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Kissing Jenna (The Big Sky Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Kristen Proby

  “I was actually in town and picked up Grace there,” I reply. “I didn’t know Max was back in town.”

  We pull up next to my brother’s SUV and climb out. It’s snowing like crazy, and the wind has started to pick up.

  “Hey,” I say and hug Max. “Let’s go in, the weather is getting nuts.”

  “I thought you said they’re rented?” he asks, eyeing Christian.

  “They are, but this is Christian. He’s renting the Tamarack. I’ve been staying with him.”

  I ignore Max’s scowl and walk into the tree house. Christian sheds his ski gear in the entryway while Max follows me into the kitchen.

  “Are you guys in here?” I hear Brad ask from the doorway. “Oh, hey, Christian.”

  “Hi, Brad. Jenna and Max are inside.”

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Max demands, shooting daggers at me from his position on the other side of the kitchen island.

  “A pipe burst at my house,” I reply and set to work making myself a cup of decaf. “Want some coffee?”

  “No, I don’t want any fucking coffee. I want to know what in the hell is going on.”

  I turn to my brother and prop my hands on my hips. “You don’t get to talk to me like that.”

  “Why are you staying with a guest? My house is empty. Hell, Brad has an extra bedroom.”

  Christian walks into the room and smiles at Max. “We haven’t met. I’m Christian Wolfe. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Max looks at Christian’s outstretched hand and then glares at me without accepting it.

  “You’re fucking around with a guest?”

  “Oh, Jesus, Max. Calm the hell down.”

  “I’m gone for a week, and all hell breaks loose.”

  I can’t help the snort-laugh that comes out of me. “You’re being really dramatic. All hell has not broken loose unless you count the fact that my house got flooded. Then, yes, that was hell.”

  “And you’re screwing around—”

  “So, here’s the thing,” Christian says calmly, but his voice, and his eyes are hard. “I get that you don’t know me from Adam and that it’s a surprise to you that she’s staying here with me, but Jenna isn’t a child.”

  “She’s my sister,” Max replies, then pins Brad with a stare. “Did you know about this?”

  “She is a grown woman, man. And I like him.” Brad shrugs, and Max’s jaw drops.

  “Why are you so weird about this?” I demand as I put sugar and cream into my coffee. “I hate to break the news to you, but I wasn’t a virgin when I met Christian.”

  All three men scowl, and I can’t help but let out another laugh.

  “It seems unethical to sleep with a client,” Max says, his jaw firm.

  “Or you just want to meddle in my life, the way you always do. But I have news for you, Max, I’m fine. I don’t need you to meddle in my life any more than you want that from me. Because, trust me when I say, I know who you should marry, should’ve married years ago. I saw her just the other day, and she’s everything you need in your life. But you’re a pain in the ass.”

  “This isn’t about me and Willa,” Max says.

  “See? You even know who I’m talking about!”

  “Jenna—” Christian begins, but Brad interrupts him.

  “Leave them be,” Brad says, “they do this all the time, and they’ll be back to being friends in about ten minutes.”

  “I don’t need you to always protect me,” I continue. “I know you think you need to, but you don’t, Max. I’m a smart woman, I have my shit together, and if I want to fuck every guest who walks in here, I will.”

  “No,” Christian says, his eyes full of lust and anger, “you won’t.”

  “Oh, Lord.” I hang my head and scratch my cheek. “I’m surrounded by alpha men.”

  “Jenna,” Max begins, his voice calmer now, “I left town a week ago. He wasn’t here, and you weren’t sleeping with anyone. And now he’s here, you’re shacked up with him, and I had no idea.”

  “I don’t need to ask your permission,” I remind him. “And we’re not shacked up. I’m staying here until my place is fixed and dry, which should be in another day or so.”

  “Still could have stayed at my place,” he says but then glances over at Christian. “I know who you are. And believe me when I say, I don’t care. If you fuck up with her, I’ll bust that pretty face of yours.”

  “I do not have a pretty face,” Christian says, looking about in exasperation. “Why do you and your sister keep saying that?”

  “I’m not kidding,” Max replies. “If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” I mutter and turn to Brad. “Why did you guys come, and can you please get him out of here?”

  “I just wanted to say hi, and Brad was in the neighborhood.”

  “Well, hi.” I sip my coffee and stare him down. “I should probably get back to work. Don’t you have an empire to run?”

  “You’re always more important,” Max replies and pulls me in for a tight hug. “And I think you’re the bee’s knees.”

  “I think you’re the cat’s meow,” I say begrudgingly. “A meddling cat.”

  “Hey, it’s what I do.” He pulls back and grins, then steals my cup and takes a sip. “God, how can you drink this so sweet?”

  “Get out,” I reply, shooing both brothers out the door. “I’m glad you’re home, now go away. Call Willa. Take her out on a date.”

  “Willa doesn’t want to see me,” Max replies and offers me a sad smile before leaving. “And stop trying to make that happen.”

  “Love you.”

  I shut the door and turn to Christian. “Sorry about that.”

  “You give him too much shit,” he says and crosses his arms over his chest.


  “Because he’s your brother, and he just wants the best for you.”

  “Not you, too.” I roll my eyes and move to walk past him, but he catches my arm, keeping me next to him.

  “Why do you have issues with being protected?”

  “I don’t,” I reply. “I understand family looking out for family. My father was the police chief of Cunningham Falls before Brad. Protection is what my family does.

  “But, sometimes, Max goes overboard with it. He was flat out rude to you, and there’s no need for that. I’m pushing thirty for godsake, Christian. I do have it together, and I can sleep with whomever I please, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. My brothers have a tendency to see me as weak. They won’t admit it, but it’s because I’m a woman, and let me tell you, I’ve had it up to my waxed eyebrows with being placated for my gender. I have to fight contractors, sub-contractors, and everyone else you can think of in my job to be respected as a businessperson.”

  “They’re not contractors,” he says. “They’re family.”

  “Exactly. They should know better.” I pull away and walk a few feet into the living room then turn back to him. “Why are we arguing about this?”

  “I just think it’s nice that you have family that looks out for you. Sometimes, we take it for granted, and I’m pointing that out to you.”

  I take a deep breath. “Max makes me crazy.”

  Christian’s lips twitch. “He’s your brother. That’s his job.”

  “He excels at it. Always has. We’re pretty close in age.”

  Christian’s phone rings, and he pulls it out of his pocket, still looking at me. He doesn’t check the caller id when he answers.

  “This is Wolfe.”

  He smiles and holds his hand out to me, and I immediately take it. He spins me once, then pulls me into his arms and hugs me.

  “How’s it going, Luke? Yeah, things are good here. It’s an awesome resort.”

  He’s chatting with his friend and slowly dancing me around the floor, making me giggle into his chest.

  His very hard chest.

  “Let me ask her, just a sec.” He pulls the phone down on his chin.
“Do you have room for Luke and his wife next week? They’re flexible on dates.”

  “Here in the tree houses?”

  Christian nods, and I mentally check the calendar. “I do have room in the Spruce unit Wednesday through Saturday.”

  “Did you hear that?” he asks into the phone. “Great, I’ll have her pencil you in. See you soon.”

  He hangs up, tosses his phone on the counter, and immediately dances me around the room, faster than I’m comfortable with, but he’s excellent. Poised. So damn charming.

  “Who am I penciling in?” I ask, my breath coming faster.

  “Luke Williams and his wife.”

  I trip over my own feet. “Luke Williams the movie star?”

  Christian laughs. “I hate to break this to you, but you’re dancing with a movie star right now.”

  I blink quickly and try to gather myself. Grace always had a crush on Christian, but Luke was my crush, and he’s going to be here on Wednesday.

  In my place.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Christian asks. “Also, I should add that this isn’t great for my self-esteem.”

  I laugh and push up on my toes to kiss him. “I’m going to be great, and I don’t think of you as a big-time movie star.”

  “No? How do you think of me?”

  His blue eyes are doing that smolder thing again as he effortlessly moves me around the room.

  I’m falling in love with him.

  I swallow hard and smile up at him.

  “You’re Christian, a sexy man who’s come into my life and made it exciting. Sexy.”

  He leans down to press his forehead to mine.

  “Safe,” I add as he moves in for the kiss of a lifetime.

  “We’re both safe here.”

  Chapter Eight


  “GETTING HERE ISN’T EASY,” Luke says the following Wednesday as he and his wife, Natalie, climb out of their rented SUV. They’re both smiling and looking around, taking it all in. “But it’s fucking beautiful here.”

  “Worth the trip for sure,” Natalie says and walks over to me. Jenna is standing next to me, unable to speak.

  It’s actually kind of cute.

  “I’m Natalie Williams,” she says with a smile, holding out her hand for mine. “And I’ve heard so many great things about you from Luke.”

  “Christian Wolfe,” I reply with a smile and then introduce the woman I’ve become way too used to having next to me. “This is Jenna Hull, the owner of Snow Wolf Cottages where I’ve been staying. Jenna, this is Luke and Natalie Williams.”

  “Hi,” Jenna says and shakes their hands. “It’s cold out here this afternoon. Let’s get you both inside and settled.”

  She glances up at me, the nerves still apparent in her expressive blue eyes, but her body language is confident as she leads us all into the middle tree house.

  “This is absolutely amazing,” Natalie says and pulls out her camera from her oversized handbag. “I hope you don’t mind me taking photos. I’m a photographer, and this is just screaming at my inner artist.”

  “Of course, not,” Jenna says with a smile. “I’m so happy that you like it. But wait until you see the best part.”

  I wait downstairs as she leads them both upstairs.

  “Look at that turret!” Natalie exclaims. I can hear the shutter on her camera clicking. “Jenna, I’ll be happy to send you copies of my photos, if you like.”

  “I would love that,” Jenna replies as they come back downstairs. “So, that’s the whole place. It’s not huge, but it’s cozy.”

  “It’s perfect,” Luke assures her. “We appreciate you squeezing us in.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” she says. “You’ll be able to watch the skiers during the day, as that’s one of the ski runs. At night, the whole place is lit up, and you can see the lights in town from the village.”

  “I love how everything is decorated for Christmas,” Natalie says, and I’m immediately reminded that I’ll be leaving in just a couple of weeks. I’m scheduled to fly out on the 23rd so I can spend the holidays with my family before I start filming Luke’s project.

  Time is moving too damn fast.

  “Is there anything specific you’d like to do while you’re here that I can help with?” Jenna asks.

  “Yes,” Natalie immediately replies. “I’m going to need a spa, and I think it would be fun to have dinner one night with you and Christian and any of your close friends.”

  Jenna’s eyes immediately find mine in surprise.

  “Don’t worry,” Natalie says, reaching out to hold Jenna’s hand. “Christian didn’t say anything, but I can see by the way you look at each other that you’ve got something going on. I think it’s awesome.”

  “We came to see the resort, the town, and to spend some time with Christian,” Luke adds, and I can only sit back and watch the interaction with fascination. Jenna is taking it all in stride as if they’re just a normal couple of guests, and a part of me that I didn’t even know was anxious lets go.

  “I can certainly arrange for a spa day for you, Natalie. And I’m quite sure we can pull together a dinner on Friday.” She looks at me for confirmation, and I nod, smiling at her.

  Jesus, she’s beautiful. Smart.

  And kind.

  Luke wraps his arm around his wife’s shoulders and buries his lips in her hair. Whatever he says makes her blush.

  Natalie is a beautiful woman. With long, dark hair and green eyes, she’s quite stunning. And right now, she’s looking at Luke as if he hung the moon.

  “Get him away from the kids for a bit, and he can’t keep his hands off me,” she says with a laugh.

  “How many kids do you have?” Jenna asks.

  “Four,” Luke replies, and Jenna’s eyes widen in surprise.

  “Sounds like he can’t keep his hands off of you when the kids are around, either,” Jenna says with a laugh. “I love that. My parents were the same way. There are three of us, and they never had any qualms about being affectionate with each other around us.”

  “Our kids won’t be strangers to affection,” Luke agrees. “Christian, when can you and I meet to talk business?”

  “I have a ski lesson tomorrow morning, and then I’m free,” I reply. “Would you like to join me for the lesson?”

  “I’d love to,” he says immediately, his face lighting up in anticipation. “I ski quite well, actually.”

  “Oh, great,” Natalie says, her voice dry. “Please don’t break anything.”

  “You need to have more faith in me, baby,” he says, and Natalie simply laughs.

  “I have all the faith in the world, but I don’t need my husband to break an arm. I need you.”

  “I think that’s our cue to leave,” Jenna says with a laugh. “If you need anything, my cell number is in the book on the table, along with the Wi-Fi info.”

  “Thank you, Jenna,” Natalie says. “This is truly a treat.”

  “Enjoy your time away from the kiddos,” Jenna says with a wink and leads me out of the unit and over to the Tamarack. “They’re nice.”


  “You haven’t said much.” She leans on the kitchen counter, watching me with happy, blue eyes. I love how expressive her eyes are. I slowly walk to her and cage her in, leaning on the counter with my arms on either side of her. My lips are inches from hers. “What are you thinking?”

  That I don’t ever want to leave Cunningham Falls. That I’ve come to life since I’ve known you, and I don’t care how crazy that sounds.

  “That you’re pretty great.”

  She smiles and drags her fingertips down my cheek. “I like your whiskers.”

  “I’m usually clean-shaven.”

  She shrugs. “I like that, too. You are a handsome man, Christian.” She frowns as if she regrets what she just said.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I sometimes worry that when I say things like you’re handsome or you’re talented that you’ll
get the wrong idea and think that I’m doing this with you because of your career. Because of your celebrity status.”

  “I don’t think that,” I reply immediately, at once relieved and humbled because I can see that it’s completely true. She couldn’t care less about the celebrity side of me, and I didn’t think that was something I’d ever find. I lean in closer. “I know you’re doing this with me because you’re hot for my body.”

  She giggles and then lets loose with a full belly laugh and leans in to my chest.

  “I mean,” she says when she finally catches her breath, “that’s true. Your body is stellar. Like, it’s something to write home about.”

  “I work out,” I reply as if it’s no big deal, enjoying the fun banter.

  “Hmm, I can tell.” Her eyes and hands move over my torso, and my skin is suddenly on fire everywhere she touches. “Have I mentioned that I’m a fan of your arms?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You should take this shirt off so I can see them better.” She blinks up at me coyly and bites her lip, and I know in this moment I’d do pretty much anything she asked.

  She’s a fucking siren.

  I whip my shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor, and Jenna’s fingertips immediately trace the muscles in my arms.

  “Seriously, these should come with a warning label.”

  “What would it say?”

  “May cause panties to combust,” she replies, and it’s my turn to laugh now. Her fingers trail down my stomach to the waistband of my jeans. She pokes her finger inside, running along the edge of my jeans and against my skin, and every nerve ending on my body sizzles.

  I want to turn her around and fuck her against the countertop, but I hold back, wanting to see how far she’ll take this foreplay of hers.

  And let’s be real, it feels fucking amazing.

  I’m rewarded for my patience when she drops through my arms and down into a squat, and unfastens my pants, unleashing my pulsing hard cock.

  I bury my hands in her hair, but she pulls away and raises a brow as she looks up at me. “Keep your hands on the countertop,” she says.

  My cock dances in anticipation.

  It seems Jenna wants to play the boss right now, and I’m in no position to fight her on it.


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