by Mark Cousins
Arcand, Denys (Canadian director) 418
L’ Argent/Money (France, 1983) 407
Argentinian cinema 206, 311–313, 368–369
Armstrong, Gillian (Australian director) 364, 444
L’ Arrivée d’un train en gare de la Ciotat/The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station (France, 1895) 23–24, 24
Arsenal (USSR, 1930) 78, 107–108, 107, 159, 233, 269–270
Arsène Lupin and the Castle of Cagliostro (Japan, 1979) 405
Arzner, Dorothy (American director) 142, 181
Ashes and Diamonds (Poland, 1958) 242
Asian cinema 236, 468–478, 488 New Horror genre 473–477
L’ Assassinat du duc de Guise/The Assassination of the Duc de Guise (French 1908) 38, 39, 41, 44, 174, 330
At Five O’Clock in the Afternoon (Iran, 2003) 443, 443
L’ Atalante (France, 1934) 151
Audition (Japan, 2000) 476–477, 477
Die Augen der Mummie Ma/The Eyes of the Mummy (Germany, 1918) 80
Die Austernprinzessin/The Oyster Princess (Germany, 1919) 80
Australian/Australasian cinema 363–364, 415–416, 438, 444–447, 484
Austrian cinema 180, 464–465
Autant-Lara, Claude (French director) 250, 254
L’ Avventura (Italy, 1960) 290, 291
Awara/The Tramp (India, 1951) 207, 208, 208, 234
Baara/Work (Mali, 1978) 372, 429
The Baby of Macon (UK/Netherlands/ France/Germany, 1993) 413
The Babylonian Marriage Market (USA, 1875) 55
Back to the Future (US, 1985) 390
Backroads (Australia, 1977) 364
Bad Taste (New Zealand, 1988) 447
Bad Timing (UK, 1980) 363
Badlands (USA, 1973) 351
Le Ballet mécanique/The Mechanical Ballet (France, 1924) 109, 110
Bambi (USA, 1942) 164, 166
Bankok: Dangerous (Hong Kong, 1999) 473
Barnet, Boris (Russian director) 81, 102–103, 168
Barney, Matthew’(American director) 455
Barton Fink (USA, 1991) 453, 455
Barua, Pramathesh Chandra (Indian director) 123–124, 181, 235
La Bataille du rail/The Battle of the Rails (France, 1945) 193
La Batalla de Chile/The Battle of Chile (Cuba/Chile, 1975–79) 377
Batman (USA, 1989) 101, 390, 432, 447
The Battle of Midway (USA, 1942) 173
Battleship Potemkin (USSR, 1925) 13, 31, 32, 105–106, 105, 114, 237, 324
Bauer, Yevgeni (Russian director) 32, 36, 48–49, 50, 57, 81, 102
Beau Sabreur (USA, 1928) 65, 93
Becker, Jacques (French director) 250
Before the Revolution (Italy, 1964) 286, 332
Beineix, Jean-Jacques (French director) 407, 408
Belgian cinema 330, 464
La Belle et la bête/Beauty and the Beast (France, 1946) 150, 193
Ben Ammar, Abellatif (Tunisian director) 370
Ben-Hur (USA, 1925/1959) 66, 67, 169, 277, 279, 286
Benedek, Laslo (American director) 225
Benny’s Video (Australia/Switzerland, 1992) 464
Die Bergkatze/The Mountain Cat (Germany, 1921) 80
Bergman, Ingmar (Swedish director) 180, 246, 247–248, 251, 254, 263, 264, 295, 306, 326
Berkeley, Buster (American choreographer/ director) 146, 148–149, 150, 152
Berlanga, Luis (Spanish director) 209–210
Berlin: Die Symphonie einer Grosstadt/Berlin: Symphony of a City (Germany, 1927) 89, 109–110
Berry, John (American director) 163
Bertolucci, Bernardo (Italian director) 9, 30, 271, 285–286, 288, 332–333, 471
Besson, Luc (French director) 407–408
The Best Years of our Lives (USA, 1946) 179, 179, 193
Betty Blue (France, 1986) 407
Beverly Hills Cop (USA, 1984) 63
Bezhin Meadow (Soviet Union, 1935–37) 160, 175
Bhopal (India, 1991) 83
Bienvenido Mister Marshall/Welcome Mr Marshall (Spain, 1952) 209–210
Big Business (USA, 1929) 146–147
The Big Knife (USA, 1955) 228
The Big Lebowski (USA, 1998) 453, 454
The Big Sleep (USA, 1946) 143, 197–198, 197
The Birth of a Nation (USA, 1915) 52–53, 52, 54, 55, 64, 85, 114, 153, 252, 303
Bitter Moon (UK/France 1992) 301
Black Narcissus (UK, 1948) 425, 428
Blackton, J. Stuart (American director) 165
Blade Runner (USA, 1976) 101
The Blair Witch Project (USA, 1998) 138, 457
Blasetti, Alessandro (Italian director) 189
Das Blaue Licht/The Blue Light (Germany, 1931) 154
Blood Simple (USA, 1984) 453
Blow Up (UK/Italy, 1966) 300
Blue: Three Colours (France/Poland /Switzerland, 1992) 425, 426–427, 428
The Blue Angel (Germany, 1930) 149
Blue (UK, 1993) 360
Blue Velvet (USA, 1986) 11, 111, 111, 394–396, 395, 397
The Bluebird (South Korea, 1980) 468
Body and Soul (USA, 1924) 85, 85
Bogdanovich, Peter (American director) 146, 319, 320–321, 345
Bonnie and Clyde (USA, 1967) 140–141, 322, 323
Bose, Tapan (Indian director) 83
The Bostonians (UK, 1984) 409
Boudu sauvé des eaux/Boudu Saved From Drowning (France 1932) 161
Boughedir, Ferid (Tunisian director) 316, 430
Bound (USA, 1997) 471
Braindead (New Zealand, 1992) 447
Brault, Michel (French director) 278
Brazilian cinema 152, 202, 206, 209, 215, 480–481
Cinema Nôvo 311–313, 368, 480
Breaking the Waves (UK/Denmark, 1998) 85, 247, 462
Bresson, Robert (French director) 24, 129, 250–254, 263, 283, 407, 461, 484, 488
The Bridge on the River Kwai (UK, 1957) 256, 257
Brief Encounter (UK, 1945) 257
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (USA, 1974) 389–390
Bringing Up Baby (USA, 1938) 143, 145–146, 145, 261
British cinema 24, 69, 140, 155–159, 201–202, 1930s 90, 106, 155
1960s 358–361
1980s New Style 410–413
1990s to present 467–468
comedies 299–300
“Free Cinema” and Kitchen Sink era 298–300, 304
post-war/1950s 204–206, 255–258
Broken Blossoms (USA, 1918) 68
Brown, Clarence (American director) 67
Browning, Tod (American director) 137
Brownlow, Kevin (British director/historian) 54, 94
Bugsy (USA, 1992) 457
Buñuel, Luis (Spanish director) 110–111, 150, 192, 210, 238, 243, 264, 273, 292–293, 311, 326, 397, 481
Burkina Fasoan cinema 174, 430–432, 479, 484
Burton, Tim (American director) 101
Buta to Gunkan/Pigs and Warships (Japan, 1961) 296–297
Bwana Devil (USA, 1952) 223–224
Cabaret (USA, 1972) 348, 349, 389
Cabiria (Italy, 1913) 29–30, 47, 48, 53, 54, 94
Cadena Perpétua/Life Term (Mexico, 1978) 481
Cairo Station (Egypt, 1958) 240, 241, 241, 369, 479, 480
Calmettes, André (French director) 39
Caméra Afrique (Tunisia, 1983) 430
Camerini, Mario (Italian director) 189
Cammel, Donald (Scottish director) 360
Cammell, Donald (British director) 141
Campion, Jane (Australasian director) 444, 484
Canadian cinema 416–418, 419
Canal (Poland, 1957) 242
A Canterbury Tale (UK, 1944) 183
Capelini, Alberto (Italian director) 45
Capra, Frank (American director) 200–201
Carné, Marcel (French director) 69, 89, 162, 181, 199, 250, 263
The Cars That Ate Paris (Australia, 1974) 3
Casablanca (USA, 1942) 181, 341
Caserini, Mario (Italian director) 47, 242
Cashbah (USA, 1948) 163
Cassavetes, John (American director) 271, 279, 283, 318
Cavalcanti, Alberto (Brazilian director) 110, 159
La Caza/The Hunt (Spain, 1966) 293, 293
Ceddo/The People (Senegal, 1976) 372, 372
Cekalski, Eugeniusz (Polish director) 152
Central do Brasil/Central Station (Brazil, 1998) 480–481
Central and South American cinema 311–314, 438, 484
C’era una volta il West/Once Upon a Time in the West (Italy/USA, 1968) 266, 288
Chabrol, Claude (French director) 272, 274, 281
Chahine, Youssef (Egyptian director) 15, 240, 241–242, 315, 369–370, 479–480
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (Australia, 1978) 364
Un Chapeau de Paille d’ltalie/An Italian Straw Hat (France, 1927) 81–82
Chaplin, Charles (American actor/director) 36, 43–44, 45, 62, 70, 70–73, 78–79, 81, 118, 142, 159, 207
Charlie’s Angels (USA, 2000) 458
Un Chien Andalou/An Andalusian Dog (France, 1928) 110–111, 110, 150
La Chienne/The Dog (France, 1931) 161, 199
Children of the Earth (India, 1946) 207, 207
Chilean cinema 376–377
Chimes at Midnight (USA, 1966) 176, 179
Chinatown (USA, 1974) 350, 351
Chinese cinema 69, 309–310, 458 in the 1930s 133–134 Fourth Generation 419–420 post-war 202–203
La Chinoise (France, 1967) 276
Chitre, N.G. (Indian director) 46
The Choice (Burkina Faso, 1987) 432
Chrétien, Henri (French director) 220–221, 222
Christensen, Benjamin (Danish director) 45, 46
Christopher Strong (USA, 1933) 142
Chunhyang (South Korea, 2000) 469
Chytilova, Véra (Czech director) 304, 305, 327
Cimino, Michael (American director) 71, 386
Cissé, Souleymane (Malian director) 12, 372, 429–430
Citade de Deus/City of God (Brazil, 2002) 435, 481
The Citizen (India, 1952) 208, 209
Citizen Kane (USA, 1941) 13, 176–178, 178, 180, 193, 199, 199, 243, 252
City on Fire (Hong Kong, 1987) 451
City of Hope (USA, 1991) 392–393, 392
City Lights (USA, 1931) 72, 142
City of Sadness (Taiwan, 1989) 421–422, 421
Clair, René (French director) 81–82, 89, 109, 111, 112, 122, 124, 125, 148, 161, 181, 224, 251
Clement, René (French director) 193, 250
Cleopatra (USA, 1963) 279
The Clock (USA, 1945) 194, 226
A Clockwork Orange (UK, 1971) 289
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (USA, 1977) 381
The Cloud-capped Star (India, 1960) 208–209, 316
Clouzot, Henri-Georges (French director) 263, 280
The Cobweb (USA, 1955) 229
EI Cochecito/The Wheelchair (Spain, 1959) 291–292, 291
Cocteau, Jean (French director) 2, 150, 151, 160, 193, 250, 263, 265, 282, 397
Code Inconnu/Code Unknown (France, 2001) 464–465
Coen, Joel and Ethan (American directors) 448, 453–454
The Color of Money (USA, 1986) 448
The Colour of Pomegranates (USSR, 1969) 308, 309
Come and See (USSR, 1985) 422–423, 422
Un Condamné à mort s’est échappé/A Man Escaped (France, 1956) 251, 254
Conde, José Antonio Nieves (Spanish director) 209,
Conde, Manuel (Philippino director) 203
II Conformista/The Conformist (Italy, 1970) 332–333, 333
Conner, Bruce (American director) 321
The Conversation (USA, 1974) 114, 115, 337–338, 338
Cooper, Merian C. (American director) 138
Coppola, Francis (American director) 94, 114, 139, 141, 257, 319, 333, 337–338, 348–349, 389, 401, 473
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight (USA, 1897) 27–29, 28, 222
Corman, Roger (American producer) 319, 321, 339
The Corsican Brothers (UK, 1898) 25
The Covered Wagon (USA, 1923) 142
The Cow (Iran, 1969) 374, 374, 438
The Cranes Are Flying (USSR, 1957) 309
Crash (Canada, 1996) 418
Cremaster 1 (USA, 1996) 455
Cremaster 2 (USA, 1999) 455
Cremaster 3 (USA, 2003) 455
Cremaster 4 (USA, 1995) 455
Cries and Whispers (Sweden, 1972) 295
Le Crime de M Lang/The Crime of Mr Lang (France, 1935) 175, 175
“Crocodile” Dundee (Australia, 1986) 63
Cromwell, John (American director) 163
Cronenberg, David (Canadian director) 416–418, 455, 474
Crosland, Alan (American director) 67
Cross of Iron (UK/Germany, 1977) 390
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Hong Kong/Taiwan/US, 2000) 367
The Crowd (USA, 1928) 64, 65, 87, 88–89, 88, 101
Crows (Poland, 1994) 466
Crows and Sparrows (China, 1949) 202–203, 202
Cruel Story of Youth (Japan, 1960) 295–296, 296
Cruze, James (American director) 142
Cuarón, Alfonso and Carlos (Mexican directors/screenwriters) 482–483, 484
Cuban cinema 209, 313–314
Cukor, George (American director) 181
Cul-de-Sac (UK, 1966) 301
The Curtain Pole (USA, 1909) 51
Curtiz, Michael (American director) 96, 181, 196, 225
Cyclo (France/Vietnam, 1995) 472
Czechoslovakian cinema 244–246, 303–306
Daily Life in a Syrian Village (Syria, 1974) 374
Danish cinema 45, 246–247, 283, 461–462
Dardenne, Jean-Pierre and Luc (French directors) 463, 464, 468, 484
Dark Water (Japan, 2000) 476, 476
Dassin, Jules (American director) 199
Davies, Terence (British director) 414, 421
Days of Being Wild (Hong Kong, 1990) 469–470, 469
Days of Heaven (USA, 1978) 351, 352
Days of Thunder (USA, 1990) 398
De Niro, Robert (American director) 319
De Palma, Brian (American director) 140, 281, 319
De Sica, Vittorio (Italian director) 189, 191, 192, 206, 208
De Toth, Andre (American director) 224
Death by Hanging (Japan, 1968) 296
Death on a Full Moon Day (Sri Lanka/Japan, 1997) 472, 472
Death and the Maiden (UK, 1994) 301
Decamerone/The Decameron (Italy, 1971) 331
Le Declin de I’empire Américain/The Decline of the American Empire (Canada, 1986) 418
The Dekalog (Poland, 1998) 425
Delannoy, Jean (French director) 254
Delluc, Louis (French director) 91
DeMille, Cecil B. (American director) 50, 67, 76
Demme, Jonathan (American director) 148, 319, 447
Denis, Claire (French director) 463
Der Amerikanische freund/The American Friend (West Germany, 1977) 356
Deren, Maya (Russian/American director) 181
Desfontaines, Henri (French director) 39
Destiny (Egypt/France, 1997) 479–480, 480
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter/Germany, Pale Mother (West Germany, 1979) 356, 356
Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle/Two or Three Things I Know about Her (France, 1966) 10, 276
Devdas (India, 1935) 123–124, 124, 183
Devi/The Goddess (India, 1960) 237, 250, 318, 359
The Devil is a Woman (USA, 1935) 149
The Devils (UK, 1971) 359–360, 359
Dial M for Murder (USA, 1954) 224
Diary for my Children (Hungary, 1982) 424
Diary for my Father and Mother (Hungary, 1990) 424
Diary for my Loves (Hungary, 1987) 424
A Diary for Timothy (
UK, 1945) 159
Disney, Walt (American director) 165–167, 277
Distant Voices, Still Lives (UK, 1988) 413, 414, 421
Diva (France, 1981) 407, 407, 408
The Dividing Wall (Hong Kong, 1952) 203, 236
Do the Right Thing (USA, 1989) 393, 393
Doberman (France, 1997) 463
Doctor Zhivago (USA, 1965) 256
Dogville (Denmark, 2003) 462, 462, 482
La Dolce Vita (Italy, 1960) 289–290
Don Juan (USA, 1926) 67
Doña Herlinda y su hijo/Doña Herlinda and Her Son (Mexico, 1985) 481
Donen, Stanley (American director) 30, 213, 214
Dong Furen/The Arch (Hong Kong, 1970) 365
Don’t Look Now (UK/France/Italy, 1973) 362–363
Double Indemnity (USA, 1944) 193, 195–197, 195, 199, 213, 238
Dovzhenko, Alexander (Soviet director) 92, 107, 159, 181, 233, 234, 240, 243, 269, 307
Doyle, Christopher (Australian cinematographer) 469–470
Dr. Mabuse der Spieler/Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (Germany, 1921) 99–100
Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (USA, 1964) 323
Dracula (USA, 1931) 137, 138
Drew, Robert (American director) 277
Dreyer, Carl Theodor (Danish director) 13, 111–112, 246–247, 252, 263, 264, 275, 283, 285, 428, 462, 491
Drowning by Numbers (UK, 1988) 413
Drugstore Cowboy (USA, 1989) 454
Duel in the Sun (USA, 1947) 88
Duel (USA, 1971) 381
Dues e o diablo terra do sol/Black God, White Devil (Brazil, 1964) 311–313, 311, 373, 480
Dulac, Germaine (French director) 13, 90, 91, 95, 321
Dumont, Bruno (French director) 463, 468, 484
Dupont, E.A. (Franco-German director) 94, 101, 148, 153
Dutt, Guru (Indian director) 30, 232, 234–235, 237, 241, 263, 265
Duvivier, Julien (French director) 163
Dwan, Allan (American director) 67
The Dying Swan (Russia, 1917) 49
Early Summer (Japan, 1951) 126, 127
Earth (USSR, 1930) 159
East of Eden (USA, 1955) 226
Eastern European cinema 206, 242–246, 300–310, 438
Easy Rider (USA, 1969) 281, 321, 322, 333, 335–336
Ecaré, Désiré (Ivory Coast director) 430–431
L’ Éclisse/Eclipse (Italy, 1962) 290, 291
Ecstasy (Czechoslovakia, 1932) 244
Egyptian cinema 15, 163–164, 240–242, 369, 479–480
Eisenstein, Sergei (Russian director) 92, 104–106, 107, 122, 125, 128, 152, 159–160, 166, 181, 189, 203, 238, 275, 308
editing techniques/theories 55, 95, 105–106, 110, 175, 180, 194, 280