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The Honeyed Taste of Deception

Page 12

by CeeCee James

  Elise reached for the counter to steady herself, then looked at the papers before Sonya. “How do you know? What does that say?”

  “Someone sent me a letter warning me that no real marriage license was filed. That they are grifters with a long line of thievery behind them, and that they are being investigated for robbery.”

  “Are you kidding?” Elise stammered, her mind spinning. A fake? The whole thing? “Is Catalina even pregnant?”

  “I just told you that they pulled the wool over our eyes, and all you can think about is if Catalina is really pregnant? We have a disaster on our hands.” Sonya’s face crumpled with worry.

  The piano music carried into the room, signaling that the ceremony would be starting soon. Elise rubbed her arms, unsure of what to do. “Are you confronting them now?”

  “Confronting them? How exactly am I supposed to confront them? With an anonymous letter?” Sonya had tears in her eyes. “I’m afraid of spooking them. All I want to do is to make sure their check doesn’t bounce. And then, I want them gone and out of my life as soon as possible.” Sonya wiped under her eyes and took a deep breath to compose herself. She tucked the paperwork back into her oversized bag and looped the straps over her shoulder like an old-fashioned mailman. “Please don’t say anything. Not yet.”

  “Of course not. What do you want me to do now?” Elise asked, feeling lost.

  “I want you to go in there and keep an eye on them. Don’t leave their sides. Make sure no funny business happens. In four hours or so, we can wash our hands of this whole affair.”

  Elise closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Letting it out slowly, she nodded and headed back to the arboretum.

  She walked from behind the curtain and sidled to the back of the room. Her gaze swept over the crowd of people, the colorful wigs of the clowns scattered among the congregation like confetti. How did Catalina and Cook know so many people?

  Ahhh. There was Brad sitting in the fifth row. She’d give anything to go jump in his arms right now. She needed to talk to him desperately. If only she could call a giant time out and stop everything.

  There’s Cook standing up front. Thank heavens. Wait, why am I happy if this is all fake? But he looks absolutely giddy with excitement right now, bouncing on his toes and smiling at his best man. A best man dressed in clown gear.

  What is even going on?

  Could the letter Sonya received have been a hoax? Someone trying to discredit the carny wedding and snub them like the hair salon had?

  The pianist slowly faded off her song and stopped, allowing the silence to build. Elise frowned and crossed her arms. It was too late now. She’d just have to figure it out when everything was said and done. People began shifting in their seats to look toward the back of the room. The photographer stood in the middle of the aisle, with her camera lens focused on the area Catalina would be coming through any minute.

  Suspense began building as the hush of the room grew.

  With a somber look, the pianist began the bold notes of the wedding march and, with a rustle, everyone stood.

  The curtains parted, and Catalina strode serenely through pushing a wheelchair. Her father. The old man was covered in a plaid blanket tucked around his thin body. A black bowler hat, decorated with a huge flower, sat on his head. He honked his red nose and waved at the guests.

  Soft laughter sprinkled among the guests, and Elise saw more than a few wipe their eyes.

  Elise looked to see Cook flush at the sight of her and wipe his eyes, too. He grinned in the way that made him look both bashful and enraptured as he clasped his hands behind him.

  Catalina smiled at her man confidently and started forward, slow and easy. She looked lovely. The long flowing white dress was accentuated at the waist with a green ribbon. Small sprigs of green flowers made a flowery crown on her short blonde hair. The wheelchair didn’t make a sound as it rolled along the carpet. Catalina’s dress swept up the scattered rose petals sprinkled about.

  Once at the front, Catalina bent low to kiss her father and pat his thin hand. Her Uncle Rozzo took control of the chair then and pushed it into a waiting spot in the family’s row. Cook stepped down to take Catalina’s hand. He drew it up to his lips and kissed it, before murmuring, “You look beautiful.”

  There was a hush as the audience watched in awe. Even as far away as she was, Elise could hear his words.

  Anxiety started to ball up in Elise’s chest and she clenched her fists. Are they that good of actors? She thought about the robbery at the jewelry store; that was the day she’d first met them. Had it only been a coincidence that they had been there?

  The thought actually made her feel queasy. She just couldn’t do it, couldn’t stand there and watch them fake their vows. It was too conflicting. In fact, she was seized with an almost irresistible desire to cry out, “Stop! I protest!” When did they quit including that in the wedding ceremony? Her hands started to sweat as the feeling grew stronger. Lovely. Watch me single-handedly destroy what we’d worked so hard to make happen.

  She had to get out of there.

  Chapter 23

  Elise hurried through the curtain and passed by the kiosk, wishing she could leave the entire building. There’s nothing more I can do at the ceremony, except to ruin it. I’ll just check on how the reception is shaping up.

  She tried to squash her personal feelings, with little success. Catalina was becoming my friend! She tricked me?

  With determination to act professional, she stomped harder onto the floor making her heels clack. Not going to do this. Not now.

  The long hall softly glowed with a trail of little lights that the decorators had strung up the night before. The lights led the way to the reception area. The empty store fronts were dark and spooky as she passed. Her reflection wavered from short to tall as it bounced off of the windows and on to the doors. She clutched her purse tighter to her side and stared straight ahead.

  Elise walked into the food court and smiled to see that someone had thought to bring in a cotton candy machine after all. The tables she’d worked on so hard the night before looked amazing, transformed by the tablecloths and flickering candles, with more twinkling white lights overhead. A long line of tiny glass elephants—trunk holding tail— stood on the buffet table along with the serving trays. The silver tureens were set up, but empty.

  Her skin prickled.

  Something wasn’t right. It wasn’t what was there, but what was missing.

  Sounds. The noisy laughter.

  “Hello?” she called, her voice echoing. She paused to listen. Nothing. She walked carefully to keep her heels from making noise as she headed around the buffet table and peeked into the Panda restaurant. She pushed the little opening in the counter back on its hinges and quietly walked back there.

  Bright overhead fluorescents lit the kitchen area. The tables were covered with more tureens, and several ice chests sat in one corner. But there were no people.

  The hair on the back of her neck prickled. She looked toward the back of the room at a large silver door. Licking her lips, she walked slowly to the freezer. Her hand rested just a moment on the metal handle as she pushed it down with all of her weight to swing it open. Icy air rushed out.

  She was too late.

  A gasp of horror ripped from her throat, and she covered her mouth.

  Flopped over the top of the ice-cream wedding cake, chest up, was the cake decorator. He was dressed in a clown costume, and a tube of frosting still dangled in his hand.

  She pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed.

  “911…what’s your emergency?”

  The operator’s voice did little to pry Elise from her shock. All she could see was the frosting—pink, green and white—with nonpareils spilling from a bottle into a pile beside the dead body. Resting next to the corpse’s foot was a very conspicuous rubber red nose.

  “Uhh… there…there’s…” Elise stammered. Her ears rang as the blood rushed from her face. Dizzily, she reac
hed for the table to steady herself. She flinched as her fingers dug into more frosting.

  “What’s your emergency?” The calm voice asked again.

  Elise’s mouth was dry as she tried to croak out the words. “Something’s happened to the cake decorator.”

  “Can you give me some more details? Is his airway clear?”

  “Um, I think he’s dead.”

  “Are you sure he’s deceased?” The voice was irritating in its calmness.

  Elise took some deep breaths, trying to get a grip on the situation. “Quite sure. He’s been shot in the heart.”

  She rattled off the address of the mall and in shock, she murmured. “I have to go.”

  “Are you in danger? Is someone there with a gun?”

  “I can’t talk. I feel…I have to go.” She hung up as the room spun around her. She slipped on the icy floor and her phone skittered away.

  What am I going to do?

  It felt disrespectful to leave the body, but she couldn’t stand to see him anymore. She fumbled on the floor for her phone and the battery that had popped out.

  Clicking the battery back in place, she slowly closed the freezer door.

  Call Brad. Her inner voice shouted and broke through her shock. She turned the phone on and watched the progress wheel rotate with agonizing slowness. Hurry! Hurry! Staring at the screen, she hurried back to the hallway.

  Footsteps made her look up.


  Her boss clutched her heavy bag and hurried over. “What are you doing out here, Elise? Why aren’t you watching the wedding like I said?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We have an emergency. A real emergency. The cake decorator’s been shot!”

  Sonya’s mouth dropped open in shock. “You’re not serious.”

  “Yes! In the freezer!” Elise pointed in the direction of the Panda restaurant with her cell phone.

  “I knew something would happen! I told you Rozzo was being a bit too interested in us. I’m so stupid! I should have known! We need to call the police! Now, where is the body?” Sonya looped arms with Elise, her bag thumping hard into Elise’s side, and hurried them both into the reception area. “Where is he?”

  “He’s in there.” Elise pointed, feeling shaky and sick.

  “Where? You have to take me to him.”

  “I don’t want to see him again,” Elise murmured, shaking her head. She turned back at Sonya.

  “Take me to him, now.” Sonya held a gun. Her face was calm as she gestured to the restaurant and then pointed the barrel back at her. “Go on.”

  “Sonya….” Elise was shocked.

  “Now, Elise.” Sonya’s voice was low and gentle. “Hands up.”

  She directed Elise through firm prods of the pistol’s barrel in her back. Elise glanced desperately around the kitchen.

  “The caterers aren’t coming back. I fired them all. Now, open the door.”

  Swallowing hard, Elise opened the door. The poor cake decorator stared with sightless eyes. She turned around to her boss. “Sonya, please. I won’t tell.”

  “You won’t have a chance to tell. Because I’m not leaving any lose ends behind. I’ve been planning this for the last year and nothing is getting in my way. Now get in there.”

  Elise took a few steps back. The floor was slippery under her heels. Just distract and delay her. The police are on their way.

  There was going to be no distracting her. With emotionless eyes, Sonya lifted the pistol. “I wish you had just done your job and listened to me for once. What did I say about babysitting you?” She gave a half-shrug. “Goodbye, Elise.”

  “Wait!” Elise shrieked, waving her hands. “Wait just a second. Did you see what he had in his hand?”

  Sonya looked suspiciously over to the corpse. “What does he have?”

  “It’s just in his hand. I was trying to get it out earlier.” If she gets close enough, I’ll knock her off balance in those shoes.

  Sonya took a step inside the cooler, needing to duck under the doorway.

  Elise watched her boss totter on her high heels. Her muscles tensed.

  “Back up,” Sonya directed, waving her gun again. “Now. Until your back touches the wall.”

  Elise stumbled back until she felt the radiating wave of cold metal behind her.

  Sonya watched her for a second, then looked down at the cake decorator’s hand. “What are you talking about? It’s just frosting.”

  The temperature burned Elise’s eyes. “I just thought I saw….”

  Sonya barked a laugh. “Little Elise. You just thought. That was the problem all along. You lived in your own little world and never saw what was really going on around you. Just a little pawn in my plan, like those carnies.”

  Elise swallowed hard to calm down.“Why don’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you? I’m not playing this game.” She raised the gun and pulled back the hammer.

  “Sonya! NO!” Elise screamed and dropped to the ground.

  The gun’s blast was deafening.

  Elise covered her ears with her eyes squeezed tight against the pain. The high-pitch whine ripped through her ears and her head, until it felt like every part of her was exploding. I’ve been shot! She clenched her teeth and groaned.

  Someone touched her.

  “Baby? Baby! Are you okay?”


  “Elise! Talk to me!” Hands roughly rolled her over. She opened her eyes to see Brad’s sweet face.

  Despite herself, tears gathered in her eyes and she smiled weakly. Her plan worked.

  Chapter 24

  The curtains were parted just enough for Elise to see the moon as she sat in the hospital bed. Not because she’d been shot. No, nothing as cool as that. But she had turned her ankle when she’d fallen, and was now waiting for x-rays to see if she’d broken any bones or not.

  Typical. Shot at by a bad guy. Injured by clumsiness.

  “Hi, darlin’.” Lavina poked her red head around the privacy curtain. “How’re you doing?” Her forehead creased in concern. She gently sat on the edge of the bed. “I passed your man in the hall and he said you were up for a visit.”

  “Yeah. He had to head back to the station to finish his paperwork on the arrest. I’m fine. Feel kind of ridiculous sitting here with a bum ankle. What’s going on out there?”

  “The news stations are having a hay day. Oh my gosh. Every John, Jeff, and Sally is out there asking questions about who broke open the great Craigslist case. And wouldn’t you know, it would be my best friend.” Lavina’s green eyes grew misty. “Darn it. You did it again. You promised.”

  “I swear I didn’t mean to get into any danger, Vi. For crying out loud. I worked for a wedding planner. How much safer can it get?”

  “Not safe enough. What are you, a killer magnet?”

  Elise groaned and flopped her head back on the paper-covered pillow. She sighed and then looked gratefully at her friend. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Lavina entwined her fingers and sat up primly. “Now tell me everything that happened. Did you ever suspect her?”

  “Never! But something triggered inside me when I saw her heading down the hall. She was coming from the part we weren’t using. She’d been carrying this huge bag all through the preparations for the wedding, and suddenly the bag was full. I knew the only thing down there was a jewelry store.”

  “Why did you go with her then? When you led her to the body? Why didn’t you just scream?”

  “Scream? I don’t know. I was pretty much in shock and didn’t exactly trust my emotions at the time. She was a friend, and I had a dead body on my hands, so I needed a friend. Besides, I wasn’t sure if I was going on overdrive after all my suspicion on Catalina and Cook.”

  “How in the world did Brad end up there in the nick of time?”

  Elise smiled. “You can never pick on me for having a crap phone again because this baby,” she reached for her cell sitting on th
e hospital table, “is able to dial someone just by pushing the ‘one’ button.”


  “I have Brad set as number one in my contacts. I pushed the button and called him as soon as I saw Sonya’s heavy bag. I just held down the button and prayed.”

  Lavina’s mouth dropped. “You didn’t.”


  “What kind of pain medicine are you on? You are so, so lucky. What if he hadn’t answered?”

  Elise shrugged. “I gambled it all.”

  Ten minutes later she was wheeled into X-ray, where she was informed that she would be needing surgery to straighten out her fibula. In the next breath, the doctor clapped her on the shoulder. “But aren’t you the luckiest? I hear you’re going to be the recipient of the Grandstone reward!”

  Chapter 25

  A week later Elise sat across from Lavina at the steak house restaurant. Her foot was encased in a cast and her crutches leaned against the wall. She ate her sandwich and used her well-practiced, patient smile with Vi.

  “Now, I love you, Elise. You’re like a sister to me. And I feel I have the right to speak into your life whether you like it or not. You can’t collect kids like you did cats,” Lavina said.

  “Cat,” Elise said, cleaning out under her thumbnail. She gave her unflappable smile to her friend.

  “You know what I mean. This is a person. A real live person.”

  “I get that. Don’t you think I do? But it’s a person who needs a family. Heck, I could use a family too. And, at this moment, I’m just a temporary guardian.”

  “How did you find her? Did you put up “found” posters?”

  “She’s not a puppy, and I saw her at the park again. This time I got her to come home with me.” Elise’s heart squeezed a little, remembering how cold it was that night. Lucy had come out from under a tree, blue lipped and shivering. Elise had taken her home where she’d covered the teen with blankets and fed her hot soup. They’d talked until the sun rose the next morning.

  “A match made in heaven,” Lavina said dryly.


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