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The Dragon’s Virgin Slave 2: Captive (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance)

Page 2

by Cherry Dare

  “You poor things!” Kara exclaimed. “What an awful life!”

  The slave girls turned toward her, Suli sad, Aralan trying to look like she didn’t care.

  “Better than the wasp queen,” said Aralan. For once, Suli didn’t hush her.

  Kara let the girls lead her through an archway and into a white marble bathing room, with a huge sunken tub carved into the floor.

  She tried not to let her fear and rage show on her face, but inside she was boiling with fury and frustration. Rhodar was imprisoned, these poor girls were being forced to submit to the sadistic-sounding Master, and Kara herself was nothing but a captive village girl. What could she possibly do?

  But she had been a captive village girl before. She had used her wits to manipulate the slave trader into freeing her hands, and then she’d bashed him over the head with his own dragon egg and escaped with it.

  “Ruthless,” Rhodar had called her, adding, “I approve.” And, when they had first met, he had said, “You are brave.”

  Kara was brave, she was tricky, she was clever, she was a big strong girl, and some day she would be the mother of dragons. She would find some way to free herself, and these girls too. Whatever it took, she would do.

  The slave girls began to undress Kara for her bath. Aralan’s furry hand brushed against Kara’s left breast, sending a tingling through her body at the velvety touch. Her nipple hardened into a nub.

  Aralan giggled, then jerked her hand away.

  “Oops,” said the cat-girl. But she didn’t sound very sorry.

  “Stop it, Aralan,” said Suli. “We’ll bathe her quickly, then leave.”

  Kara knew then what she had to do, to cement her relationship with the girls and ensure that they would linger long enough for her to persuade them to help her.

  And, to be truthful, what she wanted to do. She had always found the bodies of other women to be beautiful, though she was usually more drawn to men. The bodies of these girls were so strange, and yet so lovely. And they were so trapped. If Kara succeeded in nothing else, she would at least be brightening their sad lives.

  She wondered if Rhodar would be angry. But she didn’t think so. A man might hate a woman for having sex with another, even to save his life. But Rhodar was not only a man, and she couldn’t conceive of him being so shallow. He might not like it, but he’d understand.

  Kara was naked now, in the warm, humid air of the bathing room. Deliberately, she took Aralan’s hand and placed it over her breast.

  The cat-girl let out a startled mew. “Oh! Does that mean you want to...?”

  “Yes,” Kara whispered. “Oh, yes.”

  Keeping her hand over Aralan’s, she slowly rubbed the cat-girl’s velvety palm over the sensitive skin of her breast. Kara gave an involuntary shudder of desire, and her cunt began to moisten.

  Kara turned to Suli. “You’re beautiful, too. Would it be too strange, if all three of us made love?”

  With a breathy giggle, Suli whisked off her draperies. She stood naked, her pink body flushing even warmer in the heat of the room. Her nipples were dark red, like garnets, and so were the petal-like lips of her cunt. A scent rose from her flesh, floral but also musky and animal, like a rose made flesh.

  “Suli and I love to fuck,” said Aralan cheerily.

  The cat-girl unceremoniously yanked off her clothing, standing clad in nothing but her soft white fur. The pink buds of her hairless nipples stood out hard and erect, but her cunt was hidden within her fur. But Kara could smell a heavy, spicy scent, sultry and wild, that she suspected was the musk of Aralan’s arousal.

  “And we enjoy making love in threes,” said Suli. “Well, we enjoy it when everyone freely chooses.”

  A shadow passed over the faces of the two slave girls.

  “I freely choose,” said Kara.

  She stepped forward and reached out, catching a girl by each shoulder. Aralan was the first to move. With an animal growl, she pressed up against Kara, rubbing her soft fur all over Kara’s skin. It was soft beyond belief. The thicker plush between Aralan’s legs caressed Kara’s cunt, making her moan aloud.

  The cat-girl pulled Kara’s face toward her with her furred fingers and kissed her. Aralan’s flat tongue rasped strangely against Kara’s, its texture rough against the softness of Kara’s own tongue. But it was ticklish rather than painful.

  Kara licked at Aralan’s mouth, and felt the sharpness of the cat-girl’s small, pointed teeth. Aralan nipped lightly at Kara’s lip, making her jump, and then giggled into Kara’s mouth.

  The contrast between Aralan’s sharp teeth and rough tongue, and the luxurious velvet of her fur was intoxicating. Kara moaned and wriggled against Aralan’s body, shamelessly caressing herself with the slave girl’s soft fur.

  A woman’s body pressed against Kara’s from behind. It was Suli, her bare skin oddly cool and smooth to the touch, like polished marble made soft. Her breasts pressed against Kara’s back, and Kara felt the wet touch of Suli’s dripping cunt against her ass. The scent of sex and roses grew stronger. Kara’s stomach fluttered with urgent desire.

  As Aralan continued to hungrily kiss and explore Kara’s mouth, Kara reached down behind her with one hand, seeking Suli’s wetness. Her fingers dipped into Suli’s hairless slit. Like the rest of her body, it was cool, her juices more watery and less slippery than Kara’s own.

  Like perfume, Kara thought.

  She rubbed her fingers against Suli’s sex, excited to touch another woman’s cunt. Suli let out a whispery exhale, and her inner lips, thin and silky as petals, lapped at Kara’s fingers. Kara stroked deeper, searching for Suli’s pearl. The thought of making the butterfly girl come around her fingers thrilled her.

  With one hand, Kara caressed Aralan’s velvet-furred body. With her other, she probed and fingered Suli’s cunt. Perfumed juices dripped down Kara’s hand, and Suli moaned like rustling leaves, writhing against Kara’s back. Suli’s soft breasts and hard nipples stroked against Kara’s skin.

  Kara brought up her hand and slid it between her mouth and Aralan’s. Together, Kara and Aralan licked at Suli’s juices. They were sweet as honey, with an aftertaste of roses.

  “So sweet,” whispered Aralan huskily.

  “You taste so good, Suli,” said Kara. “Lie down. Let me taste your honey from the source.”

  The three girls lay down on the floor, with Kara in the middle.

  Kara kissed Suli’s soft, trembling belly, licking downward. The butterfly girl had no hair around her rose-like cunt. Kara softly breathed out over it, letting her warm breath tease the petal-like nether lips. Suli moaned softly.

  Then Kara bent her head and licked at Suli’s cunt. The girl tasted delicious, and Kara was thrilled at the thought of making another woman come beneath her tongue. It was something she’d often fantasized about.

  As she licked at Suli’s delicate pink folds, she reached out with one hand to fondle Aralan’s breasts. They were plump yet firm beneath her fur, the nipples stiff nubs. Beneath Kara’s hand, Aralan’s chest began to vibrate, and a soft rumble filled the air. The cat girl was purring.

  Kara buried her face in Suli’s cunt, licking and sucking hungrily. The sweetness and perfume was intoxicating, as if Kara was making love to a rose. Suli writhed and moaned under Kara’s ministrations. Her honey flowed faster, and her inner petals fluttered.

  Kara found Suli’s pearl and explored it with her tongue. Unlike Kara’s round button, Suli’s pearl was petaled, like a tiny carved flower. Kara sucked it into her mouth and caressed every tiny petal with the tip of her tongue.

  Suli let out a sharp cry, her body bucking and all her petals opening and closing. Then she fell back, limp and relaxed. Kara moved her mouth away, licking the last drops of honey from her lips. Suli’s petals curled inward, like a flower which closes to a bud at night, until all that was visible of her cunt was a ruby line between her legs.

  “That was lovely,” sighed Suli.

  “My turn,” said Aralan.

  The cat girl pushed Kara down on her back, pinned her chest with a sharp-clawed hand, and plunged her face into Kara’s cunt. The roughness of Aralan’s tongue felt incredible against Kara’s pearl, as did the velvety softness of the fur that caressed Kara’s inner thighs. Kara tossed her head and moaned, reveling in it all. Her eyes squeezed shut with ecstasy.

  Wet heat closed over Kara’s left breast, and dry coolness over her right. Kara opened her eyes. Suli was bent over Kara, suckling at one breast while she caressed the other. The butterfly girl’s other hand was working at Aralan’s furry cunt. Her beautiful pink wings and antennae fluttered, sending down a sparkling shower of pink dust.

  The scents of Aralan’s musk, Suli’s perfume, and Kara’s own juices rose up. Kara felt drunk on sex and sensation. She writhed and cried out mindlessly, never wanting the moment to end. But she couldn’t long resist the heat building up inside of her. Aralan’s rough tongue lapped hard at her pearl. Kara was helpless to stop her violent climax. She cried out as her cunt spasmed around Aralan’s tongue, and her orgasm took her.

  A moment later, Aralan cried out with her own climax. Her fur puffed out, making Kara giggle, and then slowly flattened back down. Then the slave girls and Kara lay cuddled together in a languorous pile on the warm marble floor.

  Suli sighed. “That was lovely. I only wish we could have met under better circumstances.”

  Kara had been waiting for this sort of conversational opening. “As free people, you mean? We still could.”

  Aralan fondly licked Kara’s face with a swipe of her rasping tongue. “No one escapes from the palace of Wyrm.”

  Kara shook her head. “My mate Rhodar can work magic. If we could break him free, he could probably get us all out of here. He’s in the dungeons.”

  “We cannot get into the dungeons,” said Suli regretfully.

  “Do you know anyone who can?” Kara asked.

  Aralan’s cat ears twitched forward. “Telnar could. He feeds the monsters in the dungeon, because his own magic is strong enough to protect him from them. But he is the only one.”

  Suli shook her head, her feathery antennae brushing Kara’s tangled hair. “Telnar will not help. His bitterness has warped him. He despises the other slaves, and himself most of all.”

  That sounded discouraging. But even a small chance was better than no chance at all. “I’d like to talk to him anyway. Could you help me meet him?”

  “We could ask him to come see you,” said Suli doubtfully. “But he will probably refuse.”

  Kara ground her teeth with frustration. “Please try. Tell him that if he sets my mate free, Rhodar could free him as well.”

  “You really think your mate could help us escape?” Aralan asked.

  “He freed me,” said Kara. “He melted iron manacles off my ankles without burning me. And he can transform into a dragon! But before any of that happened, I hit the slave trader over the head and ran. I think my mate can free you... if you’re willing to help free yourself.”

  The slave girls glanced at each other. Then, moving as one, they stood.

  “We will do our best,” said Suli. She bestowed a delicate kiss on Kara’s lips.

  Then the slave girls hurried from the bathing room.

  As the door closed behind them with a flash of magical light, Kara realized that she had forgotten to ask what manner of being Telnar was. Then she shrugged to herself. Telnar might be able to set Rhodar free, and that was all that mattered.

  She slipped into the sunken tub. The hot water, delicately scented with jasmine, was delicious against her skin, washing away the sweat and the smell of sex. She would have liked to luxuriate in it, but she didn’t know how long it would be before Telnar came. If he came.

  Reluctantly, she climbed out and dried herself on thick towels which reminded her of Aralan’s fur. Padding naked to the bedroom, she opened a closet door. It was filled with gauzy, near-transparent dresses.

  Hearing footsteps, she snatched the nearest one and yanked it over her head. The frock of white gauze clung to the pink nubs of her nipples, and barely hung low enough to cover her cunt and ass.

  But she had no time to change. The door opened, and a male figure walked in.

  For an instant he was a silhouette against the bright flash of magical light— the black figure of a tall winged man with taloned hands and a long dragon’s tail.

  Kara leaped forward with a cry of joy. “Rhodar!”

  Then the magical glow faded, and she saw the man for who he truly was. He was a dragon-shifter, but not her love.

  This man’s skin was green with blue undertones, like the sky before a tornado. His narrowed eyes were gray, his thick hair was black with blue glints, and his handsome face was creased with lines of disappointment and pain.

  He stalked toward her, his taloned hands clenching and unclenching.

  Kara drew back in fear. “T— Telnar?”

  The dragon-shifter stopped a few feet away. “I should not have come.” His voice was thick with bitterness.

  “No, please stay!” Kara stepped forward.

  Her skirt floated up with her movement, revealing her bare sex. She saw Telnar’s gaze drift downward, and she recognized the lust that burned in his eyes. Then he jerked his eyes back up to her face.

  “I don’t know how much Aralan and Suli told you,” she began.

  He let out a menacing hiss. “You wish me to free the monster whom you claim is your mate. Such a pathetic lie.”

  “Lie?” Kara was confused. “Why would I lie about that? Rhodar and I are mates.”

  Telnar hissed again, contemptuously this time. “If he is in the dungeon, he is a beast. A monster... like me. No woman would touch such a hideous creature, such a freak of nature, of her own free will.”

  Kara’s temper flared. “My Rhodar is not a monster! He’s a dragon-shifter, like you!”

  “A dragon-shifter?” repeated Telnar. “Like me?”

  “Yes, just like you: a handsome man with wings and tail and talons. His skin is black, but otherwise he looks just like you. He’s not a monster or a freak of nature! Though he thought he was the last of his kind...”

  “I thought I was the only one of my kind,” said Telnar slowly. “A monster. A deformed beast.”

  Kara sat down on the bed, and indicated that Telnar sit beside her. Hesitantly, he did so. He kept his distance, but she could still feel the heat that rose up from his skin.

  “Were you not born with the knowledge of dragons?” she asked. “Rhodar hatched as a grown man, already knowing what he was.”

  Telnar shook his head, sending his blue-black hair flying. “I do not remember anything but the palace of Wyrm. The Master uses my magic to power his spells.”

  “Then why not set Rhodar free?” Kara urged. “He has magic too. Join your power, and both of your could tear down this palace around you! And then fly free...”

  The bitterness returned to Telnar’s face. “Fly? I cannot fly. You call me a dragon-shifter, but I have never changed. This hideous form is all I have ever known.”

  “It’s not hideous,” said Kara. “And you’ve probably been enchanted to prevent you from shifting into your dragon form. I expect you could do it if you were free.”

  “Freedom!” Telnar spat out the word. “What is freedom but a life of loneliness? At least here there are other monsters. No woman would ever touch a beast such as I.”

  “I would,” said Kara. “I do.”

  She laid her hand on Telnar’s cheek. He jumped as if she had stabbed him.

  “You’re lying,” he said. “You want to use me to gain your freedom.”

  Kara trailed her fingers down his cheek and, slowly, across his lips. He drew in his breath, his lips trembling. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that beneath his leather loincloth, his huge cock was swelling. The sight sent a flutter of desire down her spine.

  “I am not lying,” she said softly. “And I will prove it to you.”

  She slipped her hand behind his
back, and stroked the delicate membranes of his wings.

  Her heart was full of compassion for the bitter dragon-shifter. It had occurred to her to seduce him— to use him to gain her freedom, as he had accused her of doing— but she couldn’t bring herself to be anything but honest with him. He deserved no less.

  “I don’t promise to stay with you after I am free,” Kara said, willing him to read the truth in her level gaze. “I’m Rhodar’s mate, and I love him. But I don’t think he’d mind if I shared myself with you this one time. I’m sure he wouldn’t want another dragon-shifter to believe that he’s a monster no woman could be attracted to.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Telnar whispered. But there was longing in his tone, as if he wanted to believe.

  She reached across the bed and picked up his jade green tail.

  “My cunt doesn’t lie,” said Kara simply. “Feel how wet I am for you.”

  She guided the blunt tip of his tail inside of her. He gasped, and his tail went rigid. She moved against its hot length, rubbing her pearl against it.

  His tail was more slim that Rhodar’s, and only a little hotter than human flesh. His scales were more pronounced. She could feel them as individual bumps inside of her throbbing cunt and against her sensitive pearl.

  Telnar’s wings beat the air, sending a breeze through the room. Draperies fluttered.

  Hesitantly, he leaned forward, his storm-gray eyes open and wary. When he kissed her, he only pressed his lips against hers, keeping his tongue inside his mouth. Kara boldly thrust her tongue into his mouth, seeking his. After a moment, his forked tongue flicked against hers. She licked at it, trying to assure him with her actions that she found it exciting, not repulsive.

  He slowly began to respond to her, coiling the fork around her tongue and sliding the heated split down the length of her tongue. At that, she felt a gush of liquid flow from her cunt, washing over his tail.

  He broke off the kiss and looked her over, his eyes wide and startled.

  “You really do want me,” he said wonderingly.

  “I do.” Kara lay on her back on the bed. “Take me.”


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