she stood at the base of the staircase just out of sight from the main room. Her heart thundered in her chest and she felt like she might faint. It was probably the fitted tightness of her dress. Her hands ran instinctively down the length of it just to prove she wasn’t dreaming. This wasn’t some sort of dream, was it? Rayne opened her eyes to look out the kitchen window and tears were instantly ready to fall. It was snowing. White, billowing gales of snow and the giddy joy made her laugh in relief.

  Rayne watched it fall outside the window totally captivated by the timing. A year ago she had been on her father’s horse, Maverick, searching for a neighbor’s lost son. Garrett Johnson had found himself stranded in the middle of a South Dakota snowstorm with a disabled vehicle. It just so happened she had found him first. It was the moment her luck had changed for the better, although she wouldn’t have known it at the time. Garrett was one of the best things to ever happen to her.

  Her hand caressed the length of her torso again lingering briefly on her stomach.

  “Are you ready?”

  The soft question came from Travis, his blue eyes proud and happy. Rayne blinked back her tears with a smile. Taking a deep breath, she set her hand on his arm. It was a short walk to the front of the room and it was a good thing. She was nervous and he wasn’t walking too well yet. They stepped out from the stairs to the doorway and Rayne saw the room just as she knew it would be. It was gloriously romantic and small. There were only family and a couple of friends present. Most importantly Garrett stood near the hearth watching her with shining eyes. He looked curious, amazed and a bit afraid. Rayne knew exactly what he was feeling.

  “My son is a lucky man tonight, Rayne. Don’t let this memory fade. Hold tight to the love you both feel and it won’t let you stray.” Travis patted her hand before they started towards Garrett. Her own heart counted out each step she took until she was standing face to face with the love of her life. He looked wonderfully handsome in his black jeans and white long sleeve shirt. He had left the button undone at the neck and true to form, he had ditched the tie.

  Funny how that didn’t matter in the least tonight.

  “You’re beautiful.” The praise a hushed, intense whisper as Garrett took her hand in his own. She could only smile, her throat aching with unshed tears.

  “Shall we begin?” The pastor smiled at them and then the small grou
p gathered tonight. Rayne couldn’t focus on anything that was being said. She was lost to the man with blue eyes who stood with their hands interlaced. He hadn’t looked away from her. It was their moment. The start of a new life recognizing two hearts and one love.

  “I do.” Garrett’s voice jerked her attention from their rings to his face as his eyes fairly glowed with intention. He was going to love and cherish her from this day forward, although they both knew he had loved her long before.

  “I do.” Rayne promised as she bit her bottom lip. She was his wife and she would protect and believe in him for the rest of her days.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Rayne tipped her chin and Garrett slid his hand along her cheek, tugging her closer to him. The firm warmth of his lips took her breath away and heat flooded through her. Everyone gathered in the Johnson’s living room clapped and cheered. Garrett’s hand slid around her waist and Rayne was more than happy to stay so close to him.

  “I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Johnson.” The pastor smiled and closed his book with a snap. It was done.

  Everyone filed forward to offer their congratulations and best wishes for a life filled with happiness, love, and passion. None of those things would be discarded easily. Andy and Nora beamed with brilliant smiles while Bailey cried. Blake had his arm around her and was whispering something into her ear. Bailey laughed and kissed his cheek. Rayne wondered how long until there was another Johnson wedding.

  “You look lovely.” Lacey kissed Rayne’s cheek. “Thank you for wearing my dress.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I hope Garrett and I last as long as you and Travis.”

  “Longer. Garrett is rather stubborn.” Lacey joked and gave her son a hug. Rayne loved and dreaded that specific trait of her husband’s. Husband. Garrett was hers and hers alone.

  “It takes a strong woman to be a wife of a Johnson man. I never doubted either of you for a minute.” Travis pulled Rayne into his arms. “Welcome to the family, daughter.”

  “Thank you for everything.” Rayne whispered next to his ear. Her throat was tightening on the tears. Unexpectedly she had gotten everything she had ever wanted and she had learned what faith really meant.

  “So what do we do now? It is snowing quite a bit out there.” Rayne asked Garrett who tucked her into his chest. She looked up at him with a grin.

  “Well now the way I see it, it is only fitting to start this journey during a snowstorm. It is the way we began it after all.” Garrett kissed her firmly and she melted.

  Winter in the Black Hills would never be the same.

  That’s exactly what they did. Garrett loaded Rayne into his truck, kicked the four-wheel drive into place and drove them back to the Randall Ranch. They would leave for Hawaii tomorrow or the day after, whichever allowed planes to take off. Rayne was looking forward to their honeymoon. Sun, sand, and the water along with her new husband. It sounded heavenly.

  It was a bit slick on the roadways and most were covered already with snow. Still it came down in driving veils that made Garrett slow down. Neither of them had any desire to spend the night in the ditch. Soon they saw the porch light someone had flipped on and they parked next to the steps. Garrett got out, ran around the truck and opened her door. Luckily the train on the dress wasn’t long enough to twist around her feet. The new boots were a trick in the snow though.

  “Oh that’s cold!” She squeaked even as the flakes landed and melted on the skin not covered by her blue shrug.

  “I can fix that once we get inside.” Garrett chuckled as he swung open the door and let her rush inside. Rayne was giggling as they stomped off the snow that was sticking to them.

  “What is that?” Rayne asked, wondering how all available counter space was suddenly covered in presents and food. They both walked in, eyeing everything that was brightly wrapped and packaged.

  “This has the girls written all over it.” Garrett grinned as he looked at the pieces of cake, the presents, and the snacks all over. He found an envelope resting against a bottle of wine. Slipping out the blue-colored note, Garrett read it aloud.

  To the newlywed couple!

  Sorry that it had to snow but it seems part of a divine prophesy. Enjoy the food and the wine. Can’t wait to hear all about Hawaii in a week.

  Love you both! --Andy, Nora and Bailey

  Rayne shook her head and smiled. Her sisters were sneaky women and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Do you want a glass while I get the fire started?” Garrett asked, taking the bottle into his hands. She felt the warmth bubble in her stomach again and she knew it was time for her gifts to him. Why she was suddenly nervous, she couldn’t say.

  “Not yet. I’d like to share your wedding gifts.” Rayne smiled when Garrett’s brows furrowed and he set the wine bottle down on the counter.

  “I thought we weren’t going to get anything for each other?” Garrett shook his head.

  “Well you broke that when you gave me the bracelet.” Although she loved the snowflake that adorned it. She really felt like a snow bride.

  “I’m not going to win this, am I?” Garrett asked as he raised his hands in surrender. She shook her head. He wouldn’t want to win this one either, she thought.

  “I’ll go get it and you can start the fire.”

  Rayne slipped into her father’s old room downstairs and flipped on the light. She could hear Garrett stacking the wood into place. Opening the tiny closet, Rayne reached in for the wrapped parcel. It was heavier than she remembered as she took it into her arms and headed toward the door. Garrett was standing from lighting the wood and a small flame was growing. Her heart thumped rapidly.

  “I wanted to give this to you. I hope you like it.” Rayne lifted the gift for Garrett to take. It was rather large. She wondered if he had guessed what it was. Garrett looked at her as he tore carefully at the brown paper, first one corner and then another. He pulled it back to reveal a sign.

  RG Bar Ranch

  Hot Springs, South Dakota --Est 2014

  Garrett stared at it, his face unreadable and she wondered what that meant. Surely the name change would be welcome. This way they could share the ranch as they said they’d share everything.

  “I never expected this.” Garrett said to the quiet room. Rayne tipped her head and took a breath.

  “It’s our ranch. I thought it should be named as such.”

  Garrett kept staring at the plaque.

  “You don’t like it then?”

  It hurt to think that it might not be what he wanted. He had told Travis he was going to be running the Randall Ranch. She must have got the intention mixed up.

  “It’s amazing. Thank you.” Garrett smiled and looked back at the sign like it might change in his hands.

  “Good. I already ordered the branding irons and they will be here in a couple months. Plenty of time to start putting this ranch to work.”

  “It will be a big project. Are you up for it?” He asked, setting the plaque on the table and stretching his hands out to her. She settled hers into the large warm ones.

  “As long as you are ready for one more gift.” Her stomach flipped and her hand instinctively covered it. Garrett noticed and he kept his gaze on her hand. It was probably a minute before he looked back into her eyes. She smiled.

  “No?” He couldn’t believe it either.

  She nodded her head. “I’m pregnant.”

  She wasn’t ready to be swept off the floor into his arms as he whooped loudly. She giggled. She couldn’t help the carefree giddiness that bubbled through her veins and into her heart.

  “I’m going to be a father.” Garrett said breathlessly when he finally sat her down on her feet. He hugged her so tightly, Rayne thought he would break bones.

  “I’m so glad that you are happy. I’ve wanted to tell you for a couple of weeks.”

  “I don’t know how you kept that secret. Should I be angry that you did?” He asked her, failing to hide his grin.

sp; “I hope not. I wanted to be sure and then I thought it would be the best surprise to give you on our wedding night.”

  “Just having you as my wife would have been enough, Rayne. I hope you know that.” His gaze dipped to her torso and his hand reached out to press delicately against her abdomen. “But this is a miracle too. I am one lucky man.”

  “I love you, Garrett Johnson.” Rayne stepped forward and pressed her hand over his.

  His forehead touched to hers. “I love you, Rayne Johnson.”


  Thank you everyone for your patronage and promotion of the Black Hills Series. I know many of you have loved these characters for their nature, their loyalty to family, and all their hopes and dreams.

  There have been many questions about the ending of this series and I know some readers will be sad to see them go. It isn’t totally goodbye to the Johnson family and their friends from Hot Springs. There will be four novellas featuring Lena McCoy, Colt Cavanaugh, Royal Bentley and Lance Harper. I think their stories need to be shared.

  If you will recall Bailey Campbell’s sister, Taryn Green will be appearing in my next set of books. You’ll be seeing more of Bailey and Blake with some interaction with the Black Hills crew. It is time to move onto a new group of friends. I can’t wait to share them with you.

  Please keep watch for the Black Hills novellas.

  Again, thank you for all of your support and reviews.


  A.C. Wilson


  A.C. Wilson lives in Abilene, Kansas with her husband, two sons, and their chocolate lab. She loves to be outdoors, playing with her boys and absolutely loves to write.

  The Black Hills Series came from her mother’s idea to use Hot Springs, South Dakota as a home town for the Johnson family. Everything about the Black Hills is enchantingly rugged and of course, there are cowboys!

  Check out her young adult contemporary romantic series. Black Hills Angel (Book 1), Black Hills Blessing (Book 2), Black Hills Rebel (Book 3), and Black Hills Secrets (Book 4).


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