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Best Fake Day

Page 4

by Rogers, Tracey

  She popped her eyes open, dragging her back to the here and now and the reminder that she was giving her all on the dance floor in attempt to demand his attention. And she could sense he was watching her. She added an extra sway to her hips, tipping her head back and laughing as she twirled, feeling the short skirt of her dress skim her bare legs.

  It wasn’t all for his benefit. Sure, she wouldn’t usually be at a club without friends, dancing alone, but it felt good being swept away by the pumping music. Losing herself to the beat and forgetting all about the building site she’d been living in for the past few months.

  Or maybe this happy buzz was coming from the alcohol she’d already consumed.

  She whirled again, her smile fading as she came to a halt facing the camera. The thought of Jack watching made goosebumps skitter up her spine. If only there was some way of knowing the thoughts behind those intense eyes. The feel of him against her had given her no doubt of his physical attraction but still it seemed she wasn’t enough for him. Not worthy of taking it that bit further. She raised a hand to sweep the curls away from her heated face, her breath coming in pants. She needed another drink.

  Sidestepping the undulating crowd of dancers, she made her way to the bar, slotting into the nearest spot to wait. The bump of a hard thigh against her hip made her turn her head to the side just as the attractive blond male turned his attention to her. She offered him a weak smile and averted her eyes as she waited to be served.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Izzy turned back to the smiling face. It was a very attractive one, she thought as she noted his lean body. His voice was deep, yet smooth and friendly.

  Izzy hesitated, her eyes flicking up to the camera seated in a discreet corner. “I...ah.” What harm could it do? “Yes, that would be lovely, thank you,” she said with a smile. After all, he seemed nice enough.

  Minutes later she’d almost finished that drink, even though it seemed much larger than the ones she’d ordered earlier. Oh well, she must have been mistaken, but her head sure was feeling like she had drank more than usual. And she was definitely feeling relaxed now. She was craning her head and laughing at something Ian—or was it Ryan?—had said. He was actually good company. Although she wasn’t attracted to him he was very easy on the eye, and he was giving her his undivided attention. He’d led her to a quieter area of the club, unfortunately maybe an area slightly obscured from the camera’s reach, she realized with a frown.

  “Hmm?” she asked when she realized Ian-Ryan had spoken and was looking at her expectantly.

  His expression, thankfully, was one of amusement. “I asked if you would like another drink.” he said with a coaxing smile.

  She smiled back. “Oh, no thank you. I think I might have reached my limit. I’m starting to feel all giggly and that’s sooo not a good look for me.” Giggly and slightly dizzy.

  “I think any look would be a good look for you,” he drawled.

  Okay, so he was cheesy, but it still made her blush. She just wished it was Jack saying it to her. That wouldn’t be cheesy at all!

  “Just one more? Please? I hate to drink alone,” he pleaded, offering her a mega-watt smile that she was sure would have any woman going weak at the knees. Any woman but her. It seemed her tastes ran more to the dark and dangerous kind.

  She opened her mouth to decline but the devil on her shoulder spoke for her. “Okay. A drink would be lovely, thanks.” She turned to make her way to the bar.

  “No, you stay here and save our space. It’s, ah...a bit more private here and I’m enjoying getting to know you.” He smiled, trailing a finger down her cheek before he walked away.

  Izzy shrugged, feeling strangely grateful to be alone for a few minutes. She lifted a hand to her cheek and traced a finger over the path his touch had taken. Nope, she was still feeling no excitement. In fact, it didn’t feel nice at all. But how could she feel anything when her mind and every cell in her body seemed designed to accept only Jack?

  She drummed her fingers on the small tabletop as she waited for...whoever, to return. Perhaps this was a bad idea and she should go home and start sleeping off the alcohol effects that were really taking a grip. No, she decided, snapping back her resolve. Jack wouldn’t give her what she wanted in his office, so she would refuse to give him what he wanted. No way was she leaving until he gave up his stupid idea of staging a fake wedding, even if it was only posing for photographs. A few more minutes with...What’s-his-face, and then she would be pounding on Jack’s door.

  A smiling what’s-his-face sauntered back carrying drinks. Hers looked decidedly large again she noticed through narrowed eyes. This time instead of standing face-to-face he now stood at her side with his thigh pressed firmly against her hip. She forced a smile as she took her drink from him then gave a little sidestep she hoped would go unnoticed. But he noticed all right and wrapped his arm lightly around her waist to pull her back toward him. Now his full-on attention was making her feel awkward. She took a nervous gulp of her drink and then spluttered as he took a firm grasp of her butt cheek.

  Izzy dropped her drink down on the table with a thud and scooted out of his hold.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Oh no, no,” she babbled as she grasped for some reason to leave. Now she was really regretting being out of Jack’s view. “I really love this song. I just can’t resist dancing to it,” she embellished as she stepped away. She had no idea what the song was, but it was a good enough excuse and hopefully she could dance away some of the alcohol content making her body feel lax.

  “But your drink...” he said with a frown, his expression suddenly dropping all signs of friendly.

  “Thank you, but I really have had enough at the moment. Perhaps if I dance up a thirst I’ll finish it later,” she said as she once again attempted to create distance.

  Her curls bounced over her shoulder as her head snapped around to face the man gripping her wrist.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Great, she thought with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She could only hope that with a few exuberant dance moves she could shimmy herself away.

  * * * *

  Jack waited in the shadows, his dark clothing blending into the darkened corners as intended. His eyes were narrowed and focused, his torso heaving in deep breaths as necessitated by the rapid sprint he’d just undertaken and the anger searing his insides.

  If the police didn’t arrive soon he was taking this bastard down himself.

  It was policy, his policy, to call the police if a crime was believed to be underway. It was to protect his staff and patrons. Also, it gave the police the opportunity to seize evidence to support a prosecution. If violence was committed then his highly trained staff intervened as soon as possible.

  As soon as the suspect had been spotted by security Jack had every thought of criminal procedure at the forefront of his mind. ‘Observe and alert’ were the instructions to his security team as they hoped to witness some reason to question and detain him for the police. The guy was clearly aware of camera positions and was concealing his actions. Concern about Izzy’s recent lack of taunting had set him on edge. An alert from bar staff and here he was joining the fray. Now he clenched his jaw so hard his teeth hurt and his long fingers were balled into a fist. As he watched the piece of shit lead Izzy to the dance floor it was violence at the forefront of his mind.

  And wouldn’t that feel good, he thought. If Izzy had taken another sip of that drink he would be pounding the guy into the floor by now.

  She’d put one hell of a show on for him tonight. He knew it was all for his benefit. A sexual punishment as she gyrated on the dance floor, throwing those teasing glances his way. Each one had hit the mark. That bullseye mark at his groin. And then his blood had began its simmer as she’d been led away to an area where his view was obscured.

  He had a clear view now. His team were surreptitiously placed around the club, barring exits and yet close enough to intervene
if needed.

  Jack stood still, his feet planted hip width apart as he waited with tension clutching at his muscles. She had her back to him, allowing him to watch her freely. Izzy was once more giving her all on the dance floor, hips swaying in abandon, her skirt twirling around those slender legs as it rose and fell. She seemed to be trying to use every last inch of the dance floor, her body moving in between the undulation of the dancers in time to the beat. The blond guy was following right behind.

  Now he was too close. A muscle twitched in Jack’s cheek, and his fixed expression changed to a scowl. Blond guy was trying to attach himself to Izzy. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing himself into her back. One arm was snaking around her waist as his blond head lowered to her neck. Was she snuggling in or was she squirming to get away?

  Jack had seen enough. He moved without thought, his long strides eating up the distance to the dance floor, his fluid movements showing purpose as he maneuvered his way through the crowd. He ignored the female looks of recognition, even peeled a manicured hand from his shoulder without acknowledgement. Izzy was battling with stray hands of the male kind. With one arm fixed around her waist, the male’s free hand was sliding its way to her breast. Giving a nod to the head of security not too far behind, he made his move.

  “Let her go,” he said with menace as he spoke into the ear in front of him.

  The blond whipped his head around as did Izzy, her eyes widening and then flooding with relief.

  “Fuck you,” came the snarled reply as his hand continued its journey.

  Jack moved in an instant, his arm wrapping around the guy’s chest as his free hand grabbed the roaming one and twisted it around his back. He matched Jack for size, but not determination. The guy tried using his strength to push him back but Jack anticipated the move and rammed his knees into his opponent’s legs and twisted his arm further as he dropped to the floor.

  “You’re breaking my arm!” he howled.

  Jack, maintaining his hold, lowered his head. “Touch her again and I’ll break your damn neck.”

  It was only when two of his team arrived that Jack relented and released his grip, leaving Izzy to gape at him freely as the piece of shit was led away.

  “Thank you, but I had it all under control,” she said with a slur in her voice and a roll of eyes.

  Unbelievable! “Yeah, and when were you going to get it under control...when he’d groped every body part or when he’d dragged you down the alleyway outside?” He saw he’d hit home with that remark when she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Well, that’s just mean.” He watched her lips mouth, her voice now too quiet to be heard over the music.

  “Now it’s time to go home.”

  “We haven’t sorted out our problem yet. And I’m having a great time dancing. Aren’t you having fun, Jack?” she asked with a drunken pout.

  “No. Come on, we’re leaving.”

  “Aww, but we haven’t danced yet.”

  “Now, Isabel,” he growled.

  “O-Oh. You used my trouble name. One dance and then I’ll go. Promise,” she said, drawing a cross with her finger on the wrong side of her chest. “And look you cleared a space for us.”

  He had indeed cleared a space. Probably scared a few customers away with his heavy-handed tactics, so carrying Izzy over his shoulder wasn’t a good idea. “Just one dance,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Her mouth split into a wide grin. “And listen, they’re playing a slow song now.”

  And isn’t that just great, he thought as she stepped onto his toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers were already skimming through the hair at his nape as she rested her head onto his chest. Her body felt soft and warm as she pressed against him. His body was feeling the opposite. Reluctantly, he began to move with her, and damn if he couldn’t feel her satisfied smile against his chest.

  The song that wasn’t as slow as Izzy had implied. It was a song that encouraged movement and Izzy had taken that cue and was undulating and dipping her hips. His groin tightened in appreciation and his erection came to join the party. Jack sucked in a tense breath as he joined her rhythm, unable to resist the temptation anymore. He heard her murmured appreciation as her pelvis tilted to tease his length. Fingers leaving his neck, they strayed lower, her nails trailing the length of his spine.

  Her face tilted to his. He could see the fire beneath her lowered lids.

  “Jack,” she murmured. “Jack, kiss me.”

  “I’m not kissing you, Isabel.”


  Oh, for...

  “...I don’t feel so good,” she said, right before she slumped in his arms.

  Chapter 4

  Izzy lifted her head gingerly. Someone must be jabbing my skull with hot pokers. She dropped her head back into a soft pillow and groaned. Where was she? This pillow was too plump and dust free to be hers, and if nausea wasn’t churning in her stomach she would have been inhaling the deep scent tantalizing her nose. As she attempted to release her hold on the pillow to roll on her back, her next thought was—why the hell was she naked?

  She sat up quickly, the room she was in spinning too fast to familiarize herself with. Wincing at the shards of daylight piercing her brain, she grabbed the sheet to cover her breasts. Peeking under the sheet, she heaved a relieved sigh. Her knickers were thankfully in place. But still she had no idea of where she was, who had brought her there, and more disturbing, who had undressed her.

  As the thundering behind her eyes abated, Izzy allowed her eyes to open fully and survey her surroundings. It was neat, tidy, and minimal. This one bedroom was probably as large as her entire house. There were no personal touches anywhere. No artwork or pictures to be seen. The bedding was dark and luxurious. She clutched the sheet more tightly. It was definitely a masculine room. More worrisome, she turned her head to the side and swallowed around the lump in her throat as she took in the man-head sized dent in the adjacent pillow.


  Izzy jerked her head around squeezing her eyes tightly shut as pain slammed into her head, but not before she caught a glimpse of the real man-head with man-torso and man-limbs very much attached. And looking more manly and perfect than should be allowed.

  “Jack,” she murmured through her hands as she worked the tension of her brows with her fingers. She was semi-naked and in Jack’s bed with no recollection of the night before. This was not how her morning-after-the-night-before fantasies with Jack had ever worked out. In those fantasies she woke gloriously happy, feeling fantastic, and Jack would turn to her and say...

  “What the hell were you playing at?”

  That wasn’t what she’d imagined at all. She sucked in a breath and bravely peeled her fingers away to face the gaze she could feel boring holes into her knuckles. She lifted her eyes and gratefully took the drink of water offered to her, wanting to rid her mouth of the foul taste. The glass felt cool but it was nothing compared to the coolness of Jack’s eyes. She shuddered and took several sips before daring to speak.

  “What happened last night?” she asked in a surprisingly croaky voice.

  “You don’t remember?” he asked calmly, a flicker of concern warming those steely eyes.

  She shook her head slowly and drew her knees to her chest as he stood at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He was an imposing sight, drawn up to full height, looking gorgeous with his just showered hair and white shoulder hugging t-shirt. Women had paid lots of money to see such an image.

  He moved fluidly to her side, the bed dipping as he sat down. She noticed for the first time the tiredness behind those eyes.

  “Do you remember coming to my office?”

  “Yes, of course I remember that. You wouldn’t kiss me.”

  “That was me doing the right thing.”

  Izzy arched her brows. “Because I’m not Ellie?”

  He gave an irritated sigh. “There’s nothing... Oh, never mind,”
he said, raking a hand through his hair. “More because you’re Ellie’s little sister.”

  “Bullshit, Jack. I’m only two years younger than the both of you. Maybe that mattered when I was ten, but it sure doesn’t now.”

  “Really? Last night you were acting like a child with your petulant actions in front of the cameras.”

  “You noticed then?”

  “Wasn’t that your intention? Flaunt yourself around to gain my attention?”

  “I wasn’t flaunting. Yes, I wanted your attention so we could carry on our discussion and I told you I would wait.”

  “So you thought a few sexy little winks and gyrations would do the trick?”

  “I was hoping it would do something,” she muttered as her gaze dropped to her knees.

  “Do you have any idea of the danger you were in last night?”

  “From dancing?” she asked incredulously, wincing as her head protested at her shrill tone.

  “Do you remember who you were dancing with?”

  She frowned as she thought, but it all seemed so hazy. “You?” she asked expectantly as an image of Jack holding her fought through the haze.

  “Last night I was busy, as I explained. Busy searching for a man suspected of dealing drugs in the club. The guy you were dancing with,” he prompted with irritation.

  Her hand flew to her mouth. “Brian?” Not the good-looking blond, she thought with horror as fragmented memories told the story.

  “Ryan,” he ground out. “Ryan Brookes so the police informed me.”

  “Police,” she echoed dully.

  “Yes. Not only did they find drugs on him, we also monitored him adding vodka to your drinks and finally slipping a pill into one. We had an incident of a woman having her drink spiked last week. Thankfully, her friend prevented her from leaving with the guy and alerted us.”

  “Date rape drugs?” Izzy asked weakly, the sick feeling in her belly telling her the answer. She absently rubbed her upper arms to take away the chill that wasn’t there.

  “Yes,” he said softly.

  Her brow furrowed as she searched for those ominous blanks. There was so much she couldn’t recall. “Then why am I undressed?” she asked as panic and disbelief stirred.


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