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King Hall

Page 18

by Scarlett Dawn

  I tried smiling, but they just stared at my fangs. “Well, how are you going to off me? A bullet or injection?” Those were the two I bet they would choose from.

  “You’re a hybrid,” Pearl murmured in immense shock.

  I nodded. Um, yeah. That’s what the fangs meant when I also went furry.

  “They’re so tiny,” Jack whispered, lifting a hand, and he touched my left fang.

  I flinched, glaring.

  “Don’t ever touch the fangs, man,” Ezra whispered heatedly.

  “Why?” Jack asked, finger hovering over my fang, but he lowered it again.

  Before he could touch me like that once more, I nipped his damn finger, using a little of my Vampire speed. Fangs were very sensitive. A soft touch felt like an intimate caress.

  He yelped, and stuck his finger in his mouth. I had made him bleed.

  “Told you,” Ezra murmured absently.

  My eyebrows came together, rolling the drop of Jack’s blood in my mouth. “You’re right, Ezra. Watered-down.” Odd, that.

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded mechanically. “I wasn’t lying.”

  Pearl cocked her head the other way, lowering it even more, and stared at my fangs until Ezra knocked her head out of his way with his forehead. Distractedly, she rubbed her head where he had bumped her, murmuring, “They’re kind of…” Her voice trailed off as she cocked her head the other way.

  “Cute,” Ezra rumbled. “They’re pretty damn cute. They fit her.”

  Pearl said, “Yes. That’s it.”

  Jack nodded in agreement. “They’re tiny. Like her.”

  They stared.

  I closed my mouth, pursing my lips.

  They scowled.

  Ezra let go of one of my wrists — totally stunning me — and pinched my chin with two fingers and pushed it down, making me open my mouth again, and before my shock wore off, he grabbed my wrist again.

  They stopped scowling, staring in fascination.

  My sigh was heavy. Of course, they would act this way first. Who wouldn’t? “Guys, the suspense is killing me. Shot or injection is all I want to know.”

  Jack ignored me, asking, “Do you drink like a full-blooded Vampire?”

  I nodded. “Once a day.”

  “Who do you drink off of since no-one can know?” Pearl asked. “Or do you use your powers to make them forget?” Illegally was left unsaid, but I heard it anyway.

  “I only ever drank off Dominic, and he loved it, so I didn’t need to use my powers like that,” I informed them honestly.

  “He knew?” Jack asked, sounding mystified.

  “Of course he knew,” Ezra rumbled. “He was her mate. She would have bit him twice for their mate mark.” He paused. “Right?”

  Another nod as I waited for their answer.

  Pearl’s eyebrows came together even though she still stared at my fangs like the other two. “He was a Shifter. Shifters get naked a lot. How did no one see the Vamp mark?”

  My lips twitched.

  Ezra chuckled, vibrating on top of me. “She put it somewhere hidden.”

  Pearl and Jack blinked, and then nodded studiously.

  “What do you drink if…” Ezra’s nose crinkled. “Sweetheart, not bagged. That’s revolting.”

  I shrugged the best I could under him. “How else am I supposed to drink without doing anything illegal? Since me being alive is illegal enough?”

  His straight nose still scrunched, he ordered brusquely, “You’re not drinking that shit again. You’ll be stronger if you drink from the source, without all the processes they put the blood through. You’ll drink from me in the future.” I quit breathing under him, and his head jerked toward Pearl. “Or Pearl, if she lets you. I think Jack’s a little fang-frightened. Plus, he tastes like crap.”

  Pearl nodded. “I don’t mind. Especially if it’ll make her even stronger than she is now.”

  Jack muttered, “Well, hell. I’m not real big on the fangs, and have never let a Vamp drink off me before, but Pearl said it wasn’t bad. I’ll donate every third day.”

  Frozen, I was sure my face was turning a horrible shade, as I hadn’t taken a breath yet.

  They smirked, gazes still on my pearly fangs.

  Ezra murmured, “Breathe. You should have known we weren’t going to kill you over some archaic law.”

  Shaking his head, Jack muttered, “You know us better than that.”

  Pearl clucked her tongue. “She was even going to shoot us to get away. Bad form, Lily. We would never kill you, so wake the hell up. We’re in this together. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”

  I sucked in a huge breath, and started weeping. They were serious. Their heartbeats were normal and I smelled no deception. They loved me that damn much.

  Ezra muttered, “Shit. I didn’t expect that.” He sounded rattled.

  “Of course you didn’t. You’re a guy. Quit restraining her and hug her,” Pearl ordered.

  “Do something!” Jack’s eyes were enormous. “She looks so pitiful.”

  I didn’t even care that they were staring down at me as I sobbed. I was just so frigging happy I couldn’t control myself. As soon as Ezra let go of my wrists, I wrapped my arms around Jack and Pearl, pulling them down onto Ezra and me, where he had followed directions and enfolded me in his arms. I sputtered against their faces, “You guys are so great. I couldn’t ask for better friends. Ever.”

  Jack groaned, patting the top of my head.

  Ezra grunted.

  Pearl hushed me gently.

  Once my sobs quieted, Ezra and Jack made a few manly rumbles and pulled away while Pearl helped me sit up, then she stood as I rested against the men leaning on my headboard, and we watched her pace my room as she pointed to Jack, asking, “Got a few more minutes to talk this through?”

  Jack nodded instantly. “Nikki’s eating right now.” He glanced to me. “Oblivious. She’ll stay that way.”

  Thank you, I mouthed, and kissed his cheek, earning an eye roll from him.

  “Okay.” She started ticking away on her fingers. “First, drinking.” She stopped pacing, asking, “Are you thirsty now?”

  My damn fangs wouldn’t go back up. “Yeah, I normally drink before I go to bed.”

  Her tongue ran over her own teeth as she stared. “Alright. Take your pick.”

  “She can’t drink off you today,” Ezra commented. “I’ve already done so.”

  “Jack or Ezra, then.” She clapped her hands. “Chop-chop. We’ve got a lot to talk about.”

  Swallowing a laugh, relief still heavily residing within me, I glanced at the two men. The decision was simple, but I felt I had to explain, so I said, “Jack, I’m picking Ezra. You’ve got your new mate to deal with tonight, and I don’t want you to be…tired.”

  He grinned, because he was a dog that way. “Thank you. I’d prefer not to fall asleep on her when I’m supposed to be—”

  I slapped a hand over his mouth, stopping that info. “Don’t want to know.”

  His grin widened under my hand, but he kept quiet.

  “How do you prefer it?” Ezra asked smoothly.

  “Throat,” I answered honestly.

  He didn’t even blink an eye, and began piling some pillows behind him against my headboard. Once he had a huge mound in place, he rested on them in an almost sitting position, but reclined enough so that he wouldn’t fall if I took too much.

  I cleared my throat. “I need to—”

  “I know,” he interrupted, patting his legs. “Hop on.”

  “Okay,” I whispered, and moved to straddle him, climbing on top of him.

  “He didn’t do that to me earlier,” Pearl mumbled.

  Ezra educated them. “On a bed, unless she wants to lie to the side, this is the most comfortable for someone as short as her going at the throat. And, really, she won’t be able to reach if you’re standing, which is a bad idea in case of a fall. I’m taller, and was able to maneuver around you in the limo without pressing on you, but she wouldn
’t be able to do that. Although, she could do it from behind if I wasn’t lying against the headboard, which she could do for you or Jack. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m used to this position, though, so it doesn’t bother me.”

  “Hmm,” Jack hummed. “I’m thinking my mate won’t like her on me like that.”

  We stopped. Stared. That was such a bizarre comment coming from his mouth.

  He cleared his throat. “You know what I mean.” Yeah. We did. It was the mate bond.

  Gently, I lifted Ezra’s chin, and lowered my face, strangely nervous.

  He stated gently, “Don’t be nervous.” Damn nose. “You won’t hurt me.”

  “I know that,” I muttered, staring at his mocha skin where his pulse throbbed. “But, I only ever did this with Dominic before. I don’t know what…vibes to send you.”

  He chuckled, getting my point. “At first, it might take a few pulls to change your approach, but that won’t bother Jack or Pearl because they’re mated. I don’t mind being your trial run. Just focus on it, and work through your kinks.”

  “Alright,” I mumbled, trying to figure out how to do this without turning him on. “Well, here goes my first bite of someone not my mate.”

  I didn’t strike like Ezra had done with Pearl. I wasn’t that used to doing this without harming my donor, plus, I was a little rusty. Instead, I gently placed my mouth against his neck, and felt his pulse with my tongue, and then I let my fangs slice into his throat. He didn’t gasp or flinch like Dominic had always done, and I tentatively took my first pull.

  My heavy groan followed.

  Dear God, he was delicious. After bagged blood, it was like having fine dining instead of fast food. His flavor…Oh my God. Another pull. His blood was laced with dark spice. And power. I knew instantly that he was more powerful than Dominic had been. It was there in the spark of his blood but, through the haze, I realized I hadn’t done anything to make it comfortable for him.

  I paused in drinking — doing so was really freaking hard — and pushed my Vampire power, shoving emotion through his blood but, like a bad habit, not even recognizing what I was pushing on him.

  Even as I began pulling again, drinking his scrumptious blood, he groaned low, his hands slamming on my hips, and his voice was deep as he whispered, “Something else.” Instinctively, I sent another wave, and his grip tightened. “Sweetheart, try to think of something else.”

  Moaning, my mind clouded with his taste, I couldn’t understand why he wanted me to think of anything else but his blood, so I sent another wave more forcefully, trying to get him to stop moving.

  “Jesus H.,” he groaned, his Vampire riding his tone as his fingers dug into my hips.

  It was what “popped” up under me that made reality sluggishly set in.


  Best friend.



  I pulled again, and sent a wave of serenity. Peace. Not pleasure, like I had been.

  He panted, mumbling, “Better. Much better.” His body started relaxing under me, and his arms wrapped around me lightly. “Try to focus on what that feels like. Send it again. Harder. Remember it. Make it natural.”

  I took a slow pull, focusing as much as I could, trying to do as ordered. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be switching emotions. After more focus, I ultimately got it.

  He whispered, “Good.” Completely peaceful.

  Listening to his heart, I pulled back fifteen seconds later, gently swiping my tongue over the wound. Watched it instantly disappear. If I needed any further indication he was more powerful than Dominic had been, it was right there with his healed skin. Dominic had been a really fast healer, but that was just insane.

  I leaned back enough to look him in the eyes. His lids were drooping, but from below them I could see his spring green orbs traveling over my face. He appeared all kinds of relaxed, with his lips slightly lifted at one corner. Reflexively, I listened to his heart, double-checking I hadn’t taken too much. It was strong and steady, barely slower than normal. He was good. Tired, but good.

  “There you are.” He lifted a lazy hand, running the hot pads of his fingers over my cheek slowly, sloppily, before his hand flopped on the bed. “It makes sense now.” His eyes closed, and he went slack. Asleep.

  What the hell did he mean by that?

  “He’s not dead, is he?” Jack asked quickly, sounding half-serious.

  “No,” I whispered, taking Jack’s hand and pressing his fingers to Ezra’s throat, to his steady pulse. “Just sleeping. Give him a minute.”

  “What happened there at the beginning?” Pearl asked.

  I climbed off his sleeping form, flipping my hair out of my face to see, and told them honestly, “It was hard not to send the same vibes I always sent Dominic. It took a second for me to break the bloodlust’s hold, and send him peaceful thoughts…” I trailed off when I saw the looks they wore. Their expressions were of shock, and I quickly sputtered, “I think I got the hang of it there at the end. I won’t send you guys—”

  “No, that’s not what all this,” Pearl interrupted, shaking her head and waving a hand in front of her stunned face, “is about.” She paused, cocking her head. “My God! I can’t believe the difference drinking from someone live does!” She pointed to my bathroom. “Go look at yourself. You look like…”

  “How she did when Dominic was alive,” Jack finished, staring in fascination.

  Racing to the bathroom, I gawked at myself in the mirror. I hadn’t looked like a zombie before, but in comparison to now, I probably had. My cheeks were currently flushed. My blue eyes sparkled. My lips were red instead of pink. I just flat out looked healthier. “Wow.”

  Jack had followed me, and nodded. “Yeah. Wow.”

  Instantly, I pulled out my toothbrush as I stared at myself, mechanically going through the process of brushing my teeth, and mumbled around a mouthful of toothpaste, “I even feel warmer. It’s actually kind of hot in here.” I hadn’t realized the difference it made drinking from the source. After Dominic had died most things had become dull, so I hadn’t noticed the physical effects his death had taken on my body.

  Jack pointed to me, his brown eyes big. “That explains why you were always so cold!”

  I pointed back to him with my toothbrush, grinning bubbles. “I bet you’re right.” All of this made sense for what Ezra meant as he had stared at me before falling asleep. He had understood because he lived the life of a Vampire. I, on the other hand, only knew the basics.

  I spat and wiped my mouth, heading back out to my bedroom.

  Pearl was covering Ezra with a blanket. “Can you wake him up? We need to finish this conversation.” She shook his shoulder. His eyes stayed closed. “He’s seriously out.”

  My eyebrows came together at his lethargy…and I suddenly remembered he hadn’t had a lot of blood today. Plus, he had skipped his blood yesterday. “Fuck.” I went to his side, instantly biting my wrist and placing it against his mouth. His heartbeat was slower, still in the range of normal, but his blood sugar had to be too low for this sort of reaction to happen.

  “I didn’t think about his lack of blood the past two days.” He still didn’t drink, and my wrist healed. I bit it again, squeezed. More blood came out this time, and he stirred, but only slightly. “Come on, Ezra. Just bite.” Not a whole lot of response, so I bit my healed wrist again, repeated squeezing it.

  His breath caught.

  Unexpectedly, he lifted in a blur.

  Not even a blink later, I had a pair of fangs slicing into my neck.

  First time for everything, I suppose.

  Now on his lap, wrapped in his arms, I grunted because he wasn’t being gentle. It hurt like no other, and I had to stop myself from trying to pull away. I knew he wasn’t with it right now, thanks to me being a dumbass.

  A guttural groan came from deep within his chest as he opened his mouth wide, taking a vicious pull. I sucked in a harsh breath, and remained still. If I move
d right now, I would probably end up with my throat sliced open, which he further proved by crushing me against his chest with his next pull.

  Jack muttered, “This looks more brutal than today’s drinking. Should we stop it?”

  “You try to stop it right now, and he will lose it,” I rasped as he took another pull.

  “Is he hurting you?” Pearl asked quietly.

  “I’m fine,” I panted. A blatant lie, but if they interrupted, it was sayonara, Lily.

  His mouth felt like flames as he took another healthy gulp but, just as suddenly as he had struck, he froze. There was a moment of complete stillness. His fingers spread wide on my back, and a push of power infiltrated my suffering.

  I only felt soft, feather-like caresses brushing all over me. It felt like a massage from angels. My entire body and mind went limp. The next thing I remembered was a pair of spring green eyes staring down at me, and I blinked, bringing them into focus.

  Ezra whispered, “Now I know why you were so freaked about my fangs the first day we met. Your taste is,” he cleared his throat, “unique. I would have known if I had tasted you before.” Another clearing of his throat before he asked softly, “Are you alright?”

  I nodded. I felt a little dizzy, but I wasn’t hurt.

  “You did the right thing not trying to get away,” he stated very slowly. “I didn’t think about my not drinking and the effects it would have.” His wide lips thinned. “I’m sorry.”

  I shrugged and realized I was still wrapped in his arms, my eyes darting away to see Jack and Pearl standing with their arms crossed, glaring at him.

  Pearl pointed a sharp finger at him, ordering, “She doesn’t drink off you if you’re not properly drinking yourself.”

  Jack nodded. “I agree. That was scary shit.”

  Ezra’s cheeks flushed — an actual blush — more than they were already from drinking, but he held their gazes. “It won’t happen again.”

  I patted his shoulder, and he slowly helped me sit up. Just so I could fall on my side when he let go. I grunted. “Ow.”

  “We’ve obviously got a few issues to work through with the drinking,” Jack muttered as Ezra helped me back up. “That’s not our biggest issue right now though.”


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