Book Read Free

Sparks Fly

Page 9

by Lauren Runow

  “Yay, baby!” she yells back. She turns to me, saying, “Have fun today,” before heading her son’s way to retrieve his treasure so he can continue to dig.

  I push my hands into the pockets of my shorts and look around the beach, enjoying all the kid’s faces of determination as they dig for prizes. I can’t help my laugh when one kid holds up a baseball mitt. You would swear he just found a pot of gold worth a million dollars by the emotion he displays. It’s as if finding that mitt is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

  My phone dings, and I lift it from my back pocket, seeing a text from Sage:

  Come to the lighthouse.

  I turn to the dilapidated lighthouse but see no one’s around. Making my way to it, I notice a single set of footprints leading to the tall structure that’s no longer functional.

  The old stone and brick building stands tall next to the side of a cliff with a huge wooden door nestled at the bottom. With Sage nowhere around, I reach for my phone and text him:

  Where are you?

  The wooden door swings open when he says, “I’m right here.”

  Tingles fly down my body at the sound of his voice, but when I see him they feel more like explosions. This is the most casual I’ve seen him dressed, wearing cargo shorts, a simple tee and flip-flops. He oozes relaxation and I suddenly want to lie in his comfort.

  “I didn’t even know this door opened anymore,” I say as I approach him, trying to tamp down my nerves.

  “It was a bitch to get open, but I got it.”

  I enter the building, and he shuts the heavy door behind me. We stand in near darkness, the only light shining in from the windows high above us. My heart pounds at his proximity, and the sensation that we’re suddenly alone wraps around me. Outside the door—only a few hundred feet away—families play on the beach, but in here, we’re the only people on the planet.

  The area can’t be bigger than ten-by-ten feet, including the space taken up by the large staircase winding its way up the middle of the building. The smell of salt, sea air, and Sage overwhelm my senses.

  There’s not much room for me to move, so I lean back against the door when his hand stays where he pushed it shut. His warmth comforts me as I turn my gaze up, seeing glimpses of his eyes through the darkness.

  “Thank you for coming,” he whispers.

  I lick my lips and regret it instantly when his curl into a grin like he knows I was remembering what his felt like pressed against mine.

  I stare up at him for a breath too long and close my eyes, trying to clear my mind. “What’s going on out there?” I ask, thankful my brain was finally able to function.

  He smiles, his face going from one of lust to one of joy in an instant. His hand drops from behind me, giving me a second to breathe before reaching to grasp mine. “Come on, you can see it best up here.”

  I follow him as we climb up a steep, narrow staircase. Entering onto a wooden platform, we walk the circle of the building to a door that leads us outside.

  The view of the coastline of Canterbury is magnificent. As the waves crash in, I take a deep breath, relishing the fresh salty air as the heat of the sun kisses my skin.

  He takes me to a ledge where we enjoy the scene at the beach. The event is still in full force, but instead of seeing all the kids digging, I watch as some play with the prizes they found.

  We sit in silence, and when I sneak a glance in his direction, the happiness glimmering in his eyes says everything I need to know. “You did this, didn’t you?”

  He rests his arms against the railing, grinning as he drops his head before peeking at me through his lashes, but not responding.

  “Why keep it a secret? The kids love it. Why aren’t you down there searching with them?”

  He shrugs. “That’s not the point.”

  “Does your dad know you do this?”

  He lets out a sharp laugh. “No way.”

  “Then why do you do it?”

  He pauses, taking a breath, laughing as a kid finds another prize before turning to face me and leaning back. “That’s why. If they knew it was me, news crews would be here, and it would take away from them. The fun is the secrecy behind it. It’s like magic to them, and I want to keep it that way. I know these families don’t have the means to get the things I hide, and I like to see their faces when they find them.”

  “When did you hide everything?”

  He reaches his hand out to lightly wrap around my fingers. “After I dropped you off last night.”

  “How come you didn’t tell me?”

  His gaze meets mine. “I don’t know. No one knows I do this. Not even Logan or Joey.”

  “So now I know.” I smile playfully.

  He pulls me closer to him. “You do. Are you going to tell anyone?”

  Screams of joy fill the air as a kid finds the treasure chest.

  “Never.” I smile.

  He leans in, placing his lips to mine slowly, making sure I would allow his advance.

  Our kiss last night was different, like he was trying to prove something. This kiss is softer, and I can tell he’s taking his time, not wanting to rush.

  When my arms reach around his neck, pulling him closer to me, I hope he knows my intentions. I don’t need to come out and say how amazing it is that he does this for the kids. That’s not the recognition he wants. But I can show him that every time I’m with him, and as I learn more about who he really is, he’s changing my thoughts on him as a man—and a prince.



  “Sage, can I come in?”

  I smile at the sweet voice on the other side of my door. “Sure, Mom.”

  I rub my hair dry with the towel as she opens the door. I hope this is quick, because I told Everly I’d be over shortly, and I’m anxious to see her.

  After we left the beach separately yesterday, I wanted nothing more than to take her back to my place, hold her in my arms until she was begging for me to make love to her, but I couldn’t. I need to make sure I give her space. I need to let her get to know me slowly and, on her terms, so I held off calling her.

  After getting into another confrontation with my dad, this morning was a different story. As soon as I could get away from him, I called to invite her out on the boat.

  Mom opens the door and sits on my bed. “Come here.” She rubs the spot next to her. “Talk to me.”

  “If you’re here to try to convince me into going along with Dad, you can stop right there.”

  “I’m not, son. I promise. I just want to talk to you. Tell me, were you with Everly yesterday?”

  I lean against the dresser, crossing my arms, not sure about her motive. “I was.”

  “So you really like this girl?”

  My head drops back as I think about how to approach this. My mom has always been the reasonable one. If I can get her on my side, I might have a better chance of getting what I want. “I do.”

  “Tell me about her.”

  I stand up and pad over to where she’s sitting. “She’s different, Mom. I’ve had my eye on her for years. I just had no clue who she was. I used to watch her out that window”—I point to the view of The Ridge—“and she would sit on that rock and always seemed so free, everything I wanted to be. When she walked into the room at The Ridge, I knew.”

  “I know you don’t think you’ve been dealt a good hand in life, but I know deep down that you are meant to rule this country one day.”

  “Mom, I know how lucky I am for the life I live. I’m grateful you guys have let me do the things I have, but I don’t see why that has to stop, especially now that I found Everly. She wants the same things I do. Shouldn’t I want that in a wife?”

  My mom wraps her hand around mine, patting it with her other one. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “And I think I will be with Everly. Those other girls just aren’t me. I need someone who will stand by my side, not behind me. Do you understand that?”

  “I do, son. I do. You�
��ve turned into such an amazing young man. You will lead this country your way one day. And whatever your father says, he will be proud of you.”

  “I doubt that.” I stand to grab a shirt from my closet and slip it over my head.

  “Don’t let him get you down. I’ll talk to him.”

  I lean down to kiss her forehead. “Thanks, Mom. I’m heading out.”

  “To see Everly?”

  “Yup. Are you going to tell Dad?”

  “Just make sure she’s worth the fight. You only have a few months left.”

  “She is, Mom. I know it.”

  I leave the house without slowing down when my father tries to stop me. He can try all he wants, I will not marry Marie, and there’s nothing to discuss.

  Everly wanted the motorcycle last time, so I’ll grant her wish today.

  I park in the alley behind her house to avoid people who might be out front. I’m not even off the bike before she’s halfway out the door.

  Our eyes meet as I remove my helmet, and I’m done. She’s the one. I have no more doubts, and I’ll make it my mission to be the man she wants in her life.

  We meet halfway up her walkway. “Hi,” she whispers.

  I lean down to steal a quick kiss. “Hi.”

  Grabbing her things, I tie them down with mine and help her with her helmet before we slip on the bike. Her hands wrap around my waist, and I pause, leaning back into her grasp and loving every second of the rush I get from it. The trust her arms reveal wrapped around me engulfs my spirit. It takes everything in me to keep the bike straight, and not focus solely on the feel of her warm, soft body pressed against me.

  Once we arrive, I park where the boat is docked and help her on board before pulling up the anchor.

  My God, she’s stunning in a string bikini. Every inch, every curve is perfect. My hand instantly goes to my chest to try to calm the ache slowly building.

  I love that she’s comfortable in her own skin. It shows in the way she slipped her clothes off as soon as we stepped foot on the boat without a care in the world.

  After easing my shirt off, I sit in the driver’s seat, putting the boat in gear and wading our way out of the no-wake zone. Everly sneaks up to the front of the boat, turning her back to me and watching the water slip by underneath us.

  Everything about her is comfortable. When she hopped on the bike, then onto the dock, there was never a question of what she should do or where she should go. There are no timid movements in her personality. I’ve never been with a girl so genuine. For the first time while I’m in Canterbury, I’m Sage, not Prince Sage, and I fucking love the freedom she brings me.

  Once we’re out of the restricted zone, I yell to her, “Hold on.” I push the throttle down, and the boat rises in the front as we speed off. Her hands lift to her hair, but instead of trying to tame it, she pulls the holder she had out, letting her brown hair flow freely in the wind.

  The smile she turns to give me melts more than my heart; it melts my soul. I’ve watched this girl from afar for so long, and I still can’t believe she’s here with me.

  I stop in an empty cove and kill the engine. She turns around, resting her hands on the back of the seat and drops her head, letting out a big sigh.

  “I love it out here.” She takes another big breath before letting it out slowly.

  “Me, too.” I hand her a beer by placing the cold bottle against her leg.

  She yelps in surprise and laughs before taking it from me.

  “What, no PB & J today?” she teases.

  “No, I had Irene make us a real lunch.”


  “Our chef.”

  “Oh yeah, ‘cause that’s a thing that normal people have.”

  “Ha, ha,” I deadpan. “Don’t hate, though. She’s amazing. Are you hungry?”

  “Na, not really. Maybe in a little while.”

  I move next to her in the boat. When she sits up, allowing me to climb in behind her and rest her back against my front, I think I’m done for. But then she takes my arm that’s resting on the back of the seat and wraps her fingers around mine.

  Blood rushes to my cock. I swear I have to close off my mind momentarily so I don’t take her right now. It’s a few minutes before I can calm myself, but the longer we sit here in silence the more comfortable I feel.

  She brings a sense of calm that I’ve never felt around a girl. There’s always been this question in the back of my head, wondering if they are with me for me or for who I am. When I was in London, I tried to keep a low profile, but it’s hard to keep being a prince a secret. The weight that takes off my chest is worth this fight with my dad alone. There’s nothing better than being able to just be me.

  I lean down to kiss her head. “I’m sorry about that Aiden guy.”

  She shrugs. “It’s not your fault.”

  “I hope that’s the worst you have to deal with.”

  “You mean there could be more?” She sits up, turning to me in surprise.

  I pull her back, so she’s resting on me again. “You just never know, sweetheart. People become jealous, they make things up for personal gain. Sometimes it’s not pretty. I just want you to be prepared.”

  Her head falls back against my chest, and she looks up at me. “So what’s the worst thing that’s happened to you?”

  My hard laugh slips out before I can respond. “Unfortunately, most of my stories are true, that’s why my parents shipped me off to London.”

  “Yeah, I noticed you were in those photos with Prince Harry in Vegas,” she teases.

  “You Googling me?” I ask, sitting up a little straighter, pretending I’m offended. Being able to play with her and have her give it back is something I’ve only experienced with Logan and Joey. It’s nice to have that with a female as well.

  She hits my chest playfully. “Come on, that’s not as bad as sending your friend to actually talk to me at a bar.”

  I chuckle. “Ah, you put that together, did you? That’s Logan. He’s been around since we were young. I thought I’d get his thoughts on you.”


  “Because you seemed too good to be true. Every girl I’ve had to meet would sit there all doe-eyed, willing to do anything to become my wife. Then I met you. And not only were you the girl I’ve watched for years, but you put off this vibe that you weren’t interested.”

  She laughs out loud. “Because I wasn’t.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  I love that she instantly reaches up to kiss my lips with a chaste kiss. “I said wasn’t,” she admits when she pulls away.

  I lift her hand only to notice her ring finger is now painted a beautiful, fuchsia color while her others are light pink.

  “I had to bite my lip so I wouldn’t laugh when I saw the black polish on your ring finger. That was a nice touch.”

  “I can’t believe you noticed.”

  “I told you, I’ve noticed everything about you. And when I saw your finger, I knew you were just as mischievous as I envisioned you to be. I like this color better, though.”

  To my surprise, she sits up, moving to straddle my waist. Red-hot lust rushes through my body. There’s no holding back now, and she can literally feel exactly what I’m thinking. The slight tilt of her ass says she likes it, too.

  Her arms wrap around my neck when she purrs, “So tell me then, what else do you like?”

  My fingers reach for the ties of her suit, slowly pulling them free and watching them fall down her chest. The small triangles stay put and knowing it would only take a twitch of my finger to release them makes my chest tight and my cock even harder.

  “I like this.” I lean in to kiss her neck. “But maybe over here more.” I move to kiss the other side. “But I think these”—I slip her top down the rest of the way—“will be my favorite.”

  My mouth covers her nipple, sucking softly as her hands move to my hair, gripping tightly and holding me there. I buck my hips up, grinding into the thin material and experienc
ing her warmth wrap around me. I drop my head back, taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself before I take this too far. Her fingers wrap behind my head, bringing me to her mouth, and I'm instantly lost in the softness of her tongue. Everything about her brings me to the edge. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. I want the freedom she offers.

  “Take me. I want this. I want you,” she says into my mouth, and it’s the only permission I need.

  My fingers pull on either side of her swimsuit bottom, allowing me to slide them off, removing them completely. My hands graze her entire body. Starting at her neck, I slowly move down her breasts, wrapping my hands around her waist before cupping her perfect ass. I lift her slightly and love that I don’t even have to instruct her as she starts to tug on my pants. I sit her back in my lap and shimmy them down my legs a little more as she grinds herself against me.

  With every swipe against my cock, her movements get slicker, sliding over my length until she hits the tip and swirls her hips against the ridge.

  “Are you on birth control?” I whisper into her ear.

  “Yes,” she says breathlessly.

  “Good, because I don’t want to wear anything when it comes to the woman I’m going to marry.” I’m shocked by my admission, but I mean every word.

  I hesitate briefly to see her reaction, but she doesn’t miss a beat. Instead, she lifts her hips, holding me in place and slowly takes me in. I stare in awe as her head falls back in ecstasy. Her warmth engulfs my body, feeling like pure heaven, and when she lifts herself up, starting a rhythm, I have to bite my lip to stop the intense urge trying to claw its way out, and blow my load like I’m a teenager and this is my first time.

  I stare up at her adoringly. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

  “So are you,” she gasps.

  When her lips meet mine again, I bask in each moan released from her mouth, and I take it in with every breath. My hands grip her back, holding her in place as I grind into her, holding her at the brink for a second before slowly pulling back out. I need to feel every inch of her sliding against me.


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