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Prey to the Heart (Wolves of Wild Junction Book 1)

Page 23

by Kristen Banet

  “Oh, I was just curious,” Abigail mumbled, looking down in her drink.

  The wolves didn’t come up again, and Abigail just continued to help answer the rapid-fire questions from Phoebe about being a doe.

  “How is dating as a shifter?” Phoebe continued with another, probably inappropriate question. “Like, what if you fall in love with a human - you said we don’t live as long as you.”

  “You would really need to ask someone like Sheriff that,” Jessie sighed. “It doesn’t happen that often. No one likes setting themselves up for that much heartbreak.”

  Abigail nodded. She knew the bear in town was married to a human. Abigail herself could never fathom it. Knowing she would outlive her spouse like that? It would break her heart.

  “Sheriff told me once it was most common in bears because they are solitary,” Riley offered, shrugging. “I couldn’t imagine it. I’m looking forward to nearly two centuries with my guys.”

  “If you live through them,” the lioness mumbled.

  The cheetah threw her head back in laughter and Abigail was nearly hit with the golden curls.

  “I have a question,” Abigail spoke up, looking to the tiny, laughing monster. Riley grinned at her, waiting for the question. “How is it…being with multiple guys?” Abigail needed to know.

  “Easy, for me anyways,” Riley shrugged again as she said it. “My guys, they don’t fight over me or anything, and we keep it really relaxed. I keep my own space, just like they all do. It works for us. Might not work for everyone, but it’s our life, ya know?”

  “Yeah,” she murmured, thinking on that.

  “We don’t schedule anything,” Riley continued. “If one of the guys is gone for a few days, I make sure to give him some extra attention when he gets back. Andrew’s been pretty low recently thanks to his memory issues, so I spend a lot of time in the kitchen with him. It’s all about balance. I’m lucky - they all grew up together and they are happy with me and each other.”

  “You make it look easy,” Abigail told her softly. “Every time I see you with one of them, it seems effortless. You always have one of them doting on you and vice versa. As long as it’s healthy, there’s nothing wrong with a poly relationship like that. I’m just…a bit fascinated by it.” She was dreadfully fascinated by it and she was jealous as hell. The scent of her jealousy was ignored, but she didn’t miss the look Jessie gave her.

  “What’s your professional opinion?” The lioness asked, sipping on her water. “As a psychiatrist and a shifter, I would bet you know a lot about the different species and how they interact. Add in a romance like Riley’s…”

  “I would be less surprised if Riley’s men were wolves,” Abigail began. Riley nodded, and Abigail figured she must have heard some of this before. Abigail directed the rest at Phoebe and Jessie. “Felines are just a bit more solitary and possessive than wolves. The Kingson Pride is an example of a very close inner circle. You normally don’t see felines as committed and close to each other as they are. I would assume their upbringing had something to do with it, but I don’t know all the details, so this is all theory.”

  “You’re pretty right,” Riley cut in and then went silent again. Abigail nodded a quick thanks to Riley. Riley launched into more explanation about her relationship with the men of her Pride. She held the fourth rank out of the six of them, but Abigail knew that the romance between them probably made that more fluid. She knew even Brenton Kingson would bow to his lady’s whims if she so desired it.

  She got lost in thought at that. She thought about the wolves. Thomas was the Alpha, but the other two didn’t have a pecking order. And she considered if she could ever be like Riley. Brave enough to claim all the men she liked and be happy. Riley was so passionate and Abigail…wasn’t. She couldn’t imagine trusting a guy with her heart like that anymore, much less several.

  She wanted to, though. She thought about the kisses she’d shared with Antonio and James. The quiet dance with Thomas when he admitted he was divorced.

  She wanted it. In just a few short days, she went from being too scared to join the Pack, James needing to convince her to gather the courage to ask for forgiveness, to knowing what she wanted out of it. They made her laugh, made her feel at ease. She’d run from them and they took her in when she was ready anyways.

  “Abigail?” Riley brought her out of her thoughts. Abigail looked to the cheetah and smiled, wondering what she missed. “Food is here.”

  “I don’t remember ordering.” She frowned as a massive salad was put in front of her.

  “You were spaced out, so I ordered for you,” Jessie informed her. “I know you prey are normally vegetarians, so I tried my best.”

  “I’m not but thank you for looking out for me.” Abigail stabbed a fork into the salad and began to eat. Riley devoured a burger along with Jessie, while Phoebe munched on a salad of her own.

  They chatted aimlessly for another hour before deciding lunch was over and they all needed to get back to what they were supposed to be doing for the day. As Abigail walked to her car, Riley walked with her.

  “You’re coming over next week to talk to Andrew, right?” Riley asked, and Abigail nodded. “Good. Abigail, he’s so sad. He tries, but…”

  “He doesn’t want to miss anything,” Abigail whispered. “I understand him. I’ll try my hardest, but I think this might be best if he just confides in me and finds support from all of you. At the end of the day, you’ll have more of a chance to help him than I will.”

  “I can’t believe he got so hurt, ya know?” Riley bit her lip, shaking her head as she looked away from Abigail. “You’re lucky you weren’t here for it. Seeing him and Zachary in those hospital beds…” Abigail could smell the tears.

  “Riley.” She wrapped her arms around her, feeling guilty. “I wish I was here for it. I should have been here for it. I was running from my own problems, and I forgot how good you and your Pride have been for me. I should have been here to help you.”

  “No,” she groaned, holding Abigail in return. “I like that you aren’t a part of my mess, ya know? What were you running from?”

  “I-I- uh” Abigail lost the words.

  “Not ready to talk about it?” The young woman laughed, pulling away from her.

  “Would you be okay with me keeping my secrets for a little while? While I figure out what I’m doing with myself?”

  “I’m fine with that,” Riley chuckled. “Does this have anything to do with an ex-fiancé?”

  “How did you know?” Abigail asked, crossing her arms.

  “Brenton. The boys talked a bit at the bar.” Riley touched Abigail’s crossed arms. “Whatever is going on with you, I want you to know that I like you here. I’ll stand beside you through it all. Your friendship has meant the world to me. Keep your secrets. I’ll still be here when you’re ready to talk about them.”

  “How is your Pride so wise?” Abigail sighed, looking away from Riley, tears filling her own eyes. “I haven’t had anything like this in years. Friends like this, a place like this. I feel like I’m taking advantage of the Pride in some ways. Brenton’s paying for my hotel and I’m barely working.”

  “You’re doing exactly what he brought you here to do,” Riley whispered. “Making sure his Pride is mentally sound. I needed friends. Troy and Gabe loved talking to you. Andrew now needs someone who can help him, when he’s ready to sit down next week. Don’t feel like you’re stealing our money. If anything, you’re doing more than we figured. Plus, we’re billionaires, Abigail.”

  “And here I am, wrapped up in the wolves,” Abigail laughed, shaking her head,

  “The wolves?” Riley gasped, and Abigail winced. “Tell me more!”

  “No,” Abigail said sternly, unable to stop the smile and blush that heated her face. “That’s my secret and I’m…trying to work it out.”

  “Okay, fine.” Riley rolled her eyes and Abigail laughed, swatting her arm. “I’m going to head out. You have a safe drive. And Abigail? I
jumped in with both feet. You should try it. It’s exhilarating, and you never know where you’ll land, and that landing could hurt. But the fall? I don’t regret it.”

  She slid into her car as Riley walked away. She’d been unable to say anything to Riley at that. Everyone kept telling her to just go for it. Just try.

  As she drove back to the farmhouse, Abigail made her decision. She was going to jump. Three days with the wolves, and she knew it was going to happen sooner or later. She thought about how to approach them, how to bring it up and what she wanted out of it. Riley said ground rules were important, like the guys didn’t interrupt each other’s private time for the most part.

  When she got to the house though, she realized it would all have to wait.

  The Pack had company.



  Abigail parked and looked over the three new vehicles parked on the dirt driveway. She climbed out of her rental car and walked slowly to the front door, the smell of nearly a dozen wolves assaulting her nose. She could hear conversation inside and opened the front door to seeing who was there. Something had her heart racing in a bad way as a wolf she didn’t know met her eye.

  “This is a private meeting, doe. You should go,” he growled.

  “You don’t tell anyone they can’t be in our house,” James snarled, stepping into view. He turned and smiled at Abigail. “Come in, Abby.” He looked back at the other wolf. “She has a permanent, standing invitation to come in. Keep your damn mouth shut next time.”

  “Thomas, get your wolf,” a female snapped. Abigail walked quickly to James and frowned at him, confusion filling her.

  “Get yours,” Thomas growled. “She’s an expected visitor, you are not.”

  Abigail turned to the living room, as James threw a protective arm over her shoulder. Her eyes fell on Heather Davis, sitting casually on the couch. Next to her was a male Abigail didn’t know and another she did. Gavin was here. In the farmhouse. And he was staring at her.

  “Abigail,” he said softly. “Why in the hell are you here?”

  “She’s our therapist,” James immediately answered. He looked down at her and growled in frustration. “They were due here tomorrow for a meeting. We were going to warn you to go find something to do, but they showed up unannounced.”

  “It’s a scare tactic,” Abigail replied, ignoring Gavin. She looked to Thomas, who nodded slowly, agreeing with her. “Show up early and spook the others. Gives them control over the situation, knocks others off their game. Heather did it to the Herd, too.”

  “How would you know?” The female wolf asked, glaring at her.

  “I was there,” Abigail answered. “My father is an elder, Heather. Surely, you know that.”

  “Shit,” Heather snapped. “Abigail Harris. Gavin, your ex.”

  “Oh, I know,” he growled, standing up. “Abigail, come with me?” He pointed back at the front door, intending for them to go outside.

  “No,” she said curtly. She wasn’t going anywhere with him. “I don’t think so.”

  “Yeah, she’s going to stay where we can see her, Gavin,” Antonio said from the hallway, leaning on the wall where he could see the room. “We know the history between you two.”

  “Why are you here, Gavin?” Abigail asked, crossing her arms.

  “A meeting, above your paygrade,” Gavin growled down at her. “Seriously. You’re a doe. Go get in your car and leave. This is wolf shit. None of your business.”

  “It’s my business though,” Thomas called out from his seat. “And if I want her in it, she’s staying in it.”

  “Leave it, brother,” Heather snarled. “It’s not a big deal.”


  “Leave it,” Heather’s voice cracked out like a whip and everyone could see Gavin give a physical jerk. His eyes went wide, and he just stood there silently, looking away from Abigail. It was a clear show to which sibling was the stronger Alpha. Heather turned back to Thomas, looking exasperated. “Thomas, we’re only here to make sure you know that we’re merging North and South Dakota’s Packs into one. You’re being banned from North Dakota in addition to South because of it.”

  “That’s fine,” Thomas shrugged as he spoke. He took a sip of the drink he had. “Why do I care?”

  “I also want something else,” Heather continued, frowning at him.

  Abigail felt James tense and she frowned as well, wondering what Heather could possibly want from the three wolves.

  “Say it, Heather,” Thomas commanded softly. It didn’t have the Alpha power, but Abigail was certain that Thomas could have if he wanted to.

  “I want a pledge of support. The Wild Junction Pack to mine,” Heather told him. She looked over to Gavin and sighed with an eyeroll. “Our Pack.”

  “No,” Thomas replied without thought. “That’s never going to happen.”

  “Your brother is still out there and probably gunning for me,” Heather reminded him. “It would-”

  “He doesn’t control this area,” Abigail spoke up.

  “Excuse me?” Gavin growled, glaring at her. “What would you know-”

  “Who does?” Heather asked, crossing her arms.

  “Brenton Kingson,” she informed them. “You should know that.”

  “He’s a feline.” Heather chuckled. “And not my problem. Nor am I his.”

  “He’s a declared ally with Thomas though…” Abigail inhaled. “Which is why you really want Thomas to make the pledge.”

  Abigail saw Thomas straighten slowly, smiling. He looked proud of her. She’d called out Heather and he knew she was right.

  “You won’t use me to get even a minor connection to Kingson, Heather,” he told her, serenely. His eyes told another story. They were hard ice, dangerous. He would fight for it - Abigail knew it in her bones. Her Alpha would fight like a demon to keep Heather from using him for more power.

  “And if I decided to wipe you off the map, using the threat of your brother and you still living to excuse it?”

  “You can’t excuse it,” Antonio growled. “We already made deals to keep the peace. You’ve banned us from your territory and we’ve made it clear that we have no intention of going back.”

  “And the Kingson Pride would retaliate,” Thomas added softly, making Gavin’s eyes go wide. “The Colorado Pack didn’t claim this territory because they weren’t close enough to Brenton to safely do so. He gave us this town and the area around it. I don’t think he would appreciate you killing his favorite wolves. I’m friends with his lover and she’ll burn your fucking house to the ground for dicking with her friends.”

  “So, you’ve become trained guard dogs,” Gavin taunted. “Pathetic.”

  Abigail’s temper flared, and she couldn’t stop herself. To call a wolf shifter a dog was an awful slur, especially when it was from someone who wasn’t a friend. Her open palm struck his cheek with a resounding smack that silenced the room.

  Afterwards, Abigail lowered her hand slowly, her eyes going wide. James took her slowly and pushed her towards Antonio, who slid her behind him. She couldn’t think. The look Gavin was giving her made her instincts act up, making the urge to run nearly unbearable.

  She just slapped an Alpha. Gavin, sure, but an Alpha during an official meeting between Packs. They could start a war over this. Thomas stood up slowly, as did Heather. James snarled as the wolf in the kitchen stepped closer.

  “Don’t run,” Antonio whispered to her. “Hold your ground.” She nodded in a jerky movement. She kept her eyes on Gavin and the red mark getting worse on his cheek. She had nailed him perfectly.

  “Calm down, everyone,” Heather commanded. “Gavin, you deserved that. You don’t insult another Alpha that way and expect no repercussions. You’ve run a Pack long enough to know better.”

  Abigail’s eyebrows felt like they were going to shoot off her face in surprise. Heather just kicked her brother while he was down. Gavin looked at his sister and growled softly. Heather’s answering snarl w
as deafening. Gavin looked furious and huffed.

  Thomas and Heather went back to their conversation, things still tense. Abigail’s eyes stayed on Gavin. He looked so pissed off. He hadn’t looked this way when he and Heather were at the Herd.

  “Heather is the only Alpha,” Abigail realized. “Gavin lost his position.” Gavin snarled and leaned forward, only for James to block his path.

  “What?” Antonio looked back at her.

  “Huh,” Heather sounded impressed, even daring a smile. “How would you know, doe?”

  “You’re keeping Gavin as a figurehead because other wolf Packs won’t like you taking over two territories. Since the U.S. made states, you’ve all followed the lines of them. It’s an unwritten rule. But you don’t include Gavin in conversations. You order him around. How long until you make the public announcement that Gavin submitted to you without a fight? It’ll piss off a lot of wolves.”

  “Damn,” Heather chuckled. “I’ve been found out.”

  “And now you’re trying to get a foothold in Colorado, through Wild Junction and Thomas’ connection to the Kingson Pride.” Abigail continued. “Colorado will take it as a threat from Thomas and either handle him for you or pick a fight with you, that you can win with your ‘ally,’ the North Dakota Alpha and his Pack, both of which are technically yours, not co-led between you two.”

  “How?” Heather laughed.

  “I…” Abigail trailed off, looking to Thomas.

  “She’s Gavin’s ex,” Thomas reminded Heather. “She’s spent time with a wolf Pack. She’s also a therapist, with probably more training than that. You also worked with the SSTF for a few years, right?”

  “I did,” Abigail mumbled. “It’s simply interpersonal relationships and being a mental health professional for shifters. I have to be able to understand the dynamics of different species to best…it’s not that important.” Abigail shrugged. “Gavin’s in a bad mood because he has no power. He’s lost it to Heather, and from there, everything is easy. Kind of.”


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