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King Hall

Page 16

by Scarlett Dawn

  Although, the President surprised the crap out of me when he looked in my direction, then back toward the Kings, and cleared his throat — almost appearing nervous, but forged on — stating gradually, “I’m not sure if you have met Philip Masterson, Congressman.”

  King Fergus flicked a finger. “We haven’t, but our Prodigies have met him. Along with your son, a few months ago.”

  The President nodded, smiling. “Yes, my son was impressed by the Prodigies at the meeting.” He smiled in a way only a dad could and, really, he embarrassed his son with his next words. “I think he has a crush on Ms. Cooper.”

  Sitting on the other side of me, Pearl groaned softly.

  I only just stifled a chuckle.

  The President got back on track, saying, “What I want to talk with you four about today is unconventional by United States standards, and it’s only one idea for peace. I hadn’t even thought about it until Mr. Masterson approached me with the topic. He appears to have interest in Ms. Ruckler,” I stiffened, “and he has proposed a very unique notion for shaping a more united relationship between Mys and Com.”

  He tapped his fingers, staring at the ceiling for long moments before tipping his gaze back down to the Kings. “His idea stems from hundreds of years past when two kingdoms would marry two individuals of high ilk to unite their kingdoms.” His thumb tapped again as my heart rate shot through the roof, knowing where this was heading. “He would like to build a relationship like this with Ms. Ruckler. Have the two of them marry in hopes it will show the world our two divisions can come together peacefully.”

  I had no clue what the Kings’ faces looked like, but mine had to show utter shock. My friends were stiff next to me, glancing from me to the President, but kept mute like we were supposed to. I think they were as shell-shocked as I was.

  The President raised his hands when the Kings continued to sit mute. “As I said, it’s merely an idea. One to think about.” He lowered his hands. “I do believe it’s a fairly brilliant proposal. Mr. Masterson is an upstanding man in the United States. An up-and-coming man, really. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day he ran for President.” He glanced to me, then back to the Kings. “I’m no matchmaker, just the backer, but I do believe they would make a fine political couple.”

  He had said backer. Which meant that Philip and he were pretty decent friends. Therefore, a marriage with him right now would still be advantageous, even if he wasn’t ready — right now — to run for President. Jesus Christ, this was seriously not good.

  Chiefly, when King Kincaid — my King — said, “We’ll discuss this with Ms. Ruckler.”

  I almost fainted. They could not do this to me.

  All three of my friends stilled further.

  Pearl inhaled a giant breath, undoubtedly ready to blast them right there.

  I nudged her leg and gently shook my head. Now was not the time for this discussion. If Philip was such a close friend of the President, it wouldn’t be PC to abruptly turn the idea down — and not nicely.

  The President smiled, nodding to King Kincaid, then went on to talk about future meetings the Kings and United States officials had planned, which were regular quarterly conferences.

  As if he hadn’t just dropped that huge bomb on me, turning my world upside down. I was seriously alarmed that the Kings would consider his idea, because it wasn’t really a bad one, politically speaking. I wasn’t ignorant enough to miss the gains it could create.

  Breathing shallowly, I barely heard the rest of their conversation. In fact, Jack had to nudge me when I was the only one left sitting when they were all standing, lost in my own thoughts as I was. I was pretty sure I shook the President’s hand when we left, but I was absolutely positive that as we made our way through the White House, leaving, I saw Philip standing with a group of Coms, studying papers he held.

  Stopping dead in my tracks, I stared.

  Pearl slammed against me from behind, whispering, “Lily, keep moving.”

  I jerked my head in Philip’s direction, so she could see what I was seeing.

  He was still as handsome as before. He wore his suit well, telling me he worked out regularly. The people around him seemed to genuinely like him as they listened to him speak while he pointed to something on the papers.

  “Oh,” Pearl breathed, staring right along with me.

  “What are we looking at?” Ezra asked, stopped ahead of us, and strolled back.

  Jack followed, both of them peering where we were.

  They both grunted.

  My friends, the group with normally so much to say, expressed their feelings on this topic in such small ways, but all three of them always got their point across.

  Philip’s eyebrows furrowed and he stopped talking, looking left, then right. Eventually, straight at me. Those dark, intense eyes leisurely ran up and down my body before meeting mine. Held. If one man could put a thought into his gaze, it was him. After only meeting him once, it was there in his eyes. He wanted me. Not just for the political aspect.

  “Diplomatic decision, my ass,” Ezra rumbled.

  Jack snorted and turned his eyes on mine, murmuring quietly, “He looks like he wants to throw you on a bed and gobble you up.” He paused. “Bit by bit.”

  “With honey drizzled all over her body,” Pearl whispered, gaining a look from all three of us. She didn’t seem to notice, though, peering over my head to where our group had traveled. “We’d better go. The Kings are waiting at the door. They look annoyed.”

  Glancing that way, I saw she was right. Clearing my throat and walking with my friends, I took one more look-see at Philip. He hadn’t looked away. For a Com, he wasn’t bad. Not bad at all. But, still, it just seemed wrong. Me with a Com? I seriously hoped the Kings weren’t going to push this.

  Chapter Twelve

  They pushed.

  The limo ride home was quiet, except for Jack and Nikki’s soft murmurs as they got to know one another. It was automatically assumed she was coming with us and would be attending King Hall for the remainder of the year. Her parents were ecstatic about the news, Nikki having called them from the limo during her alone time at the White House.

  The Kings waited until we arrived at King Kincaid’s house, then for Nikki to be taken to another room. That was when they attempted to make Jack, Pearl, and Ezra leave the study. The Kings seemed honestly shocked when they didn’t obey.

  Antonio had joined our group by now, and he raised his hands, asking calmly, “Whatever you want to discuss with Lily, what’s the harm in letting them stay?” He gestured toward me while I sat with a clenched jaw, surrounded by my friends. “She obviously wants them here. And they,” a gesture to my furious friends, “want to stay, too.”

  “This is not their concern,” King Nelson ground out. “This has to do specifically with Lily. Not them.”

  “They don’t have to do everything together,” King Fergus specified slowly.

  King Kincaid had been sitting mute for some time, but glanced from me to my friends, lingering on their faces. “Let them stay. This is a political decision.”

  My friends snorted.

  Antonio shut the door and the discussion ended on who was staying or going.

  King Venclaire cocked his head and crossed his arms, resting a shoulder against the wall. “You don’t believe Philip Masterson wants to marry Lily for political reasons?”

  Jack and Pearl laughed sardonically.

  Ezra muttered brusquely, “No.”

  King Nelson didn’t appear pleased they were still in here, but asked, “The President seems to think so, and it’s essentially not too far-fetched an idea. What do you four know that we don’t?” He was giving us that adult look meant for slow kids. “And the President doesn’t?”

  Ezra gave his own glance of disdain. “He wants to fuck her.” Blunt, to the point.

  “He was hitting on her the day we met,” Jack added.

  Pearl was still laughing. “We saw him in the White House today. You should hav
e seen the way he looked at her.” She fanned her hand in front of her face. “You could have lit the place up with that gaze.”

  Each King blinked ever so gradually.

  King Venclaire asked evenly, “And this is relevant how?” He pushed off the wall. “If he wants to marry her, there would obviously be sexual relations, so it wouldn’t be horrible if he finds her attractive. That doesn’t mean it’s not a sound political decision.”

  Pearl probed, “Why wouldn’t he just call her like a normal person does? Why go through the back channels first?”

  I could answer that one. “Because he knows that Coms killed my mate, and he knows that Coms have attacked us recently.” I shook my head. “He knew I would turn him down without a push to say yes. He’s smart.” Too smart.

  King Kincaid reclined on his massive, brown leather chair and steepled his fingers, asking pointblank, “Honey, would you be opposed to a relationship with him for political aims between our communities?” He paused. “I don’t think I have to state the benefits which would come from this union.”

  “No, you don’t,” I answered softly, even though it wasn’t a question. Standing from the couch, I moved to stare out a window at the tree line surrounding my home. The view was peaceful, and allowed me to really think while everyone was silent, waiting patiently as I debated this horrible decision.

  Ezra wasn’t in the patient category. “You cannot be seriously considering this!”

  “Lily, he’s a Com!” Pearl exploded in a chain reaction.

  “Maybe she needs something to eat to clear the cobwebs from her head,” Jack mumbled.

  “This is why they should not be in here,” King Nelson argued.

  “Enough,” I murmured, placing my palm on the glass, feeling the wind push against the pane. Taking a fortifying breath, I turned to face my friends. “I never wanted this position. But, I have it nonetheless. I’m going to be responsible for the entirety of Shifters worldwide and this, a marriage to someone who, obviously, has the President — the most powerful Com in the world — in his back pocket,” I paused, “and could possibly become the most powerful Com in the world…I have to think about it.”

  Pearl and Jack glared. Mute.

  Ezra spewed, “I can hear your heart rate. You don’t want to marry him. Just because you lost Dominic does not mean you have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good by marrying someone you don’t love. There are many ways to go about forging alliances. This is only one of them. One that a horny man is taking advantage of—”

  King Venclaire interjected. “Ezra, that’s enough. This is her—”

  “No, that’s not enough.” Ezra returned the favor, pointing at his King as he stood. He slammed his finger my way, his voice rising as he really let it fly. “You think I don’t know what it’s like to have that fucking hole in your chest where your mate used to be?”

  “I know you do,” I answered softly, my own hole pressing like a void of despair.

  “That’s right. I do. And, I know what you’re doing right now. You’re on the verge of losing yourself because you think that hole can’t ever be filled again.” He threw his hands out to his sides, his dress shirt straining over his vast, tense muscles. “Who’s to say it can’t be? Who’s to say you can’t actually find love with someone else? Meet a nice Shifter, and fall madly in love, where magic hasn’t preordained it?”

  Pointing again, he stalked right to me. “I will say it again. There are many ways to form alliances. Ones which don’t require you tying yourself down to a man who doesn’t even bother with a smart strategy, only manipulates the situation.” He jabbed my collarbone. “You say he’s smart, but all I see is idiocy. He took the ignorant, back way in, hiding behind power instead of facing you full on and giving it a real shot. And, not only is he unwise, he’s a coward to do it that way, and a weakling will never have immense power in America.” He jabbed me once again, then crossed his huge arms right in front of my face, glowering down at me.


  I stared at Ezra’s chest instead of his green gaze. He had spoken of my heart rate and, now, I listened to his thunder like mad in his conviction. Sadly, he knew why I was considering this, had thrown it all back in my face, and he was right on all counts.

  I was thinking about sacrificing myself. I had never thought I would want a real relationship again, much less, love. That just seemed absurd. Finding love after having a connection like I’d had with Dominic?

  But…the way Ezra had spoken of it made me second-guess myself.

  One day, would I really want to find someone?

  Would I really want to be in love again?

  Into the drawn-out silence, King Nelson stated dryly, “Ezra, that was a fine speech, but what are these alleged alliances that could be made?”

  Ezra fairly pulsed in front of me with tension.

  The couch squeaked, then Jack cut in, answering, “Money.” He moved across the room to us where Ezra and I stood like statues, facing each other. “We have tons of it compared to the Coms. We could begin donating to their causes instead of hoarding it for ourselves. Or, we could become more involved with the defenses here in the United States. We met Arthur Lamar, General Lamar’s son, at that same meeting. His ideas were too Com-based but, with tweaking, we could possibly integrate Com and Mys together for national use. In return, they could help us fight our enemies on their soil.” He held up his hands, saying quickly, “I said it would involve some tweaking, but it could be done to benefit Mys and Com alike.”

  “Community service,” Pearl stated, coming to stand on the other side of Ezra and I. “All this freaking babysitting has me thinking. We live in these nations that are Com-run, but we do nothing to help them. We use their resources and give nothing in return. We could start a few non-profits around the world. Begin giving back to the nations we live in. A little aid could change the mindsets of Coms so that they don’t see us as such a threat — even though we are. They would see we can help them construct residential or commercial buildings so much faster. In return, they could put businesses in these places with a mixture of Coms and Mys. Win-win. Jobs, money, and kindness for all.”

  “Start putting Mysticals in political positions within the nations. The treaty is designed for that,” Ezra stated, still sounding pissed and staring down at me, his heart rate only now beginning to slow. “It’ll take time and, more than likely, the positions minor at first, but a lot of small steps will lead to a larger one.” A pause. “True acceptance.”

  I bit my lip, speculating if that was enough. Their ideas were great, and I even had the crazy idea to begin integrating our schools in select cities. In locations already heavily populated by Mysticals, so that the community was already used to them. However, would our ideas be enough?

  “You don’t have to do this,” Pearl whispered harshly, peering down at me. “It’s not hundreds of years ago. These are different times.”

  “Lily, there’s more than one road to the same destination. This is only one,” Jack spoke gently. “One you don’t have to travel.”

  “Those are all very interesting ideas,” King Kincaid murmured into the quiet, speaking softly. “Ones we will be talking with the Elders about.” He paused. “The point is, though, that Lily hasn’t given us her decision on what she wants to do about Mr. Masterson.”

  I drew in a breath, and blinked slowly as I moved my gaze from those straining buttons up to a spring green gaze that hadn’t turned away from me yet. His eyes bore into mine, his belief still strong. Maybe, just maybe, I was being rash in even considering a marriage to this man because, although it might be a good political decision, I still had no interest in marrying him. He hadn’t gone about it the right way, like Ezra had said. Philip manipulated our predicament to better his own goals.

  I glanced to my right, to Pearl’s golden eyes. The same verdict was there.

  I glanced to my left, to Jack’s brown eyes. They almost glowed in his belief.

  Sucking in another breath, I
turned my attention to King Kincaid. “Break it to him easy, since he’s friends with the President, but I won’t marry him. I don’t want to marry a man like him. Had he gone about it differently, I might have been naive enough to fall for it, but he didn’t. He showed his true colors up front, and I don’t want him or a man like that aligned with the Mys community.”

  The room was silent until King Kincaid hummed, “I think those are the wisest words, and decision, you’ve made so far.” He nodded, and gradually the other Kings nodded their agreement, after a few moments of consideration. “Get out of here, Prodigies.” He waved his hand at the door. “We’ve got business that will bore you to tears.”

  Ezra dipped and thumped me on the forehead with his palm, staring me in the eyes. “Don’t be that stupid again. You’re better than that.”

  Jack and Pearl nodded, glaring as we crossed the room.

  Antonio patted my head affectionately when I walked through the door he held open.

  We stopped directly outside it, facing each other.

  I felt stupid for being so…well, stupid. I mumbled, “Sorry about that.”

  “Ah, whatever,” Jack said as Antonio shut the door, but it bounced back open a smidge. “We’re all entitled to our dumbass moments.”

  Pearl nodded. “Luckily, we’ve got each other to—” She stopped abruptly when the Kings started discussing us inside the study.

  “I know we want them to bond. Hell, that’s why the Prodigies are brought to King Hall in the first place, but they’re too close,” King Nelson stated heatedly.

  “It’s as if they can’t make a single decision without the others’ input,” King Fergus said. “Joint decisions are wonderful — and needed — we know that, but they need to be able to make decisions alone that are best for their own people.”


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